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بازدید علمی

گزارش‌های بازدید دانشکده

منشور اخلاقی


:: میرآبادی.اساتید ::


Ahmad Mirabadi

School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology

Dept. of Control, signalling and Electrification

Phone: +98-021-7749 1029

Email:   mirabadiiust.ac.ir
ResearcherID Porfile: Ahmad Mirabadi
ORCiD Porfile: Ahmad Mirabadi
Google Scholar Porfile: Ahmad Mirabadi


  • PhD in Mechatronics Engineering , The University of Sheffield, 1999
  • MSc in Mechatronics and Optical Engineering, Loughborough University, 1995
  • BSc in Manufacturig Engineering, Amir Kabir University, 1993



  • School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, (1999 - current)
  • Head of the Railway Electrification and signalling Dept. (2003-2007)
  • Director of Railway Control and Signalling Laboratory (2015 - current)
  • Managing Director of Institute of Research and Development of Railway systems ((2005-2008)
  • ...


Teaching in:

  • Fault Detection and Identification
  • Safety and Reliability assessment in engineering systems
  • Railway Control and Signaling
  • Automatic Control Systems
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Measurement and Metrology


  • Design and Development an Industrial Railway Interlocking system (2018- 2022)
  • Design and Development of Train Advisor system (DAS), for fuel consumption optimization (2015-2018)
  • Design and development of Train Performance Calculator (TPC) for Iranian railway network (2016 - 2020)
  • Design and Development of Point machine systems for Tehran and Parand stations (2017-2021)
  • Design and development of a sample point machine condition monitoring systems (2011 - 2014)
  •  Railway Interlocking systems simulator for Iranian railway (2012 - 2015)
  •  Evaluation of Moving Block Signaling system for Iranian railway 
  • Development of intelligent algorithms in Train navigation, project with Deuta Werke Company, Germany, 1998
  • ...


  • Design and Development of Mechatronics systems in Railway industry
  • Design and development of Control and signaling systems
  • Condition monitoring systems for railway infrastructures
  • Condition Monitoring for railway Rolling Stocks 
  • Railway Safety and Reliability
  • ...



[1] Mirabadi A., Khodadadi A., "Slip and Slide Detection and compensation for Odometery System, Using Adaptive Fuzzy KF" , Sensor Letters, USA, pp. 84-90, Vol. 7, 2009 

[2] Mirabadi A., Schmid F., Mort N., "Multisensor Integration Methods in the Development of a Fault-Tolerant Train Navigation System", The Journal of Navigation, Cambridge, UK, pp. 385-398, Vol. 56 , 2003

[3]  Khodadadi A., Mirabadi A., Moshiri B., "Assessment of Particle Filter and KF for estimating velocity Using Odometery System", Sensor Review, USA, 204-209, Vol. 30, 2010 

[4]  Mirabadi A., Sharifian S., "Appl. of association rules in Iranian Railways accident data analysis", Safety Science, USA, 2010

[5] Mirabadi A., Najafi M., "Energy Management System in Hybrid Trains Using Fuzzy Control Systems", Journal of JRRT, IMeche, UK

[6] Mirabadi A., Najafi M., "Fuzzy Based Energy Management Algorithm For Hybrid Train Systems", JMechE, Malaysia, 2010

[7]  Mirabadi A., Bemani M., "Automatic generation and verification of Railway Interlocking Control Tables using FSM and NuSMV", Transportation Problems, Poland, pp. 103-110, Vol. 4, 2009

[8]   Lesan J., Mirabadi A., "Signaling System Selection Based on a Full Fuzzy Hierarchical-TOPSIS algorithm", IJMSEM, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, UK, 5(5): pp 393-400, 2010

[9]   Zamani A., Mirabadi A., Schmid F., “Applying Metamodeling Techniques in the Design and Optimization of Train Wheel Detector”, Sensor Review, Vol 32,  2012

[10]  Zamani A., Mirabadi A., “Optimization of Sensor Orientation in Railway Wheel Detector, Using Kriging Method”, Journal of electromagnetic analysis and applications, Vol. 3, 2011

[11]  Zamani A., Mirabadi A., “Railway wheel detector in the presence of eddy current brakes”, Journal of Applied computational electromagnetics society, vol. 28, No. 1, pp 77-84, 2013

[12]  Bolbolamiri, N., Sanai M. S., Mirabadi A., “Time-Domain Stator Current Condition Monitoring: Analyzing Point Failures Detection by Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Test, World Academy of Science, Engineering & Technology; Issue 66, p1049, June 2012
[13] Khadem Sameni , Mirabadi A., "Design Development and Test of a Practical Train Energy Optimization using GA-PSO Algorithm", International Journal of Railway research, 2018
[14] Abbasnezhad S., Mirabadi A., "Predicting the failure of railway point machines by using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Autoregressive-Kalman methods", JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT, vol 233, 2017
[15] Kebriaee M., Sandidzade M., Mirabadi A., "Component sizing and intelligent energy management of a heavy hybrid electric vehicle based on a real drive cycle", JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT, 2016
[16] Sandidzade M., Safarkhani S., Mirabadi A., "train dynamic simulator, in urban lines", Transportation Resarch Jurnal, 2007 (persian)
[17] Sharifi R., Mirabadi A., Arfa E., "assessment and selection signalling system, based on Antropy for chabahar-Zahedan railway line", Railway Transportation Journal, No. 4, Summer 2011 (Persian)
[18] Mirabadi A., Zarei K., Sandidzadeh M., "Detection and Identification of point machine failures, using Fuzzy method", Railway Transportation Journal, 2011 (Persian)

Some of the Conference papers:

  [1] Mirabadi A., Schmid F., Mort N., “Mechatronics and Its Applications to Railway System”, Proceedings of the Second International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Shiraz, IRAN, Vol. 4, pp 913-924, (1996)

  [2] Mirabadi A., N. Mort, F. Schmid, “ Application of Sensor Fusion to Railway Systems”, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE/SICE/RSJ international conference on multisensor fusion and integration for intelligent systems, Washington DC, USA, pp. 185-192, (1996)

  [3] Mirabadi A., N. Mort, F. Schmid, “ A Fault Tolerant Train Navigation System Using Multisensor, Multifilter Integration Techniques”, Proceedings of the international conference on multi-source-multisensor information fusion, Fusion’98, Vol. 1, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 340-347, (1998)

  [4] Mirabadi A., Schmid F., Mort N., “Fault Detection and Isolation in a Multisensor Train Navigation System”, Proceedings of COMPRAIL’98  conference, 2-4 September, Portugal, (1998)

  [5] Mirabadi A., Schmid F., “Assessing the Benefits of the Tilting trains”, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Railway Transport Conference, 15-16 December, Tehran, Iran, (1998)

  [6] Mirabadi A., Mort N., Schmid F., " Design of Fault Tolerant Train Navigation Systems", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, ACC'99, 2-4 June, San Diego, USA, (1999)

  [7] Mirabadi A., Schmid F., “Fault Tolerant Train Navigation System Using Multisensor Integration Methods”, Proceedings of the WCRR’99 conference, 19-23 October, Tokyo, (1999)

  [8] Mirabadi A., Sandidzdeh M.A., Trial of an Integrated Navigation System for railway applications, Satellite Based positions System Conference – SBPS-80, Tehran, Iran pp.273-282, 21-22 Oct.,(2001).

  [9] Sandidzadeh M., Mirabadi A., " Analysis of the GPS based Time Management System in Tehran Metro", Proceedings of the Satellite Based positions System Conference – SBPS-80, pp. 239-247, Tehran, Iran 21-22 Oct., (2001).

  [10] Bazgoli J., Mirabadi A., Vakili M., " Simulation and Modeling of the Global Positioning System", Satellite Based positions System Conference– SBPS-80, Tehran, Iran 21-22 Oct., (2001).

  [11] Molaii Nejad A., Mirabadi A., Mohammadi K., "Psuedolites, structure, Applications and their effects on the GPS performance", Proc. of the Satellite Based positions System Conference – SBPS-80, pp. 12-22, Tehran, Iran 21-22 Oct., (2001).

  [12] Mirabadi A., Naderi H., Sensors and Systems for Fault Detection and Condition Monitoring of the railway lines, Railway Track Maintenance Conference, Tehran, 2002

  [13] Mirabadi A., “Mechatronics Trains, The Applications of the Mechatronics Engineering in Railway Transportation”, The First Conference on Mechatronics Engineering, Iran, 2003

  [14] Mirabadi, A., Sandidzadeh M. A., Schmid F., “Fault Tolerant Train Navigation System Via Integration of GPS, Balises, Tachometers and Doppler Radar” Proceedings of the AREMA 2002 Annual Conference & Exposition, Washington DC, 2002

  [15] Naderi H., Mirabadi A., “ Railway Track condition monitoring using FBG and FPI Fiber optic sensors " International conference on Railway condition monitoring, UK , 2006

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