riahi |

| Full Name: Dr. Riahi, Mohammad Position: Professor Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2926 Fax: 98-21-77240488 Email: riahi AT iust.ac.ir Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
University Degrees- Ph.d, Iowa, USA 1991
- M.Sc, Illinois, USA 1986
- B.Sc, Illinois, USA 1981
Current Research- Prognosis & Diagnosis of Machinery Failure
- Mathematical Modeling of Wear in Bearings
- Maintenance Engineering-Advanced Methods
- Acoustic Emission & Thermography in Testing
Fields of Interest- Maintenance Engineering & Nondestructive Testing
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems
- Machinery & Materials Performance Prediction
Funded Research Projects- “Utilization of Acoustic Emission Method for Determination and Prediction Corrosion in Steel Pipes”, sponsored by the office of sponsored projects, Vice president for research, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005.
- “Design and Implementation of Mechanized Maintenance Engineering for Off-Road Machinery and Equipments”, Sponsored by the office of Sponsored Projects, vice president for research, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2004-2005.
- “Fault Detection Analysis and Remedial Troubleshooting for Heavy presses in Metal Forming of Automotive Parts”, sponsored by the Iran Khodrow Automobile Manufacturing Industries, 2004.
- “Automated Maintenance Engineering-A Practical Design”, sponsored by the office of sponsored projects, vice president for research, IUST, 2003.
Graduate Theses Supervised- Shakoori, M. “Mechanical and Maintenance Applications of Nanotechnology- A case in Prognosis of Revolving Machinery Performance”, (Ph.d.), expected date of graduation, 2008
- Afshar E-Mauny,Mohammad. Mathematical Simulation of Wear In Bearings", (M.Sc.), Expected Date of Graduation, august 2007
- Tavangar, G. Hussayn, "Land MIne Detection by Utilization of Nonconventional NDT Methods", Work in Progress, Expected Date of Graduation, 2008
- Ghasemi, Hameed, "Failure Analysis of A Centrifugal Pump by Investigating Mechanical Seal Performance via FEM", (M.Sc.), August, 2007
- Rudbarry, Mohammad. Failure Analysis of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines via Measurement of Silicon intake of the Feeding System, (M.Sc.), August, 2007
- Haghparast, Ali, Simulation of underwater explosive forming of Dome Shaped Sheets and Investigating the Effects of Stand-off Distance, (M.Sc.), May, 2007
- Bayklar, Mohammad Yousef, "Diagnosis of Natural Gas Leakage of Urban Pipelines via Utilization of Ultrasonic Array Method", (M.Sc.) April, 2006
- Abdy, M. “Design and Implementation of Acoustic EmissionTesting method Technology for Residual Stress Measurement in Steel Parts”, (M. Sc), December, 2005.
- Shamekh, H. “Utilization of Acoustic Emission Method for the Inspection of Above Surface Storage Tanks (AST)”, (M. Sc), November, 2005.
- Afsharimauny, M. “Mathematical Modelling of Wear in Metallic Bearings- A Case in Rotating AC Pumps”, (M. Sc), October, 2005.
- Khosrowzadeh, B. “Corrosion Prognosis of Steel Pipes via Acoustic Emission Measurements”, (M. Sc), September, 2005.
- Tarbareh, E. “Designing and Manufacturing of Intelligent Data Collectors of Maintenance Information for Heavy Equipments and Machinery”, (M. Sc), August, 2005.
- Rudbarry, M. “Study and Measurement of Effect Analysis of present Silicon in the Filtering System of Off-Road Machinery’s Internal Combustion Engines”, (M Sc), July, 2005.
- Haghparast, A. “Simulation of Explosion Forming of Metallic Parts”, (M. Sc), June, 2005.
- Meemary, M. “Infrared Thermographic Investigation of the Generated Heat in the Process of Lathing and Determination of Maximum Effective Heat”, (M. Sc), March, 2005.
- Gharravy, K.D. “Simulation of Dynamic Response Induced by Two Rotors Coupled in Unparallel Axis”, (M. Sc), January, 2005.
- Abolhasani, R. “Utilization of Nondestructive Testing Methods for In-Situ Applications of Heavy Pressured Vessels While in Operation”, (M. Sc), December, 2004.
- Zarrabian, A.R. “Development of an Integrated Software System for the Design of Hollow Extrusion Dies of Single Pocket Sections”, (M. Sc), December, 2003.
- Barooj, B. “Design and Implementation of Mechanized Preventive Maintenance System Software”, (M. Sc), November, 2002.
- Alimardany, M. A. “Design and Implementation of Preventive Maintenance System for Optimization of Off-Road Machinery and Equipments Performance”, (M. Sc), April, 2002.
- Kareemdadashy, M. “Design and Manufacturing of a Portable Domestic CO Detector”, (M. Sc), April, 2002.
- Hameedy, A. “Design and Manufacturing of a Hydraulically Activated Testing Device”, (M. Sc), February, 2002.
- Hussaynpour, H. “Design and Manufacturing of High Performance Propellers”, (M. Sc), January, 2002.
- Mesgary, H. “Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic Copier on Lathe Machines”, (M. Sc), May, 2001.
- Ansarifard, M. “Life Prediction of Ball Bearings under Operating Conditions”, (M. Sc), January, 2002.
- Alipour, R. “An Investigation into Pitting Corrosion of Steel Pipes and Presenting a Predictive Mathematical Model”, (M. Sc), December, 2001.
- Sharafy, M. “Diagnosis and Identification of Mechanical Failures in a Civilian Helicopter”, (M. Sc), June, 2001
- Khateeb, A. “Failure Analysis of Knuckle in Suspension System of a Passenger Car”, (M. Sc), March, 2001.
- Charehkhawh, S. “Design Optimization and Manufacturing of Flywheel Gears for a Passenger Car”, (M. Sc), March, 2000.
- Taymoury, S. “Optimization of Evaporative Foam Casting Process”, (M. Sc), March, 2000
- Eslaminejad, P. “Design and Manufacturing of Separators in Centrifugal Food Processors”, (M. Sc), June, 1999.
- Dehghany, M. “Design and Test of ABS/ASR System for Minitrucks”, (M. Sc), April, 1999.
- Aslanimanesh, M. “Simulation of Reliability Growth in Cracked Specimens Under Fatigue Loading: (M. Sc), April, 1998.
- Habiby, H. “Comparison Studies of Commuter Jetliners from Maintenance Stand Point”, (M. Sc), February, 1997.
- Solaymauny, G. “Design, Manufacturing and Test of a 10 KW Wind Turbine”, (M. Sc), January, 1996.
- Anousheeravany, M. “Optimization and Formulation of Nondestructive Testing Methods for Passenger Jetliners”, (M. Sc), August, 1996.
- Mashhady, G. “Design and Manufacturing of Clay Pipe Production Machinery”, (M. Sc), September, 1995
Publications - Journal Papers- Riahi, M. & Abolhasany, M. R. Substitution of the Time-of-Flight Diffraction Technique for Nondestructive Testing of Steel: A Comparative Investigation , Vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 794-801, 2006, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
- Riahi, M. & Shamekh, H. , Health Monitoring of Above Ground Storage Tanks Floors A New Methodology Based on Practical Experience, Vol. 42, No. 8, pp. 537-543, 2006, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing
- Riahi, M. and Taymoury, S. “Fundamental Development in Casting Optimization by Evaporative Foam Utilization”, Journal of Iranian Foundryman’s Society, Accepted for Publication, February, 2005.
- Riahi, M. and Aslanimanesh, M. “Estimation of Reliability Reduction in Critical Components of Cracked Mechanical Parts”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, vol. 15, pp. 89-94, November, 2004.
- Riahi, M. and Alipour, R. “Predictive Model for Determination of Pitting Corrosion in Stainless Steel Pipes”, Journal of Materials Evaluation, pp. 372-375, March, 2004.
- Riahi, M. and Dehghani, M. “Design of Acceleration Skip Regulation (ASR) System via Fuzzy Logic”, Scientific Journal of Vehicle, Vol. 1. No. 10, pp. 17-24, June 2003.
- Riahi,M. and Khateeb, A. “ Failure and Fracture Analysis of Knuckles in Front Suspension of Passenger Cars”, Scientific Journal of Vehicle, vol. 1. no. 9, pp. 11-18, March, 2003.
- Riahi, M. and Charehkhawh, S. “Reverse Engineering Application in Manufacturing of Flywheel Gears”, Scientific Journal of Vehicle, vol. 1. No. 8, pp. 23-29, May, 2003.
- Riahi, M. “Surface Treatment of Cast Iron by Adding Different Alloying Elements to Form a Metallic Glass Structure Layer Using an Industrial Carbon Dioxide Laser”, Journal of Materials Processing, Elsevier Science Publications, vol. 58, pp. 3-12, 1996.
- Riahi, M. “Efficiency of Heat Storage in Solar Energy Systems”, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 677-685, 1993.
- Riahi, M. “A New Technology in Quenching Process”, Journal of Industrial Technology, vol. 3, pp. 19-23, Spring 1992.
Publications - Conference Proceedings- Riahi,M., Akbarimousavi, A.A.S., Haghparast, A. "Simulation of underwater explosive forming of Dome Shaped Sheets and Investigating the Effects of Stand-off Distance", International Conference on Metal Forming, University of Tehran, April 2006, Tehran, Ir
- Riahi, M., Gholizadeh, H. FAULT DETECTION OF SIMULATED SERVO HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BY UTILIZING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN) , 19th International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Prag,Check Republic, May 30-31, 2006
- Riahi, M. Mousavi, A. A. , Haghparast, A. "Simulation of Explosive forming of Deep Drawing of Thin Sheets", International Conference on Metal Forming, University of Tehran, April 2006, Tehran, Iran
- Riah, M. Ghasemi, H. "Failure Analysis of A Centrifugal Pump by Investigating Mechanical Seal Performance via FEM, First National Conference on Condition Monitoring, Shareef University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, March, 2007
- Riahi, M. Memari, M. Utilization of Infrared Thermograph Methods for the Study of Generated Heat in Work Place Under Lathe Process and Detection of Effective Maximum Heat Generated" 2006 ASNT Digital Imaging IX Conference at Foxwoods Resort, Connecticut,
- Riahi, M. & Abdi, M, Residual Stress Analysis of Structural Steel Parts via Utilization of Acoustic Emission (AE) Testing Method, 14th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, Esfehaun, Iran, April, 2006
- Riahi, M. and Abdy, M. “Application of Acoustic Emission Method for the Estimation of Bearing Wear”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall Conference, October, 2005, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Khosrowzadeh, B. “Development of Acoustic Emission (AE) Method for the Diagnosis of Corrosion in Steel Pipes”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall Conference, October, 2005, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Abolhasany, M.R. “Utilization of Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) for In-Service Inspection of Pressure Vessels”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall Conference, October, 2005, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Zarrabian, A.R. “Development of an Integrated Software System for the Design of Hollow Extrusion Dies of Single Pocket Sections”, Proceedings of the 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May, 2005, Esfehawn, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Ansarifard, M. “Prediction of Ball Bearing Life Estimation via Practical Equation Based on Effective Parameters”, Proceedings of the 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May, 2005, Esfehawn, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Gholizadeh, H. “Fault Detection of Simulated Servo-Hydraulic System by Utilizing Artificial Neural Network (ANN)”, Proceedings of the 13th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May, 2005, Esfehawn, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Bayklar, M.Y. “Health Monitoring of Electrofusion Weldment of Polymeric Piping System”, Proceedings of 3rd Maintenance Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, August, 2005.
- Riahi, M. “Condition Monitoring in Continous Productin Processing”, Proceedings of 12th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, April, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Zarrabian, A.R. “Automated Die Design for Extrusion Processing of Aluminum”, 2nd International Conference on Aluminum, December, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Sharafy, M. “Optimized Maintenance of a Passenger Helicopter by Preventive Replacement of Parts”, Proceedings of 5th International Aerospace Engineering Conference, February, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Barooj, B. “Design Analysis and Software Development of Preventive Mechanized Maintenance Engineering System”, Proceedings of 2nd National Maintenance Engineering Conference, July, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Alimardany, M.A. “Review of System Engineering in the Maintenance of Heavy Machinery”, Proceedings of 2nd National Maintenance Engineering Conference, July, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Moghaddam, M.A. “Applications and Review of Shot Peening Process in Mechanical parts”, Proceedings of 11th International Mechanical Engineering Conference,May, 2003, Mashhad, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Dehghanpour, M. “Design of Antilock Brake Syatem by Fuzzy Logic”, Proceedings of 11th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May, 2003, Mashhad, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Aslanimanesh, M. “Reliability Growth inMechanical parts and its Estimate”, Proceedings of 11th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May, 2003, Mashhad, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Khateeb, A. “Failure Analysis of Knuckles in the Suspension System of Passenger Cars”, Proceedings of 5th Manufacturing Engineering Conference, February, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Charehkhawh, S. “Production of Passenger car’s Flywheel by Reverse Engineering Method and Utilization of Governing Equations”, Proceedings of 5th Manufacturing Engineering Conference,February, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. “Applying Modern Engineering Concepts in the Maintenance of Diesel Engines”, Proceedings of 9th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, May,2003, Rasht, Iran.
- Riahi, M. “Crack Inspection of Sour Gas Pipelines via Conventional NDT Methods”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall Conference, November, 2002, San Diego, California, USA.
- Riahi, M. “Reliability Determination of Magnetic Particles”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall Conference, November, 2002, San Diego, California, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Habiby, H. “Comparison Analysis of Three Commuter Jetliners from Maintenance Stand Point", Proceedings of First Aerospace Engineering Conference, December, 2001, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. “Identifying and Evaluating Effective Parameters in Scholastic Teachings in Engineering Schools and Professional Research”, Proceedings of National Re-Organization of Research Conference for the third National Development Plan, November, 2001, T
- Riahi, M. “Fatigue Life Determination in the Blade of a Gas Turbine via NDT”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall conference, October, 2001, Columbus, Ohio,USA.
- Riahi, M. “Predictive Models for the Determination of Pitting Corrosion in Steel Pipes”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Fall conference, October, 2001, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Riahi, M. “Role of NDT in Condition Monitoring”, Proceedings of American Society for Nondestructive Testing Fall Conference, October, 2001, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Aslanimanesh, M. “Estimation of Reliability Determination in Cracked Specimen under Fatigue Failure”, Proceedings of 55th Machinery Failure prevention Technology Conference (MFPT), April, 2000, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.
- Riahi, M. and Zarrabian< A.R. “Condition Monitoring of Storage Tanks by Acoustic Emission”, Proceedings of National Conference on Condition Monitoring, March, 2000, Khorasan, Iran.
Publications - Others- Riahi, M. and Faraji, M. “Introduction of Nondestructive Testing Principles- an Engineering Approach”, a college text book written in Persian language, IUST Publishers, 2005, Tehran.
- Riahi, M. and Faraji, M. “Materials Science and Engineering”, a university text book written in persian language, IUST Publishers, 2004, Tehran, Iran.
- Riahi, M. and Faraji, M., “Industrial Metals-Applications and Identification”, a college text book written in Persian language, Donya Publishing Company, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
Research Laboratory- Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC)-Nondestructive Testing & Condition Monitoring
Courses Taught- Industrial Metals
- Manufacturing Processes
- Materials Science& Engineering
- Nondestructive Testing
- Statics
- Strength of Materials
- Advanced Nondestructive Testing, (Graduate)
- Manufacturing&Quality Planning&Control, (Graduate)
- Tribology, (Graduate)
- Machine Design
- Measurement Errors, (Graduate)
- Thermodynamics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Research Methods and Procedures(Graduate)