sanaye |
Full Name: Dr. Sanaye, Sepehr
Position: Full Professor
Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2915
Tel-Fax: 98-21-77240192
Email: sepehr iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN
University Degrees
- Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, USA
- M. Sc., Amir Kabir University of Technology
- B. Sc., Iran Unversity of Science & Technology
Fields of Interest
- Thermal (energy and exergy), economic and environmental modeling and analysis of thermal systems
- Optimum thermal system design and analysis
- Power plants (steam, gas turbine, and combined cycles), combined heat and power systems (CHP/Cogeneration)
- Heat exchangers (network and pnch technology) and heat recovery system design and analysis
- Heat pumps (air, water, ground source), gas heat pumps, ejector heat pumps
- Internal combustion engines
- Renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass and geothermal)
Publications - ISI Journal Papers
1% Highly cited researchers (2017-2019)
- 69- Sanaye, Sepehr, and Ali Ghaffari. "Thermo-economic multi-objective optimization of an innovative Rankine–organic Rankine dual-loop system integrated with a gas engine for higher energy/exergy efficiency and lower payback period." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 144, no. 5 (2021): 1883-1905.
- 68- Sanaye, Sepehr, and Ahmadreza Sarrafi. "A novel energy management method based on Deep Q Network algorithm for low operating cost of an integrated hybrid system." Energy Reports 7 (2021): 2647-2663.
- 67- Sanaye, Sepehr, and Ali Ghaffari. "Modeling, multi-objective optimization and comparison of fire and water tube heat recovery steam generators for gas engine cogeneration plants." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 144, no. 5 (2021): 1839-1861.
- 66- Sanaye, Sepehr, Navid Khakpaay, Ata Chitsaz, and Mohammad Hassan Yahyanejad. "Thermoeconomic and environmental analysis and multi-criteria optimization of an innovative high-efficiency trigeneration system for a residential complex using LINMAP and TOPSIS decision-making methods." Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2021): 1-24.
- 65- Sanaye, Sepehr, and Salahadin Hosseini. "Prediction of blade life cycle for an industrial gas turbine at off-design conditions by applying thermodynamics, turbo-machinery and artificial neural network models." Energy Reports 6 (2020): 1268-1285.
- 64-Sanaye, Sepehr, and Amirhossein Refahi. "A novel configuration of ejector refrigeration cycle coupled with organic Rankine cycle for transformer and space cooling applications." International Journal of Refrigeration (2020).
- 63- Sepehr Sanaye, Ahmadreza Sarrafi. "Cleaner production of combined cooling, heating, power and water for isolated buildings with an innovative hybrid (solar, wind and LPG fuel) system." Journal of Cleaner Production (2020): 123222.
- 62- Sepehr Sanaye, Navid Khakpaay. "Thermo-economic multi-objective optimization of an innovative cascaded organic Rankine cycle heat recovery and power generation system integrated with gas engine and ice thermal energy storage." Journal of Energy Storage 32 (2020): 101697.
- 61- Sepehr Sanaye, Navid Khakpaay, and Ata Chitsaz. "Thermo-economic and environmental multi-objective optimization of a novel arranged biomass-fueled gas engine and backpressure steam turbine combined system for pulp and paper mills." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 40 (2020): 100778.
- 60-Sepehr Sanaye, Navid Khakpaay, Ata Chitsaz, Mohammad Hassan Yahyanejad, Mojtaba Zolfaghari. "A comprehensive approach for designing, modeling and optimizing of waste heat recovery cycle and power generation system in a cement plant: A thermo-economic and environmental assessment" Energy Conversion and Management. 205 (2020): 112353.
- 59-Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Hekmatian. "Comparison of demand limiting and load leveling operating modes of ice cold energy storage (ICES) in an air-conditioning system" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. (2019): 0954408919890434.
- 58-Sepehr Sanaye, Salahadin Hosseini. "Off-design performance improvement of twin-shaft gas turbine by variable geometry turbine and compressor besides fuel control" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. (2019):0957650919887888.
- 57-Sepehr Sanaye, Seyed Milad Shams Ghoreishi. "Energy, exergy and economic analyses of two modified and optimized small-scale natural gas liquefaction (LNG) cycles using N2 and N2/CH4 refrigerants with CO2 precooling." Cryogenics 102 (2019): 66-76.
- 56-Sanaye Sanaye, Armin Farvizi, Amirhossein Refahi . "A novel application of optimization and computational fluid dynamics methods for designing combined ejector-compressor refrigeration cycle" International Journal of Refrigeration. (2019),10.1016
- 55- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Ali Emadi, Amirhossein Refahi . "Thermal and economic modeling and optimization of a novel combined ejector refrigeration cycle." International Journal of Refrigeration.(2018) ,10.116
54- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Amani, Pouria Amani, "4E modeling and multi-criteria optimization of CCHPW gas turbine plant with inlet air cooling and steam injection", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 29 (2018) 70–81.
- 53- Sepehr Sanaye, Morteza Taheri, "Modeling and multi-objective optimization of a modified hybrid liquid desiccant heat pump (LD-HP) system for hot and humid regions" , Applied Thermal Engineering 129 (2018): 212-229.
- 52- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Mustafa Ghafurian,"Applying Relative Net Present or Relative Net Future Worth Benefit and exergy efficiency for optimum selection of a natural gas engine based CCHP system for a hotel buildin", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34, (2016), 305-317.
- 51- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Mustafa Ghafurian,"Applying Relative Equivalent Uniform Annual Benefit for Optimum Selection of a Gas Engine Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System for Residential Buildings", Energy and Buildings, 128, (2016), 809-818.
- 50- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Hekmatian, "Ice thermal energy storage (ITES) for air-conditioning application in full and partial load operating modes", International Journal of Refrigeration, 66 (2015), 181-197
- 49- Sepehr Sanaye, Shahram Sedghi Ghadikolaeei, Seyed Ahmad Akbari Moghadam, "A New method for optimum selection of two-stage turbocharger for heavy duty diesel engine", Int . J . Heavy Vehicle systems, 22, 1 (2015), 42-72
- 48- Sepehr Sanaye, Ahmadreza Sarrafi, "Optimization of combined cooling, heating and power generation by a solar system", Renewable Energy, 80 (2015), 699-712
- 47- Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Hassanzadeh, "Multi - Objective optimization of airfoil shape for efficiency improvement and noise reduction in small wind turbines" , Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 6, (2014), 053105.
- 46- Sepehr Sanaye, Shahram Sedghi Ghadikolaee, Mohammad Mehdi Ghasemi, Golandam Rahimi, "A new approach for optimum selection of turbocharger using genetic algorithm", IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Enginnering, 229, 8 (2015), 1016-1033
- 45- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "Thermo-Economic Optimization of Solar CCHP Using both Genetic and Particle Swarm Algorithms", Solar Energy Engineering-ASME, 137, 1, (2015), 011001.
- 44- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "Comparison of different scenarios in optimal design of a CCHP plant", IMechE, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 230, 4 (2016), 247-262.
- 43- Sepehr Sanaye, Davood Modarrespoor, "Thermal-economic multi-objective optimization of heat pipe heat exchanger for energy recovery in HVAC application using genetic algorithm", Thermal Science, 18 (2014), S375-S391
- 42- Sepehr Sanaye, Navid Khakpaay, "Simultaneous use of MRM and optimization methods in determinig nominal capacity of gas engines in CCHP systems", Energy, 72 (2014), 145-158
- 41- Javad Mahmoudimehr, Sepehr Sanaye, "Minimization of fuel consumption of natural gas compressor stations with similar and dissimilar turbo-compressor units", Journal of Energy Engineering, 140 (2014), 04013001-04013009
- 40- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "4 E analysis and multi-objective optimization of CCHP using MOPSOA", Proceedings of the instituion of Mechanical Engineers, Part E, 228, 1 (2014), 43-60
- 39- Sepehr Sanaye, "Economic Assessment of Burner Replacement in Various Industries of Iran", Energy Resource, Part B, 9 (2014), 256-265
- 38- Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Katebi,"4EAnalysis and Multi Objective Optimization of a Micro gas turbine and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hybrid CHP System", Journal of Power Sources, 247 (2014), 294-306
- 37- Sepehr Sanaye, Hesam Asgari,"Thermal modeling og gas enegine driven air to water heat pump systems in heating mode using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network methods", International Journal of Refrigeration, 36 (2013), 2262-2277
- 36- Sepehr Sanaye, Saeid Asgari, "Analysis and optimization of integrated gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator and multi-effect thermal vapor compression desalination plant", Proc. IMechE, Power and Energy, 227, 8 (2013), 919-936
- 35- Sepehr Sanaye, Saeid Asgari, "Four E analysis and multi-objective optimization of combined cycle power plants integrated with Multi-stage Flash (MSF) desalination unit", Desalination Journal, 320 (2013), 105-117
- 34- Sepehr Sanaye, Javad Mahmoudimehr, "Optimal design of a natural gas transmission network layout", Chemical Engineering Research and design, 91 (2013), 2465-2476
- 33- Mehdi Navidbakhsh, Ali Shirazi, Sepehr Sanaye, "Four E Analysis and multi-objective optimization of an ice storage system incorporating PCM as the partial cold storage for air-conditioning apllications", Applied Thermal Engineering, 58 (2013), 30-41
- 32- Sepehr Sanaye, Mahmood Chahartaghi, Hesam Asgari, "Dynamic modeling of gas engine driven heat pump system in cooling mode", Energy, 55 (2013), 195-208
- 31- Sepehr Sanaye, Ali shirazi, "Thermo-economic optimization of an Ice Thermal Energy Storage System for Air-conditioning Applications", Energy and Buildings, 60 (2013), 100-109
- 30- Sepehr Sanaye, Ali Shirazi, "Four E analysis and Multi-objective optimization of an Ice Thermal Energy Storage for Air-conditioning Apllications", International Journal of Refrigeration, 36 (2013), 828-841
- 29- Sepehr Sanaye, Javad Mahmoudimehr, "Minimization of Fuel Consumption in Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Natural Gas Transmission Networks: Assessment of genetic Algorithm Optimization Method as an Alternative to Non-Sequential Dynamic Programming", Journal of the Taiwn Institute of Chemical Engineers, 43 (2012), 904-917
- 28- Sepehr Sanaye, Javad Mahmoudimehr, "Technical Assessment of Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Modelings of Natural Gas Pipeline Opertional Conditions", Oil&Gas Science and Technology, 67 (2012), 435-449
- 27- Sepehr Sanaye, Javad Mahmoudimehr, Mohsen Aynechi, "Modelling and Economic Optimization of under-floor heating system", Builiding Services Engineering Research and Technology, 33,2 (2012), 191-202
- 26- Sepehr Sanaye, Amir Mohammadi Nasab, "Modeling and optimization a CHP system for natural gas pressure reduction plant", Energy, 40 (2012), 358-369
- 25- Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Dehghandokht, Navid Kashaninejad, Amir Fartaj, "Temperature control of a cabin in an automobile using thermal modeling and fuzzy controller", Applied Energy, 97 (2012), 860-868
- 24- Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Dehghandokht, "Modeling of rotary vane compressor applying Artificial Neural Network", International Journal of Refrigeration, 34 (2011), 764-772
- 23- Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Dehghandokht, "Modeling and Multi-objective optimization of parallel flow condenser using evolutionary algorithm", Applied Energy, 88 (2011), 1568-1577
- 22- Masoud Dehghandokt, Mesbah G. Khan, Amir Fartaj, Sepehr Sanaye, "Numerical study of fluid and heat transfer in a multi-port serpentine meso-channel heat exchanger", Applied Thermal Engineering, 31 (2011), 1855-1599
- 21- Masoud Dehghandokht, Mesbah G. Khan, Amir Fartaj, Sepehr Sanaye, "Flow and heat transfer characterisitics of water and enthylene glycolewater in a multi-port serpentine meso-channel heat exchanger", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 50 (2011), 1615-1627
- 20- Sepehr Sanaye, Abbasali Fardad, Masoud Mostakhdemi, "Thermoeconmic Opimization of an Ice Thermal Storage Syatem for Gas Turbine Inlet Cooling", Energy, 36 (2011), 1057-1067
- 19- Sepehr Sanaye, Behzad Niroomand, "Vertical Ground Coupled Steam Ejector Heat Pump; Thermal-Economic Modeling and Optimization", International Journal of Refrigeration, 34 (2011) 1562-1576
- 18- Sepehr Sanaye, Behzad Niroomand, "Horizontal Ground Coupled Heat Pump; Thermal-Economic Modeling and Optimization", Energy Conversion and Management, 51 (2010), 2600-2612
- 17- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "Multi-objective optimization of shell and tube heat exchangers", Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (2010), 1937-1945
- 16- Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Aghaei Meybodi, Mahmood Chahartaghi, "Modeling and Economic Analysis of Gas Engine Heat Pumps for Residential and Commercial Buildings in Various Climate Regions of Iran", Energy and building, 42 (2010), 1129-1138
- 15- Sepehr Sanaye, Mahmood Chahartaghi, "Thermal-Economic Modeling and Optimization of Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump Systems", Power and Energy, 224 (2010), 463-477
- 14- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "Thermal-Economic Multi-Objective Optimization of Plate Fin Heat Exchanger Using Genetic Algorithum", Applied Energy, 87 (2010), 1893-1902
- 13- Sepehr Sanaye, Mahmood Chahartaghi, "Thermal modeling and operating tests for the gas engine-driven heat pump systems", Journal Energy, 35 (2010), 351-363
- 12- Sepehr Sanaye, Mojtaba Tahani, "Analysis of gas turbine operating parameters with inlet fogging and wet compression processes", Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (2010), 234-244
- 11- Sepehr Sanaye, Mohammad Reza Talaee, "Thermal-economic analysis of a heat pipe heat exchanger for energy recovery in air conditioning applications", IMechE Part A: Journal Power and Energy, 223 (2009), 925-937
- 10- Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, "Multi-objective optimization of rotary regenerator using genetic algorithm", International Journal Thermal Sciences, 48 (2009), 1967-1977
- 9- Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Zia Basharhagh, Maziar Ghazinejad, "Optimal Design of Gas Turbine CHP Plant with Preheater and HRSG", International Journal of Energy Research, (2009), 33: 766-777
- 8- Sepehr Sanaye, Behzad Niroomand, "Thermal-Economic Modeling and Optimization of Vertical Ground Coupled Heat Pump", Energy Conversion and Management, 50 (2009), 1136-1147
- 7- Sepehr Sanaye, Moslem Raessi Ardali, "Estimating the Power and Number of Microturbines in Small Scale Combined Heat and Power Systems", Applied Energy, 86 (2009), 895-903
- 6- Sepehr Sanaye, Saeid Jafari, Hadi Ghaebi, "Optimum operational conditions of a rotary regenerator using genetic algoritm", Energy and Buildings, Volume 40, Issue 9, (2008) 1637-1642
- 5- Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Aghaei Meybodi, Shahabeddin Shokrollahi, "Selecting the Prime Movers and Nominal Powers in Combined Heat and Power Systems", Applied Thermal Engineering, 28 (2008) 1177-1188
- 4- Sepehr Sanaye, Moein Rezazadeh, "Transient thermal modeling of heat recovery steam generators in combined cycle power plants", International Journal of Energy Research, 31 (2007), 1047-1063
- 3- Sepehr Sanaye, Behzad Niroomand, "Simulation of Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) and Planning the Optimum Cleaning Schedule", Energy Conversion and Management, 48 (2007) 1450-1461
- 2- Sepehr Sanaye, Ehsan Baheri, "Thermal modeling of radiation and convection sections of primary reformer of ammonia plant", Applied Thermal Engineering, 27 (2007) 627-636
- 1- Sepehr Sanaye, H.R. Malekmohammadi " Thermal and Economical Optimization of Air Conditioning Units with Vapor Compression Refrigeration System", Applied Thermal Engineering, 24 (2004) 1807-1825
Conference papers (in English):
- Hosseinkhani, A., & Sanaye, S. (2020). Performance Prediction of a SANDIA 17-m Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Improved Double Multiple Streamtube. International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 14(12), 595-599.
- Design and optimization of air-air compact heat exchanger, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 16th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Kerman, 2009
- Design and multi-objective optimization of rotary regenerator, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 16th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Kerman, 2009
- Thermo-economic optimization of compact heat exchanger and determination of optimum parameters using artificial neural network, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 17th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Tehran, 2010
- Second law based optimization of regenerator heat exchanger using Particle Swarm Optimization, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi,18th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Tehran, 2011
- The Effect of Inter Air Cooling and Stream Injection on Combined Heat and Power System Performance, Sepehr Sanaye, Hamideh Torabi Goudarzi, Engineering Congress on Alternative Energy Applications, November 2-6, 2009, KUWAIT
- Thermo-economic Optimization of Combined Heat and Power System, Sepehr Sanaye, Hamideh Torabi Goudarzi, Rural energy centre Conference, gandhigram, 2009
- Sepehr Sanaye, Omid Hamidkhani, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of Heat Recovery Steam Generators", GT2007-28297, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
- Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Darvishi, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Gas Turbine Blade Cooling", GT2007-28298, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Mostakhdemi, Hossein Babaie Toski, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of an Ice Thermal Storage System", GT2007-28295, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
- Sepehr Sanaye, Maziar Ghazinejad, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of Gas Turbine Combined Heat and Power System in a Paper Mill", GT2007-27206, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
- Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Aghaee Meibodi, Shahabeddin Shokrollahi, "Number and Nominal Power of Prime Movers in Combined Heat and Power Systems", GT2006-90724, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
- Sepehr Sanaye, Moein Rezazadeh, "Thermal Modeling of HRSG Transient Behavior in Combined Cycle Power Plants", GT2006-90718, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
- Sepehr Sanaye, Hossein Rezazadeh, Mehrdad Aghazeynali, "Effects of Inlet Fogging and Wet Compression on Gas Turbine Performance", GT2006-90719, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006.
- Sepehr Sanaye,Younes Hamzeie, "Thermal and Economic Analysis of Besat Steam Power Plant Repowering", GT2006-90720, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
- Sepehr Sanaye, Vahid Mahdikhani, "Thermal and Economic Analysis of Gas Turbine Steam Injection Plant", GT2006-90721, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
- Sepehr Sanaye, Omid Hamidkhani, " Thermal and Economic Evaluation of Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG)", 18th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environment Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS-2005.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Abbasali Fardad, Hossein Babaie Touski, " Thermal and Economic Evaluation of an Ice Thermal Storage System", 18th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environment Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS-2005.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Abbasali Fardad, Mohsen Ebrahimi, " Thermo-Economic Evaluation of Evaporative Inlet Cooling Methods for Ray Gas Turbine Power Plant", GT- 2004- 53717, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2004.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Shahabeddin Shokrollahi, " Selection and Sizing of Prime Movers in Combined Heat and Power Systems", GT- 2004- 53715, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2004.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Behrooz Farshi, Hashem Tork, " Optimum Turbine Extraction Pressures For Maximum Efficiency in Steam Power Plant Cycle", IJPGC2003-40205, ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, 2003
- Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, Farid Bashiri, Amir Saeed Dashti, Daryoush Mehranian, Mansoor Mehrara, " Performance Assessment of a Transient Model for HRSGs in Combined Cycle Power Plants", GT- 2003- 38810, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2003.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, Farid Bashiri, Abbas Mohajerani, " Gas Turbine Modeling with Air Bleeding Effects", International Power System Conference, PSC- 2002.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, "Development of A New Simulation Program for Combined Cycle System", GT- 2002- 30467, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2002.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Parvis Shirvani, "Feasibility Assessment of Energy Savings in Methanol Production Plant Using the Pinch Method", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2001.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Parviz Shirvani, "Thermal Analysis of Steam Power Plant Cycles Using the Pinch Method", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2001.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Majid Vahedi, "Deposition and Propagation of Particles in Turbulent Flow Over Flat Surfaces", The 9 th International Mechanical Engineeing Conference – ISME-2001.
- Sepehr Sanaye, Saied Naraghi, "Finding the Optimum Reheat and Extraction Pressures for Maximum Steam Cycle Efficiency Using Mathematical Relations", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2000.
- Sepehr Sanaye, "Measurement of Shape, Size and Concentration of Particles or Bubbles in Multiphase Flows Using Image Analysis Techniques", The 6th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME- 1998.
- Sepehr Sanaye, "Error Analysis of Velocity Measurement in Particle Image Velocimetry", The 6 th Intermational Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME- 1998.
Research Laboratory
- Laboratory of Renewable energy and new energy technologies
Courses Taught
- Advanced Thermodynamics
- Heat Exchanger Design
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Thermodynamics II
- Turbulence