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Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

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:: sanaye ::

Full Name: Dr. Sanaye, Sepehr

Position: Full Professor

Phone: 98-21-77240540-50     Ex:2915

Tel-Fax: 98-21-77240192

Email: sepehriust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN

University Degrees

  • Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, USA
  • M. Sc., Amir Kabir University of Technology
  • B. Sc., Iran Unversity of Science & Technology

    Fields of Interest

  • Thermal (energy and exergy), economic and environmental modeling and analysis of thermal systems
  • Optimum thermal system design and analysis
  • Power plants (steam, gas turbine, and combined cycles), combined heat and power systems (CHP/Cogeneration)
  • Heat exchangers (network and pnch technology) and heat recovery system design and analysis 
  • Heat pumps (air, water, ground source), gas heat pumps, ejector heat pumps
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass and geothermal) 

Publications - ISI Journal Papers

1% Highly cited researchers  (2017-2019) 

 Conference papers (in English):

  •  Hosseinkhani, A., & Sanaye, S. (2020). Performance Prediction of a SANDIA 17-m Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Using Improved Double Multiple Streamtube. International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering14(12), 595-599.
  • Design and optimization of air-air compact heat exchanger, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 16th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Kerman, 2009
  •  Design and multi-objective optimization of rotary regenerator, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 16th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Kerman, 2009
  •  Thermo-economic optimization of compact heat exchanger and determination of optimum parameters using artificial neural network, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi, 17th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Tehran, 2010
  •  Second law based optimization of regenerator heat exchanger using Particle Swarm Optimization, Sepehr Sanaye, Hassan Hajabdollahi,18th International Conference in mechanical engineering, Tehran, 2011
  •  The Effect of Inter Air Cooling and Stream Injection on Combined Heat and Power System Performance, Sepehr Sanaye, Hamideh Torabi Goudarzi, Engineering Congress on Alternative Energy Applications, November 2-6, 2009, KUWAIT
  •  Thermo-economic Optimization of Combined Heat and Power System, Sepehr Sanaye, Hamideh Torabi Goudarzi, Rural energy centre Conference, gandhigram, 2009
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Omid Hamidkhani, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of Heat Recovery Steam Generators", GT2007-28297, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Darvishi, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Gas Turbine Blade Cooling", GT2007-28298, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Masoud Mostakhdemi, Hossein Babaie Toski, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of an Ice Thermal Storage System", GT2007-28295, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Maziar Ghazinejad, "Thermoeconomic Optimization of Gas Turbine Combined Heat and Power System in a Paper Mill", GT2007-27206, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2007
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Mehdi Aghaee Meibodi, Shahabeddin Shokrollahi, "Number and Nominal Power of Prime Movers in Combined Heat and Power Systems", GT2006-90724, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Moein Rezazadeh, "Thermal Modeling of HRSG Transient Behavior in Combined Cycle Power Plants", GT2006-90718, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Hossein Rezazadeh, Mehrdad Aghazeynali, "Effects of Inlet Fogging and Wet Compression on Gas Turbine Performance", GT2006-90719, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006.
  • Sepehr Sanaye,Younes Hamzeie, "Thermal and Economic Analysis of Besat Steam Power Plant Repowering", GT2006-90720, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Vahid Mahdikhani, "Thermal and Economic Analysis of Gas Turbine Steam Injection Plant", GT2006-90721, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2006
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Omid Hamidkhani, " Thermal and Economic Evaluation of Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG)", 18th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environment Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS-2005.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Abbasali Fardad, Hossein Babaie Touski, " Thermal and Economic Evaluation of an Ice Thermal Storage System", 18th International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environment Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS-2005.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Abbasali Fardad, Mohsen Ebrahimi, " Thermo-Economic Evaluation of Evaporative Inlet Cooling Methods for Ray Gas Turbine Power Plant", GT- 2004- 53717, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2004.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Shahabeddin Shokrollahi, " Selection and Sizing of Prime Movers in Combined Heat and Power Systems", GT- 2004- 53715, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2004.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Behrooz Farshi, Hashem Tork, " Optimum Turbine Extraction Pressures For Maximum Efficiency in Steam Power Plant Cycle", IJPGC2003-40205, ASME International Joint Power Generation Conference, 2003
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, Farid Bashiri, Amir Saeed Dashti, Daryoush Mehranian, Mansoor Mehrara, " Performance Assessment of a Transient Model for HRSGs in Combined Cycle Power Plants", GT- 2003- 38810, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2003.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, Farid Bashiri, Abbas Mohajerani, " Gas Turbine Modeling with Air Bleeding Effects", International Power System Conference, PSC- 2002.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Arash Moradi, "Development of A New Simulation Program for Combined Cycle System", GT- 2002- 30467, ASME International Gas Turbine Conference, 2002.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Parvis Shirvani, "Feasibility Assessment of Energy Savings in Methanol Production Plant Using the Pinch Method", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2001.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Parviz Shirvani, "Thermal Analysis of Steam Power Plant Cycles Using the Pinch Method", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2001.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Majid Vahedi, "Deposition and Propagation of Particles in Turbulent Flow Over Flat Surfaces", The 9 th International Mechanical Engineeing Conference – ISME-2001.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, Saied Naraghi, "Finding the Optimum Reheat and Extraction Pressures for Maximum Steam Cycle Efficiency Using Mathematical Relations", IASTED International Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES-2000.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, "Measurement of Shape, Size and Concentration of Particles or Bubbles in Multiphase Flows Using Image Analysis Techniques", The 6th International Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME- 1998.
  • Sepehr Sanaye, "Error Analysis of Velocity Measurement in Particle Image Velocimetry", The 6 th Intermational Mechanical Engineering Conference, ISME- 1998.

    Research Laboratory

  • Laboratory of Renewable energy and new energy technologies 

    Courses Taught

  • Advanced Thermodynamics
  • Heat Exchanger Design
  • Internal Combustion Engines
  • Thermodynamics II
  • Turbulence
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