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Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

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:: safizadeh ::

Full Name: Dr. Safizadeh, Mir Saeed

Position: Associate Professor

Phone: 98-21-77240540-50   Ex:2902

Fax: 98-21-77240488

Email: safizadeh AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN

University Degrees

  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Specialization in Vibrational Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery in Time-Frequency Plane, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1992
  • MSc, Masters in Mechanical Engineering, Specialization in Modal Analysis and Application of Modal Analysis for structures with nonlinear behavior, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1991
  • BSc, Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1988

Fields of Interest

  • Nondestructive Testing & Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
  • Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery
  • Signal and Image Processing

Publications - Journal Papers

Pleas see the update of My Publications List at Google Scholar

  • P. Daryabor, M.S. Safizadeh, "Image Fusion of Ultrasonic and Thermographic Inspection of Carbon/Epoxy Patches Bonded to an aluminium Plate" NDT&E International, 2017.
  • P. Daryabor, M.S. Safizadeh, " Comparison of Three Thermographic Post Processing Methods For the assessment of a Repaired Aluminum Plate with Composite Patch" Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 79, PP. 58-67, 2016.
  • P. Daryabor, M.S. Safizadeh, "Investigation of Defect Characteristics and Heat Transfer in Step Heating thermography of Metal Plates Repaired with Composite Patches", Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 76, PP. 608-620, 2016.
  • F.Dalvand, A. Kalantar, M.S. Safizadeh, "A Novel Bearing Condition Monitoring Method in Induction Motors Based on Instantaneous Frequency of Motor Voltage", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 1, PP. 364-374, 2016
  • K. Gadermazi, M.A. Khozeimeh, F. Taheri-Behrooz, M.S. Safizadeh, "Delamination Detection in Glass-Epoxy Composite Using Step-Phase Thermography (SPT)", Infrared Physics & Techology, Vol. 72, PP. 204-209, 2016.
  • A. Habibalahi, M.D. Moghari, K. Samadian, S.S. Mousavi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Improving Pulsed Eddy Current and Ultrasonic Testing Stress Measurement Accuracy Using Neural Network Data Fusion", IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, PP. 514-521, 2015.
  • I. tamadon, M.S. Safizadeh, "Detecting High Frequency Faults of Ball Bearing with Wireless Accelerometer sensor", Journal of Mechatronics, Vol. 2, No. 3, PP. 176-183, 2014.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, S.K. Latifi, "Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Vibration Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings by Accelerometer and Load Cell", Information Fusion, Vol. 18, PP. 1-8, 2014.
  • A. Habibalahi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Pulsed Eddy Current Technique to Stress and Residual Stress Measurement", Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 5, PP. 055601, 2014.
  • A. Habibalahi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Application of Pulsed Eddy Current Technique to Stress Residual Stress Measurement", Internation Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 67 , 2014.
  • A. Habibalahi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Forward to Residual Stress Measurement by Using Pulsed Eddy Current Technique", Insight Non Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, Vol. 55, No. 9, PP. 492-497, 2013.
  • M. Hashemi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Design of a Fuzzy Model Based on Vibration Signal Analysis to Autodetect the Gear Faults", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 65, No. 3, PP. 194-201, 2013.
  • A. Mohammadi, M.S. Safizadeh, "Bearing Multiple Defects Detection Based on Envelope Detector Time Constant", Journal of Tribology, Vol. 135, No. 1, PP. 011102-1-11, 2013.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, T. Azizzadeh, "Corrosion Detection of Internal Pipeline Using NDT Optical Inspection System", NDT&E International, Vol. 52, PP. 144-148, 2012.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, T. Azizzadeh, "Automated Detection of Inner Surface Defects in Pipes Using Image Processing Algorithms", International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, PP. 53-59, 2012.
  • M. Khorasani, M.R.S. Yazdi, M.S. Safizadeh, " Analysis of Machining Parameters Effects on Surface Roughness: A Review", International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 68-84, 2012.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, M. Hassanian, " Gas Pipeline Corrosion Mapping Using Pulsed Eddy Current Technique", International Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, PP. 11-18, 2011.
  • M. Khorasani, M.S. Safizadeh, " Tool Life Prediction in Face Milling Machining of 7075 Al by Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Taguchi Design of Experiment DOE)" International Journal of Engineering and Technology" Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 30-35, 2011.
  • M. Khorasani, M.S. Safizadeh, "Design and Manufacturing Precise Wireless Car Engine's Speed Sensor", Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 106, No. 75, PP. 97-106, 2009.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, Z. Liu, A. Fahr, "Evaluation of NDT Techniques for Corrosion Detection and Quantification in Lap Joints", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 66, No. 5, PP. 501-507, 2008.
  • Z. Liu, P. Ramuhali, M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, "Vombining Multiple Nondestructive Inspection Images with a Generalized Additive Model", Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 19, PP. 1-8, 2008.
  • Z. Liu, D.S. Forsyth, M.S. Safizadeh, A. Fahr, "A Data Fusion Scheme for Quantitative Image analysis by Using Locally Weighted Regression and Dempster-Shafer Theory", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement", Vol. 57, No. 11, PP. 2554-2560, 2008.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, Z. Liu, D.S. Forsyth, A. Fahr, "Automatic Classification and Characterization of Hidden Corrosion Using Pulsed Eddy Current", Canadian Institute for Nondestructive Evaluation (CINDE) Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2006.
  • Z, Liu, D.S. Forsyth, M.S. Safizadeh, A. Fahr, P. Ramuhalli, "Fusion of Multiple NDE Images for Characterizing Aircraft Hidden Corrosion", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2005.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, Z. Liu, B.A. Lepine, M. Liao, "Pulsed Eddy Current Inspections of Aircraft Structures in Support of Holistic Damage Tolerance", Journal of Aerospace, PP. 344-350, September 2004.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, A. Fahr, "The Effect of Flaw Size Distribution on the Estimation of POD", Insight – Nondestructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, Vol. 46, No. 6, PP. 355-359, June 2004.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, Z. Liu, B.A. Lepine, D.S. Forsyth, "Multi-Frequency Eddy Current for the Characterization of Corrosion in Multi-layer Structures", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 62, No. 5, PP. 535-540, May 2004.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis and M. Thomas, "Time-Frequency and Their Application to Machinery Fault Detection", International Journal of COMADE, Vol. 5, No. 2, PP. 41-57,April 2002.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, B.A. Lepine, D.S. Forsyth and A. Fahr, "Time-Frequency Analysis of Pulsed Eddy Current Signals", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.20, No. 2, PP. 73-86, June 2001.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis and M. Thomas, "Time-Frequency Algorithms and Their Applications", International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP. 167-186, December 2000
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, "Using Short-Time Fourier Transform in Machinery Fault Diagnosis", International Journal of COMADE, Vol. 3, No. 1, PP. 1-14, January 2000.

Publications - Conference Proceedings

  • M.S. Safizadeh, Z. Liu, C. Mandache, D.S. Forsyth, and A. Fahr, "Automated Pulsed Eddy Current Method for Detection of Hidden Corrosion", 5th IWASPNDE, 2005, Quebec, Canada.
  • David Forsyth, Saeed Safizadeh, Min Liao, Abbas Fahr , "NDT Reliability for Multi-dimensional Discontinuities", 5th IWASPNDE, 2005, Quebec, Canada.
  • Liu, Z., Forsyth, D.S., Safizadeh, S., Genest, M., Fahr, A., and Marincak, "Fusion of Visual and Eddy Current Inspection Results for the Evaluation of Corrosion Damage in Aircraft Lap Joints", SPIE, 2005, USA
  • D. Forsyth, and M-S. Safizadeh, "Reliability of Visual and Enhanced Visual Inspections of Helicopter Tail Rotor Blade", 8th Joint NASA/FAA/DoD Conference on Aging Aircraft From 01/31/2005 To 02/03/2005
  • M.S. Safizadeh, Z. Liu, D.S. Forsyth, A. Fahr, "Automatic classification and Characterization of Hidden Corrosion Using Pulsed Eddy Current", 16th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing, Montreal, Canada. 2004.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, Z. Liu, B.A. Lepine, M. Liao, "Pulsed Eddy Current Inspections of Aircraft Structures in Support of Holistic Damage Tolerance", , SAE Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Conference (AMTC), Montreal, Canada. 2003.
  • Z. Liu, D. S. Forsyth, M. S. Safizadeh, B. A. Lepine, A. Fahr, "Quantitative Interpretation of Multi-frequency Eddy Current Data by Using Data Fusion Approaches", SPIE’s 8th Annual International Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, 2003
  • Z. Liu, D.S. Forsyth, B.A. Lepine, S. Safizadeh, A. Fahr, "Quantifying Aircraft Hidden Corrosion by Using Multi-modal NDT Techniques", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol. 23, PP. 1355-1362, July 2003
  • Min Liao, D.S. Forsyth, J.P. Komorowski, M. Safizadeh, Z. Liu, and N.C. Bellinger, "Risk Analysis of Corrosion Maintenance Actions in Aircraft Structures", The Proceeding of the 22nd Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, 2003
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, "Time-Frequency Algorithms and Their Applications, EUROMECH Colloquium 437 Identification and Updating Methods of Mechanical Structures", 19th – 21th June 2002, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, A. Fahr, "Recent Studies on the POD analysis of a-hat versus a NDI data", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol. 22, PP. 1846-1853, July 2002
  • Z. Liu, D. S. Forsyth, M. S. Safizadeh, M. Genest, C. Mandache, and A. Fahr, "The Use of Locally Weighted Regression for the Data Fusion with Dempster-Shafer Theory", 5th IWASPNDE, 2005, Quebec, Canada
  • Z. Liu, M. S. Safizadeh, D. S. Forsyth, B. A. Lepine, "Data Fusion Method for the Optimal Mixing of Multi-Frequency Eddy Current Signals", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol. 22, PP. 577-584, 2002.
  • D. S. Forsyth, M. S. Safizadeh, A. Fahr, "Issues in the Determination of Probability of Detection Using Field Inspection Data", Proceeding of the 3rd European-American Workshop on the Reliability of NDE and Demining, Berlin, 10-13 Sept. 2002
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, ", Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Using Time-Frequency Methods", 20th Machinery Vibration, Reliability and Maintenance Seminar and Annual General Meeting October 21 to 23, 2002 Quebec City.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, B.A. Lepine, D.S. Forsyth and A. Fahr, "Analysis of Pulsed Eddy Current Signals Using Time-Frequency Method", Proceeding of the IV International Workshop on Advances in Signal Processing for Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials, 2001
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, "Diagnostic des Machines par les Méthodes Temps-Fréquence", Annual Canadian Machinery Vibration Association Seminar, March 5 to 6, 2000, Ecole Technologie Supérieur, Montréal, Québec.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, "Application of Short-Time Fourier Transform in Machine Fault Detection", Proc. 12th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 1999

Publications - Others

______________ Technical Reports_________________

  • M.S. Safizadeh, A. Dadouche, J. Bird, W. Dmochowski, M. Martin, T. Breithaupt, and D.S. Forsyth, Development of PHM Methods for Roller Bearings Phase 1: Evaluation of the NDE techniques applicable to bearing condition monitoring, NRC Institute for Aerospa
  • Bird, J. Soung Yee, A., and Safizadeh, M.S., Assessment of Crack Detection Methods on Engine Rotor Disks, NRC Institute for Aerospace Report LTR-SMPL-2005-0028, 2005
  • Lepine, B.A., Forsyth, D. S., Brothers, M.R., Liu, Z., and Safizadeh, M.S., The Application and Assessment of NDI Methods for the Detection of Corrosion in Multi-Layer Aluminum Aircraft Fuselage Structures – Final Report for CFSD Phase 2 Task L – Part II.
  • Forsyth, D. S., Liao, M., Safizadeh, M., and Liu, Z., Variability in Life Cycle Maintenance Actions Due to Variability in Nondestructive Inspection of Corrosion Damage in Aircraft Fuselage Splice Joints, 2003
  • M.S. Safizadeh, D.S. Forsyth, A. Fahr, Development of a Software Package to Perform POD Analysis of a-hat versus a NDI Data. NRC LTR-SMPL-2002-0014, January 2002
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A. Fahr, Estimation of Crack Growth Curves Using Small Sets of Field Inspection Data. NRC LTR-SMPL-2001-0092, April 2001
  • M.S. Safizadeh, B.A. Lepine, D.S. Forsyth and A. Fahr, Time-Frequency Analysis of Pulsed Eddy Current Signals, NRC/IAR report SMPL-LTR-2000-0189, July 2000.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis, and M. Thomas, Application of Short-Time Fourier Transform in Machinery Fault Detection, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Technical Report No. EPM/RT-99/05, 1999.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis and M. Thomas, Fault Detection and Identification Using Wigner-Ville Distribution, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Technical Report No. EPM/RT-99/06, 1999.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis and M. Thomas, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic of Rotating Machinery by Means of Wavelet Transforms, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Technical Report No. EPM/RT-99/07, 1999.
  • M.S. Safizadeh, A.A. Lakis and M. Thomas, Time-Frequency Algorithm, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Technical Report No. EPM/RT-99/08, 1999

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