نام: دکتر سیدمصطفی حسینعلی پور
رتبه علمی: استاد
تلفن: ۵۰-۷۷۲۴۰۵۴۰ داخلی:۲۹۲۹
فاکس: ۷۷۲۴۰۴۸۸
پست الکترونیکی: alipour AT iust.ac.ir
آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران
دانشگاه های محل تحصیل
- دکترا، دانشگاه McGill، کانادا
- فوق لیسانس، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، ایران
- لیسانس، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، ایران
- Top ۵% Students (B. Sc. Sharif University, Iran, ۱۹۸۵)
- University Dean’s Honors List (Ph.D., Mc Gill University, Canada, ۱۹۹۶)
- Outstanding Student (M. Sc. Tarbiat Modaress University, Iran ۱۹۸۹)
- Director of Computational Fluid Dynamics Research Lab, Iran University of Science and Technology, (۲۰۰۱-۲۰۱۱)
- Director of Thermal Machines Laboratory (۲۰۰۲ – ۲۰۱۱)
- Head of Thermo-fluid group, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Iran University of Science and Technology (۲۰۰۰ – ۲۰۰۲)
- Member of Iran Society of Combustion
- Member of Iran Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Member of Research Committy of Tehran Provenice Gas Company (۲۰۰۷-۲۰۱۱)
- Member of Research Committy of National Iranian Gas Company (۲۰۰۷-۲۰۱۱)
- Member of Research Committy of Engineering and Development Gas Company (۲۰۰۸-۲۰۱۱)
- Head of Engineering research Committy of Iranian Oil Distribution Company (۲۰۰۸-۲۰۱۱)
- Head of CNG research Committy of National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (۲۰۱۰-۲۰۱۱)
- Research Centre of Power Ministry, Advisor (۱۹۹۷- ۲۰۰۴)
- Industrial Research Institute, Head of Engine Design Department, (۱۹۸۶-۱۹۹۰)
زمینه های فعالیت
- صنعت نفت و گاز
- نیروگاه
- سیستم های تبدیل انرژی در آب و محیط زیست
زمینه های تحقیقاتی
- سیستم های تولید و تبدیل انرژی
- سیستم های تولید قدرت مکانیکی و جلوبرندگی
- سیستم های فرآیندی مواد غذایی
اختراعات ثبت شده
- "میکسر مخزنی آشوبناک دو پره ای برای سیالات با لزجت بالا " - شماره ثبت : ۷۲۹۸۸
Hosseinalipour, S.M. and Arun S. Mujumdar, "A Model for Superheated Steam Drying of Particles in an Impinging Stream Dryer", Thermal Fluids Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, section IV, page ۵۳۷-۵۷۴ of " Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Techniques in Drying Technology" , MARCEL DEKKER, INC., New York, ۱۹۹۷.
مقالات ژورنال ( در حال به روز رسانی)
- Payam Rahim Mashaei, Seyed Mostafa Hosseinalipour, and Mehdi Bahiraei, “Numerical Investigation of Nanofluid Forced Convection in Channels with Discrete Heat Sources,” Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. ۲۰۱۲, Article ID ۲۵۹۲۸۴, ۱۸ pages, ۲۰۱۲. doi:۱۰.۱۱۵۵/۲۰۱۲/۲۵۹۲۸۴.
- S.M. Hosseinalipour, A. Tohidi, M. Shokrpour, "A review of dough rheological models used in numerical applications", Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering ( JCARME ), Vol. ۱, No.۲, March ۲۰۱۲.
- M. Barzegar, Sh. Bishesari, S.M. Hosseinalipour, K. Sedighi, "Transient analysis of counterflowing jet over highly blunt cone in hypersonic flow", Acta Astronautica, December ۲۰۱۱.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Aghakhani, H., " Numerical & Experimental Study of Flow from a Leaking Buried Pipe in an Unsaturated Porous Media", Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, ۲۰۱۱.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Mehrpanahi, A., "The Investigation of the Effect of Repowering Options on Electricity Generating Cost for Iran Steam Power Plants", International Journal of Sustainable Energy, ۲۰۱۱.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Askari, H., Baghsheikhi, M., Jazayeri, S.A., " Effect of Octane Number of PRF in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Combustion", International Journal of Automative Engineering, ۲۰۱۱.
- Shafaghat, R., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Lashgari, I., Vahedgermi, A., "Shape Optimization of axisymmetric cavitators in supercavitating flows, using the NSGA II algorithm", Applied Ocean Research, doi:۱۰.۱۰۱۶/j.apor.۲۰۱۱.۰۳.۰۰۱, ۲۰۱۱.
- Movahednejad, E., Ommi, F., Hosseinalipor, S.M., Chen, C. P., Mahdavi, S.A.,"Application of maximum entropy method for droplet size distribution prediction using instability analysis of liquid sheet", Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. ۴۷, Issue ۱۲, pp. ۱۵۹۱-۱۶۰۰, doi ۱۰.۱۰۰۷/s۰۰۲۳۱-۰۱۱-۰۷۹۷-۵, ۲۰۱۱.
- Movahednejad, E., Ommi, F. and Hosseinalipour, S.M. "Prediction of Droplet Size and Velocity in Droplet Formation Region of Liquid Spray", Journal of Entropy, June ۲۰۱۰.
- Barzegar. M, Hosseinalipour S.M.,"Numerical Simulation Of Hypersonic Flow Over Highly Blunted Cones With Spike", Acta Austronica, Vol. ۶۷, pp. ۱۸۰-۱۹۳, ۲۰۱۰.
- Ommi, F., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Kargar, A., Movahed, E., Nekofar, K., " Experimental Investigation of Characteristics of a Double-Base Swirl Injector In a Liquid Rocket Propellant Engine", ۲۰۰۹.
- Shafaghat. R, Hosseinalipour S.M., Nouri. N. M, Vahedgerami. A.,"Mathematical Approach To Investigate The Behaviour Of The Principal Parameters In Axisymetric Supercavitaiting Flows Using Boundary Element Method", Journal Of Mechanics, Vol. ۲۵, pp. ۴۶۵-۴۷۳, ۲۰۰۹.
- Shafaghat, R., Hosseinalipour, S.M., Derakhshani, S.M.E., "Derivation of a Correlation for Drag Coefficient in Two Dimensional Bounded Supercavitating Flows, Using Artifitial Neural Networks", Archive of Applied Mechanics, June ۲۰۰۹.
- Roustapour. O. R, Hosseinalipour S.M., Ghobadian. B, Mohaghegh. F, Maftoon Azad. N, "A Proposed Numerical-Experimental Method For Drying Kinetics In A Spray Dryer", Journal Of Food Engineering, Vol. ۹۰, pp. ۲۰-۲۶, ۲۰۰۹.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taherkhani. P, Bahiraei. M, "Baking Of Flat Bread In An Impingement Oven: Modeling And Optimization", Drying Technology, Vol. ۲۷, pp. ۱۰۳-۱۱۲, ۲۰۰۹.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taheran. E, Bahiraei. M, Taherkhani. P, "Baking Of Flat Bread In An Impingement Oven: An Experimental Study Of Heat Transfer And Quality Aspects", Drying Technology, Vol. ۲۶, pp. ۹۰۲-۹۰۹, ۲۰۰۸.
- Banooni. S, Hosseinalipour S.M., Mujumdar. A.S, Taheran. E, Mashaiekhi. M, "Impingement Heat Transfer Effects On Baking Of Flat Bread", Drying Technology, Vol. ۲۶, pp. ۹۱۰-۹۱۹, ۲۰۰۸.
- Shafaghat. R , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Nouri. N.M, Lashgari. I, "Shape Optimization Of Two-Dimensional Cavitators In Supercavitating Flows Using NSGA II Algorithm", Applied Ocean Research , Vol. ۳۰, pp. ۳۰۵-۳۱۰, ۲۰۰۸.
- Pak. A , Mohammadi. T , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Allahdini. V, " CFD Modeling Of Porous Membranes ", Journal Of Desalination , Vol. ۲۲۲, pp. ۴۸۲-۴۸۸, ۲۰۰۸.
- Doustdar. M. M , Hosseinalipour. S.M., Ghobadian. B, "An Experimental Investigation Of Lime Juice Driving In A Pilot Plant Spray Dryer" Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, Vol. ۲, pp. ۱۸۱-۱۸۸, ۲۰۰۶. m
- Doustdar. M. M, Mazaheri. K, Hosseinalipour. S. M. , "Computational Analysis Of Injection –Velocity Effects On Dynamic Parameters Of Unconfined Fuel – Vapor Clouds", Combustion, Explosion, And Shock Waves, Vol. ۱۱, No. ۵, pp. ۵۱۰-۵۲۰, ۲۰۰۵.
- Hosseinalipour. S. M , Amoli. A, "A Continuum Model For Pumping Performance Of Turbo Molecular Pumps In All Flow Regimes" Vacuum ۷۵, pp. ۳۶۱ – ۳۶۶, ۲۰۰۴.
- Hoseinalipour, S. M., Amoli, A. and Ebrahimi, R. ., “Direct Simulation of Free Molecular Flow in Fully ۳-D Axial Rotor”, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. ۱۸, No. ۱, January- March ۲۰۰۴.
- Amoli, A., Ebrahimi R., and Hoseinalipour, S. M. “Some Features of Molecular Flow in a Rotor-Stator Row with Real Topology”, Journal of Vacuum, Vol. ۱۰, No. ۲, ۲۰۰۳.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Mujumdar, AS.,"Flow and Thermal characteristics of Steady two Dimensional Confined Laminar Opposing Jets .۱. Equal Jets", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. ۲۴(۱):۲۷-۳۸, ۱۹۹۷.
- Hosseinalipour, S.M., Mujumdar, AS.,"Comparative Evaluation of Different Turbulence Models for Confined Impingigng and Opposing Jet Flows", Numerical Heat Transfer part A-Applications. ۲۸(۶):۶۴۷-۶۶۶, ۱۹۹۵.
- hosseinalipour, "parametric study of fuel vapor concentration distribution due to vaporization of fuel droplets in free atmosphere", iranian journal of mechanical engineering transactions of the isme
- hosseinalipour," Experimental investigation of characteristics of a Double-Base Swirl injector in liquid Rocket propellant engine",the pacific journal of science and technology
- hosseinalipour,"Effect of Hydrogen Addition to Natural Gas on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Combustion Engines Performance and Emissions Using a Thermodynamic Simulation",International journal of Automotive Engineering - ISAE
- hosseinalipour,"Effect of different electric load strategies on micro CHPs for buildings ", Int. J. of energy and technology
- hosseinalipour," ۳D numerical simulation of nanofluid laminar forced convection in a channel with localized heating",Australian J. of Basic and Applied Sciences
- hosseinalipour, " Introduction of a Chaotic Dough Mixer, Part B: Chaotic Behavior and Mixing Performancee", Life Science J.
- hosseinalipour , " Evaluation of a cooling performance of a typical full loaded cool storage using mono-scale CFD simulation", Modern Applied Science
- hosseinalipour , " Numerical Investigation of Thermal Mixing of Shear Thinning Fluids in One-Way Opposing Jets ", JCARME
- hosseinalipour , " Introduction of a Chaotic Dough Mixer, Part A: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation " , JOURNAL of Mechanical science and Technology