Fereidoun Amini |
Position: |
Professor |
Program Area: |
Structural Engineering |
Phone: |
(+98-21) 77240332 Ex: 8109 |
Fax: |
(+98-21) 77240398 |
Email: |
famini AT iust.ac.ir |
Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran |
Education: |
Ph.D. |
Polytechnic Institute of New York, U.S.A. |
M.S. Structure |
Polytechnic Institute of New York, U.S.A. |
M.S. Civil Eng |
Tehran University , Iran |
B.S. |
Tehran University, Iran |
Teaching Experiences
Journal Papers 1. Amini, F. , Khanmohammadi Hazaveh, N. and Abdolahi Rad, A. , “Wavelet PSO-Based LQR Algorithm for Optimal Structural Control Using Active Tuned Mass Dampers”, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering; 2013 00: 1-16. (IF=4.46) 2. Amini, F. and Ghaderi, P. , “Seismic motion control of structures: A developed adaptive backstepping approach”, Computers and Structures; 2013 114-115: 18-25. (IF=1.509) 3. Amini, F. and Ghaderi, P. , “Hybridization of Harmony Search and Ant Colony Optimization for optimal locating of structural dampers”, Applied Soft Computing; 2013 13: 2272-2280. (IF=2.140) 4. Bagheri, A. and Amini, F. , “Control of structures under uniform hazard earthquake excitation via wavelet analysis and pattern search method”, Struct. Control Health Monit.; 2013 20(5): 671-685. (IF=1.544) 5. Amin Afshar, M. and Amini, F. , “Non-linear dynamics of asymmetric structures under 2:2:1 resonance”, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics; 2012 47: 823-835. (IF=1.345) 6. Karami, K. and Amini, F. , “Decreasing the damage in smart structures using integrated online DDA/ISMP and semi-active control”, SMART MATER STRUCT; 2012 21(10): 105017. (IF=2.024) 7. Amini, F. and Karami, K. , “Damage detection algorithm based on identified system Markov parameters (DDA/ISMP) in building structures with limited sensors”, SMART MATER STRUCT; 2012 21(5): 055010. (IF=2.024) 8. Amini, F. and Ghaderi, P. , “Optimal locations for MR dampers in civil structures using improved Ant Colony Algorithm”, Optimal Control Applications and Methods; 2012 33(02): 232-248. (IF=1.062) 9. Amini, F. and Karami, K. , “Capacity design by developed pole placement structural control”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics; 2011 39(01): 147-168. (IF=0.766) 10. Amini, F. and Amin Afshar, M. , “Saturation in asymmetric structures under internal resonance”, Acta Mechanica; 2011 221(03): 353-368. (IF=1.247) 11. Amini, F. and Shadlou, M. , “Embedment effects of flexible foundations on control of structures”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; 2011 31: 1081-1093. (IF=1.276) 12. Amini, F. and Doroudi, R. , “Control of a building complex with Magneto-Rheological Dampers and Tuned Mass Damper”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics; 2010 36(02): 181-195. (IF=0.766) 13. Amini, F. and Shahidzadeh, M.S. , “Damage Detection Using a New Regularization Method with Variable Parameter”, Arch. Appl. Mech.; 2009. (IF=0.95) 14. Amini,F. , Maleki,A. and Danesh,F. , “Optimisation of Active Control of Structures by Pole Assigenment Method Using Genetic Algorithm”, ICASTOR Journal of Engineering ; 2009 31(02): 19-42. 15. Eslami, S.H. and Amini,F. , “Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors due to Scattering of Harmonic waves by a Crack in an Infinite Medium”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Material & Structures ; 2008 31: 918-927. (IF=0.861) 16. Amini,F. and Afshar,M.A. , “Modified Predictive Optimal Linear Control of Structures in Seismic Region”, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, Engineeering ; 2008 32(B2): 91-106. (IF=0.719) 17. Amini,F. and Vahdani,R. , “Fuzzy Optimal Control of Uncertain Dynamic Characteristics in Tall Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitation”, Journal of Vibration and Control; 2008 14(12):1834-1867. (IF=1.0) 18. Amini, F. and Vahdani, R. , “Modern Control Design of Seismically Excited Tall Buildings with Uncertain Dynamic Characteristics”, International Journal of Civil Engineering; 2007 5(3): 198-209. (IF=0.695) 19. Amini,F. and Karagah,H. , “Optimal Placement of Semi Active Dampers by Pole Assignment Method”, Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, Engineeering ; 2006 30(B1) :31-41. (IF=0.719) 20. Amini,F. and Tavasoli, M.R. , “Opitimal Structural Active Control Force, Number and Placement of Controllers”, Engineering Structures; 2005 27:1306-1316. (IF=1.713) 21. Amini,F. and Khodaei,J. , “Ductility and Response Modification Factor of Ordinary Moment Resistant Frames with Added Damping and Stiffness (ADAS) Elements By Nonlinear Static Analysis and Capacity Spectrum Method”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE ; 2004 15(01): 15-25. (IF=1.691) 22. Amini, F. and Farahmand Azar, B. , “Optimal active control of structures by pole assignment method”, High Performance Structures and Composites; 2002 : 419-428. Conference Papers
Research Projects
Awards and Scholarships
Assignments and Consultations
Proffesional Memeberships
Attendance in International Official Meetings