Ghassemi |
Full Name: Dr. Ghassemi, Hojat
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: 98-21-77240540-50 Ex:2902
Fax: 98-21-77240488
Email: h_ghassemi AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, IRAN
Google Scholar
University Degrees
- PhD, Sharif University, Iran
- MSc, Sharif University, Iran
- BSc, Ferdosi University, Iran
Research Interests
- Advanced propulsion systems
- Combustion and Gasification
- Atomization and Sprays
Journal papers
- Shahsavan Markadeh R., Ghassemi H., "A discrete multicomonent droplet evaporation model; effects of O2-enrichment, steam injection and EGR on evaporation of diesel droplet", Numerical Heat Transfer Part A: Applications, (2018), 73, 721-742.
- Azimi A., Arabkhalaj A., Shahsavan Markadeh R., Ghassemi H., "Fully transient modeling of the heavy fuel oil droplets evaporation", Fuel, (2018), 230, 52-63.
- Najafi S.M.A, Ghassemi H., "Supercritical Water Gasification of a Heavy Fuel Oil", Petroleum Science and Technology, (2018), 36, 675-681.
- Arabkhalaj A., Azimi A., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan Markadeh R., "A fully transient approach on evaporation of multi-component droplets", Applied Thermal Engineering, (2017) 125, 584-595.
- Azimi A., Arabkhalaj A., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan Markadeh R., "Effect of unsteadiness on droplet evaporation", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, (2017), 120, 354-365.
- Kamyab Matin R., Ghassemi H., Ebrahimi A., Ghasemi B., "Experimental study of flow field on stepped airfoil at very low Reynolds number", Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Accepted.
- Motahari Nezhad M., Beheshti S.M., Shahraki S., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "On dynamic behavior of premixed counterflow flame propagation", Thermochimica Acta, (2016), 632, 86-90.
- Arabkhalaj A., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan Markadeh R., "Thermodynamic evaluation of Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle; Comparison between high-ash and low-ash coals", International Journal of Energy Research, (2016) 40, 1638-1651.
- Kamyab Matin R., Ghassemi H., Arzideh M.H., "Numerical Study of the Effect of Geometrical Changes on the Airfoil Aerodynamic Performance", International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, (2016), 43, 28-38.
- Barzegar Khaleghi M.S., Shahsavan Markadeh R., Ghassemi H., "Thermodynamic evaluation of Mazut gasification for using in power generation", Petroleum Science and Technology, (2016) 34, 531-538.
- Labbafan A., Ghassemi H., "Numerical modeling of an E-Gas entrained flow gasifier to characterize a high-ash coal gasification", Energy Conversion and Management, (2016), 112, 337-349.
- Ghassemi H., Mostafavi S.M., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "Modeling of high ash coal gasification in an entrained flow gasifier and an IGCC plant", Journal of Energy Engineering-ASCE, Accepted.
- Ghassemi H., Beheshti S.M., Shahsavan-markadeh R., "Process behavior of extra heavy oil gasification under different fuel water contents", Fuel, (2015) 162, 258-263.
- Beheshti S.M., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "An advanced biomass gasification-proton exchange membrane fuel cell (BG-PEMFC) system for power generation", Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted.
- Beheshti S.M., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "Process simulation of biomass gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor", Energy Conversion and Management, (2015) 94, 345-352.
- Ashrafizadeh M., Ghassemi H., "Experimental and numerical investigation on the performance of small-sized cavitating venturis", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, (2015) 42, 6-15.
- Beheshti S.M., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R, Fremaux S., "Hydrogen-rich gas production via CaO sorption-enhanced steam gasification of rice hask: A modeling Study", Environmental Technology, (2015), 36, 1327-1333.
- Ghassemi H., Meibody M.N.P., Shaabani Lakeh K., "Experimental investigation on hybrid motor using HTPB/AP composite fuel and hydrogen peroxide oxidizer", Proceeding of Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, (2015), 229, 1171-1182.
- Fremaux S., Beheshti S.M., Ghassemi H, Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "An experimental stuody on hydrogen-rich gas production via steam gasification of biomass in a research scale fluidized bed", Energy Conversion and Management, (2015) 91, 427-432.
- Beheshti S.M., Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "Modeling steam gasification of Orimulsion in presence of KOH: A strategy for high-yield hydrogrn production", Petroleum Science and Technology, (2015), 33, 218-225.
- Ghassemi H., Beheshti S.M., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "A Comprehensive Study on gasification of petroleum wastes based on a mathematical model', Petroleum Science and Technology, (2014), 32, 2674-2681.
- Ghassemi H., Beheshti S.M., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "Pyrolysis of Orimulsion: A comprehensive model based on chemical equilibrium", Petroleum Science and Technology, (2014), 32, 2666-2673.
- Ghassemi H., Shahsavan-Markadeh R., "Effects of various operational parameters on biomass gasification process; a modified equilibrium model", Energy Conversion and Management (2014), 79, pp 18-24.
- Ghassemi H., Fasih H.F., "Propulsive characteristics of metal fuel-rich pyrotechnics in hydro-reactive motors", Aerospace Science and Technology, (2013), 28, pp 1-8.
- Ghassemi H., Fasih H.F., " Application of small size cavitating venturi as flow controller and flow meter", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation", Volume 22, Issue 5, 2011,pp 406-412
- Qasim Sarwar Khan, Seung Wook Baek, Hojat Ghassemi, On the Autoignition and Combustion Characteristics of Kerosene Droplets at Elevated Pressure and Temperature, Combustion Science and Technology, Volume 179, Issue 12, 2007, pp 2437 – 2451.
- Hojat Ghassemi, Seung Wook Baek, Qasim Sarwar Khan, Experimental Study on Evaporation of Kerosene Droplets at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures, Combustion Science and Technology, Volume 178, Issue 9, 2006, Pages 1669 – 1684.
- Hojat Ghassemi, Seung Wook Baek; Qasim Sarwar Khan, Experimental Study on Binary Droplet evaporation at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures, Combustion Science and Technology, Volume 178, Issue 6, 2006, Pages 1031 – 1053.
- Mehdi Golafshani, Mohammad Farshchi, Hojat Ghassemi, Effects of Grain Geometry on Pulse-Triggered Combustion Instability in Rocket Motors, Journal of Propulsion and Power 2002.