Personal Details
Surname: Molatefi
Name: Habibollah
Date of birth: 1974
E-mail: molatefi iust.ac.ir , molatefi gmail.com
ResearcherID Profile: Habibollah Molatefi
ORCiD Profile: Habibollah Molatefi
Google Scholar Profile: Habibollh Molatefi
Present Position
Railway Rolling Stock Engineering
Tel: +98-21-77240158
Email: molatefi iust.ac.ir
Education and Qualifications
i) University Degrees
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran (2006)
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran (1998)
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University, Iran (1996)
ii) Selected Short Course Certificates
“Workshop on the ADAMS-Rail software”, held by the MSC Software Group, Berlin (Germany), March 2003.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since September 2008.
Courses Taught
· Engineering Mechanics- Statics
· Strength of Materials I
· Strength of Materials Lab
· Dynamics
· Machine Design
· Vibration
· Rail Vehicle Dynamics
· Fundamentals of the Railway Engineering
· Contact Mechanics
· Advanced Railway Dynamics
· Engineering Optimization
Research Interests
· Contact Mechanics
· Rail Vehicle Dynamics
· Railway Vehicle Design & Test
Publications - Journal papers
H Molatefi, A Mazraeh "On the investigation of wheel flange climb derailment mechanism and methods to control it" , Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2016 54 (2), 541-550
H Molatefi, H Mozafari, S Najafian "Laboratory test and FEM analysis on a developed continuous rail absorber (CRA)" , Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2016 , 30 (3), 1049-1054
H Mozafari, S Khatami, H Molatefi, V Crupi, G Epasto, E Guglielmino "Finite element analysis of foam-filled honeycomb structures under impact loading and crashworthiness design" , International journal of crashworthiness 2016 , 21 (2), 148-160
F Vesali, H Molatefi, MA Rezvani "Using new analytical algorithm to study the effect of temperature variations on static shape of contact wire of OCS" , Journal of VIBROENGINEERING (JVE) 2016, 18 (Issue 4), 2061-2073
· Molatefi H , Najafian S, Mozafari H. "Fracture mechanics of planetary gear set by using extended finite element method-linear elastic fracture mechanics approach", Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Volume 13, Number 2, 87-96.
· Mozafari H, Khatami S, Molatefi H. "Out of plane crushing and local stiffness determination of proposed foam filled sandwich panel for Korean Tilting Train eXpress-Numerical study", 2015, Volume 66, Part B, 400-411.
· Molatefi H , Mozafari H. "Investigation on in-plane behavior of bare and foam-filled honeycombs in quasi-static and dynamic states by using numerical method", Modares Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 177-185.
· Mozafari H, Molatefi H, Crupi V, Epasto G, Guglielmino. "In plane compressive response and crushing of foam filled aluminum honeycombs", Journal of composite materials, 2015, Volume 49, Number 26, 3215-3228.
· Molatefi H , Mozafari H. "Analysis of new method for vertical measurement in the barycenter of the rail web by using FEM", Measurement, 2013, Volume 46, Number 8, 2313-2323.
· Molatefi H , Shadfar M. " Sensitivity of Train Velocity and Track Curvature on Wear in Closed Loop Wheel-Rail Profiles ", International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 2013, Volume 5, Number 2, 75-79.
· Molatefi H , Izadbakhsh S. "Continuous rail absorber design using decay rate calculation in FEM", Structural Engineering Mechanics, 2013, Volume 48, Number 4, 455-466.
· Molatefi H , Izadbakhsh S. “Vibration decay rate analysis and test on ballasted railway track”, Journal of Transportation Research, 2012, Volume 8, Number 429, 389-401.
· Zeynolabedini MH, Molatefi H, Zohoor H, Dargazi M. “Modeling of depressed center wagon and optimization of its suspension for transporting of high weight transformers on straight rail in vertical direction”, Modares Mechanical Engineering, 2013, Volume 12, Number 2, 20-29.
· Mohammadzadeh S, Sangtarashha M, Molatefi H. “A novel method to estimate derailment probability due to track geometric irregularities using reliability techniques and advanced simulation methods”, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2011, Volume 81, Number 11, 1621-1637.
· Gheisari M, Molatefi H, Ahmadi SS. “Third Order Formulation for Vibrating Non-Homogeneous Cylindrical Shells in Elastic Medium”, Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2011, Volume 3, Number 4, 346-352.
· Molatefi H , Firouzabadi Z. “Analyzing the interaction between wheel profile S1002 and Iran profiles to investigate wheel-rail wear and wheelset behavior”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2011, Volume 2, Number 48, 363-374.
· Molatefi H , Hecht M, Kadivar MH. “Effect of Suspension System in the Lateral Stability of Railway Freight Trucks”, IMechE, part F, JRRT, 2007, Volume 221, Number 3, 399-407.
· Molatefi H , Hecht M, Kadivar M. H. “Critical speed and limit cycles in the empty Y25-freight truck”, IMechE, part F JRRT, 2006, Volume 220, Number 4, 347-359.
· Kadivar MH, Molatefi H. “Effects of wheel profiles on stability, running behavior and wear of wheels in MD36 bogie”, 2005, Sharif: Mechanical engineering, Volume 21, Number 31, 3-11.
Conference Attendance
· Molatefi H , Hecht M, Kadivar MH. “Using Simulation For Analyzing Wheel Wear in Iranian Passenger Rail Vehicle”, International Railway Symposium 2006, 13-15 September, Ankara and Istanbul, Turkey.