Professor Mohammad G. Dekamin

Professor Mohammad G. Dekamin

Full Professor

  Tel: +98- (0)21- 77 240 284 

         +98- (0)21- 77 240 540 - 50 (Ext. 2703)  (Office)

  Fax:   +98- (0)21- 7749 1204

  E-mail: mdekamin AT

Google Scholar Link 

Familiar Languages: English, Persian and Arabic

  Marital Status: Married (2 Children)

            AWT IMAGE     

Address: College of Chemistry , Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, 16846-13114, Iran          

Educational Background:

1. Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, under advising of Professor Firouz Matloubi Moghaddam (Title of the Ph.D. Thesis: Investigation of the Supported Reagents and Microwave Irradiation in Dry Media for Organic Synthesis), Sharif University of Technology [Visiting Scholar, under advising of Professor James H. Clark, Clean Technology Center (UK Green Chemistry Group), Department of Chemistry, The University of York, York, UK, July 2001- March 2002], Cumulative Average = 18.86/ 20, First Class, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 1997- Feb. 2003.

2. M. Sc., Organic Chemistry, under advising of Professor Mohammad S. Khajavi, (Title of the M.Sc. Thesis: New Methodologies in Heterocyclic Chemistry), Cumulative Average = 18.52/ 20, First Class, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 1995-Aug. 1997.

3. B.Sc., Pure Chemistry, Cumulative Average = 18.72/ 20, First Class, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran, Sep. 1991- Jul. 1995.

Professional Background:

1. Full Professor, Iran University of Science and Technolgy, April 2019 - Present.

2. Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, April 2011- April 2019.

3. Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, October 2004- May 2011.

4. Assistant Professor, Isfahan University of Technology, June 2003- September 2004.

5. Teaching Assistant, Sharif University of Technology, Sep. 1997- Jul. 2001.

6. Instructor, Shahid Beheshti University, 1995-1997.

7. Preparation of Buprenorphine from Thebaine and Involvement in Designing of a High Pressure Hydrogenation Reactor, Sharif University  Technology and Pasteur Institute of Iran (An Efficient Analgesic Alkaloid Drug), 2001- 2003.

Research Interests:

We are interested in Organic Synthesis towards Pharmaceutical and Biologically-Active Compounds using Green Chemistry principles. In this regard, my research team is working on the following research fields:

1) Heterogeneous Catalysis Especially Synthetic Nano-Sized Materials Or Natural Nano-Biocomposites.

2) Homogeneous Catalysis Especially Organocatalysis (Transition Metal-Free Catalysis). Indeed, some efficient organocatalysts have been introduced to the Chemical Community by our research group. These include Potassium Phthalimide-N-oxyl (POPINO), Tetrabutylammonium Phthalimide-N-oxyl (TBAPINO) and Tetraethylammonium 2-(N-hydroxycarbamoyl) benzoate (TEANHCB).

3) Application of Biopolymers such as chitosan or alginic acid in pure or modified forms. Indeed, this part of our research interest is a bridge between the Heterogeneous Catalysis and Organocatalysis.

4) Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry (Multicomponent Reactions, Rearrangement Reactions, Reactions under Solvent-Free conditions, Reactions in Aqueous Media, Production of Chemicals from Agriculture Supplies, and New Energy Inputs Such as Microwaves, Ultrasound, and Ball Milling).

Peer-Reviewed Published Journal Articles

Manuscripts to be prepared

Presented Papers and Abstracts in International and National Conferences, Seminars and Congresses

 Courses Taught:

1. Advanced Heterocyclic Chemistry (Ph.D Level for Organic Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

2. Special Topics in Organic Chemistry (Applications of Silicon Reagents in Organic Synthesis, Ph.D Level for Organic Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

3. Medicinal Chemistry (MSc. Level for Organic Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

4. Supramolecular Chemistry (MSc. Level for Nano Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

5. Advanced Organic Chemistry (MSc. Level for Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

6. Heterocyclic Chemistry (MSc. Level for Organic Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

7. Identification of Organic Compounds by Spectroscopic Methods (MSc. Level for Organic Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

8. English for Chemists (MSc. Level for Chemistry Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

9. Application of Polymers as Biomaterial (MSc. Level for Biomaterial Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

10. Fundamental of Organic Chemistry (BSc. Level for Chemical Engineering Students, Iran University of Science and Technology and Isfahan University of Technology).

11. Fundamental of Organic Chemistry (BSc. Level for Agriculture Engineering Students, Isfahan University of Technology).

12. General Chemistry (BSc. Level for Engineering Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

13. Organic Chemistry I Lab  (BSc. Level for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Students Isfahan University of Technology).

14. Separation and Identification of Organic Compounds Lab (Isfahan University of Technology).

15. General Chemistry I Lab (BSc. Level for Engineering Students, Iran University of Science and Technology).

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