Dr. Mojaradi, Barat

Barat Mojaradi



Associate Professor

Program Area:

Geomatics Eng.


(+98-21) 73227153


(+98-21) 77240398


Mojaradi AT iust.ac.ir

Address: Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 1684613114, Iran



K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Tabriz University, Iran

Link to Google Scholar

Areas of Interest

Hyperspectral imaging

Pattern Recognition

Course Taught

M.S. Digital Image Processing, Management of Remotely sensed data, Digital Train Modeling.

B.S. Principles of Remote Sensing, Applied Remote Sensing.

Reviewers of the journals

Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and remote sensing

Reviewer of IEEE Geosciences and remote sensing Letters

Reviewer of SPIE Journal of Applies Remote Sensing


The first rank student in Ph.D. entrance exam.

Remote Sensing Exemplary Researcher Award, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, 2006.

Recipient of the ISPRS award “Innovative Solving Problem" The Netherlands, 2006.

Exemplary Lecturer Award, Shaheed Rajaei Teacher Training University, 2009.


Journal Papers:

1. Emami, H. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi, “The Effect of Soil Salinity on the Universal Triangle Method to Estimate Saline Soil Moisture from Landsat Data: Application to SMAPEx-2 and SMAPEx-3 Campaigns” International journal of remote sensing, Accepted, 2017. (Q1, IF= 1.64)

2. Emami, H. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi, “Fusion Methods for Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature Retrieval of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission Data ” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 3842–3855, 2016. (Q1, IF= 3.467)

3. Emami, H. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi, “A new approach for land surface emissivity estimation using LDCM data in semi-arid areas: exploitation of the ASTER spectral library dataset" International journal of remote sensing, vol. 37, no. 21, pp. 5060-5085, 2016. ( Q1, IF= 1.64)

4. Hamed Noori. Seyed Mostafa Siadatmousavi. Barat Mojaradi “Assessment of sediment yield using RS and GIS at two sub-basins of Dez Watershed, Iran” International Soil and Water Conservation Research Volume 4, Issue 3,Pages 199-206, September 2016.

5. Khojastehnazhand, M. , M.H. Khoshtaghaza, B. Mojaradi, M. Goodarzi, “Texture Quality Analysis of Rainbow Trout Using Compression Test and Hyperspectral Imaging Methods” IJFP, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 974-983, 2016 (Q1, IF= 0.99)

6. A.Izadipour B.Akbarib B.Mojaradi “A Feature Selection Approach for Segmentation of Very High-Resolution Satellite Images" PE&RS, vol. 82, no. 3, pp. 213–222, 2016 (Q2, IF= 1.6)

7. Gholizadeh, H., Mojaradi, B., & Zoej, M. J. V. (2015). Local prototype space-based band selection for hyperspectral subpixel analysis. Photogrammetrie-Fernerkundung-Geoinformation, no. 5, pp. 373-380, 2015 (Q2, IF=0.73).

8. B. Ghobadipour, B.Mojaradi “Comment on: M. Abedi, S. A. Torabi, Gh. Norouzi and M. Hamzeh, ‘ELECTRE III: A knowledge-driven method for integration of geophysical data with geological and geochemical data in mineral prospectivity mapping” Journal of Applied Geophysics, no.117 , pp. 136-137, 2015. (Q2, IF=1.301)

9. B. Ghobadipour, A.M. khaki, B.Mojaradi, F. Naghibi S. Maghsoudy “Integration of GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method for Locating Road Emergency Medical Services Station” Geosystem engineering, vol. 18, no.2., pp. 92-103, 2015

10. Mirnazari, J., Ahmad, Baharin, Mojaradi, B., Sattari, F ".Using Frequency Ratio Method for Spatial Landslide Prediction" Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7 No.15., pp. 3174-3180, 2014

11. S. boordbar, A. Chavochian, B. Mojaradi “Investigation on the application of different satellites in snow measuring studies and the recommendation of appropriate one” Journal of Middle East Applied Science and Technology, vol. 8, no.2., pp. 221-225, 2014

12. Khojastehnazhand, M. , M.H. Khoshtaghaza, B. Mojaradi, M. Goodarzi, W. Saeys, M. Rezaei, “ Comparison of Visible–Near Infrared and Short Wave Infrared hyperspectral imaging for the evaluation of freshness” food research international, vol. 56, pp.25-34,2014, (Q1, IF= 3. 005)

13. M Ghamary Asl, MR Mobasheri, B Mojaradi “Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Geometrical Measures in Prototype Space for Hyperspectral Imagery” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 99, no., pp. 0196-2892, 2013. (Q1, IF =3.467)

14. S Khazai, B Mojaradi “A modified kernel-RX algorithm for anomaly detection in hyperspectral images” A.J. Geosciences, pp. 1-9, 2013. (Q1, IF= 0.74)

15. Hamzeh, H. , A.A. Naseri, S.K.AlaviPanah, B. Mojaradi, H.M.Bartholomeus “Estimating salinity stress in sugarcane fields with spaceborne hyperspectral vegetation indices" International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, VOL.21, pp.282-290, 2013 (Q1, IF= 2.176)

16. Yousefzadeh, M. , B. Mojaradi, “Combined rigorous-generic direct orthorectification procedure for IRS-p6 sensors" ISPRS journal, VOL.74, pp.122-132, 2012 (Q1, IF =3.313)

17. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, , B. Mojaradi, “Imroving the SVDD approach to hyperspectral image classification " IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., Let., VOL. 9, NO. 4, pp.594-598, 2012(Q1, IF =1. 823)

18. Gholizadeh, H. , M.J. Valadan Zoej ,B. Mojaradi, “A Decision Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Subpixel Target Detection” Journal of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation processing, DGPF, VOL. 3, pp.267-280,2012, (Q2, IF 0. 74)

19. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi, “Performance Comparison of Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images " Journal of photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformation processing, DGPF, VOL. 1, pp.19-30,2012, (Q2, IF =0. 74)

20. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, , B. Mojaradi, “A Time-Efficient Single Band Selection Method for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery " IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2012, (Q1, IF =2.874)

21. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi, “Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on an Adaptive Support Vector Method " IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Let., VOL. 8, NO. 4, pp.646-650, 2011 (Q1, IF =1. 44)

22. Emami, H., B. Mojaradi, “A New Method for Accuracy Assessment of Sub-Pixel Classification Results” AJEAS, vol. 2, pp.456-465, 2009.

23. Mojaradi, B., H. Abrishami Moghadam, M.J. Valadan Zoej, Robert P.W. Duin, “Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Data via Spectral Feature Extraction” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2091–2105, 2009. (Q1, IF= 3.467)

Conference Papers

1. M Ghamary Asl, MR Mobasheri, B Mojaradi “Virtual Dimensionality Estimation in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Unsupervised Feature Selection" ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 3, No.7, 2016

2. R. Ramak, M.J. Valadan Zouj, B. Mojaradi “IMPROVING LINEAR SPECTRAL UNMIXING THROUGH LOCAL END MEMBER DETECTION” The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 40, No.30, 2015

3. M. Zohari,M.Esmaili, M. Motagh, B. Mojaradi “Comparison of X-Band, L-Band and C-band Radar images in monitoring subsidence in agricultural area” 9th International Workshop- Fring 2015 -ESA

4. A. Izadipour, A.Behzad, B. Mojaradi “A new feature selection method for segmentation of VHR satellite image” IEEE 16th Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA), 2014

5. T. Alipour Fard, B. Mojaradi, A. Esmaeily “Feature extraction of hyperspectral images based on reformulate computation of between class scatter matrixes” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012

6. S Sharifi Hashjin, A Hoseinpoor Milaghardan, A Esmaeily, B Mojaradi, F Naseri “Forest fire hazard modeling using hybrid AHP and fuzzy AHP methods using MODIS sensor”
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012

7. Hamed Gholizadeh, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Barat Mojaradi, " A Novel Hyperspectral Image Clustering Method Based on Spectral Unmixing", IEEE Conference on Aerospace, 978-1-4577-0557-1/12, Montana, USA.

8. Hamed Gholizadeh, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Barat Mojaradi, "A Decision Fusion Approach for Clustering of Hyperspectral Data Using Spectral Unmixing Methods", IEEE Conference on Aerospace, 978-1-4577-0557-1/12, Montana, USA.

9. Hamed Gholizadeh, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Barat Mojaradi, "Impact of informative band selection on target detection performance", Presented at the SPIE 2011 conference, 19-22 Sep, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

10. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, B. Mojaradi and S. Homayouni "A Fast-Adaptive Support Vector Method for Full Pixel Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images" IEEE Conference on IGARSS, 24-29 July, 2011, PP. 1763-64 , Vancouver, Canada.

11. Hamed Gholizadeh, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, Barat Mojaradi, "A comparative study of subpixel target detectors for hyperspectral imagery", Presented at the Geomatic 90 Conference, National Cartographic Center of Iran, May, 2011, Tehran, Iran.

12. Khazai, S. , A. Safari, S. Homayouni and B. Mojaradi "a performance comparisons between recent anomaly detectors on hyperspectral images" SMPR, 18-19 May, 2011, Tehran, IRAN

13. Yousefzadeh, M. , S. Sadeghian and B. Mojaradi "Direct georeferencing of linear array sensors through topocentric coordinate system " SMPR, 18-19 May, 2011, Tehran, IRAN

14. Mojaradi, B., H.Emami, “A novel band selection method for hyperspectral data analysis” XXIst ISPRS Congress, 3-11 Jul 2008 Beijing, CHINA

15. Mojaradi, B., H. Ashoori, “Improving classification accuracy via proper contextual feature selection in high spatial resolution satellite imagery” XXIst ISPRS Congress, 3-11 Jul 2008 Beijing, CHINA

16. Mojaradi, B., M. Jamal Abad, “Impact of Indices for estimation of area under wheat cultivation USING ASTER IMAGES” MapAsia, Malaysia, 2008.

17. Soofbaf, S.R., H. Fahimnejad, M. J. Valadan Zoej, B. Mojaradi,. “Anomaly Detection Algorithms from Hyperspectral Imagery” Map World Forum, 22-25 Jan. , 2007, India.

18. Mojaradi, B., H. Abrishami Moghadam, M. J. Valadan Zoej, “Investigating of Geometrical and Asymptotical Properties of Hyperspectral Data for Discriminant Analysis” 8-11 May 2006, Enschede, the Netherlands.

19. Ashoori, H., Alimohammadi, Mojaradi, B., “Generating Image-based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy of High Resolution Images” 8-11 May 2006, Enschede, the Netherlands.

20. Maghsoudi, M., B. Mojaradi, M.J. Zouj, “Weighted Combination Of Multiple Classifiers For The Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using a Genetic Algorithm” 8-11 May 2006, Enschede, the Netherlands.

21. Shojaei, A., M. Seai, B. Mojaradi, B. “Producing 3D-Model of Earth using satellite Images and Topographic Mape for Railway Desing” 29 Aug. - 1 Sep. , 2006, Bangkok, Thailand

22. Emami, H., S.B. Fatemi, B. Mojaradi, “Introducing correctness coefficient as an accuracy measure for sub pixel classification results” Map Asia 2005

23. Ashori, H., M.J. Zouj, B. Mojaradi, “Using Contextual Information for Improving Classification Accuracy” Map Middle East, 23-25 April, 2005, Dubai.

24. Ashori, H., Alimohammadi, B. Mojaradi, “Improving classification Accuracy by Combining Spectral and Texture-based Feature Spaces in High Resolution Multispectral Images” ACRS 2005, 7-11 November, 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam.

25. Maghsoudi, M., B. Mojaradi, M.J. Valadan Zoej, “Using a Weighted Random Subspace Method to Improve the Classification Accuracy of Hyperspectral Images” 2005, 7-11 November, 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam.

26. Fatemi, S.B., B. Mojaradi, M. Varshosaz, “Introducing an Accuracy Indicator Based on Uncertainty Related Measures” ISPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.

27. Mojaradi, B., C. Locas, M. Varshosaz, “Using learning cellular automata for post classification satellite imagery” ISPRS 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.

28. Zouj, M.J., A. Mansourian, B. Mojaradi, M. Sadeghi, “2DGeometric Correction of IKONOS Imagery Using Genetic Algorithm” CIG 2002, Ottawa, Canada.

Supervisor and co-supervisor of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students (Selected Topics)

1. Using nonparametric weighted feature extractor for dimensionality reduction of the hyperspectral images

2. Dimensionality reduction of the hyperspectral images using projection pursuit

3. Improving linear spectral unmixing using soft classifiers output

4. Feasibility study in assessment of plant water stress using hyperspectral images

5. Enhancement, Source detection and Zonation of Dust Masses in Southwest of Iran Using MODIS data

6. Spectral analysis and classification of igneous and metamorphic rocks of Hamedan region for remote sensing studies, using laboratory reflectance spectra (350-2500 nm)

7. Identification and quantitative estimates of the amount of clay and limestone in alluvial soils on south of Ahvaz using Hyperion hyperspectral image

8. New approaches for segmentation of high resolution satellite imagery

9. New approaches for unsupervised feature selection trough prototype space

10. Accuracy assessment of anomaly detection algorithms in HyperSpectral Imaging

11. Decision fusion and its application to subpixel target detection for Hyperspectral data

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