دکتر باقر ذهبیون


باقر ذهبیون


رتبه علمی


گروه آموزشی

(+9821) - 73228157


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Bagher AT iust.ac.ir

پست الکترونیکی

محل کار دانشکده مهندسی عمران، ساختمان شماره 2 - اتاق 420

آدرس پستی: تهران، نارمک، دانشگاه علم وصنعت ایران، دانشکده عمران، کد پستی 13114-16846


عمران - آب، دانشگاه نیوکاسل، انگلستان، 1999


هیدرولژی و منابع آب، دانشگاه بروکسل بلژیک، 1988

کارشناسی ارشد

مهندسی راه و ساختمان، دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر (پلی‌تکنیک تهران)



1993-1999 Ph.D. in Civil and Geosciences Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

1988-1989 MSc. in Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium.

1970-1974 B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Additional Courses Taken

One-year, International Post Graduate Diploma Course in Hydrology, International Institute of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, Netherlands, 1986-1987.

Ten weeks, International Course in Urban Drainage, held by Germany and the Netherlands, Bangkok, Thailand, 1992.

Four weeks, International Course in River Engineering and Sediment, held by China and the Netherlands, Tehran Polytechnic University, Tehran, Iran, 1990.

Two weeks, International Workshop in Climate and Water affairs, Skopje, Macedonia, Held by Unesco and WMO, 2009

Occupational History

a) 1999-2023 Associate Professor in Water & Environment Engineering, University of Science & Technology. Tehran, Iran. Lecturing and teaching subjects such as Geography, Geology, Climatology, Statistics & Probability, Meteorology, Engineering Hydrology, Water & Wastewater Engineering, Mathematical Modelling in Hydrology, Stochastic Modelling, Probabilistic Processes (Time series Modelling) in Hydrology, Flood Control Engineering, Climate and Land use Change Impact Assessment as well as Supervising numerous MSc & PhD Projects and Dissertations.

b) 2006-2008 Advisor in Hydrology and Hydraulic Design Projects, Iran Water and Power Development Company (IWPC).

c) 1992-1993 Director of Water Research Centre, affiliated to the Ministry for Construction, Tehran, Iran. Managing various departments such as Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering, Coastal Engineering, River Engineering, Instrumental Engineering & Mathematical Modelling.

d) 1989-1992 Hydrological Researcher in Water Research Centre, affiliated to the Ministry for Construction, Tehran, Iran. Working as a team member in various research groups.


Books and Reports

  • Water melody in the passage of time, Translation from Persian into English, IRCOLD publication (2003).

  • A Review of Solid Waste Management for Greater Tehran, SHWRU Publication (2002), University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Journal Papers

Panahi, D.M., Blauhut, V., Raziei, T.& Zahabiyoun, B. (2023). Drought vulnerability range assessment: A dynamic and impact driven method for multiple vulnerable systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 91. 1-20.

Panahi, D.M., Destouni, G., Kalantari, Z. & Zahabiyoun, B. (2022). Distinction of driver contributions to wetland decline and their associated basin hydrology around Iran. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 42. 1-16.

Khazaei, M.R., Hasirchian, M., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2021). An improved daily weather generator for the assessment of regional climate change impacts. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (146). 475–487

Panahi, D.M., Tabas, S.S., Kalantari, Z., Ferreira, C.S.S., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2021). Spatio-temporal assessment of global gridded evapotranspiration datasets across Iran. Remote Sens., 13, 1816.

Khazaei, M.R., Zahabiyoun, B. & Hasirchian, M., (2020). A new method for improving the performance of weather generators in reproducing low‐frequency variability and in downscaling. International Journal of Climatology. 1-16.

Dehghanipour, A.H., Schoups G., Zahabiyoun, B., & Babazadeh, H (2020). Meeting agricultural and environmental water demand in endorheic irrigated river basins: A simulation-optimization approach applied to the Urmia Lake basin in Iran. Agricultural Water Management (241). 1-15.

Khazaei, M.R., Zahabiyoun, & B. Hasirchian, M. (2020). Comparison of IWG and SDSM weather generators for climate change impact assessment. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (140). 859-870.

Rahimi, A., Zonoozi, M., Rahimi, R. and Zahabiyoun, B. (2020). Photocatalytic activity of GO-doped bismuth-based photocatalyst for Methyl Orange decolorization under visible light irradiation. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT (180). 360-369.

Dehghanipour, A.H., Zahabiyoun, B., Schoups G., & Babazadeh, H(2019).A WEAP-MODFLOW surface water-groundwater model for the irrigated Miyandoab plain, Urmia Lake basin, Iran: Multi-objective calibration and quantification of historical drought impacts. Agricultural Water Management (223), 1-21.

Zamanipour, M., Saadatpour M. and Zahabiyoun, B. (2018). Simulation-Optimization Approach Based on Meta-Model in Optimal Design of Inter-Basin Water Transfer System. Iran-Water Resources Research Volume (IR-WRR) 14(1), 198-215.

Sadeghi-Tabas, S., Samadi, S.Z. and Zahabiyoun, B. (2017). Application of Bayesian Algorithm in Continuous Streamflow Modeling of a Mountain Watershed. European Water57(1), 101-108, E.W. Publications.

Hajian, F., Dykes, A.P., Zahabiyoun, B. and Ibsenc, M. (2016). Prediction of climate change effects on the runoff regime of a forested catchment in northern Iran. HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL, VOL. 61, NO. 15, 2729–2739.

Khazaei, M. R., Zahabiyoun, B., Saghafian, B., & Ahmadi, S. (2014). Development of an automatic calibration tool using genetic algorithm for the ARNO conceptual rainfall-runoff model. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39(4), 2535-2549.

Sharafati, A., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2014). Rainfall Threshold Curves Extraction by Considering Rainfall-Runoff Model Uncertainty. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39(10), 6835-6849.

Khazaei, M. R., Ahmadi, S., Saghafian, B., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2013). A new daily weather generator to preserve extremes and low-frequency variability. Climatic change, 119(3-4), 631-645.

Sharafati, A., Zahabiyoun, B., (2013). Stochastic generation of storm pattern. Life Science Journal 10, 1575-1583.

Zahabiyoun, B., Goodarzi, M.R., Massah Bavani, A.R., Azamathulla, H.M., (2013). Assessment of climate change impact on the Gharesou river basin using SWAT hydrological model. Clean-Soil, Air, Water 41 (6), 601–609.

Zahabiyoun, B., Goodarzi, M. R., & Bavani, A. R. (2012). Simulation of rainfall –runoff on Gharesou watershed using SWAT model. Science Series Data Report. 4(1), 28-37.

Khazaei, M. R., Zahabiyoun, B., and Saghafian, B. (2012).“Assessment of climate changeimpact on floods using weather generator and continuous rainfall-runoff model.” Int. J. Climatology., 32(13), 1997–2006.

Zahabiyoun. B. (2007) Impact Assessment of Climate Change onRainfall over a Small Catchment. International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.4, No. 1.

Zahabiyoun. B. (2004). A Catchment ModelParameterisation to Account for Land-use Change. International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.9, No. 3.

Conference Papers

Moshir Panahi, D., Amin Jafari, S., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2020). Why water bodies of Iran have been dried up?. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 17006).

Dehghanipour, A. H., Schoups, G., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2020). “Simulation–optimization model for optimum water allocation between environmental and agricultural demand using a coupled WEAP-MODFLOW model: Application in Miyandoab plain, Urmia basin, Iran”, Online presented at EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Dehghanipour, A. H, Zahabiyoun, B., & Schoups, G. (2019). “Simulation–optimization modeling for sustainable conjunctive water management in irrigated agriculture: WEAP-MODFLOW application in the Miyandoab plain, Urmia basin, Iran”, Poster session presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Dehghanipour, A. H., Schoups, G., & Zahabiyoun, B. (2019). “A WEAP-MODFLOW model for conjunctive water management in the Urmia Lake Basin, Iran”, Oral session. presented at the 5thNederlands Aardwetenschappelijk Congress (NAC), Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Moshir Panahi, D., Zahabiyoun, B &T., Raziei (2018). An Investigation on the Effective Parameters of Climate Change Vulnerability in Iran. EGUGA , 11956.

Sadeghi-Tabas S., Samadi S.Z. and B. Zahabiyoun. (2017). Application of Bayesian algorithm in continuous streamflow modeling of a mountain watershed. 10th WORLD CONGRESS OF EWRA on Water Resources and Environment. 5-9 July 2017, Athens, Greece.

Merikhi, A. Shariatmadari, N. Saeidijam, S. & Zahabiyoun, B. (2012), the improvement of mechanical properties for soft clayey soils by electrokinetic geosynthetic (ekg) in Persian Gulf water condition, 10th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures , http://www.civilica.com/Paper-ICOPMAS10-ICOPMAS10_205.html .

Sharafati, A. & Zahabiyoun, B. (2012), Uncertainty Analysis of Storm Pattern on Seymareh Catchment, 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Dams and Hydropower s, http://www.civilica.com/Paper-NCHP03-NCHP03_148.html .

RajabiA. and B. Zahabiyoun (2010), "The Joint Probability Occurrence of Waves and Water Levels in Gulf of Oman using Desk Study Approach", Proceedings of the First Makassar International Conference on Civil Engineering (MICCE2010), March 9-10.

Zahabiyoun, B. & Sharafati, A. (2008), A model for estimating water equivalent of snow using Genetic Algorithm, EGU General Assembly.

Zahabiyoun, B. (2006), Climate Prameterization of a Rainfall Model for Climate Change Studies, 3rd inter. Conf. on water resources in Mediterranean basin. Tripoli, Lebanon.

Zahabiyoun. B. (2005). Problems Encountered in StochasticGeneration of Streamflow Series. STOCHASTIC HYDRAULICS 2005, 23 and 24 May 2005. Nijmegen - The Netherlands.

Zahabiyoun B. (2005), Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Rainfall over a Small Catchment. Meteorology and Climate over South China.

Zahabiyoun. B. ( 2002). “An Approach to Land-use Change Impacts on Water Resources”, Hydroinformatics 2002: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, UK.

Zahabiyoun. B. ( 2001). “An Investigation in Summer Flood Disaster of 2001 in Gulestan Province in Iran”, in the “Proceedings of Design Flood Criteria for Dams’ Safety”, Tehran, Iran.

Zahabiyoun. B. (1999). Construction of Rainfall Scenarios due to Climate Change. Proceedings of 2nd International Regional Conference on Climate Change, Tehran, Iran.

Zahabiyoun. B. (1995). Stochastic Generation of Daily Streamflow Series Reflecting Climate and/or Land-use Change Effects. Proceedings of the First International Regional Conference on Water Resources. Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

B. Zahabiyoun, (1993). A sensitivity analysis of MULTSED due to overland & channel flow roughness on an agricultural catchment, 11th Iernational Conference on Environmental Management, Wollongong, Australia.

Zahabiyoun. B. (1991). “An Examination of Different Spatial Rainfall Estimation in Mountainous Areas” in the “Proceedings of International Conference on Urban Drainage & New Technologies”, held in Dubrovnik, Croatia (old Yugoslavia).

Zahabiyoun. B. ( 1990). “A Sensitivity Analysis of Sediment Yield Using Multsed Model with Respect to Channel and Overland Flow Roughness” in the First National Conference of River Engineering”, Ahwaz, Iran.

Research Projects using Industrial Grants:

  • Review of solid waste management of greater City of Tehran

  • Setting guidelines and terms of references for the study of environmental impact assessment of the oil, gas & petrochemical projects

  • Assessment of water resources sustainability due to climate change impacts

  • A study of land-use change impacts

  • PMF estimation for the spillway design of Karun III large dam in Iran

  • Gully erosion in the district of Ala-Marvdasht, Iran

  • Researching for road pavement design using Bitumen emulsion

  • A design approach to small cement factory establishments in rural areas of Iran

  • A Study for Leaching Process in Solid Waste Landfills.

  • Land-use Change Effects on Evapotranspiration of a Catchment”.

  • Flood Estimation for Spillway Design Considering Downstream Risk.

  • Prediction of Drought Severity and Flow Deficit (Case Study: Gharesou river in the Province of Kerman Shah).

Member in Associations and Societies

a) 2000 – Present “Committee of Dam & Flood” affiliated to “Iran Committee of Large Dams (IRCOLD)”

b) 2001 – Present “National Society in Water Resources” (NGO organization)

c) 2000 – Present “National Society for Environmentalists” (NGO organization)

d) 2001 – Present “The Iran Construction Engineering Organization” (NGO organization)

e) 1991 – Present “Board member of Ershad Institute of Higher Education” affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran

f) 1992 – 1993 “Sub-committee of National Commission of Water & Environment” affiliated to “Supreme Council for Scientific Research of Iran”

g) 1991 – 1993 “National Committee of Hydrology” affiliated to UNESCO”, Iran

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