Conf. Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/9/23 | 

• Aram Baharmast, Seyed Javad Azhari, Siavash Mowlavi “A New Current Mode High Speed Four Quadrant CMOS Analog Multiplier”   IEEE 2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE).

• Mohammad Moradinezhad Maryan, Seyed Javad Azhari, Mohammad Reza Hajipour” A Simple Low-Power High-Speed CMOS Four- Quadrant Current Multiplier” IEEE2016 24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE).

• Hassan Broomandnia, Seyed Javad Azhari ”Design of a fully differential current buffer (FDCB)based on a new common mode feed forward(CMFF)based common mode separation technique” 2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation(KBEI) November 5-6 ,2015

Seyed Javad Azhari, Alireza Ghorbani and Leila Safari " High CMRR low-Voltage Low power Current output Stage with a Novel CMFB " Proceeding of 2011 IEEE Int. Conference on Solid –State and Integrated Circuits (ICSIC2011) pp.382-386.

Seyed Javad Azhari, Alireza Ghorbani and Leila Safari" A Novel Fully differential Current Buffer with Ultra Low Input Impedance ,High CMRR, Low power and Low Voltage " 2011 ,Proceeding of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT2011),V1,pp.229-233.

• Leila Safari and Seyed Javad Azhari, " A New low Voltage Low Power Fully differential Current Buffer and IT’S Application As a Voltage Amplifier " IEEE2010 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control(ICMSC2010) , pp.30-34.

• Mahdi Ahangarian Abhari, Adib Abrishamifar, Seyed Javad Azhari, " Ultra Low-power Super Class ABCMOS OTA Cells with Rail-to-rail Operation, "IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and systems (LASCAS), 24-26February2010,page(s):374-377.

• Hassan Faraji, , Seyed Javad Azhari ," A Novel Low Voltage High performance Current Mirror ", 2nd National Electrical Engineering Conference- february 2010 -Najaf Abad branch (NEEC2010)P.91.

• Farzan Rezaei, Seyed Javad Azhari "Ultra Low-voltage, rail-to-rail input/output stage Operational Trans-conductance Amplifier(OTA)with high linearity and its application in a GM-C filter "IEEE proceeding of11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design ISQED 2010 pp.231-236.

• khalil Monfaredi, Hassan Faraji Baghtash,Seyed Javad Azhari " A Novel Low Voltage Current Compensated High performance Current Mirror/NIC"IEEE proceeding of 11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design ISQED 2010 pp.437-441.

• Farzan Rezaei, Seyed Javad Azhari "A Highly linear Operational Trans-conductance Amplifier (OTA) with High Common Mode Rejection Ratio "IEEE proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Signal Acquisition and processing (ICSAP2010) pp.18-22.

• Hassan Faraji Baghtash, Khalil Monfaredi , Seyed Javad Azhari " A novel high performance Atto- Ampere Current Mirror" IEEE proceeding of 2010 International Conference on signal Acquisition and processing( ICSAP2010)pp.27-30.

• Seyed Javad Azhari,Mohammad Hekmat Kashtiban , " A Novel Wideband-High-CMRR Low-Voltage BJT Current Output Stage" IEEE ECCTD 2009European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design , 2009,pp.691-694 Turkey.

• Seyed Javad Azhari, Mohammad Hekmat kashtiban, “A novel High CMRR Low Voltage Current Output Stage" PROCEEDINGS of IEEEISSCS 2009 International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, 2009, pp.449-52 Romania.

• Seyed Javad Azhari, Mohammad Hekmat Kashtiban, " Novel Low-Voltage High-CMRR Input Stage for Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers (CFOA)" IEEE proceeding ACTEA International Conference on advances in computational tools for engineering applications 2009 Lebanon pp.334-339.

دفعات مشاهده: 1045 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 279 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر