Conf. Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/9/28 | 

[1] Shamsi, Jafar, Shahriar B. Shokouhi, and Karim Mohammadi. "On the capacity of Columnar Organized Memory (COM)." In 2018 IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pp. 65-68. IEEE, 2018.
[2] Ayatollahi, F, P Eskandari, und Sh B. Shokouhi. “Differentiating between Benign and Malignant non-Mass Enhancing Lesions in Breast DCE-MRI by Using Curvelet-based Textural Features .“ 4th Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS 2018), 2018.
[3] Badiezadeh, Ali, Fazael Ayatollahi, Mohammad H. Ghaeminia, and Shahriar B. Shokouhi. "Human gait recognition using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform." In 2017 Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), pp. 461-466. IEEE, 2017.
[4] Kashiyani, Hossein, and Shahriar B. Shokouhi. "Patchwise object tracking via structural local sparse appearance model." In 2017 7th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), pp. 125-131. IEEE, 2017.
[5] Pashoutan, Soheil, Shahriar Baradaran Shokouhi, and Meisam Pashoutan. "Automatic Breast Tumor Classification Using a Level Set Method and Feature Extraction in Mammography." In 2017 24th National and 2nd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2017.
[6] J. Shamsi, K. Mohammadi, and S. B. Shokouhi, “A low power circuit of a leaky integrate and fire neuron with global reset,” in 2017 Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2017, pp. 366–369.
[7] M. H. Ghaeminia, A. Badiezadeh, and S. B. Shokouhi, “An Efficient Energy Model for Human Gait Recognition,” in 2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2016, pp. 1–6.
[8] A. Ardakani and S. Baradaran Shokouhi, “A secure and area-efficient FPGA-based SR-Latch PUF,” in 2016 8th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 2016, pp. 94–99.
[9] A. Fooladivanda, Sh. B. Shokouhi, M. R. Mosavi, and N. Ahmadinejad, "Atlas-based automatic breast MRI segmentation using pectoral muscle and chest region model," 21th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2014), Tehran, Iran, pp. 543-547, Nov. 2014.
[10] A. Fooladivanda, Sh. B. Shokouhi, N. Ahmadinejad, and M. R. Mosavi, "Automatic segmentation of breast and fibroglandular tissue in breast MRI using local adaptive thresholding," 21th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME2014), Tehran, Iran, pp. 451-456, Nov. 2014.
[11] M. J. Rezaei, A. Amirkhani, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "A review of intelligent predistortion methods for linearization of RF power amplifiers", International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT2013), pp. 1-6, Jan. 2013.
[12] A. Amirkhani, M. R. Mosavi, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and F. Mohammadizadeh, “A Novel Fuzzy Cognitive Map Based Method for the Differentiation of Intraductal Breast Lesions”, IEEE Congress on Image and Signal Processing, pp.6-11, 16-18 October 2012.

[13] M. Monajem and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A new method of image encryption with multiple-parameter discrete fractional Fourier transform,”2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Networks ICICN 2012, vol. 27, 2012.

[14] F. Ayatollahi, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and A. Ayatollahi, “Brain image registration by maximization of mutual information using Particle Swarm Optimization,” 4th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering ICCEE 2011, Singapore, October 14-15, 2011.

[15] A. Ashtari Nakhaie and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “No reference medical image quality measurement based on spread spectrum and discrete Wavelet transform using ROI processing,” 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering CCECE 2011, 121-125, 2011.

[16] A. Tahmasbi, F. Saki, S. M. Seyedzade, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “Classification of Breast Masses based on Cognitive Resonance,” Proc. IEEE, 3rd Int. Conf. on Signal Acquisition and Processing ICSAP2011, Singapore, vol. 1, pp. 97–101, 2011.

[17] N. Rostami Jahed and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “High Security Biometric Authentication System using Fuzzy Vault Cryptosystem,” 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Information Networks ICIIN 2011, Dubai UAE, 129-133, 2011.

[18] S. Karami, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and M. Mokhtarzadeh, “Application of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Automated Classification of Remote Sensing Images,” 2011 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications ICICA 2011, Dubai UAE, 66-72, 2011.

[19] F. Saki, A. Tahmasbi, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A Novel Opposition-based Classifier for Mass Diagnosis in Mammography Images,” Proc. IEEE, 17th Iranian Conf. on Biomedical Engineering ICBME’2010, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 1-4, 2010.

[20] A. Tahmasbi, F. Saki, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “Mass Diagnosis in Mammography Images using Novel FTRD Features,” Proc. IEEE, 17th Iranian Conf. on Biomedical Engineering ICBME’2010, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 1-5, 2010.

[21] A. Tahmasbi, F. Saki, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “An Effective Breast Mass Diagnosis System using Zernike Moments,” Proc. IEEE, 17th Iranian Conf. on Biomedical Engineering ICBME’2010, Isfahan, Iran, pp. 1-4, 2010.

[22] M. H. Ghaeminia, A. H. Shabani and SH.B. Shokouhi, “Adaptive motion model for human tracking using particle filter,” International Conference of Pattern Recognition ICPR2010, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010.

[23] A. H. Shabani, M. H. Ghaeminia, and SH.B. Shokouhi, “Human tracking using specialized multi-level histogram and mean shift,” Computer and Robot Vision Conference CRV2010, Ottawa, Canada, May 2010.

[24] S. Fotuhi and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “ A New Combined Method of Segmentation and Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar images”, 13th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modaress university, Sep. 2010.

[25] A. Tahmasbi and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "New approach for approximating Parks McClellan low-pass differentiators", International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (ICSAP2010), Bangalore, India, 2010.

[26] A. Tahmasbi and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "New optimized IIR low-pass differentiators", International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (ICSAP2010), Bangalore, India, 2010.

[27] S. Karami, Sh. B. Shokouhi and M. Mokhtarzade, “Optimal hierarchical remote sensing image clustering using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm”, Proceedings of Second International Conference on machine Vision (ICMV2009), Dubai-UAE, 2009.

[28] A. Saberkari, Sh. B. Shokouhi, A. Kiani, and F. Poorahangaryan, "A novel low power static frequency divider based on the GDI technique", 22nd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2009), Canada, May 2009.

[29] H. Ebrahimi, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and H. Soltanizadeh, “Recognition of a real target in the rosette pattern using Blind Source Separation and Hidden Markov Model”, 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, USA, 2008

[30] S. H. Alavi Rad, S. Ziaebakhsh, A. Saberkari, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and A. Abrishamifar, "A low-power technique for extracting the main characteristics of an analog sine-wave signal", 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, USA, 2008

[31] S. Ziabakhsh, H. Alavi Rad, A. Saberkari, Sh. B. Shokouhi, "An ultra high speed low power CMOS integrated current comparator",3rd IEEE International Design and Test Workshop ( IDT2008) , Tunisia, 2008

[32] F. Goodarzi and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "Solving the correspondence problem and 3D reconstruction for coded structured light system", Sixth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007), NTU-Singapore, Dec. 2007

[33] A. Saberkari and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "A novel CMOS 1-bit full adder cell with the GDI technique", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2007), Bursa-Turkey, Dec. 2007

[34] A. Saberkari and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "A fully integrated range-finder based on the line-stripe method", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2007), Bursa-Turkey, Dec. 2007

[35] H. Soltanizadeh and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "An effective simulator for the rosette scanning infrared seeker", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2007), Bursa-Turkey, Dec. 2007

[36] E. Rahimi, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and A. Sadr, "A Parallized and pipelined datapath to implement ISODATA algorithm for rosette scan images on a reconfigurable hardware", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GRC 2007), May 2007

[37] F. D. Kashani, Sh. B. Shokouhi and B. Ghafari, “Measurement of wavefront using the new image processing algorithms”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Machine Vision, Image Processing and Application (MVIP2007), Ferdowsi University, Mashad-Iran, Feb. 2007.

[38] M. P. Mahyabadi, H. Soltanizadeh and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “Facial detection based on PCA and Adaptive Resonance Theory 2A Neural Network”, 2006 IJME-INTERTECH International Conference, Kean University, New York-USA, October 2006.

[39] A. Saberkari and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A novel low-power low-voltage CMOS 1-bit full adder cell with the GDI technique”, 2006 IJME-INTERTECH International Conference, Kean University, New York-USA, October 2006

[40]  A. Saberkari and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A fully integrated range-finder based on the line-stripe method”, Proceedings of the International Conference of Microelectronics (ICM2006), Saudi Arabia, 2006

[41]  E. Hosseini, H. Sh. Shahhoseini and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A secure watermarking by chaotic function”, 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2006), Amirkabir University, Tehran-Iran, May 2006.

[42]  H. Aghababa, O. Shoaei, Sh. B. Shokouhi, and A. Sadr, “A High Speed and Power Controlled CMOS Edge Detector for 2.5 Gb/s Clock Recovery Circuit”, International Conference on Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications, MIKON2006, May 2006

[43]  S. Seyedin and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A new robust color coding technique for solving the correspondence problem and 3D reconstruction in structured light systems”, International Conference and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Application (ICCTA 2006), Damascus-Syria, April 2006

[44]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, A. K. Momtaz and H. Soltanizadeh, “A new weighting and clustering method for discrimination of objects on the rosette pattern”, 5th WSEAS Int. Conference on Signal, Speech and Image Processing (SSIP2005), Corfu-Greece, pp. 167-172, Aug. 2005

[45]  M. Hariri and Sh. B. Shokouhi, “Feature extraction and classification of fingerprints using a novel Fuzzy Neural Network”, WSEAS Int. Conference on Signal, Speech and Image Processing (SSIP2005), Corfu-Greece, pp. 112-117, Aug. 2005

[46]  H. Shabani and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "Fuzzy thinning for 3D laser scanning structured light", 13th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2005), University of Zanjan, Zanjan-Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 394-399, May 2005

[47]  H. Shabani and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "Fuzzy thinning in 3-D laser scanning structured light", Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Vision, Image Processing and Application (MVIP2005), Vol. 1, University of Tehran, Tehran-Iran, Feb. 2005.

[48]  M. Hariri, and Sh. B. Shokouhi, "Fingerprints classification and identification by a novel Fuzzy Neural Network",  4th International Symposium on Human and Artificial Intelligence systems (HART2004), University of Fukui, Fukui-Japan, pp. 277-282, 2004.

[49]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “Contour tracing and correction for the brick pattern structured light system”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Visualisation, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP2002), IASTED, Malaga- Spain, pp. 563-567, Sep. 2002.

[50]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “boundary tracing and correction for the brick pattern structured light system”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Visualisation, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP2002), IASTED, Malaga- Spain, pp. 573-577, Sep. 2002.

[51]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A new method of feature interpretation for the brick pattern structured light”, 9th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2001), Power & Water Institute of Technology, Tehran- Iran, pp. 2:1-8, May 2001.

[52]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “3-D facial imaging work station for implementing a high resolution security system”, Proceedings of the World Internet & Electronic Cities Conference (WIECC2001), Kish Island- Iran, pp. 162-168, May 2001.

[53]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “3-D surface solution using the brick pattern structured light”, Proceedings of the first Iranian Conference on Machine Vision, Image processing & Application (MVIP2001), Birjand- Iran, pp. 18-25, March 2001

[54]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, “A Biostereometric structured light system for facial imaging”, Proceedings of the first Iranian Conference on Machine Vision, Image processing & Application (MVIP2001), Birjand- Iran, pp. 10-17, March 2001

[55]  Sh. B. Shokouhi, D. M. Monro and B. G. Sherlock, “A cost-effective system for facial imaging and three dimensional reconstruction”, Medical Imaging Conference, Image Display, SPIE, Optical Society of America, San Diego- U.S.A, Feb. 1998

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