ISI Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/10/16 | 

1) M.R. Daliri, V. Torre, Robust Symbolic Representation for Shape Recognition and Retrieval, Pattern Recognition, 41 (5): 1782- 1789, 2008.
2) M.R. Daliri, V. Torre, Shape and Texture Clustering: Best Estimate for the Clusters Number, Image and Vision Computing, 27(10): 1603- 1614, 2009.
3) M.R. Daliri, V. Torre, Classification of Silhouettes Using Contour Fragments, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 113(9): 1017- 1025, 2009.
4) M.R. Daliri, V. Torre, Shape Recognition Based on Kernel-Edit Distance, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (10): 1097-1103, 2010.
5) M.R. Daliri, M. Fattan, Improving the Generalization of Neural Networks by Changing the Structure of Artificial Neuron, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 24 (4): 195- 204, 2011.
6) H.K. Rouzbahani, M.R. Daliri, Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease in Human Using Voice Signals, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 2 (3): 12-20, 2011.
7) M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri, H. Boyaci, Statistical Analysis Methods for the fMRI Data, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 2 (4): 67-74, 2011.
8) M.R. Daliri, Automated Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease Using the Scale-Invariant Feature Transforms in Magnetic Resonance Images, Journal of Medical Systems, 36 (2): 995-1000, 2012.
9) M.R. Daliri, M. Saraf, A Bayesian Framework for Face Recognition, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 8: 1-13, 2012.
10) Z. Daneshparvar, M.R. Daliri, A Simulation-Based Study of Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus Pyramidal Cell Firing Patterns, Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 3 (2): 23-32, 2012.
11) M.R. Daliri, Predicting the Cognitive States of the Subjects in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signals Using the Combination of Feature Selection Strategies, Brain Topography, 25 (2): 129-135, 2012.
12) M.R. Daliri, A Hybrid Automatic System for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Based on Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Extreme Learning Machines, Journal of Medical Systems, 36 (2): 1001-1005, 2012.
13) M.R. Daliri, Automatic Diagnosis of Neuro-degenerative Diseases using Gait Dynamics, Measurement, 45 (7): 1729-1734, 2012.
14) M.R. Daliri, Feature Selection using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machines for Medical Diagnosis, Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 57: 395-402, 2012.
15) M.R. Daliri, Chi-Square Distance Kernel of the Gaits for the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 8(1): 66-70, 2013.
16) M.R. Daliri, M. Taghizadeh, K. Salehzadeh Niksirat, EEG Signature of Object Categorization from Even-Related Potentials, Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, 3(1):37-44, 2013. 
17) A. Khorasani, M.R. Daliri, Estimation of Neural Firing Rate: the Wavelet Density Estimation Approach, Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 58(4): 377-386, 2013.
18) M.R. Daliri, Kernel Earth Mover's Distance for EEG Classification, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 44(3): 182-187, 2013.
19) M.R. Daliri, A Hybrid Method for the Decoding of Spatial Attention using the MEG Brain Signals, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 10: 308-312, 2014.
20) M.R. Daliri, M. Behroozi, Advantages and Disadvantages of Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Clinical Applications, OMICS J Radiology, e123, 2014.
21) M. Taghizadeh-Sarabi, M.R. Daliri, K.S. Niksirat, Decoding Objects of Basic Categories from Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machines, Brain Topography, In Press.
22) M.R. Daliri, S. Sanei, Introduction to the special issue on Advances in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, and Biometrics, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 40 (5), 1714-1716, 2014. 23) M. Esghaei, M.R. Daliri, Decoding of visual attention from LFP signals of macaque MT, PLoS One, 9(6): e100381, 2014.
24) A. Khorasani, M.R. Daliri, HMM for Classification of Parkinson's Disease Based on the Raw Gait Data, Journal of Medical Systems, 38(12): 1-6, 2014.
25) M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri, Predicting Brain States Associated with Object Categories from fMRI Data, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 13(4): 645-667, 2014.
26) M. Behroozi, M.R. Daliri, RDLPFC area of the brain encodes the sentence polarity: a
study using fMRI, Brain Imaging and Behavior, In Press.
27) M.R. Daliri, Combining extreme learning machines using support vector machines for breast tissue classification, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, In Press.

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