Sara Bagherzadeh, Ali Sheikhani, Hamid Behnam, "Evaluation of EEG synchronization in autistic children using cross-sample entropy and cross-approximate entropy" Open Science Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering ۲۰۱۵; ۲(۱): ۱-۹
Nasrin Amini ; Emad Fatemizadeh; Hamid Behnam, "MRI and PET Image Fusion by Using Curvelet Transform", Journal of advances in computer research, Volume ۵, Issue ۴, Autumn ۲۰۱۴, Page ۲۳-۳۰
P Farnia, A Ahmadian, H Behnam - Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, ۲۰۱۴, "Performance Evaluation of the Modified Iterative Closest Point Methods for Intra-operative Ultrasound and pre-operative MR Image Registration of Brain", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies (۲۰۱۴), vol.۱, issue ۲,۱۲۳-۱۳۱
S Sadeghi, H Behnam, J Tavakkoli, "Ultrasound Elastography Using Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis", Journal of medical signals and sensors ۴ (۰۱), ۲۰۱۴
Fereshteh Yousefi Rizi, Seyed Kamaledin Setarehdan, Hamid Behnam, "Measuring the effect of aging on vibrations of the carotid artery wall using empirical mode decomposition method", Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, ۴(۰۱), ۲۰۱۴
Zareayan Jahromy F., Behnam H., Mansuri K., Rahimi A. A., Izadi Mobarakeh J. "The Effect of Ultrasound on Acceleration of Peripheral Nerve Injury", J Biomed Phys Eng ۲۰۱۲; ۲(۴)
Parisa Rangraz, Hamid Behnam, Naser Shakhssalim, Jahan Tavakkoli "A feed-forward neural network algorithm to detect thermal lesions induced by high intensity focused ultrasound in tissue", Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors / Oct ۲۰۱۲, Vol ۲, No۴
Paria Torkashvand; Hamid Behnam; and Zahra alizadeh Sani " Modified Optical Flow Technique for Cardiac Motions Analysis in Echocardiography Images", Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors / July ۲۰۱۲, Vol ۲, No۳:۱۲۱-۱۲۸
M. B. Khodabakhshi, H. Behnam, H. P. Mehrabany"Ultrasound Radio Frequency Signal Simulation Considering Doppler Effect by Use of Linear Time Variant Model", American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, Vol۱, No. ۱, ۱-۶ (۲۰۱۱)
Mahdi Nakhaie Kohan, Hamid Behnam"Denoising Medical Images using Calculus of Variations", Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors, Vol ۱, Issue ۳, ۲۰۱۱
ParisaGifani, Hamid Behnam, Zahra AlizadehSani "A New Method for Pseudo-Increasing frame rates of echocardiography images using Manifold Learning", Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors, Vol ۱, Issue ۲, May-August ۲۰۱۱
Ali Sheikhani، Hamid Behnam، Mohammad Reza Mohammadi، Maryam Noroozian"Evaluation of Quantitative Electroencephalography in Children with Autistic Disorders in Various Conditions Based on Spectrogram" Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.۴, ۲۰۰۸, pp.۴-۱۰
Jahandideh R.A.,Behnam Hamid*,Ahmadinezhad N. "Classification Of Breast Tumors On Sonogram Using Morphological Features Of Tumors And Texture Features Behind And Around The Tumors", (Nashriyyah-I Muhandesi-I Barq Va Muhandesi-I Kampyutar-I Iran) (Persian) Fall ۲۰۰۸; ۶(۳):۲۴۷-۲۵۳.
Ali Sheikhani, Hamid Behnam, Maryam Noroozian,Mohammad Reza Mohammadi, "Abnormalities of Quantitative Electroencephalography in Children with AspergerDisorder Using Spectrogram and Coherence Values" Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.۳, ۲۰۰۸, pp.۶ ۴-۷۰
Hajjam, Arash; Behnam, Hamid, "A Modified Time-Domain Approach for Modelling the Ultrasound Signal from Blood-Flow" Ultrasound, Volume ۱۶, Number ۳, August ۲۰۰۸ , pp. ۱۶۰-۱۶۴)۵(
M. MalekzadehShafaroudi, H. Behnam, " Ultrasound field simulation for array transducers based on impulse response calculation", Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, ۲۰۰۸, ۱۰.
۱۷. Hamid Behnam, ElhamMokhtarTajvidi, " Simulation of acoustic fields from ۲D-array transducers with continuous wave excitation in homogeneous medium", Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”,, ۲۰۰۷, ۱۴
۱۸. Seyedeh Naghmeh Miri Ashtiani, Mohammad Reza Daliri, Hamid BehnamGholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh, Masoud Mehrpour “Cognitive Functional Connectivity Analysis of Early MS Patients Using Graph Theory”, ۴th Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress ۲۰۱۵
۱۹. S. N. Miri Ashtiani, H. Behnam, M. R. Daliri, M. Mehrpour, G. A. Hossein-Zadeh , "Cognitive Functional Patterns
in the Early Stages of MS Patients Using fMRI", ۲nd Iranian Congress on Human Brain Mapping