Conf. Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/11/3 | 

•  E.Adabi and A.Vahedi, “A Common Mode Voltage Reduction Strategy for a DFIG with a Three-Level Back-to-Back Converter”, PEDSTC 2011, Tehran ,iran.

• M. Shahnazari and A. vahedi, “Improved Average Modeling of a Converter Connected Synchronous Machine”, 1st Power Electronic and Drive Technologies Conference (PEDSTC 2010), Tehran,iran.

• M. Modaress, A. vahedi and M.R. Ghazanchaei, “Effect of Air Gap Variation on Characteristics of an Axial Flux Hysteresis Motor”, 1st Power Electronic & Drive Technologies Conference (PEDSTC) 2010, Tehran,iran.

• M. Mirimani and A. vahedi, “Effect of Static Eccentricity in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines”, 1st Power Electronic & Drive Technologies Conference (PEDSTC) 2010, Tehran,iran.

• M. Ranjbar, S. Serajian, A. Jalilian and A. vahedi, “A Hybrid Active Power Filter with a New Control Strategy Used in 25-Kv Electrified Railway Systems for Power Quality Improvement”, 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE) 2010, Tehran, Iran.

• M. Modaress, A. vahedi and M.R. Ghazanchaei. “New Topology of a Slotted Disk Type Hysteresis Motor”, The International Conference for Inductive & Electromagnetic Component (CWIEME) Inductica, November 2009, Mumbai, India.

• H. Mobaraki and A. Vahedi, “Axial Movement Effect on Inverted Winding’s FRA of Power Transformer”, The International Conference for Inductive & Electromagnetic Component (CWIEME) Inductica, November 2009, Mumbai, India.

• H. Mobaraki and A. Vahedi, “Turn on Turn Fault’s Effect on Inverted Winding’s FRA of Power Transformer”, The International Conference for Inductive & Electromagnetic Component (CWIEME) Inductica, November 2009, Mumbai, India.

• M. Shahnazari and A. Vahedi,” Analysis of Brushless Exciter Operation in all Modes of Rotating Rectifier”, ICIEA 2009, Xian, China.

• M. Shahnazari and A. Vahedi, “Average Value Modeling of Synchronous Machine- Rectifier Considering Stator Resistance”, ICIEA 2009, Xian, China.

• M. Shahnazari and A. Vahedi, “Modeling and Simulation of Brushless Ecitation System in Synchronous Generator”, ICEE 2009, Tehran.

• M. Shahnazari and A. Vahedi, “Modeling of Pilot Excitor in Brushless Synchronous Generators Using Average Modeling Approach”, PSC 2009, Tehran,iran.

• A.Baktash and A. Vahedi, “Performance Investigation of Direct Power Control Method in Current Source Rectifier under Different Operation Conditions”, 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, September 2009, Ajaccio, France.

• A.Baktash and A. Vahedi, “Sensorless direct power control of current source rectifier based onvirtual flux”, 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, September 2009, Ajaccio, France.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbelli and A. Vahedi,”A New Method to Minimize the Commutation Torque ripple in four switch brushless dc machines” 5th CES/IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2009, PELS-IPEMC06, Shanghai, China.

• A.Halvaei, A. Vahedi  and H. Moghbelli, “Analysis of Torque Ripple due to Phase Commutation four switch brushless dc machines”, 5th CES/IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2009, PELS-IPEMC06, Shanghai, China.

• E. Najafi, A. Vahedi, A. Mahanfar, and A. Yatim, “A New Controlling Method Based on PeakCurrent Mode (PCM) for PFC”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy 2009, Bahru, Malaysia.

• Sh.Taheri, A. Vahedi,  A.Gholami and H. Taheri, “Estimation of Hot Spot Temperature in Distribution Transformer Considering CoreDesign Using FEM”, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy 2009, Bahru, Malaysia.

• Hslvaei Niasar, H. Moghbeli and A. Vahedi, ”Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control with Fuzzy Supervisory Learning Algorithm for Speed Regulation of 4-Switch Inverter Brushless DC Machines”, 5th CES/IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control, Shanghai Conference, 2006, PELS-IPEMC06.

• M. Shahnazari and A. vahedi, “Modeling of a rectifier connected PMSG applied in wind energy conversion system using state machine approach”, First renewable energy & distribution generation conference, March 2009, Birjand, Iran.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbeli, A. Vahedi, “Study on Huntinh in High Speed Hysteresis Motors Due to the Rotor Hysteresis Material”, EUROCORN 2009,Foggi, Italy.

• M. Savaghebi, A. Gholami, A. Vahedi and H. Hooshyar, ” A Fuzzy-Based Approach for TransformerDynamic Loading Capability Assessment”, UPEC 2008,Padova,italy.

• A.Halvaei Niasar, H.  Moghbelli and A. Vahedi, “A Low-Cost Sensorless Control for Reduced-Parts,Brushless DC Motor Drives”, ISIE 2008, Cambridge.

• V. Behjat and A. Vahedi, "Analysis and Optimization of MEMS Electrostatic Microactuator", International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems 2007.

• M. Dabaghi and A. Vahedi, “Multivariable Pulse Generation Using Two-Stage Blumlein PFL”, PSC 2008, Tehran, Iran.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbeli and A. Vahedi, “A Novel Sensorless Control Method for Four-Switch, Brushless DC Motor Drive without Using any 30 phase Shifter”, Internatinal Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2007, Seoul.

• A.Halvaei, H.Moghbeli and A. Vahedi, “Torque Control of Brushless DC Motor Drive based on DSP Technology”, Internatinal Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2007, Seoul.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbeli and A. Vahed, “Implementation of  Four- Switch inverter for Brushless DC Motor Drive on TMS320LF2407 DSP”, ICSPC 2007, Dubai, UAE.

• M. A. Talebi, M. Rahimpour, A. Gholami, A. Vahedi and H. A. Shayanfar, “A Genetic Algorithm approach for Identifying Synchronous Generator Parameters from Excitation Disturbance Test”, Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2007. IEEE ,Tampa, Florida.

• Mazhari, R. Hadidi and A. Vahedi, “A Comprehensive Approach to Investigate Parameters Sensitivity of Three Phase Induction Motors using MATLAB/ simulink”, International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2007 ICEE, Islamabbad.

• V. Behjat and A. Vahedi, “Analysis and Optimization of MEMS Electrostatic Microactuator, International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2007, Penadeniya, Srilanka.

 • H. Hooshyar, M. Savaghebi and A. Vahedi, “Synchronous Generator: Past, Present and Future”, AFRICON 2007, Windhoek, South Africa.

• H. Azizi, A. Vahedi and  A. Baktash, “Investigation of voltage unbalance, Voltage sag and voltage fluctuation on DPC-PWM rectifier in advanced electrical machines drive system”, PSC 2007, Tehran, Iran.

• H. Azizi, A. Vahedi, and A. Baktash ,"Investigation on Voltage Unbalance, Voltage Sag and Voltage Fluctuation on DPC-PWM Rectifier in Advanced Electrical Machines Drive System", PSC 2007, Tehran.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbelli and A. Vahedi, “Sensorless Control of a Four-Switch, Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive”, ICEE2007, May 2007.

• A.Baktash, A.Vahedi and M.A.S. Masoum, “Improved switching table for direct power control of three-phase PWM rectifier”, IEEE – AUPEC 2007.

• I. Mazhari, A.Vahedi and M.A.S. Masoum, “Induction motor load generator system using direct torque control method”, IEEE – AUPEC 2007 .

• S. E. Abdollahi and A. Vahedi, "Dinamic Simulation of Micro turbine Generation System ", 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2005.

• H.R. Soroush, A.R. Rahmati, H. Moghbeli and  A. H. Niasar, "Study on the Hunting in High Speed Hysteresis Motors Due to the rotor Hysteresis Material", EUROCON,2009.

• R. Dashti, A. Vahedi, B. Ranjbar and D. Babachahi, " Transient Analysis of Induction Generator jointed to Network at Balanced and Unbalanced Short Circuit Faults ", UPEC 2007.

• Shiri, A. Vahedi and A. Shoulaie, "The Effect of Parameter Variation on the Performance of Indirect Vector Control Induction Motor Drive", International symposium on the Industrial Electronic, 2006.

• H. Niasar, H. Moghbelli and A. Vahedi, “Commutation Torque Ripple of Four-Switch Brushless DC Motor Drives, Part I: Analysis”, The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, March 27-29, 2006, AMC 2006, Turkey.

• H. Niasar, H. Moghbelli and  A. Vahedi; "Commutation Torque Ripple of Four-Switch Brushless DC Motor Drives, Part II: Controllability and Minimization", The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, March 27-29, 2006, AMC 2006, Turkey.

• Zakipour, A. Vahedi, D.A.Khaburi and  A.R.Ghorbani, “ Simultaneous Application of EKF and RLS Methods for Induction Speed and Parameters Motor Estimation ”, PSC 2006, Tehran.

• S. A. Kamali,  A. Babaei, A. Vahedi, A. Gholami and  M. R. Shariati, “Performance Analysis of HTS Fault Current Limiter Combined With a ZnO Varistor against Transient Overvoltage”, IEEE ICIT 2006, New Delhi, India.

• H.Alvaei ,A. Vahedi and H. Moghbelli, “Analysis and Control of Commutation Torque Ripple in Four-Switch, Three+-Phase Brushless DC Motor Drive”, IEEE ICIT 2006, New Delhi, India.

• M. Gilvanejad and A. Vahedi, “Modeling the Frequency Response of Power Transformer by means of Time Domain variable frequency models”, AUPEC 2006, Australia.

• M. Gilvanejad, M. Saniei and A. Vahedi, “Performance of Pulse Forming Lines (PFLs) in Non-Matched Load Operation”, AUPEC 2006, Australia.

• M. Mallaki, A.Vahedi and A.Bali, “Study of Parameters Effect on Voltage Distribution over HV Winding of Transformers Using Distributed Model”, ICMSAO, February 2005, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates,.

• A.Halvai, H. Moghbeli and A.Vahedi, “Comparison of Different Modeling and Simulation Methods for Brushless DC Motors”, ICMSAO,  February 2005,Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

• H.Azizi, A.Vahedi, H. Toossian Shandiz and I.Mzhari, “Inductive sensor for detecting metal bars in concrete structure; Design and Implementation”, ICMSAO, February 2005, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

• H.Azizi and  A.Vahedi, “Performance Analysis of Direct Power Controlled PWM Rectifier under Disturbed AC Line Voltage”, , Mars 2005,ICREPQT Zaragoza, Spain.

• S. E. Abdollahi, and A.Vahedi, “Dynamic Modeling of Micro-Turbine Generation Systems Utilizing Matlab/Simulink Environment” , Mars 2005, ICREPQT Zaragoza, Spain.

• A.Halvaei, H. Moghbelli and A. Vahedi, “Drive Train Design Methodology of a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (SPHEV) and Determination of its Power Flow Control (PFC) Strategy”, May 2005, IEMDC San Antonio, USA,.

• A.Vahedi, H. Heidari and F. Faghihi, “Analysis and simulation of pulse transformer considering Leakage Inductance and Capacitance”, CIRED 2005 ,Turin,  Italy,   .

• H. Heidari, A.Vahedi, F. Faghihi and M.Safdari, “Using of High Temperature Superconductive in Secondary Winding of Two Types of Transformer: Fault Current Limiter and Current Injection Transformer”, CIRED 2005 Turin, Italy, June 2005.

• A.Halvai, H. Moghbelli and A. Vahedi, “Drive Train Design Methodology of a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (Hybrid HEV) and Determination of its Power Flow Control Strategy”, Proceeding of the 21st Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS-21), Monaco, France, April 2-6, 2005.

• A.Halvai, H. Moghbeli and A. Vahedi, “Modeling and Simulation Methods for Brushless DC Motor Drives”, Proceeding of the First International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, February 1-3, 2005, Sharjah, U.A.E.

• A.Halvai, A. Vahedi and H. Moghbeli, “Speed Control of a Brushless DC Motor Drive via Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller based on Emotional Learning Algorithm”, Accepted by the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2005), 27-29 Sept. 2005, Nanjingho.

• A.M. Kashtiban, A. Vahedi  and A. Halvai ,“Investigation of Winding Type effect on Leakage Flux of Single Phase Shell Type Transformer Using FEM”, Accepted by the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2005), 27-29 Sept. 2005, Nanjing, China.

• S.A.Kamali, A.Vahedi and A.Halvai , “Performance Analysis of HTS Fault Current Limiter Combined with a ZnO Varistor”, the Eighth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2005), 27-29 Sept. 2005, Nanjing, China.

دفعات مشاهده: 1536 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 258 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار   |   0 نظر