ISI Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/12/2 | 

76- E. Tavasolipour, J. Poshtan, and S. Shamaghdari, “A new approach for robust fault estimation in nonlinear systems with state-coupled disturbances using dissipativity theory,” ISA Trans., vol.114,no.236,pp.31-43, 2021.
75- M. Khosroshahi and J. Poshtan, “Data-driven performance assessment of multivariable control loops using a modified Hurst exponent – based index,”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,vol.235,no.6,pp.769-780, 2020.
74- S. Jorkesh and J. Poshtan, “Fault diagnosis of an induction motor using data fusion based on,” IET Science, Measurement & Technology,vol.761,no.2, pp. 681–689, 2021.
73-  N. Moghbeli and J. Poshtan, “Online performance monitoring and diagnosis of multivariate systems,”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,vol.235,no.4,pp.461-473 ,2020.
72- M. G. Zarch, V. Puig, J. Poshtan, and M. A. Shoorehdeli, “Process Performance Verification Using Viability Theory †,” Processes,vol.9, no.3,pp. 1–23, 2021.
71- H. Jafari and J. Poshtan, “Event-Triggered Robust Fault Diagnosis Kalman Filter for Stochastic Systems,”IEEE Sensors Journal,vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 11031–11039, 2021.
70- H. Jafari, J. Poshtan, and S. Shamaghdari, “LMI-based robust fault detection and isolation in linear stochastic systems,”IET Science, Measurement & Technology ,vol.14,no.5,pp. 593–599, 2020.
69- E. Tavasolipour, J. Poshtan, and S. Shamaghdari, “Robust Observer-Based Fault Estimation for Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems with State-Coupled Disturbance : A Dissipativity Approach,” Iran. J. Sci. Technol. Trans. Electr. Eng., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 617–627,2020.
68- S. A. Ebrahim, J. Poshtan, S. M. Jamali, and N. A. Ebrahim, “Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Time- Series Classification using Deep Learning,”IEEE Access,vol.8, no. Ml, pp. 1–14, 2020.
67- O. Zandi and J. Poshtan, “Fault diagnosis of brushless DC motors using built-in Hall sensors,”IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.19,no.18, pp. 8183–8190, 2019.
66- H. Jafari and J. Poshtan, “Fault detection and isolation based on fuzzy- integral fusion approach,”IET Science, Measurement & Technology,vol.13,no.2, pp. 296–302, 2018.
65- M. Ghaniee, J. Poshtan, and M. Aliyari, “Actuator fault tolerance evaluation approach of nonlinear model predictive control systems using viability theory,” vol. 71, pp. 35–45, 2018.

64- H. Jafari, J. Poshtan, and H. Sadeghi, “Application of fuzzy data fusion theory in fault diagnosis of rotating machinery,” Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part I J. Syst. Control Eng., vol. 232, no. 8, pp. 1015–1024, 2018.
63- F. Sabbaghian-Bidgoli, J. Poshtan, “Fault Detection of Broken Rotor Bar Using an Improved form of Hilbert – Huang Transform,” Fluctuation and Noise Letters,vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–22, 2018.
62- M. G. Zarch, V. Puig, J. Poshtan, and M. Aliyari, “Fault detection and isolation using viability theory and interval observers,” International Journal of Systems Science,vol. 49,no.7, pp. 1445-1462, 2018.
61- H. Sadeghi, J. Poshtan, N. K. Poulsen, and H. Niemann, “Estimating the Density of Fluid in a Pipeline System with an Electropump,”Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 1–6, 2018.
60- A. Abbasi and J. Poshtan, “An unknown input observer-based decentralized fault detection and isolation for a class of large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems,” ISA transactions, Vol. 40, No. 8, Pp. 2599-2606, 2018.
59- P. Samanipour, J. Poshtan, and H. Sadeghi, “Cavitation detection in centrifugal pumps using pressure time-domain features,”Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences,Vol. 25, No. 5,pp. 4287–4298, 2017.
58- A. Abbasi and J. Poshtan, “Robust state estimation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems : Comparison of two approaches,” ISA transactions, Vol. 68, No. 1, Pp. 48-53, 2017.
57- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Robust minimum variance lower bound estimation by uncertainty modeling using interval type-2 fuzzy set", Asian Journal of control, Vol. 19, No. 1, Pp. 1-12, 2017.

56- M. Ghaniee, Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Fault Detection Based On Online Probability Density Function Estimation", ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, Vol.19 , No.1, Pp. 1-10, 2017.

55- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Design of robust minimum variance controller using type-2 fuzzy set", TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL, Pp. 1-12, 2016.

54- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Assessing accuracy of k-step-ahead prediction of nonlinear dynamics with uncertainties", IET Signal Processing, Vol. 9, Iss.9, Pp. 655- 662, 2015.

53- N. Lashkari, J. Pshtan, H. Fekri A. , "Simulative and experimental investigation on stator winding turn and unbalanced supply voltage fault diagnosis in induction motors using Artificial Neural Network", ISA TRANSACTION, 59, Pp.334-342, 2015.

52- M. Ghaniee-Zarch, Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Online kernel density estimation using fuzzy logic", IET Signal ProcessingVol.9 , Iss. 8, Pp. 579- 586, 2015.

51- N. Sadeghzade, J. Poshtan, "Loosely coupled fusion of camera and inertial sensors for distributed error compensation in strapdown inertial navigation system", Transaction institute of measurement and control, Pp. 1-15, 2015.

50- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, H. Alipouri, "Improvement of Classical Evolutionary Programming using State Feedback Controller", Int. J. of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.10, No. 4, Pp. 1413-1433, 2014.

49- Y. Alipouri, J. poshtan., "Global minimum routing in evolutionary programming using fuzzy logic", Information Science, vol. 292, pp. 162-174, 2014.

48- N. Sadeghzadeh, J. Poshtan, "Interconnected maximum likelihood estimator and extended kalman filter for inertial measurement unit calibration fusing three-dimensional camera information", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 229, no. 2, pp. 106-117, 2014.

47- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Non-affine Minimum Variance Controller Design by Inverse Modeling Procedure," Nonlinear Dynamic, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 2675-2684, 2014.
46- N. Sadeghzadeh, J. Poshtan, A. Wagner, E. Nordheimer, E. Badreddin, "Distributed Observers for pose estimation in the presence of inertial sensory soft faults,"ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 4, 1307-1319, 2014.
45- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, M. Ghaniee-Zarch, "Generalized sliding mode with integrator controller design using a discrete linear model,"proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 228(9), Pp. 677-689, 2014.
44- P. Hajiani, J. Poshtan, "Abrupt and incipient fault detection and compensation for a 4-tank system benchmark,", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 1287-1297,2014.

43- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Minimum Variance Lower Bound Estimation and Realization for Desired Structures," ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, No.3, pp. 787-792, 2014.

42- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Optimal controller design using discrete linear model for a four tank benchmark process," ISA Transactions, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 644-651. 2014.

41- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "A linear approach to generalized minimum variance controller design for MIMO nonlinear systems," An International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Engineering Systems, Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. 935-949. 2014.

40- N. Sadaghzadeh, J. Poshtan, A. Wagner, E. Nordheimer, E. Badreddin, "Cascaded Kalman and particle filters for photogrammetry based gyroscope drift and robot attitude estimation," ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 524-532, 2014.

39- N. Sadaghzadeh, J. Poshtan, "Belief consensus–based distributed particle filters for fault diagnosis of non-linear distributed systems," proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 228, No. 3, pp. 123-137, 2014.

38- S. Ahmadizade, A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, "Design of minimax-linear quadratic Gaussian controller using frequency domain subspace identified model of flexible plate," Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013,

Yousef Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Optimal controller design using discrete linear model for a four tank benchmark process", ISA Transactions, 52, Pp. 644-651, 2013.

M. Ahmadi, J. Poshtan, M. Poshtan, "Detection of Eccentricity in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors by Finite Element Method", Int. review on modelling and simulations, 6, Pp. 33-40, 2013.

29- Y. Alipouri, J. Poshtan, "Designing Minimum Variace Controller Using VARX model," Journal of Control, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 69-80. 2011.

28- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, A. Yousefi-Koma, "Design and Analysis of Robust Minimax LQG Controller for an Experimental Beam Considering Spill-Over Effect," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 1251-1259, 2011.

27- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, "A New Adaptive Recursive RLS-based Fast-Array IIR Filter for Active Noise and Vibration Control Systems," Signal Processing, Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 98-113, 2011.

26- J. Zarei, J. Poshtan, "Sensor Fault Detection and Diagnosis of a Process using Unknown Input Observer," Mathematical and Computational Applications, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 31-42, 2011.

25- M. Ghazal, J. Poshtan, M. Poshtan, "Application of LQG/LTR Method in Load Frequency Control," International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 2809-2818, 2010.

24- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, "A Computationally Efficient Adaptive IIR solution to Active Noise and Vibration Control Systems," IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, Vol. 55, No. 11, pp. 2671-2676, 2010.

23- F. Karami, J. Poshtan, M. Poshtan, "Detection of broken rotor bar in induction motors using nonlinear kalman filter," ISA Transaction, Vol. 49. No. 2, pp. 189-195, 2010.

22- J. Zarei, J. Poshtan, "Design of nonlinear Unknown Input Observer for Process Fault detection," Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 49, No. 22, pp. 11443-11452, 2010.

21- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, “GA-Based Optimization of a MIMO ANC System Considering Coupling of Secondary Sources in a Telephone Kiosk,” Applied Acoustics, vol. 70, No. 7, pp 945-953, 2009.

20- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, “Optimizing a Multi-Channel ANC system for Broadband Noise Cancellation in a Telephone Kiosk Using Genetic Algorithms,” Shock and Vibration, vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 241-260, 2009.

19- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, A. Choobdar, “Performance and Robust Stability Trade-off in Minimax LQG Control of Vibration in a Flexible Pinned-Pinned Beam,” Engineering Structures, vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 2407-2413, 2009.

18- S. Mahmoodi, J. Poshtan, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, A. Montazeri, “Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a pH Neutralization Process Based on Wiener-Laguerre Model,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 146, No. 3, pp. 328-337, 2009.

17- J. Zarei, Javad Poshtan, “Design An advanced Park's vectors approach for bearing fault detection,” Journa of Tribology International, vol. 42, pp. 213-219, 2009.

16- M.M. Arefi, A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, “Wiener-Neural Identification and Predictive Control of a more Realistic Plug-Flow Tubular Reactor,” Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 138, pp. 274–282, 2008.

15- H. Esmaeilsabzali, A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, "Non-statistical based robust identification of lightly damped flexible beams using Kautz orthonormal basis functions: Two case studies", Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 3, Pp. 203-217, 2008.

14- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, M.H. Kahaei, “Application of Genetic Algorithms for overall Optimization of an ANC system in an Enclosure,” Fluctuation and Noise Letters, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 51-64, 2008.

13- H. Esmaeilsabzali, A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, “Non-statistical based robust identification of lightly damped flexible beams using Kautz orthonormal basis functions: Two case studies,” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 203-217, 2008.

12- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, A. Yousefi-Koma, “The Use of Particle Swarm to Optimize the Control System in a PZT Laminated Plate,” Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 17, No. 4, 5027-5033, 2008.

11- K. Rezaei Moghadam, A. Mahajerian Ariaei, M. H. Kahaei, J. Poshtan, "Bearing Fault Detection Using Virtual-Based ICA Algorithm", Fluctuation and Noise Letter, 8, Pp. 423-433, 2008.

10- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, M. H. Kahaei, “Modal analysis for Global Control of Broadband Noise in a Rectangular Enclosure,” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, vol. 26, No.2, pp. 91-104, 2007.

9- A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan, M. H. Kahaei, “Analysis of the Global Reduction of Broad band Noise in a Telephone Kiosk Using a MIMO Modal ANC System,” International Journal of Engineering Science, vol. 45, pp. 679–697, 2007.

8- J. Zarei, A. Montazeri, M. R. Jahed Motlagh, and Javad Poshtan, “Design and Comparison of LQG/LTR and H_ Controllers for a VSTOL Flight Control System,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 344, pp. 577-594, 2007.

7- J. Zarei, Javad Poshtan, “Bearing Fault Detection Using Wavelet Packet Transform of Induction Motor stator Current, ” Tribology International, vol. 40, pp. 763-769, 2007.

6- M.H.Kahaei, M.Torbatian, J.Poshtan, “Bearing-fault detection using the meyer-wavelet packets algorithm,” Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 53, No.3, pp.186-192, 2007.

5- M.Shaghigh, M.H.Kahaei, J.Poshtan, “Resonanc- based vibration signal denoising using wavelet packet decomposition,” Fluctuation and Noise Letters (FNL), vol. 7, No.3, pp.L257-L262, 2007.

4- F.Taringoo, J.Poshtan, A.Nasiri, M.H.Kahaei, “Design of decoupling active noise control systems,” Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers(JCSC), vol. 15, No.4, pp.521-536, 2006.

3- F.Taringoo, J.Poshtan, M.H.Kahaei, “Analysis of Effort Constraint Algorithm in Active Noise Control Systems” EURASIP Journal on Applied signal Processing, vol.2006, 9 pages, 2006.

2- M.H.Kahaei, M.Torbatian, J.Poshtan, “Detection of Bearing Faults Using Haar Wavelets ” IEICE Transaction on Fundamental of Electronics, Communication and Computer Sciences, vol.E89-A,Issue3, pp.757-763, 2006.

1- F.Taringoo, J.Poshtan, M.H.Kahaei, “Effect of Secondary Path nonlinearity In Active noise Control Systems Behavior,” Fluctuation and Noise Letters, vol. 5, Issue.2, pp.L143-L151,2005.

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