ISI Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/12/4 | 

H.R. Pourshaghaghi, R. Ahmadi, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and B. Kia,"Experimental reallization of reconfigurable three input one output logic function based on a chaotic circuit"International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 20, No. 3, pp 1-12, 2010
Behrooz Rezaie, M.R.Jahed-Motlagh, Siavash Khorsandi, Morteza Analoui,"Global stability analysis of computer networks with arbitrary topology and time-varying delays" Journal of Zheijang University-Science C (Computer & Electeronics), Volume 11, Issue 3, pp 214-226, 2010
M. Keshavarz, M. Barkhordari Yazdi, M.R.Jahed-Motlagh,"Piecewise affine modeling and control of a boiler–turbine unit"Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 30, Issues 8-9, pp 781-791,June 2010
Behrooz Rezaie, M.R.Jahed-Motlagh, Siavash Khorsandi, Morteza Analoui,"Hopf bifurcation analysis on an Internet congestion control system of arbitrary dimension with communication delay" Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Volume 11, Issue 5, Pages 3842-3857, October 2010
M.M. Arefi, M.R.Jahed-Motlagh,"Adaptive robust synchronization of Rossler syatems in the presence of unknown matched time-varing parameters"Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,  Volume 15, Issue 12,Pages 4149-4157, December 2010
A. Abooee, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and Z.Rahmani "Stabilizing a new hyperchaotic system with an equilibrium point using linear state feedback controller"Journal of Control (A Publication of Iranian Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), Volume 3, No. 1, pp 37-46, Spring 2009 (in farsi)
F. Bayat, A.A. Jalali, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,"Utilizing multi-parametric programming for optimal control of linear constrained systems" Journal of Control (A Publication of Iranian Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), Volume 3, No. 1, pp 12-22, Spring 2009
Behrooz Rezaie, M.R.Jahed-Motlagh, Morteza Analoui, Siavash Khorsandi,"Stabilizing fixed points of time-delay systems close to Hopf bifurcation using a dynamic delayed feedback control method" Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoetical, Volume 42 , 395102 (23pp), 2009
  A. Golestani, M.R . Jahed-Motlagh , K. Ahamadian, A.H. Omidvamia “A new criterion to distinguish stochastic and deterministic time series with the Pioncare section and fractal dimension” Chaos 19, 013137, pp 013137-1 013137-13, 2009

Z. Rahmani, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, W. Dittom,"Robust control of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattices" International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 19, No. 6, pp 2031-2042, 2009
M. Barkhordari Yazdi, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,"Stablization of a CSTR with two arbitarily switching modes using modal state feedback linearization" Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 155, Issue 3, pp 838-843, 15 December 2009
Z. Rahmani, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh," Adaptive control of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattices" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp 1697-1707, 30 August 2009
M. Ziabakhsh Deilami, Z. Rahmani Cherati, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,"Control of spatio-temporal on-off intermittency in random driving diffusively coupled map lattices" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 113-122, 15 July 2009
Hamid Reza Pourshaghaghi, Behnam Kia, William Ditto, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,"Reconfigurable logic blocks based on chaotic Chua circuit" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 233-244, 15 July 2009
M. Barkhordari Yazdi, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh , S.A. Attia, J. Raisch," Modal exact linearization of a class of second-order switched nonlinear systems"Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,  Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 2243-2252, August 2010
Sanaz Mahmoodi, Javad Poshtan, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh , Allahyar Montazeri,"Nonlinear model predictive control of a pH neutralization based on Wiener-laguerre model",Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 146, Issue 3, pp 328-337, 15 February 2009
G. Shafiee, M.M. Arefi, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, A.A. Jalali, "Nonlinear predictive control of a polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear Wiener model", Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 143, Issues 1-3, pp 282-292, 15 September 2008
M.M.Arefi, A.Montazeri, J.Poshtan and M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,” Wiener-neural identification and predictive control of more realistic plug-flow tubular reactor”,Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 138, Issues 1-3, pp 274-282 1 May 2008
  H. Esmaelisabzali, A. Montazeri, J. Poshtan and M.R. Jahed-Motlagh “Non-Statistical based robust identification of a lightly damped flexible beam using Kautz orthonormal basis functions” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp 203-217,2008

Z.Rahmani and M.R. Jahed Motlagh, “Control of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattice”, Physics Letters A,Volume 370, Issues 3-4, pp 302-305, 22 October 2007
A. Saleh, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and J. Roushanian, ”Design pre-adaptive autopilot based on combing variable gain and separated equations” International Journal of Engineering Science, No. 3, PP. 1-9, 2007 (in farsi)
J. Zarei, A.Montazeri, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and J. Poshtan.” Design and comparison of LQG/LTR and H controller for a VSTOL flight control system”,Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 344, Issue 5, pp 577-594, August 2007,
J. Roshanian, A.R. Saleh and M.R. Jahed-Motlagh,” On the design of adaptive autopilots for a launch vehicle”, Proc. IMechE.. Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 221 Part I: J No. 1, pp 27-38, Aug 2006
M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, B. Kia, W.L. Ditto and S. Sinha,” Fault Tolerance and Detection in Chaotic Computers”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp 1-14, Sep 2006
Z. Kasirolvalad, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and M.A. Shadmani " An intelligent modeling system to improve the machiningprocess quality in CNC machines tools using adaptive fuzzy petri nets "International Advanced Manufacturing Technology, No 29, pp 1050-1061, July 2006
Behrooz Rezaie, Zahra Rahmani Cherati, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and Mohammad Farrokhi "Stabilization of the Lorenz Chaotic Equations by Fuzzy Controller " Transaction on Engineering, Computing and Technology, Volume 15, Enformatika V15 2006 ISSN 1305-5313, pp 246-249, October 2006
Z. Kasirolvalad, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, S. Kalantar and A. Shadmani, ‘Design and Modeling of CNC Machinery Operation using AND/OR Graph and Fuzzy Petri Net.’ Amirkabir Journal, Vol. 16, No. B-63, pp. 1-15, 2005.(in farsi)
M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, A. Shoulaie and Z. Rahmani, ‘Design Local and Central Controller for HVDC System’ International Journal of E ngineering Science , Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-20, Spring 2003(in farsi)
K. Mohammadi, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and A. Solaymani, "Design a Controller Based on Local Modular Fuzzy Neural Network for Nonlinear Multi Input Multi Output " International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 93-112, 2003.
M. Karimifar and M.R. Jahed-Motlagh, "Control of IC engines fixed electrical dynamometer" International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 85-95, 2001.
P. Bowron, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh and A.A.Muhieddine "Harmonic characterization of feedback systems incorporating saturation nonlinearities", Electronic Letters, Vol 27, No. 20, pp 1865-1867, Sep. 1991.

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