Conf. Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/12/17 | 

1. V. T. Vakili, S. S. Moghaddam, “Simulation of Hand off Initiation Algorithms in Cellular Mobile Communication Systems.”, 4th Int. Wireless & Telecom. Symposium, 3/10/2000, Malaysia.

2. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, Dehbozorgi, “Efficient Computer Simulation of VHF/UHF Radio Propagation, application to….”, 4th Int. Wireless & Telecom. Symposium, 3/10/2000, Malaysia.

3. S. S. Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, A. Falahati, “Improvement of Timer based handoff initiation algorithm”, 9th Iranian conference of Electrical Engineering, 2001, Tehran, Iran.

4. S. S. Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Hand off initiation Schemes based on received Power variation”, IST 2001, Tehran, Iran.

5. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “Compact Pattern Dynamic Channel Allocations Discrete event Modeling & Performance Simulation”, 8th International Conference of Iran society of computer, 2003, Mashhad, Iran.

6. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “A Novel DCA Scheme for resource sharing in Cellular environments with heterogeneous traffic”, 6th IFIP IEEE Int. Conf. MMNS 2003, Belfast, Northern Ireland .

7. A. Mehrabian, V. T. Vakili, “An Improved Parallel interference Cancellation Scheme for multi-User….”, IST-2003, Isfahan, Iran.

8. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “A Novel Fair Dynamic Resource Sharing Scheme in Cellular Environments”, IST-2003, Isfahan, Iran.

9. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “A Combined Speed- Responsive Overflow and Hand-down…”, IST-2003, Isfahan, Iran.

10. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “A New Channel Borrowing Scheme, Teletraffic Performance Evaluation”, 7th Int. Conf. on. Telecom, 2003, Zagreb , Croatia .

11. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “An efficient code for Power Line Communications”, 18th International conference of Electrical Engineering, 2003, Tehran, Iran.

12. S. M. Razavizade, V. T. Vakili, P. Azmi, “ ‍ Comparison of Several Multiple Antenna Multiuser....”, 5th IFIP TCG Int. Conference on Mobile…, 2003, Singapore .

13. V. T. Vakili, A. Khobroy, G. Saeedi, “Modified Channel Assignment With Preemption-common Packet Channel…”, IST-2005, Shiraz, Iran.

14. M. Taki, M. Nezafati, V. T. Vakili, “Low PAPR LDPC Coded OFDM”, IST-2005, Shiraz, Iran.

15. M. Razavizade, A. Khandani, V.T. Vakili, “Linear Precoding in Multi- antenna CDMA Systems Using…..”, 2005 Conf. on Information, Science & Systems, Chicago, U.S.A.

16. M. Bayat, M. Khalili, V. T. Vakili, “A Simple & Explicit Construction of LDPC Codes with No.4 Cycle…”, IST-2005, Shiraz, Iran.

17. M. Razavizade, V.T. Vakili, A. Khandani,” A New Precoding Scheme for CDMA Systems Over Frequency….”, IST-2005, Shiraz, Iran.

18. S. Ghazanfarirad, V. T. Vakili, A. Falahati, “A Novel Reduced Complexity Trellis Based MAP Decoding Algorithm for Block Codes”, 15th conference of Iran Electrical Engineering, 2007, Tehran, Iran.

19. M. Bayat, V. T. Vakili, “Lattice Decoding Using Accelerated Sphere Decoder”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Comm. Technology, ICACT 2007, Seoul, South Korea.

20. D. Abbasi-Moghadam, V. T. Vakily, "Pulse Compression Techniques in RADAR Systems ", 2nd Electronic Defense. Seminar, K. N. Toosi. University. of Technology, Tehran, Iran, February 8-9, 2005

21. S. Ghazanfarirad, V. T. Vakili, A. Falahati, “A New MAP-based algorithm to reduce the complexity of turbo decoder”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Comm. Technology, ICACT 2007, Seoul, South Korea.

22. D. Abbasi-Moghadam, V. T. Vakili, Z. mohades,"Simulation of code division multiplexing techniques in power line communication", the 11th conference on power engineering, Iran, Tehran, Shahid Abbaspour University, April 2006

23. S. Ghavami, V. T. Vakili, “Blind SNR estimation in WCDMA system with Unequal power Signals”, 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Comm. Summit, 2007, Budapest, Hungry.

24. A. Ebrahimi, V. T. Vakili, “Solving multi-path time delay estimation problem in the presence of…..”, WOCN 2007, Singapore.

25. M. Adibi, V. T. Vakili, “Comparison of Cooperative & non-Cooperative Game Schemes for….”, 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Sig. Proc. & Comm., 2007, Dubai , UAE.

26. F. Talebi, V. T. Vakili, M. Adibi, “Some results on stochastic resonance in one- bit quantizers”, 2007 IEEE Int. Conf. on Sig. Proc. & Comm., 2007, Dubai, UAE.

27. R. Moradi, V. T. Vakili, “Adaptive autocorrelation transmitted reference receiver for UWB system”, Int.Conf. on Sig. proc.& Comm. Systems, 2007, Sydney, Australia.

28. H. Zareian, V. T. Vakili, “Analytical BER performance of MQAM-OFDM systems in the Presence of IQ imbalance”, WOCN 2007, Singapore.

29. N. Rahimian, V. T. Vakili, “Detection of BFSK Signals in the Presence of Co-channel Interference & Noise in Flat Fading”, WOCN 2007, Singapore.

30. M. R. Rahmatpour, V. T. Vakili, “Optimum allocation of energy & location for Cooperative networks with differential modulation”, IST- 2008, Tehran, Iran.

31. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Time reversal technique for ultra wideband (TR-UWB) communication systems and its performance analysis”, IST- 2008, Tehran, Iran.

32. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Combination of turbo coding & Cryptography in Nongeo-satellite communication systems”, IST- 2008, Tehran, Iran.

33. M. Adibi, V. T. Vakili, “An analytical Closed form expression for the ergodic Capacity of Rayleigh fading MIMO channels & optimal antenna allocation”, IST- 2008, Tehran, Iran.

34. S. Ghavami, V. T. Vakili, “Joint Blind user identification & synchronization in non-cooperative CDMA systems at slow flat fading channels”, 16th conference of Iran Electrical Engineering, 2008, Tehran, Iran.

35. A. A. Haghighi, V. T. Vakili, “Power allocation in Coded Cooperation systems with Convenient cooperation ratio”, 16th conference of Iran Electrical Engineering, 2008, Tehran, Iran.

36. Rostamzade, V. T. Vakili, “PAPR Reduction in Wavelet Packet Modulation”, 5th IEEE International multi- conference on systems, signals and devices, 2008, Amman, Jordan.

37. Rostamzade, V. T. Vakili, “PAPR Reduction in WPDM and OFDM Systems using an adaptive threshold companding scheme”, 5th IEEE International multi- conference on systems, signals and devices, 2008, Amman, Jordan.

38. A. M. Montazeri, V. T. Vakili, “OFDM-CPM BER performance in SUI Multipath channels”, IEEE International Conference on Circuits & Systems for Communications, 2008, Shanghai, China.

39. S. Erfanian, V. T. Vakili, “Analysis of improved switching CFAR in the presence of Clutter & multiple targets”, 50th Inter. symposium ELMAR- 2008, Zadar, Croatia.

40. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Adaptive Secure channel coding based on turbo codes for MISO time reversed UWB systems”, 6th symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing, 2008, Graz, Austria.

41. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Spatial Correlations & coding based on turbo codes for MISO time reversed UWB systems”, 6th symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing, 2008, Graz, Austria.

42. A. Seirafian, V. T. Vakili, “Joint carrier frequency and symbol timing offsets and channel taps least….”, 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 2008, Lausanne, Switzer land.

43. A. Seirafian, V. T. Vakili, “Cramer-Rao bound for joint carrier frequency offset, symbol timing offset & channel……”, 2008 Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, USA.

44. A. Seirafian, V. T. Vakili, “Joint estimation of symbol timing and carrier frequency offsets based on discrete stochastic approximation for MC-CDMA systems”, Wireless Telecommunications symposium, Pomona California, USA.

45. A. Seirafian, V. T. Vakili, “Joint Sampling clock offset and Channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems“, Mosharaka Int. Co nf. On Communications Propagation and Electronic , 2008, Amman, Jordan.

46. A. Seirafian, V. T. Vakili, “Joint carrier frequency offset, symbol timing offset and channel estimation for MC-CDMA systems “, Mosharaka Int. Co nf. On Communications Propagation and Electronic , 2008, Amman, Jordan.

47. M. A. Saffar, V. T. Vakili, “Improved Bluetooth Pairing Protocol Using encrypted key exchange”, Int. conf. on Computer Eng. & Applications, 2009, Manila, Philippine.

48. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, E. Peymani. A., V. T. Vakili, H Ahmadi, “Optical Design of Satellite Imaging Payload”, the 8th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference, 2009, Esfahan, Iran.

49. A. Mardanian, V. T. Vakili, “An Equation Based Rate Control For Adaptive Video Streaming……”, 2009Int.Conf.on Machine Learning and Computing,2009, Perth , Australia .

50. E. Shojae, V. T. Vakili, “Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation & Mobility Prediction…..”, Int. Conf. & Exhibition on Next Generation 2009 NGMAST, Cardiff, UK.

51. A. M. Montazeri, V. T. Vakili, “The Investigation of OFDM-CPM Bit Error Rate & Fractional Out of Band”, 1st Conf.on Mobile Light weight Wireless Systems ‍ , 2009, Athena, Greece.

52. A. M. Montazeri, V. T. Vakili, “ Performance Comparison for OFDM-CPM and CPM-FDE”, 2009 Int. Cont. on Mobile, Wireless & Optical Com. MWOC 2009, Jeja Island, Korea.

53. V. T. Vakili, A. M. Montazeri, “ OFDM-CPM BER Performance in SUI Multi Path channels ”, 2008, 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Circuits & Systems for Comm., Shanghai, China.

54. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “Diversity-Rate Considerations & Precoder Designing for Spatially…”, 2009 Int. Cont. on Computer Eng. And Applications, Manila, Philippine.

55. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “STBC CDMA System Simulation in MIMO Channels…”, First Int. Conf. on Computational Intell…, 2009, Bruno, Czech.

56. M. Akhavan, V. T. Vakili, “Improvement of Bluetooth Pairing protocol….”, 2009 Int. Conf. on Machine Learning & Computing, Perth, Australia.

57. E. Shojae, V. T. Vakili, “Band Width Reservation & Admission Control Based on Mobility Prediction…..”, 2009 Int. Cont. on Information & Network Technology, Perth, Australia.

58. V. T. Vakili, M. Vahedi, “Sea Clutter Modeling Improvement & Target…..”, International Conf. on Advanced ‍ Computer Control, 2009 ,Singapore.

59. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “A Transmitter Model For Performance Improvement & Interference Mitigation”, European Modeling Symposium 2009 EMS 2009, Athena , Greece .

60. M. Adibi, V. T. Vakili, “Transmit Covariance for Spatially-Correlated Multiple- Antenna….”, ISI- 2008, Tehran, Iran.

61. M. Adibi, V. T. Vakili, “A Game theoretic Approach for SINR-Constrained Power Control in 3G Cellular CDMA….”, PIMRC07 , Greece.

62. M. Adibi, V. T. Vakili, “Optimality of Multichannel Beamforming for Spatially Correlated....”, SAM 2008, Darmstadt , Germany .

63. V. T. Vakili, D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, “Adaptive Secure OFDM Schemes over Power Line Communications”, 6th Inter. Conf. on Infor. Comm. And Signal processing (ICICS 2007).

64. H. Zareian, V. T. Vakili, “Performance Degradation of M-QAM-OFDM Systems Jointly Affected by Nonlinear Distortion”, 14th National India Conf. on Comm. (NCC 2008), Delhi, India.

65. H. Zareian, V. T. Vakili, “Impact of both TX & RX IQ Imbalances on OFDM Systems....”, 14th National India Conf. on Comm. (NCC 2008), Delhi, India.

66. D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, V. T. Vakili, “Tine Reversed UWB Spatial Frequency Channel Characterization”, IEEE Inter. Workshop on Signal Processing & its Applications (WOSPA 2008).

67. M. Ghoreyshi, V. T. Vakili, “Discrete Data Smoothing Technique for Noise Reduction”, 5th Int. Conf. on Elec.& Electronics Eng (ELECO 2007).

68. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “Performance Improvement of a Multiuse MIMO System Using Perfect….”, Mosharaka Inter, Conf. on Comm, Networking & Infor. Technology, 2007, Amman, Jordan.

69. V. T. Vakili, D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, “A Secure Channel Coding Scheme Based on Turbo Coding for UWB….”, IEEE Intor. Workshop on Signal Processing & its Applications (WOSPA 2008).

70. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Generalized Wiener Process in the Presonce”, Mosharaka Inter, Conf. on Comm, Networking & Infor. Technology, 2007, Amman, Jordan.

71. B. Kasiri, V. T. Vakili, “A T-Location-Scale- based MMSE Estimator under a Combination of Stochastic…..”, 6th Inter. Conf. on Infor. Comm. & Signal Processing (ICICS 2007).

72. V. T. Vakili, D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, K. Keyghobad, “Secure Turbo Codes in Impulsive Noise channel”, TELSIKS 2007, Nis, Serbia.

73. M. Rahmati, V. T. Vakili, “Performance Improvement of STBCCDMA Systems in Correlated MIMO Channels”, the 2009 Int. Conf. on Advanced Techno. Of Comm. (ATC 2009), Haiphong , Vietnam .

74. V. T. Vakili, A. Aziminezhad, “Dynamic Channel Allocation based on Compact Pattern Concept with….”, 5th European Personal Mobile Comm. Conference, 2003, Glasgow, U. K.

75. A. Sarrafzade, V. T. Vakili, “YBLAST Detection based on Quadratic Zero-one programming”, IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Cardiff, 2009, Wales Cardiff, U.K.

76. A. Sarrafzade, V. T. Vakili, “Iterative V-Blast Detection with UCD Channel Decomposition”, 2009 Pacific-Asia Confer.on Circuits, Comm. & Systems (PACCS 2009), Chengdu, China.

77. A. Falahati, V. T. Vakili, D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, “Security and Coding Schemes Over power line Communications”, ISCTA 2007, Ambleside, U.K. (abstract).

78. A. Falahati, V. T. Vakili, D. Abbasi-Moghaddam, “OFDM Scheme in Impulsive Noise Channels”, ISCTA 2007, Ambleside, U.K. (abstract).

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