1. Introduction to attitude control and satellite dynamics, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
2. Satellite attitude stabilization system, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
3. Satellite attitude measure sensor , Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
4. Evaluation of satellite attitude control and orbit control a practical example, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
5. Presentation of two new algorithm for attitude control system design And stabilization of a satellite using a gravity gradient, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
6. Some practical considerations in the choice of the stabilization and attitude control system, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
7. Calculate and damping of lameness angle of a satellite In the presence of a disturbance torque, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
8. A satellite attitude control system design using a magnetic torque, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
9. Analysis of attitude measurement sensor, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
10. Stabilization and attitude control of satellites , Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
11. Investigation of satellite stabilization system with 3-Axis method, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
12. Investigation of satellite stabilization system with spinning method, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
13. Evaluation of feedback linearization rules and sliding control in attitude contol of a spinning satellite, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
14. A review of the angular momentum wheel control , Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
15. Evaluation of sliding rule effect for satellite attitude dynamic in 3-axis status, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
16. Total Dynamic extraction of the satellite in 3-axis status, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
17. Evaluation of feedback linearization control rule for spinning satellite dynamic , Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
18. Evaluation of feedback linearization control rule for 3-Axis satellite dynamic , Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
19. Magnetic field modeling, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
20. Evaluation of variable attitude determination of spinning satellites-1, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
21. Evaluation of variable attitude determination of spinning satellites-2, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
22. Evaluation of variable attitude determination of spinning satellites-3, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
23. Evaluation of variable attitude determination of spinning satellites-4, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
24. Evaluation of variable attitude determination of spinning satellites-5, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
25. Earth magnetic field, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
26. Magnetic sensor, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
27. Earth magnetic field software, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
28. Satellite computers, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
29. Spinning satellite dynamic, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
30. Evaluation of on/off control rule, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
31. Working principle of the magnetic torque, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
32. Attitude control system, and stabilization a satellite stabilize with gravity gradient method, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
33. Attitude control electronics of a spinning satellite, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
34. Performance evaluation, test, quality assurance and magnetic and sun sensor calibration of a spinning satellite, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
35. Disturbance torques acting on the LEO orbit, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
36. Providing 1905 Report on NVID_ELMO_SANAT satellite, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)
37. Providing 2446 Report on ZAFAR_ELMO_SANAT satellite, Higher Institute of Electronics center(MOTAAL)