Dr. Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie |
Personal Information
Dr. Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie
Nanoptronics Research Center, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 16846 -13114
Tel.: (+98) 21-73222667
E-mail: mahdiyar_rezaie elec.iust.ac.ir
mahdiyar_rezaie yahoo.com
Google Scholar; ORCID |
PhD (2016-2021) |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Semiconductor Device Fabrication), Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) |
Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of Hybrid Heterojunction Light-Emitting Device Based on ZnO Nanotubes
( Prof. Mohammadnejad )
Thesis Title:
M. Sc. (2012-2014)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Semiconductor Device Fabrication), K. N. Toosi University of Technology (KNTU) |
Fabrication and Simulation of Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) Based on ITO/AZO Transparent Conductive Oxide using ZnO Nanorods
(Dr. Negin Manavizadeh, Dr. Ebrahim Nadimi)
Thesis Title:
B. Sc. (2006-2011)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Karaj Islamic Azad University (KIAU) |
The Measurement of the Ambient Humidity and Temperature and Display on the LCD using ATmega32 Microcontroller
(Hamid Shabestari)
Thesis Title:
Research Interests
Semiconductor Device Fabrication (e.g. Diodes, Transistors, Solar Cells, LEDs, Sensors , …)
Photovoltaic Devices (Organic and Inorganic)
Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCOs) (e.g. ITO, AZO, ZnO, FTO , …)
Nanocomposites and Nanostructures (e.g. Nanowires, Nanorods, Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, …)
Organic Electronics (e.g. OLEDs, OSC, OLETs , …)
Solid States Cathodoluminescence (SSCL)
Opto-Electronics and Nano-Electronics
Ab-initio and First-principles Atomic Simulation
2D and 3D Nanoscale Device Simulation
Book Publications
Solution Manual of General Calculation 1 (in Persian), Modir-Fallah Publishing, Karaj, Iran.
ISBN: 978-964-8292-73-2
2008 |
Calculation 2 (a Work Book for the 2nd Year of the High School Students) (in Persian), Modir-Fallah Publishing, Karaj, Iran.
ISBN: 978-964-8292-74-9
2008 |
Geometry 2 (a Work Book for the 2nd Year of the High School Students) (in Persian), Modir-Fallah Publishing, Karaj, Iran.
ISBN: 978-964-8292-7
2008 |
Journal Papers (ISI)
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Negin Manavizadeh, Ehsan Mohammadi Nasr Abadi, Ebrahim Nadimi, Farhad Akbari Boroumand, " Comparison study of transparent RF-sputtered ITO/AZO and ITO/ZnO bilayers for near UV-OLED applications", Applied Surface Science, Vol. 392, pp. 549–556. |
2017 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Negin Manavizadeh, Ebrahim Nadimi, Farhad Akbari Boroumand, "Quality enhancement of AZO thin films at various thicknesses by introducing ITO buffer layer", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 21, pp. 1-10. |
2018 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Negin Manavizadeh, Fatemeh Dehghan Nayeri, Maryam Massah Bidgoli, Ebrahim Nadimi, Farhad Akbari Boroumand, "Effect of seed layers on low-temperature, chemical bath deposited ZnO nanorods-based near UV-OLED performance", Ceramics International, Vol. 44, pp. 4937-4945. |
2020 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Shahram Mohammadnejad, "Effect of the PEDOT: PSS buffer layer on the performance of hybrid ZnO nanorods/polymer electroluminescent diode", Optical and Quantum Electronics, 52 (2), 1-14 |
2021 |
Shahram Mohammadnejad, Shabnam Ahadzadeh, Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, "Effect of ZnO nanorods and nanotubes on the electrical and optical characteristics of organic and perovskite light-emitting diodes", Nanotechnology 32 (24), 245204-245204. |
2021 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Shahram Mohammadnejad, Shabnam Ahadzadeh, "Hybrid inorganic-organic light-emitting heterostructure devices based on ZnO", Optics & Laser Technology 138, 106896. |
2021 |
Shahram Mohammadnejad, Shabnam Ahadzadeh, Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, "Tunable band gap energy of single-walled zigzag ZnO nanotubes as a potential application in photodetection", Current Applied Physics 29, 138-147. |
2022 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Shahram Mohammadnejad, Shabnam Ahadzadeh, "The impact of ZnO nanotube on the performance of hybrid inorganic/organic light-emitting diode as a single-mode ring-core UV waveguide", Surfaces and Interfaces, Vol 28, 101666-101678. |
Conference Papers
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, "Ab initio study of electrical and optical properties of PEDOT:PSS, PPP and PPV for organic photovoltaics (OPVs)", Accepted and Published In 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN 2014), Istanbul, Turkey. |
2015 |
Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, Maryam Massah Bidgoli, Negin Manavizadeh, Ebrahim Nadimi, Farhad Akbari Boroumand, "Influence of ZnO nanorods on the performance of MEH-PPV based OLED in near UV range", Accepted and Published In 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN 2015), Istanbul, Turkey. |
2017 |
Shahram Mohammadnejad, Mahdiyar Nouri Rezaie, "Analysis and Atomic Simulation of Electron Structures and Defects in ZnO Nano-Crystal for Its Optimal Doping with Al", Accepted and Published In IEEE 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation (KBEI 2017), 22 December2017, Tehran, Iran. |