Abstract: (24061 Views)
In this paper, the enhancement of vehicle stability and handling is investigated by control of the active
geometry suspension system (AGS). This system could be changed through control of suspension mounting
point’s position in the perpendicular direction to wishbone therefore the dynamic is alternative and
characteristics need to change. For this purpose, suitable controller needs to change mounting point’s
position in limit area. Adaptive fuzzy control able to adjust stability and handling characteristics in all
conditions. Also, simple controller such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) versus adaptive fuzzy
have been used that submit intelligent controllers. The three of freedom model (3DOF) in vehicle handling
is validated with MATLAB and CarSim software. The results show that the steady state response of the
adaptive fuzzy controller has been closed to desired yaw and roll angle has been enhanced about %20. In
cases of lateral velocity and side slip angle have the same condition that it shows the stability has been
improved. The control effort of PID needs to change very high that this response is not good physically,
while control effort in adaptive fuzzy is less than 50 mm.