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Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

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:: Dr. Borhan Beigzadeh ::

Dr. Borhan Beigzadeh

Full Name: Dr. Beigzadeh, Borhan
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: (+98-21) 77240540-50, Ex: 2981
Fax: (+98-21) 73021587, 77240488
E-mail: b_beigzadeh AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Room #3125, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Tehran, Iran
Research Lab: Biomechatronics and Cognitive Engineering (URL)

صفحه فارسی، Personal Homepage

  • Sharif University of Technology، School of Mechanical Engineering
    • Ph.D. : Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics (Dynamics & Control), 2006-2011
    • M.Sc. : Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics (Dynamics & Control), 2003-2005
  • University of Tehran، College of Engineering، Department of Mechanical Engineering
    • B.Sc. : Mechanical Engineering, Solid Mechanics, 1999-2002
Reseach Interest
  • Biomechatronics: BCI/BMI, Surgery Robotics, Rehabilitation Robotics, Magnetic Drug Delivery
  • Robotics & Control Systrems: Active and Passive Dynamic Bipedal Locomotion/Object Manipulation, Correlation of Locomotion and Manipulation, Bio-Inspired Robotics,  Nonlinear Dynamic and Control
  • Cognitive Science and Engineering: EEG Signal Processing, Modeling of Brain Behaviour in Response to Visual Stimuli, Modeling and Control of Behavioral/Brain Disorders (Stuttering, Autism, Epilepsy, ...)
  • Traditional Science: Traditional Medicine (Traditional Medicine Approach in Biomechanics, Effect of Four Humors in Cell and Tissue Biology), Traditional Astronomy (Spherical Trigonometry, Design and Manufacturing of Astrolabe and Armillary Sphere, Changes of the Obliquity based on Dynamical Equations of the Earth and Traditional Observations, Religious Calendar and Prayer Times)
  • Head of Biomechanics Department, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Since Jan. 2021 
  • Adjunct Professor, SEMTE, ASU, USA, Since Sep. 2019
  • Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Since Apr. 2019 
  • Visiting Professor, SEMTE, ASU, USA, Aug. 2018 - Sep. 2019 
  • Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, IUST, Nov. 2011 - Apr. 2019 
  • Director of Biomechatronics and Cognitive Research Lab, Since 2014
  • Director of Educational Laboratories of Biomechanics Devision, Since 2016
  • Administrator of Virtual and Electronic of  Deputy of Student and Cultural Affairs, School of Mechanical Engineering, Jul. 2014 - Jul. 2016 
  • Deputy of Student and Cultural Affairs, School of Mechanical Engineering, Jul. 2012 - Jul. 2014 
10 ‎Selected Journal Papers (Full Publication List at Google Scholar)
  1. A Shapeshifting Ferrofluidic Robot
    R Ahmed, M Ilami, J Bant, B Beigzadeh, H Marvi
    Soft Robotics --- (2020)
  2. Magnetic needle Steering in Soft phantom tissue
    M Ilami, RJ Ahmed, A Petras, B Beigzadeh, H Marvi
    Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-11 --- (2020)
  3.  Use of a smartphone thermometer to monitor thermal conductivity changes in diabetic foot ulcers: a pilot study
    E Maddah, B Beigzadeh
    Journal of Wound Care 29 (1), 61-66 --- (2020)
  4.  Feedback control of temperature in specific geometry of porous media: application to hyperthermia
    A Rezvanian, B Beigzadeh, AH Davaei Markazi, M Halabian
    Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-10 --- (2020)
  5. From a 3d passive biped walker to a 3d passivity-based controlled robot 
    B Beigzadeh, MR Sabaapour, MRH Yazdi, K Raahemifar
    International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 15 (04), 1850009 --- (2018)
  6. Homotopy-based solution of Navier-Stokes equations for two-phase flow during magnetic drug targeting 
    B Beigzadeh, A Rasaeifard
    Journal of Molecular Liquids 238, 11-18 --- (2017)
  7. Fourier-based quantification of renal glomeruli size using Hough transform and shape descriptors 
    S Najafian, B Beigzadeh, M Riahi, FK Chamazkoti, M Pouramir
    Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 151, 179-192 --- (2017)  
  8. On dynamic non-prehensile manipulation of multibody objects 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari
    Scientia Iranica, Transaction B, Mechanical Engineering 22 (2), 467-486 --- (2015
  9. Passive dynamic object manipulation: A framework for passive walking systems 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, S Sohrabpour
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Mutibody Dynamics 227(2), 185-198 --- (2013
  10. A dynamic object manipulation approach to dynamic biped locomotion  
    B Beigzadeh, MN Ahmadabadi, A Meghdari, A Akbarimajd
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (7), 570-582 --- (2008
10 ‎Selected Conference Proceedings (Full Publication List at Google Scholar)
  1. Design and development of one degree of freedom upper limb exoskeleton 
    B Beigzadeh, M Ilami, S Najafian
    Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM), 2015 3rd RSI International Conference on ...
  2. Novel Periodic and Turning Motions in the Simplest Passive Walking Model 
    MR Sabaapour, MRH Yazdi, B Beigzadeh
    ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition ...
  3. Design and implementation of a cognitive-ergonomic navigation interface on an optimized holonomic mechanism 
    M Falahi, B Beigzadeh, Z Bank, R Rajabli
    2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
  4. Manipulation of Multibody Active Objects Using Simple Passive Manipulators 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, S Sohrabpour
    ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 597-603
  5. Control and manipulation of multibody objects 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, S Sohrabpour
    ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and ...
  6. Dynamic manipulation of objects using a series of manipulators 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, Y Beigzadeh 
    IMECE2007 (ASME), USA
  7. Dynamic Manipulation of Objects Using Multiple Manipulators 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, Y Beigzadeh
    ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition ...
  8. Dealing With Biped Locomotion as a Dynamic Object Manipulation Problem: Manipulating of Body Using Legs 
    B Beigzadeh, A Meghdari, Y Beigzadeh
    ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition ...
  9. Two dimensional dynamic manipulation of a disc using two manipulators 
    B Beigzadeh, MN Ahmadabadi, A Meghdari
    2006 International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 1191-1196
  10. Dynamic Object Manipulation (DOM) of a Sphere Using Two Manipulators 
    B Beigzadeh, MN AhmadAbadi, A Meghdari
    IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA2006
  1. H. Marvi, B. Beigzadeh, H. Bagheri, T.W. Lee, Systems and Methods for an Amphibious Submersible for Pipe Interior and Wall Inspection, 2020, Provisional US-Patent.
  2. H. Marvi, B. Beigzadeh, M. Ilami, Systems and Methods for a Beetle-inspired Pipe Cleaning Robot, 2019, Provisional US-Patent.
  3. M.R. Sabapour, M.R. Hairi Yazdi, B. Beigzadeh, 3D Passive Biped Walker with Flat Feet and Flexible Ankles. No. 91837, 2016, I. R. Iran.
  4. B. Beigzadeh, M. Halabian, Magnetic Field Concentrator Apparatus for Control and Manipulation of Micro/Nano Magnetic Particles in Fluid Environment. No. 85277, 2014, I. R. Iran.
  5. B. Beigzadeh, V. Babakeshizadeh, A. Meghdari, Gaam-Gard: A Passive Manipulator of Objects. No. 70037, 23 May. 2011, I. R. Iran.
  6. B. Beigzadeh, A. Monjazeb, A. Taheri, A. Meghdari, A Ball-Wheeled Holonomic Robot. No. 67938, 13 Dec. 2010, I. R. Iran.
  7. B. Beigzadeh, Y. Beigzadeh, M. Fallahi, A New Holonomic Mechanism with Triangular Arrangement. No. 52405, 6 Sep. 2008, I. R. Iran.
  • Dynamics of Machinery (Undergraduate)
  • Introduction to Mechatronics (Undergraduate)
  • Control (Undergraduate)
  • Nonlinear Control (Graduate)
  • Mechatronics I (Graduate)
  • Bioinstrumentation (Graduate)
  • Advanced Mathematics (Graduate)
  • MAE/MSE 501, Linear Algebra in Engineering (ASU)
Last Updated: Oct. 2020
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