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:: . ::


" Dr Ahmad Makui"


Department: Industrial Engineering

Ph.D., Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran), 2001

Email :  amakui AT iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-73225004

Education and qualifications

University Degrees-

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001

Sellected Short Course Certificates


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, since 2004

Teaching Experiences

Operation Research1 (undergraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology; Azad Islamic University; Allame University)•Statistics for Managers ( postgraduate courses in faculty of EMBA, Iran Management Institute)

• Operation Research 2 (undergraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Azad Islamic University)

• Decision Analysis (undergraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Azad Islamic University)

• Operation Research ( Postgraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology; Azad Islamic University; Iran Management Institute)

•Multiple Criteria Decision Making (postgraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Economical Sciences Faculty)

•Models and Techniques in Decision Making (Doctoral courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology)

•Production Planning (undergraduate courses in faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology)

Selected Written Works

1-A methodology for analyzing decision networks based on information theory European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, Vol 202 

2- Modeling optimizes casing points in Persian Gulf wells, Oil & Gas Journal, 2009, Vol 107  

3- A new heuristic method for distribution networks considering service level constraint and coverage radius, Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, Vol 36  

4- A novel approach to determine cell formation, intracellular machine layout and cell layout in the CMS problem based on TOPSIS method, Computers and Operations Research, 2009, Vol 36 

5- The bullwhip effect and Lyapunov exponent, Applied Mathematics and computations, 2007, Vol 189 

6- An efficient algorithm for solving a new mathematical model for a quay crane scheduling problem in container ports, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2009, Vol 56 

7- Extension of fuzzy TOPSIS method based on interval-valued fuzzy sets, Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2009, Vol 9 

8- Linear programming embedded particle swarm optimization for solving an extended model of dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing systems, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2009 , Vol 7 No 8  

9- Project risk identification and assessment simultaneously using multi-attribute group decision making technique, Safety Science, 2010 

10- Project risk identification and analysis based on group decision making methodology in a fuzzy environment ,  International journal of management science and engineering management, 2010 

11- Chaos in Production Planning, Journal of applied mathematics and informatics, 2008, Vol 26 

12- An Algorithm to Compute the Complexity of a Static Production Planning, International Journal of Engineering, 2003, Vol 16 

13- A New Method to Performance Measurement in Production Planning, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2004, Vol 15 

14- Designing a multi – objective nonlinear cross – docking location allocation model using genetic algorithm, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2006, Vol 2 

15- Operational (Dynamic) Complexity and its Behavior in Supply Chain, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS, 2007, Vol 6

16- Efficiency evaluation in DEA models using common weights, International journal of mathematics and statistics, 2008, Vol 3 

17- Practical common weights molp approach for efficiency analysis, journal of industrial engineering International, 2008, Vol 4 

18 -A goal programming method for finding common weights in DEA with an improved discriminating power for efficiency, Journal of Industrial and System Engineering, 2008, Vol 1 

19- A study on complexity in supply chain problems: An MRP application case study, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006, Vol 17 

20- A model for sharing the costs of uncontrollable risks among the contracting parties, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2009, Vol 2 

21- Technology selection with both quantitative and qualitative outputs, International Journal of Procurement management, 2009, Vol 2 

22- A new heuristic approach to solve product mix problems in a multi bottleneck system, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2009, Vol 5 

23- A distribution method for bullwhip reduction, International Journal of Electronic customer relationship management, 2008, Vol 1 

24- An Application of fuzzy numbers ranking in performance analysis, Journal of applied sciences, 2009, Vol 9 

25- Practical common weights compromise solution approach for technology selection, International Journal of Procurement Management, 2010, Vol 3 

26- Determining common weights by regarding predetermined priorities of decision making units, International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management, 2010, Vol 2 

27- A forecasting method in data envelopment analysis with group decision making, International Journal of Applied Management science, 2010, Vol 2 

28- Analysis of lumpiness phenomenon in MRP, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2010, Vol 6 

29- Ideal and anti-ideal decision making units: a fuzzy DEA approach, Journal of Industrial Engineering International  

30- A New Method for Measuring the Static Complexity in Manufacturing, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 

31- A compromise solution approach for finding common weights in DEA: an improvement to Kao and Hung's approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society,2010, No 61 

« Google Scholar Link »

Conference Attendance

1- Risk identification and analysis concurrently: group decision making approach, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology, Singapore, 2008 

2- Defining the weights of criteria by least square method with variable marginal rate of substitution,  ‍Computational Economics & Financial and Industrial System (CEFIS 2007), Istanbul, 2007 

3- An investigation on the multiple attribute decision making methods for solving the cell formation problem, IEEM 2007, Singapore, 2007 

4- A new approach for buffer sizing in critical chain scheduling, IEEM 2007, Singapore, 2007 

5- The transfer mechanism of operational complexity in supply chain, 5th WSEAS International conference on Non-Linear analysis, Non-Linear systems and chaos, Budapest, 2006   

 6- Managing supply chain inventories: one warehouse and multiple retailers' model, The Fourth International Conference of Industrial Engineering, Tehran,  

7-An extended efficient frontier method: A resource allocation application, The Fourth International Conference of Industrial Engineering, Tehran,    

Research Projects

Measuring the Complexity in Supply Chains, issued by Iran University of Science and Technology, 2005  Measuring the self organization level in manufacturing systems, issued by Iran University of Science and Technology, 2007 

Using Lyapunov exponent to measure the bullwhip effect, issued by Iran University of Science and Technology, 2006 

A measure for informational efficiency in organizations, issued by Iran University of Science and Technology, 2008 

Awards And Scholarships


Assignments and Consultations


Attendance in International Official Meetings


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