| نام: دکتر علیرضا گوهری انارکی رتبه علمی: دانشیار تلفن: 50-77240540 داخلی: 2953 فاکس: 77240488 پست الکترونیکی: gohari AT iust.ac.ir آدرس: دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تهران، ایران |
دانشگاه های محل تحصیل 1986 - 1990 Ph.D, University of Wales, U.K. 1977 - 1979 M.Sc, Nuclear Technology Surrey University, England. 1973 - 1977 B.Sc, Iran University of Science and Technology. زمینه های تخصصی Fracture Mechanics: Linear & Non-linear – Isotropic & Anisotropic Materials – Cementitious Materials Creep Rupture: Uniaxial & Multiaxial. Creep – Fracture Failure. Finite Element Modeling & Simulation in Engineering. Experimental Mechanics. Materials Mechanical Behavior. Advanced Materials Modeling. زمینه های مورد علاقه Advanced Vehicle System Engineering. Engineering materials for high performance application in aerospace & related technologies. Mechanical testing of micro specimens. Nano-composites. Nano-structured materials. Nano-Mechanics & electronics. Advanced materials modeling. Current Research Topics Development of Weight Function Model for Structures with Boundary Condition dependence on Crack Plane Local flexibility Functional. Multiaxial Proportional/Non-Proportional Fatigue/Creep Crack Initiation Life Models for Notched. Structures/Components based on Hot Spot Local Damage Approach. Fatigue Life Predictions for Small-Sized Notched Structures Based on “Non-Hot Spot Local Damage. Criteria” Under Proportional/Non-Proportional Loadings. Mixed Mode Fracture Criterion for small-sized wooden structure Based on “T-Stress Fictitious Crack Model. Fatigue Life Prediction of Magnetic Materials Deformed at Low & High Temperatures. Experimental Determination of Creep Fracture Parameter (C*- Integral) for Components under Body Force Condition (i.e., Rotating Components). Application of “Hot Spot Local Damage” and “Non-Local Damage” models to quasi - brittle materials. Application of “Hot Spot Local Damage” and “Non-Local Damage” models to biomaterials, Nanomaterials, and aerospace materials. Estimations of inelastic creep fracture parameters based on robust simplified elastic approach. Development of Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) model based on “Negative Modulus of Elasticity” , applied to materials with monotonic softening* characteristic (e.g., Wood and Concrete ) * It is worth noting that the “monotonic softening” should not be confused with the “cyclic softening” behavior of materials. Development of time-dependant complex models of non-linear material response (Part I and II). Part I: Constitutive models for cyclic & ratcheting effects. Part II: Experimental determination of the material constant parameters employed in constitutive models. Extended Finite Element Method, XFEM, Applied to Fracture Mechanics & Creep – Fracture Problems. تجربیات کاری
Summary : I spent 7 years in industry, from 1979 till 1986, as Design Engineer, Senior Design Engineer, Quality Control Supervisor, and ultimately Project Leader. Incubator & Hatcher Machines Mfg. Company I was working as a Director of Engineering at the Jojiran Incubator & Hatcher Machines Manufacturing Company. Manufacturer of Incubator & Hatcher Machine, Model 1000, to produce 1000,000 one day old chickens per month. Heave Duty Truck Mfg. Company My main industrial experience was gained from Volvo-Iran Kaveh Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing Company (VIKC), manufacturer of flat-bed & low-bed heavy duty semi-trailer chassis, fifth wheel, fifth wheel coupling pin, leaf springs, suspension & equipment components, and tractor-trailer axles & spindles for all types of light and heavy duty vehicles, as well as those for military and agricultural implement industries. Highlights of my tasks and responsibilities within the company include the following: Design Engineer: Semi-trailer Chassis Design Division, March 1979 –April 1980. Senior Design Engineer: Semi-trailer Suspension & equipment Systems Manufacturing Division, April 1980 – October 1981. Project Leader: Volvo Tractor-trailer Production Division, October 1981 - October 1983. This division produced Volvo truck Model F12, which had been licensed by the Volvo truck Manufacturing Company in Sweden.
My main research contribution over these periods has been concentrated on: Vehicle Structural Integrity (strength & durability analyses). The international Codes & Standards, applied mainly to structures & components design. Modification and development of the National Codes & Standards on the basis of several factors such as: domestic requirements, quality metal fabrication, road surface conditions, cost estimate, and etc. Material behavior Testing. Metal forming & forging processes. Material heat treatment. Welds, their quality and inspection capability for high integrity structures & components. Thermal & mechanical residual stress relief. Stress Analysis. Machine design programming. Machine design commercial software. Pneumatic and hydraulic circuits board design. Production quality control. Jigs & fixtures design. Ensured “brake system compatibility” between Volvo Tractors and domestic manufacturing semi-trailers. تجربیات آکادمیک
Summary : Returned to academia and was appointed as a Research Assistant at the University of Wales (School of Engineering, Swansea U.K.) in 1986, from where I graduated, in 1990, with a PhD on “Low Cycle Fatigue and Creep Rupture Life Predictions for Hollow Tubes with Axially Loaded Axisymmetric Internal Projections”. Among my other appointments as chairman, visiting scholar and director, I was appointed as Assistant Professor of Mech. Eng. at the Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) in 1990 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2003. Currently on sabbatical , Vancouver, BC, Canada Member of Professors Promotion Committee , Faculty of Mech. Eng., IUST Academic Position in Resident Faculty of American University of Hawaii (AUH) in Iran. Visiting Scholar , School of Engineering, University of Swansea, UK. Research collaborator: Dr. S. J. Hardy, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Associate Professor , Faculty of Mech. Eng. IUST. Director , Creep Material Testing Laboratory, IUST. Senior Member of Fracture Mechanics Research Centre , IUST. Director , Applied Mechanic Design Centre. Head , Post-graduate Solid Mechanics Group, Faculty of Mech. Eng., On sabbatical, Research Associate , School of Eng., University of Swansea, UK. Director, CAD/CAM Research Centre, Division of Manufacturing Eng., IUST. Head, Undergraduate Solid Mechanics Group, Faculty of Mech. Eng. Member of University Research Council, IUST. Chairman, Automobile Research Centre, IUST. Assistant Professor , Faculty of Mech. Eng., IUST. Senior Research Assistant , School of Eng., University of Swansea, UK. Grants : Kian Tire & Rubber Company: Manufacturer of truck tires, rims, and wheels. Iron & Steel Institute (ISI). Automobile Manufacturing Industry. Light & Heavy Duty Vehicle Manufacturing & Equipment Industry. Disc Insulators Manufacturing Company: Manufacturer of Low & High Tension (LT & HT) Power Transmission Disc Insulators. Spiral Welded - Pipe Manufacturing Company. Pressure vessel Manufacturing Company. Grant Department for Research: Sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education. Iranian Welding Society (IWS). Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum. Ministry of Transportation. Alloy Castings Educational & Research Foundation: Producing steel & stainless steel castings. This institute services all markets including gas & steam turbine cases, hydro turbine wicket gates, split pump case, marine propeller, and etc. دروس تدریس شده Summary : I have taught many engineering subjects in mechanics and design during the past 17 years of my teaching experience. At the undergraduate and graduate levels, I have been regularly teaching the following courses. Additionally, I was also involved in teaching courses, presented on/off campus, to Industry – Sponsored Senior Engineers.
Undergraduate Courses Mechanics of Deformable Solids (1, 2, and 3) Machine Design (1, 2) Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Post – graduate Courses Experimental Mechanics Advanced Mechanics of Deformable Solids Fracture Mechanics (fatigue & fracture) Creep - Creep fracture Metal Forming (irregularly teaching) Industry – Sponsored Courses Introduction to International & National codes & Standards. Presented to : Automotive, Bridge & Building, and Boiler & Pressure Vessel Mfg industries. Materials Mechanical Behavior (real and ideal simple/complex behavior models), subjected to monotonic & cyclic loadings. Presented to: Automobile Vehicle and Aerospace Vehicle industries. Non-destructive & Local destructive techniques. Presented to : Pressure Vessel & Piping, Fuel & Energy, and Railway Mfg industries. Fatigue Failure Damage of Structures and Components under Constant & Variable Amplitude Loadings. Presented to: Automobile Vehicle, Aerospace Vehicle, and Bridge & Building Mfg industries. Fracture Failure Damage of Structures under Monotonic & Cyclic Loadings. Presented to : Aerospace Vehicles, Pressure Vessel & Piping, and Bridge & Building Mfg industries. Classification of Stresses, Caused Damage, such as Primary Stress, Secondary Stress, Deformation Controlled Stress and Load Controlled Stress. Presented to: Boiler & Pressure Vessel, and Bridge & Building industries. Residual Stress Effects on Crack Initiation & Crack Propagation Life Predictions. Presented to: Railway, Nut & Bolt, Track Rim & Wheel, and Crankshaft Mfg industries
and Aerospace Vehicle Industry. Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) effect on Mixed –Mode Fracture Behaviour of Materials with monotonic softening characteristic (e.g., Wood and Concrete). Presented to: Railway, Bridge, and Building industries Creep Failure Damage of Structures & Components. Presented to : Thermal Power Plant, Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Coating, and High Temperature
Equipment Mfg industries. Robust Approximate Methods for Engineering Design at Low & High temperature. Presented to : Automobile Vehicle, Aerospace Vehicle, and Power Plant industries. Application of Finite Element – and Commercial Software to Engineering Design (i.e., Abaqus, Ansys, Nastran, Nissa, and etc.). Presented to: Automobile Vehicle, and Aerospace Vehicle Industries. Surface and/or Bending Fatigue Behavior of Rubber. Presented to : Tire & Rubber Product Mfg industry. Ratcheting Response of Materials at High Temperature under different Loading Path Shapes. Presented to: Boiler & Pressure Vessel, Thermal Power Plant, and coating industries. مقالات ژورنال:
Sakhaee-Pour, A., Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Hardy, S.J. "The Effect of Stiffness on Stress Intensity Factor for a Crack in Annular Disc under Contstant Central Torque", International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJD), SAGE, 2010, Vol. 19, Issue:8,,Pages 1001 -1015. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. " Mixed Mode Fracture Damage Model for Orthotropic Materials (Like Wood)", International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJD), SAGE, 2010, In Press, DOI:10.1177/1056789510382855. Gowhari-Anaraki,A.R., and Fakoor, M. "A New Mixed-Mode Fracture Criterion for Orthotropic Materials, Based on Strength Properties", Journal of Strain Analysis, IMechE 2010, Vol. 45, DOI:10.1243/03093247 JSA667. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "General Mixed-Mode I/II Fracture Criterion for Wood Considering T-Stress Effects", Journal of Materials & Design, Elsevier, 2010, Vol. 31, Pages 4461-4469. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Mixed-Mode Fracture Criterion for Wood based on a Reinforcement Micro-Crack Damage Model", Journal of Materials Science and Engineering:A, Elsevier, 2010, Vol.527, Pages 7184-7191. Yazdchi, K. and Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R. “Carrying Capacity of Edge Cracked Columns under Concentric Vertical Loads”, Acta mechanica, Springer, 2008, Vol. 198, No. 1-2, Pages 1-19.Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., Djavanroodi, F., and Shadlou, S. “Estimation of C*-Integral for Radial Cracks in Annular Discs under Constant Angular Velocity and Internal Pressure”, American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (8): 997-1004, 2008 . Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., Djavanroodi, F., and Shadlou, S. “Estimation of C*-Integral in Thin T-Section Subjected to Projection and Remote Loadings Based on Elastic Stress Concentration Factor”, American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (5): 586-596, 2008 . Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Adibi-Asl, R. “Stress Intensity Factor and J-Integral Values for Radial Cracks in Annular and Solid Discs under Constant Angular Velocity”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2005 , Vol.40, No.8, pp.217-223. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Alipour, R. “Spot-Welded Joints Subjected to Shear –Tension Loading. Part 2: Mixed-Mode Fracture Parameters”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2005 , Vol.40, No.8, pp.755-773. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Fardad, B. “Spot-Welded Joints Subjected to Shear-Tension Loading. Part 1: Notch Stress and Strain range Predictions and Estimates for Repeated loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2005 , Vol.40, No.8, pp. 739-754. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Adibi-Asl, R, “Stress Concentration Factor and Minimum Hub-length predictions for Hollow Tubes with Internal and External Flanges Subjected to Axial Loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2004 , Vol.39, No.6, pp. 685-705. Mahbadi, H., Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Eslami, M.R. “Elastic-Plastic-Creep Cyclic Loading of Beams Using the Prager Kinematic Hardening Constitutive Model”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2004 , Vol.39, No.2, pp. 127-136. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Pipelzadeh, M.K. “Experimental and Analytical Data for Notched Shafts in Bending”, J. Kejuruteraan (Malaysia), 2003 , Vol.15, pp. 15-31. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Hardy, S.J. and Adibi-Asl, R. “Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Propagation in Thin T-Sections under Plane Stress”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2003 , Vol.38, No.6, pp. 557-575. Hardy, S.J. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Pipelzadeh, M.K.“ Upper and Lower Bound Limit and Shakedown Loads for Hollow Tubes with Axisymmetric Internal Projections Under Axial Loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2001 , Vol.36, No.6, pp. 595-604. Hardy, S.J., Pipelzadeh, M.K. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Hollow Tubes with Axisymmetric Internal Projections Under Combined Axial and Pressure Loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2001 , Vol.36, No.4, pp. 373-382. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Hardy, S.J. “Design Equations for Elastic Stress Concentration Factors in Hollow tubes with Axisymmetric Internal Projections subjected to Axial Loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 2001 , Vol.36, No.5, pp.531-534. Hardy, S.J., Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Pipelzadeh, M.K. “Equivalent Stress and Total Plastic Strain Range Predictions for Multiaxial States of Stress and Strain”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1999 , Vol.34, No.1, pp. 53-58. Hardy, S.J. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Stress and Strain Range Predictions for Axisymmetric and Two-Dimensional Components with Stress Concentrations and Comparisons with Notch stress-Strain Conversion Rule Estimates”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1993 , Vol.28, No.3, pp. 209-221. Hardy, S.J. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Hollow tubes with Axially Loaded Axisymmetric Internal Projections”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1993 , Vol.28, No.3, pp. 187-196. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Hardy, S.J. “Notch Strain Calculations for Axisymmetric Problems Based on a Local Strain Approach”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1993, Vol.28, No.2, pp. 143-145. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Hardy, S.J. “Low Cycle Fatigue Life Predictions for Hollow Tubes with Axially Loaded Axisymmetric Internal Projections”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1991 , Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 133-146. Hardy, S.J. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “ Stress Concentration Factors and Elastic-Plastic Stress and Strain Predictions for Axisymmetric Internal Projections on Hollow Tubes Subjected to Axial Loading”, J. Strain Analysis, IMechE 1989 , Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 45-54. کنفرانسی: Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Method for Determination of Elastic Properties of Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) in Wooden Structures", Proceeding of the 18th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, ISME 2010-2452. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Fracture of Wood under Mixed-Mode Loading, Based on Modified Maximum Principal Stress Criterion", Proceeding of the 18th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, ISME 2010-2217. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Fracture of Wood under Mixed-Mode Loading, Based on Modified Maximum Real Shear Stress Criterion", Proceeding of the 18th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Sharif University, Tehran, Iran, May 11-13, ISME 2010-2371. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Fracture of wood under Mixed-Mode I/II based on Modified Energy, Considering FPZ Damage Region", Proceeding of the 9th International Conference of the Iranian Aerospace, Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 8-10, 2010, AERO2010-3539. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Mixed-Mode Fracture in Notched wood Specimens with Diffrent Grain Orientation ", Proceeding of the 9th International Conference of the Iranian Aerospace, Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 8-10, 2010, AERO2010-3953. Gowhari-Anaraki, A.R., and Fakoor, M. "Method for Determination of Micro-Crack Density in the Fracture Process Zone of Quasi-Brittle Materials", Proceeding of the 9th International Conference of the Iranian Aerospace, Science & Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 8-10, 2010, AERO2010-4230. Sakhaee-pour, A., Gowhari-Anaraki, and Hardy, S. “SIFs for Radial Cracks in Annular Discs under Internal & External Shrinkage Pressure and Constant Velocity”, Proceeding of IMECE, 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 11-15, 2007, Seattle, Washington, USA. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Sakhaee Pour, A. and Hardy, S.J. “SIFs for Inclined Cracks in Solid Discs under Constant Angular Velocity”, The 2007 International Conference on Scientific Computing (WORLDCOMP’07/CSC’07, 24 joint conferences), Las Vegas, USA, June 25-28, 2007 , pp. 228-234. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Sakhaee Pour, A. and Hardy, S.J. “The Effect of Stiffness on SIF in Annular Disc under Constant Central Torque”, The 2007 International Conference on Scientific Computing (WORLDCOMP’07/CSC’07, 24 joint conferences), Las Vegas, USA, June 25-28, 2007 , pp. 235-240. Yazdchi, K. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Buckling of Cracked Columns of Rectangular & Circular Cross sections under Concentric Vertical Loads”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Amirkabir University of Technology , Tehran, Iran, April 10-12, 2007 , Vol.3, pp.108-116. Hardy, S.J. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Methodology Based on Elastic Stress Concentration Factor”, The 9th International Fatigue congress (FT527), Atlanta, May 14-19, 2006 , pp.242-252. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Fakharzadeh, A. “Design Criterion Based on Linear and Nonlinear Axial Characteristics of Axisymmetric Bolted Joints”, Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of Aerospace Society, Ministry of Defence, Tehran, Iran, Nov.14-16, 2006 , Vol.1, pp.72-81. Yazdchi, K. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Buckling of Cracked Composite Columns of Rectangular & Circular Cross Sections”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO), University of Khajehnasir, Tehran, Iran, March 10-12, 2006 , Vol.2, pp.140-149. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Pipelzadeh, K., and Hardy, S.J. “ Finite Element Analysis of the Creep behaviour in a resistance Spot Welded Joint”, Mecanica Computational, Vol. XXII, No. 22, Solid mechanics(B), Bahia Blanca, Argentina, Nov. 2003 . Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Adibi-Asl, R. “Estimation of Upper and Lower Bound Limit Loads and Shakedown Load for Structural Frames Based on Reduced Modulus Approach”, 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE), Civil Eng. Dept., Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, May 5-7, 2003 , Vol.6, pp.399-406. Rahman, H. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Member stiffness of Bolted Joints Based on Separation Radius Non-Linearity”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Ferdosi University, Mashhad, Iran, May 13-15, 2003 , Vol.3, pp.1090-1099. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Pipelzadeh, K., and Hardy, S.J. “Experimental & Numerical Analysis of Low Cycle Fatigue of Spot Welded Joints under Peel-Tension Loading”, Mecanica computational, Vol. XXI, No. 8. Solid mechanics (A), Santa Fe-Parana, Argentina, Oct. 2002 . Bagherifard, S. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth in Flat plate Weldments & Tubular Welded Joints”, Proceedings of 5th International & 9th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran, May 27-29, 2001 , Vol.1, pp.324-332. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Rahman, H. “Modeling and Identification of Non-Linear Axisymmetric Bolted Lap-Joints Under Shear-Tension and Peel Loadings”, Proceedings of 5th International & 9th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran, May 27-29, 2001 , Vol.1, pp.309-316. Adib, H. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Fatigue Life Estimation Based on Notch Fracture Mechanics approach”, Proceeding of 5th International & 9th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran, May 27-29, 2001 , Vol.4, pp.163-170. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Pipelzadeh, M.K. and Hardy, S.J. “Improving the Life of Joint-Welded components with Stress Concentrations Using Saint Venant’s Principle”, The 9th Chilean Congress of Mechanical Engineering and 4th National Congress of Energy (COCIM-CONAE 2000), University of Federico Santa Maria, Oct.10-13, 2000 , pp.1-8. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R., Mahbadi, H. and Mohammadi, R. “Lower and Upper Bound Limit Load Estimation based on Reduced Modulus of Elasticity Approach”, Proceeding of the First International and Third Biennial Conference of the Iranian Aerospace Society (AERO), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Dec.30, 2000 – Jan.1, 2001, Vol.3, pp.1185-1194. Anvari, M. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Effect of Different Geometric & Material Properties on Plastic Stress and Elastic-Plastic Strain in Spot Welded Joints”, Proceeding of 4th Int. and 8th Annual Con. of Iranian Soc. of Mech. Eng. (ISME), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 16-19, 2000 , Vol.3, pp.99-106. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Taherkhani, K. “Creep Strain Predictions for Spot Welded Joints under Shear-Tension & Peeling Loadings Based on GLOSS (General Local Stress-Strain) Approaches”, Proceeding of the Sixth Annual Mech. Eng. Conference & Third International Mech. Eng. Conference of the Iranian society of Mech. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 20-22 , 1999 , Vol.3, pp.1421-1428. Hajighorbani, R. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Fatigue Crack Life Predictions For Notched Components Based on Local Strain Range & Fracture Mechanics Approaches”, Proceeding of the Sixth Annual Mech. Eng. Conference & Third International Mech. Eng. Conference of the Iranian society of Mech. Eng., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 20-22, 1998 , Vol.3, pp.751-757. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Mohit, A. “FEM-Modeling for Fatigue and Fracture Analyses of Spur-Gears under Bending with Consideration of Residual stresses”, Proceeding of the Fifth Annual Mech. Eng. Conference of the Iranian Society of Mech. Eng. (ISME), University of Zaboul, Iran, May 10-12, 1997 , Vol.3, pp.363-374. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Anvari,M. “Simplified Analyses of Stress Concentration Factors in Resistance Spot Welded Joints Under Shear-Tension Loading Using FEM”, Proceeding of the Fourth Annual Mech. Eng. Conference of ISME – Second International Mech. Eng. Conference, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 14-17, 1996 , Vol. IV, pp. 607-613. Hajighorbani, R. and Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Plastic Flow Constraint Effect on Monotonic & Cyclic behaviour of Notched Components”, Proceeding of the Fourth Annual Mech. Eng. Conference of ISME – Second International Mech. Eng. Conference, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, May 14-17, 1996 , Vol.3, pp.451-460. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Hardy, S.J. “Fatigue Crack Initiation Life Predictions for Hollow Tubes with Axisymmetric Internal Projections Subjected to Repeated Axial Loading Based on Local Strain Range Approach”, International Symposium on Fatigue Design, The Alexander Theatre, Helsinki, Finland, Sept.5-8, 1995 . Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. and Hajighorbani, R. “Stress Relaxation Distribution Effect on Fatigue Crack Initiation Life Predictions of Notched Components”, Proceeding of the Third Annual ISME (Iranian Society of Mech. Eng.) Conference, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 15-17, 1995 , Vol.2, pp. 613-624. Gowhari Anaraki, A.R. “Fatigue Life Predictions For Hollow Tubes & Solid Bars With Internal & External Flanges Subjected To Pure Axial Loading & Eccentric Loading”, Annual Conference of Boilers & Pressure Vessels, Tehran, Iran, Sept. 10-12, 1992 , Vol.1, pp. 121-126. راهنمایی پایان نامه های دکترا Student: H. Mahbodi Co-supervisor: A.R. Gowhari-Anaraki Title: “Constitutive Modeling of Cyclic Reversed Plasticity & Shakedown & Ratcheting Effects of Strain Hardening Materials”, graduated in 2004.
Student: R. Alipour Supervisor: A.R. Gowhari-Anaraki Title: “Mixed Mode Fracture Criterion for Spot-Welded Joints Subjected to Shear-Tension Loading Condition”, graduated in 2005.
Student: M. Fakoor Supervisor: A.R. Gowhari-Anaraki Title: “Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) & T-Stress effects on Mixed Mode Fracture Behaviour of Wooden Structures”, gratuated in 2010.
راهنمایی پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد
M.R.Arzhangian, “The effects of non-linear parameters on the stress at crack tip”, graduated in August 1992 . Asadkarami, “Evaluation of ductile fracture in some mode II specimens”, graduated in Sept. 1992. R.Rezaei, “Stress analysis of solid propellant rocket grain”, graduated in Feb. 1993 . Shirkhorshidian, “Production of semi-finished products from metal powders using extrusion process”, graduated in May 1993 . Ravan, “Theory and experimental analyses of tubular T-joint under combined axial and bending loading”, graduated in October 1994. Shokrani, “Prediction of crack tip parameters in edge cracked specimens under unsymmetrical loading condition”, graduated in Nov. 1994 . T.N.Chakherloo, “An investigation about fatigue behaviour of notched specimens using experimental and local strain approaches”, graduated in Sept. 1995 . M.Daraei Nejad,” Prediction of fracture parameters in railroad rails”, graduated in Sept. 1995 . D.Esmaeili, “Non-Linear deformation behaviour of wire drawing process”, graduated in Nov. 1995 . H.Esmaeilzadeh, “Thermal fatigue approach in solid rocket nozzle design”, graduated in Dec. 1995 . K.Jahantigh, “Thermal fatigue failure Modeling of Casted Gear Production Molding Machine”, graduated in Dec. 1995 . Rahmani, “Development of design strength level for optimizing the instability of ring-stiffened cylinder shells subjected to external hydrostatic pressure”, graduated in April 1996 . M.Anvari, “Fatigue behaviour of spot welded joints under shear-tension and peeling loading conditions”, graduated in June 1996. H.Karimi, “Damage failure in turbine rotor with nickel based super alloys material”, graduated in August 1996 . M.Jannesari, “Static and design analysis of power transmission disk insulators using experimental and numerical approaches”, graduated in Feb. 1997. Rezaie, “Linear elastic fracture mechanics concepts to improve the reliability of pressurized CO2 gas cylinders”, graduated in April 1997 . Salarvand, “Thermo mechanical behaviour of pressurized compound axisymmetric components with temperature gradient”, graduated in June 1997 . K.Taherkhani, “A simplified method to predict the creep strain in spot welded joints under shear-tension loading condition”, graduated in Sept. 1997 . M.Abotalebi Hamedani, “Development of a simple G-code algorithm for manufacturing of gears using inverse design method”, graduated in Dec. 1998 . Majidi, “Creep analysis and rupture life prediction of toothed components at high temperature using local strain and FE approaches”, graduated in March 1998 . R.Eftekhari Vakili, “Low cycle fatigue life prediction Modeling for spur-gear, using notch stress-strain conversion approach and comparison with results from FEM”, graduated in May 1998 . Jamshidi Bandari, “Residual stress prediction in thick section fillet-type welded joints, using FEM”, graduated in July 1998. L.Rouzdar, ‘Thermal & Mechanical fatigue failure modeling of diesel engine piston”, graduated in June 1999 . B.Fardad, “A simplified method to predict elastic-plastic monotonic and cyclic strain range in spot welded joints under shear-tension and peeling loading conditions (application in pillar to roof connection in car structure and etc….)”, graduated in August 1999. D.Eshtiaghi, “Elastic-Plastic strain range prediction in toothed components with different strain hardening materials under cyclic loading condition”, graduated in Oct. 1999. Dabbagh Parshah, “Creep analysis of tubular T-welded joint components under combined axial and bending loading conditions”, graduated in Dec. 1999. S.Goodarzi, “Estimation of residual strain and its effect in fatigue life of Peugeot 405’s rim”, graduated in March 2000. Totonchi, “A survey study of effective parameters in welding for the repairing of fault lathe guides”, Graduated in March 2000 . Tavana Rashid, “Residual stress modeling of shot-penning process”, graduated in June 2000. F.Moradifar, “Manufacturing process design of spiral pipes in the range of 6-18 inches diameters”, graduated in July 2000 . M.Shahrabi Farahani, “Residual stress prediction modeling of carbonized spur gear”, graduated in April 2001 . H.Mahbodi, “Cyclic loading behaviour of thick vessels of strain hardening material, using different multiaxial fatigue models (i.e., Prager, Chaboche, Frederick-Armstrong), graduated in June 2001. Mahmodi, “Fatigue life prediction modeling of notched components based on Kƒ and Kε model”, graduated in June 2001. M.Hoseaini, “Creep life prediction of sleeve shafts at high temperature (application in bulb manufacturing process)”, graduated in August 2001. Mohammadi, “Investigation made upon crack development of the B727 main landing gear walking beam”, graduated in May 2002. M. Mostafavi Esfahani, “Estimation of residual stress in resistance spot welded joints, using FEM (applied in automobile body manufacturing)”, graduated in April 2002 . H.Jazdarreh, “Estimation of creep fracture parameter (C-integral), using GLOSS and R-node approaches”, graduated in May 2002 . M.A.Mohtadi Bonab, “Prediction of fracture parameters (Stress Intensity Factor & J-integral) in notched components subjected to loaded projection and remote loading conditions”, graduated in Sept. 2002 . S.Salimi, “Prediction of fracture parameters at high temperature (i.e., Creep temperature), using linear & quadratic modulus of elasticity reduction techniques”, graduated in Nov. 2002. Mirbagheri, “Ratcheting & Shakedown failure in pressure vessel subjected to combined thermal & mechanical loading conditions”, graduated in April 2003 . P.Zahedinejad, “Mixed mode crack growth in crankshaft based on minimum strain energy density & effective stress intensity factor approaches”, graduated in June 2003 . G.Jabbari, “Predictive equations for stress intensity factors and J-integral values in spot welded joints subjected to shear-tension & peel loading conditions”, graduated in May 2004 . H.R.Zamani Alaei, “A simplified method for prediction of J-integral value, using General Local Stress-Strain approach (GLOSS)”, graduated in May 2004. M.Askari, “The effect of residual stress on fatigue behaviour of adhesive bonded Joints”, graduated in June 2004. S.Mahbodi, “Elastic-Plastic-Creep cyclic loading of beam using the Prager Kinematic Hardening model”, graduated in August 2004. M.Ahmadi, “Fracture Mechanics analysis of spur gear tooth with consideration of residual stress induced by fillet rolling contact process”, graduated in March 2005. N.Bahraini, “The effect of stiffness on Stress Intensity Factors of stationary disk under Torsional torque”, graduated in May 2005. R.Adib Ramezani, “Low cycle fatigue life prediction of notched component using volumetric approach method”, graduated in April 2005 . H.Ahadi, “Estimation of fracture parameters in stationary and rotating disks under torsional torque and constant angular velocity”, graduated in Feb. 2006 . M.Zahedi, “Prediction of crack configuration factor in axisymmetric internal & external flanges with semi-elliptical cracks subjected to axial loading condition”, graduated in April 2006 . Fakharzadeh, “Design criterion based on Non-Linear axial characteristics of axisymmetric bolted joints”, graduated in June 2006. H.Banaiyan, “Predictive equation for creep strain calculation of hollow tubes with axially loaded axisymmetric internal projection”, graduated in August 2006. K.Rezaie, “C-integral prediction in rotating disk under constant angular velocity using Virtual Crack energy Rate method and comparison with simplified Limit Analysis method”, graduated in Nov. 2006 . S.Shadlou, “Estimation of creep fracture parameter C ٭ -Integral in thin T-sections subjected to loaded projection and remote loading based on elastic stress concentration factor”, graduated in Feb. 2007 . S.Adibi, “Creep design criterion based on non-linear axial characteristics of axisymmetric bolted joints”, graduated in March 2007. M.Attar, “Carrying capacity of multi-step cracked columns under axially compressive load using piezoelectric patch”, graduated in March 2007. E.Bidkhori, “Robust approximate methods for estimating creep strain rate of notched component under steady-state-creep condition”, graduated in April 2007. راهنمایی پایان نامه های کارشناسی More than 70 undergraduate student projects have been supervised since 1992. |