Koleini Mamaghani, Nasser


Personal Details

Surname: Koleini Mamaghani                     
Name: Nasser
Date and place of birth: 1 Dec. 1964, Ray, Tehran, IRAN
Current Status: Associate Professor
Department: Industrial Design
Tel: +98-21-77240467
Fax: +98-21-77240468

Email: koleini AT iust.ac.ir


Background Education

  1. Diploma in Mathematics and Physics, Tehran, IRAN, June 1984.
  2. M.Sc and B.Sc continuously in "Architecture Engineering", Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, IRAN, October 1993.
In JAPAN (5 Educational Periods – 8 years):
  1. Six months - Training Course in Japanese for Overseas Students, Education Center for International Students, Nagoya University, Nagoya, From October 1996 to March 1997.
  2. One year -  Research Student in Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, From April 1997 to March 1998.
  3. Four years - Ph.D. Student in "Artifact Design Science",Chiba University, Chiba, From April 1998 to March 2002.
  4. Six months - Research Student, Chiba University, Chiba, From April 2002 to August 2002.
  5. Two years - Post-Doctoral Program Researcher, Chiba University, Chiba, From September 2002 to August 2004
Sellected Short Course Certificates
-Workshop in Kansei Engineeing presented by Professor Nagamachi, in International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr 2010), December 13-15, 2010 / Shah Alam, Malaysia
-Six months Training Course in Japanese for Overseas Students, Education Center for International Students, Nagoya University, Nagoya, From October 1996 to March 1997.
- Associate Professor, Industrial Design Department, School of architecture and Environmental Design, , Iran University of Science and Technology, Since January 2005 to present.
- Two years working as a senior engineer (Designer) in the Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, From September 1994 to September 1996.
Intrest Field of Research
Kansei Engineering, Emotional Design, Interaction Design, Social Design, Ergonomics (Human Factor Engineering), Physioligical Anthropolgy, Biological Signals.
Thesis Supervisor & Advisor
Ph.D: one graduate student in the field of Architecture.
Master: 23 graduate students in the field of Industrial Design.
Bachelor: 54 graduate students in the field of Industrial Design.
  1.  "International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2010)” , March 2-4, 2010 / Praise, France. “Excellent Research Paper Award”, from: Japan Scociety of Physiological Anthropology, Authors:  Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA, Title: Muscular Performance Modeling of the Upper Limb in Static Postures, Name of Journal: Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp: 149-157,  May 2003.
  1. "The Best Architectural Project Award", My final architectural design (M.Sc. course, graduation thesis) has been chosen by the faculty members (Iran University of Science and Technology) as the best project, in order to present and exhibit in the Annual Scientific and Research University Activities, held in Tehran University, Tehran – IRAN, 1994.
Scholarships Awards
  1.  Year: 2002, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Research in Japan , (24 months), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).  Year: 1996, Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students, Monbukagakusho (Research Student: 1 year and 6  months,  and Ph.D. Student 3 years) International Journal (ISI)
    (1/4)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA   
    Title: Effects of Strap Support in a Hand-held Device on the Muscular Activity in Female Workers Assessed by EMG and Subjective Rating.
    Journal name: Ergonomics, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp: 848-859, July 2009.
     (2/4)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA              
    Title: Muscular Performance Modeling of the Upper Limb in Static Postures (received “Excellent Research Paper Award”).
    Journal name: Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp: 149-157, May 2003.   
    (3/4)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA            
    Title: Mechanomyogram and Electromyogram Responses of Upper Limb During Sustained Isometric Fatigue with Varying Shoulder and Elbow Postures Joint Angles.
    Journal name: Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp: 29-34, January 2002.
     (4/4)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA               
    Title: Changes in Surface EMG and Acoustic myogram Parameters During Static Fatiguing Contractions until Exhaustion: Influence of Elbow Joint Angles.      
    Journal name: Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp: 131-140, March 2001.
    International Journal
    (1/6)  Authors: Sara EBRAHIMI, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Seyed-Reza MORTEZAEI and Mohsen SAFFAR DEZFULI   
    Title: Redesigning Kansai Engineering Designed Scissors by User Centered Design Approach.
    Journal name: International Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, pressed by the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).
    28(2): 227-236, December 2018.
    DOI: 10.22068/ijaup.28.2.227
    (2/6)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Elham BARZIN
    Title: Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to Improve Product Design: The School Furniture Case
    Journal name: International Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, pressed by the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).
    Accepted paper for publication, INPRESS, 2019.
    (3/6)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Sara MOSTOWFI
    Title: Kansai Engineering and Environmental Design.
    Journal name: International Journal of Environmental  Science, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp:758-765, 2016.
    ISSN 0976-4402, DOI: /ijes.6071
    (4/6)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Sara MOSTOWFI, Mehdi KHORRAM   
    Title: Using DAST-C and Phenomenography as a Tool for Evaluating Children’s Experience.
    Journal name: American Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp:1337-1345, 2015.
    Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/education/3/11/1
    (5/6) Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Azadeh Parvandar ASADOLLAHI, Seyed-Reza MORTEZAEI
    Title: Designing for Improving Social Relationship with Interaction Design Approach.
    Journal name: Procedia- Scocial and Behavioral Science, Vol. 201, pp: 377-385, 2015 (ELSEVIER, available online at: www.sciencedirect.com).
    (6/6)  Authors: Sara MOSTOWFI, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Mehdi KHORRAM   
    Title: Designing Playful Learning by Using Educational Board Game for Children In The Age Range of 7-12: (A Case Study: Recycling and Waste Separation Education Board Game).
    Journal name: International Journal of Environmental & ScienceEducation, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp:5453-5476, 2016.
    International Conferences
    (1/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2014)
    Title: Kansei Engineering Approach for Consumer's Perception of the Ketchup Sauce Bottle.
    Proceedings of the 5th Kansai Engineering & Emotion Research, International Conference, Editors: Simon Schutte and Pierre Levy, ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5, pp:1487-1494, 2014.
    Date/Place:   June 11-13, 2014 / Linkoping, Sweden.
    (2/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2014)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Azadeh DALIR, Behzad SOLEIMANI
    Title: Designing Watch by Using Semiotics Approaches.
    Proceedings of the 5th Kansai Engineering & Emotion Research, International Conference, Editors: Simon Schutte and Pierre Levy, ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5, pp:527-533, 2014.
    Date/Place:   June 11-13, 2014 / Linkoping, Sweden.
    (3/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2014)
    Title: Applying Kansei Engineering method on investigating mobile phone's brand image amongst Iranian young designers.
    Proceedings of the 5th Kansai Engineering & Emotion Research, International Conference, Editors: Simon Schutte and Pierre Levy, ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5, pp:641-649, 2014.
    Date/Place:   June 11-13, 2014 / Linkoping, Sweden.
    (4/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2014)
    Authors: Alireza AJDARI, ParisaKATOUZIAN, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI,
    Title: Investigating the Role of Kansai Engineering for Active Aspects of Empathic Design, a Report of a Case Study.
    Proceedings of the 5th Kansai Engineering & Emotion Research, International Conference, Editors: Simon Schutte and Pierre Levy, ISBN: 978-91-7519-276-5, pp:943-951, 2014.
    Date/Place:   June 11-13, 2014 / Linkoping, Sweden.
    (5/17)  International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr 2010)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Mahshid BARABNI
    Title:  A Study on User Involvement in Design Development
    Date/Place:   December 13-15, 2010 / Shah Alam, Malaysia (Published in Proceedings).
    (6/17)  The 9th Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics (PPCOE 2010)
    Title: Applying Kano Method in Designing Tableware (dinnerware) for Iranian Users with Emotional Approach        
    Date/Place:   November 7-10, 2010 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Published in Proceedings).
    (7/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2010)
    Title: A Kansei Engineering Approach to Design a Scissors
    Date/Place:   March 2-4, 2010 / Praise, France (Published in Proceedings, pp 67-77).
    (8/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2010)
    Title: Design with Emotional Approach by Implementing Kansei Engineering- Case study: Design of Kettle
    Date/Place:   March 2-4, 2010 / Praise, France (Published in Proceedings, pp 625-632).
    (9/17)  International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER 2010)
    Authors:Jabiz SHAFIEOUN, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI and Saeed JAHANBAKHSH            
    Title:The Difficulties of Using Kansei Engineering Method in Iran
    Date/Place:   March 2-4, 2010 / Praise, France (Published in Proceedings, pp 1447-1455).
    (10/17) First International Conference on Ergonomics
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Mehdi KHORRAM         
    Title: Kansei Engineering: Affective and Emotional Design
    Date/Place:   May 7-8, 2008 / Tehran, Iran (Published in Proceedings, pp 120-128).
     (11/17)  The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology (ICPA2006)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, Tetsuo KATSUURA and  Marjan TAJEDDINI           
    Title: Kansei Engineering as a Tool to Design Products with Respect to Psychophyisiological Responses.
    Date/Place:   October 9-14, 2006 / Kamakura, Japan (Published in Programme Abstract, pp. 56-57).
    (12/17) The 1st International Conference on Research Methodologies in Science and Engineering Technology (ICRMSET 2006) 
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Mehdi KHORRAM           
    Title: Electromyography: a non-invasive method of research in muscular activity
    Date/Place:   May 30-31, 2006 / Tehran, Iran (Published in Proceedings, pp. 177- 182).
     (13/17)  The 7th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology (ICPA2004)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA         
    Title: Study on Human Musculoskeletal Function Using Mechanomyogram in the Field of Physiological Anthropology.
    Date/Place: September 1-5, 2004 / The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (Published in Programme Abstract, pp. 23-24).
    (14/17)  The XVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK2004)   
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA
    Title: An Ergonomic Evaluation of Physical Workload in Holding a Portable Device with and without the Use of Strap Support: A Surface Electromyography Study Application.
    Date/Place:  June 18-21, 2004 / Boston University, Boston, MA, USA (Published in Proceedings, pp. 175).
    (15/17)  The 6th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology (ICPA2002)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA      
    Title: Polynomial Modeling of Muscular Work Capacity.
    Date/Place: August 24-27, 2002 / Cambridge, England (Published in Programme Abstract, pp. 23).
    (16/17)  The 5th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology (ICPA2000)
     Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA
    Title: Evaluation of Muscle Fatigue Effected by Elbow Angle During Sustained Holding Tasks.
    Date/Place: October 1-5, 2000 / Seoul, Korea (Published in Proceedings, pp. 253-256).
    (17/17)  Second International Conference on Human-Environment System (ICHES’98)     
    Authors: Jin ISHI, Tetsumi HORIKOSHI, Kenji SUZUKI, Shin’ichi WATANABE, and Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI   
    Title: Natural Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients for the Human Body in Sedentary Postures.
    Date/Place:   November 30- December 4, 1998 / Yokohama, Japan (Published in Proceedings, pp. 65-68).
    National Conference in Japan
    (1/4)  The 49th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (JSPA)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA       
    Title: Influence of Strap Support of Portable Device on Fatigue Sensation in Manual Handling Tasks in Middle Aged Women.
    Date/Place: May 16-17, 2003 / Fukuoka, Japan (Published in Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol. 8, No.1, pp, 40-41)
    (2/4)  The 47th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (JSPA)   
    Authors: Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA      
    Title: On the Kinematic Modeling for Prediction of Muscular Work Capacity During Sustained Holding Tasks.
    Date/Place:   May 10-11, 2002 / Ashikaga, Japan (Published in Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 68-69).
    (3/4)  The 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (JSPA)  
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA       
    Title: A Comparative Study of Simultaneous Electromyogram and Acoustic myogram During Sustained Contractions.
    Date/Place:   May 18-19, 2001 / Tokyo, Japan (Published in Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 40-41).
    (4/4)  The 43th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology (JSPA)
    Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Yoshihiro SHIMOMURA, Koichi IWANAGA, and Tetsuo KATSUURA      
    Title: Evaluation of Endurance Time and Muscle Fatigue During Sustained Holding Tasks.
    Date/Place:   June 10-11, 2000 / Fukushima, Japan (Published in Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 84-85
    ISC Journals (in Persian with Abstract in English):
    (1/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Elham Barzin   
    Title: Application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to Improve Product Design using Qualitative Characteristics Analysis, Case study: Tehran Secondary School Furniture.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp: 67-76, Spring 2015.
     (2/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Mirhadi Seyedarabi, and Hussein Nasser Al Islami
    Title: Surveing the Ratio of Conformity in Surface Orientation and Human Vision Training to Recognize Image Based on Gestalt Psychology.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp: 75-84, Winter 2014.   
    (3/10)  Authors: Mehdi Aslefallah, Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Sina Khalkhali
    Title: Applying Kansei Engineering Method on Investigating Mobile Phones' Brand Image Amongst Iranian Young Designers.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp: 83-90, Summer 2014.   
     (4/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, Hasan Sadeghi Naeini, and Zohre Erisian
    Title: Interaction Design, The Art of Easily Communication Between Human through Product.      
    Journal name: Scientific-Research Journal, Iranian Scientific Association of Architecture & Urbanism, No. 5, pp: 97-108, Spring and Summer 2014-2015.
    (5/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Parisa Izadpanah
    Title: Applying The Kano Model to Design and New Product.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp: 59-66, Fall 2012.   
    (6/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Samaneh Azimi
    Title: Effect of Sketch in the Design Process.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, No. 46, pp: 75-85, Summer 2011.   
    (7/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, A. H. Bakhtiary, E. Sevan, and H. Sadeghi Naeini
    Title: Ergonomics Evaluation of New Home Stripper Using Electromyography.
    Journal name: Iran Occupational Health Journal, Quartly, Vol. 9, Issue 2, No. 2, pp: 59-67, Summer 2012.   
    (8/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Elham Morshedzadeh
    Title: Evaluation of User and Product's Function Using Interaction Design.
    Journal name: HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA/Honar-ha-ye Tajassomi, No. 41, pp: 95-104, Spring 2010.   
    (9/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, and Mehdi Khorram
    Title: Affect and the Role of Emotion in Product Design Process- An  Introduction to Kansei Engineering.
    Journal name: International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 10, pp: 151-160, 2008.   
    (10/10)  Authors: Nasser KOLEINI MAMAGHANI, H.Mosaddad, and M. Saffar Dezfuli
    Title: Assesment of Muscular Activity by Mechanomyogram.
    Journal name: Iran Occupational Health Journal, Quartly, Vol. 3, Issue 1 & 2, pp: 18-24, Spring & Summer 2006.   
    6 National Conference and Journal P

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