Mr.Dallali Isfahani


 Personal Details  


 Name: Taghi                                                                                

 Surname: Dallali Isfahani

 Mobile: 09132079884

 Fax: +9821-77240480



 Ph.D Student

 Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2006 till now 

  • Advisor: Dr. Javadpour, Dr. Khavandi
  • Dissertation title: "Study on the Phase Transformations of Al2O3-Zro2 Nanocomposite Powders Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying"

 Master of Science

 Islamic Azad University (Najafabad Branch), Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Isfahan - 2003-2005 

  • Advisor: Dr. Shafyei, Dr. Sa'atchi

 Bachelor's degree

 Islamic Azad University (Najafabad Branch), Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Isfahan - 1999-2003

  • Advisor: Dr. Shafyei


Journal Papers

  1. T.Dallali Isfahani, A. Shafyei, H.Sharifi, "Impact and Tensile Properties of Ferrite-Martensite Duall-Phase Steels", Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 32, pp. 141-147.
  2. T.Dallali Isfahani, J.Moghimi-Rad, F.Zabihi, I.Hadi, S.Ebrahimi, j.Sabbaghzadeh, "The Effect of Ultrasound Radiation on the Size and Distribution of Synthesized Copper Particles", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,(In Press).
  3. T.Dallali Isfahani, A.Gavili, J.Sabbaghzadeh, "The Heat Transfer Variation Effect in a Two-Sided Lid Driven Differentially Heated Square Cavity Containing Carbon Nanotube Nanofluids on the Physical Properties of a Temperature Dependent Pure Fluid", International Commiunications in Heat and Mass Transfer.

Conference Proceedings

  1. T.Dallali Isfahani, J.Javadpour, A.Khavandi, H.Rezaie, M.Goodarzi,"Mechanochemical Synthesis of Alumina-Zirconia Nanocomposite Powder Containing Metastable Phases (FBMT 2009), 3rd International Conference (Fundamental Bases of Mechanochemical Technologies) Novosibirsk, Russia (Russian Academy of Science), May 2009.
  2. T.Dallali Isfahani, J.Moghimi-Rad, j.Sabbaghzadeh, "Shape Controlled Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Surfactant Self-Assembly", 2nd Iran-India Joint Conference on Nanothechnology(IIJCN 2009), University of Isfahan, May 2009.


  1. Cutting Edge Nanotechnology-(New Class of Coolants: Nanofluids), ISBN: 978-953-7619

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