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آدرس: تهران، میدان رسالت،

خیابان هنگام،

 دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

دانشکده عمران، طبقه سوم،

دفتر قطب علمی پژوهش‌های بنیادین در مهندسی سازه

تلفن : 77240540-021

داخلی 6458

دورنگار: 77240398-021

آدرس الکترونیکی:

cefsee AT iust.ac.ir



:: سیزدهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی در مهندسی سازه ::


International Conference on Structural Engineering in 2011


  The Thirteenth International Conference
on Civil, Structural and Environmental
Engineering Computing

  Chania, Crete, Greece
6-9 September 2011



This is the thirteenth in the CIVIL-COMP series of conferences concerned with the application of computers to civil, structural and environmental engineering. The first Civil-Comp Conference was held in 1983. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation and dissemination of recent developments in the use of computers in civil, structural and environmental engineering. A major objective of the conference will be to link research and innovative ideas to engineering practice.

  Short to medium length papers describing the application of computers to civil, structural and environmental engineering projects will be particularly welcome. In addition, it is hoped that significant research and review papers on civil, structural and environmental engineering computational research topics will be presented.

  The conference runs concurrently with the The Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering . Participants may attend sessions from either conference.


The range of topics considered by the Conference will include: Professional Issues for Engineering Computer Users - Misuse of Computers - Data Management and Retrieval Systems - Software Standards, Quality Assurance and Benchmarking - Model Verification and Validation - Uncertainty Models - Human Computer Interaction - Data Acquisition and Control Systems - Structural Engineering including Steel, Bridge, Composite, Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures - Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - Structural Integrity - Formfinding, Topology and Structural Morphology - Space, Tension and Shell Structures - Soil-Structure Interaction (static and dynamic) - Buckling and Stability - Linear and Non-linear Dynamics - Analysis of Semi-rigid Connections - Environmental Engineering - CAD (including steel, concrete, masonry and composite) - Transport and Highways Engineering - Geotechnical Analysis and Design - Foundation Engineering - Dam Engineering - Slope Design - Ground Vibration - Construction Automation and Robotics - Construction Management - Project Management - Management Systems - Civil Engineering Surveying - Civil Engineering Management - Lifetime Costs - Productivity - Sustainable Urban Environments - Water Resources Enginering - Enviromental Modelling - Mobile Computing - GIS - Virtual Reality - Structural Control - Fracture Mechanics - Modelling of Concrete Durability - Rock Mechanics - Offshore Structures - Computer Controlled Site Instrumentation - Quality Assessment - Optimisation - Structural Optimisation and Sensitivity Analysis - Numerical Modeling in Geotechnics - Monitoring of Structures & Buildings - Real-Time 3D Simulation - Computer Supported Collaborative Design - New advances in Structural Health Monitoring Technologies - Fuzzy Methods - Seismic Response of Structures and the Environment due to Transport - Nanotechnology - Modelling of Seismic Action - Structural Identification - Strengthening of Structures - Assessment of Structures - Multi-Criteria Decision Making - Timber Structures - Structural Damage Detection and Identification - Stochastic Optimization.

  A list of computing technology that may be described with respect to the above domains includes: Integrated Design Systems - Information Technology - Parallel and Distributed Processing - Supercomputing - Heterogenous Computing - Simulation - Computer Aided Design - Graphics and Design - Safety Analysis - Product Modelling - Optimization - Information Systems - Virtual Reality - World Wide Web Applications - Visualisation - Simulations and Modeling - Decision Support Systems - New Algorithms - Computational Technology - Genetic Algorithms - Neural Networks - Decision Support Systems - Product Modelling - Design Integration - Grid Computing - Mathematical Software - OOP - Adaptive Methods - Case Based Design - Knowledge-Based Systems.

Young Researcher Best Paper Competition

To encourage young researchers to attend the conference a 1000 Euro Young Researcher Best Paper Prize will be awarded to the best paper presented at the conference. To read the full terms and conditions of this competition, please click here .

Special Sessions

A number of special sessions will be organised at this Conference. Papers may be submitted directly to the Conference Editor or via the special session organisers if you wish to participate in their session. Over the coming months the list of special sessions will gradually grow. Please visit this page regularly to keep up to date. Please also note the important dates .

To be announced

Proposals for the organisation of a special session on your specialist topic including ten to sixteen papers and an optional special lecture are welcome. Proposals for special sessions may be sent to the conference editors via conf2011 AT civil-comp.com

Conference Editorial Board

The Conference Editors are Professor Barry H.V. Topping (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK and University of Pécs, Hungary) and Professor Yiannis Tsompanakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece).

  The members of the editorial board for this conference are to be announced.

Conference Proceedings

The conference proceedings which will be available on the first day of the conference will be published by Civil-Comp Press.

  A selection of extended reviewed versions of the best papers will be published in special issues of Computers & Structures and Advances in Engineering Software. The procedure for submitting papers for these journal special issues will be available at the conference. (Only papers presented at the conference are eligible for special issue publication.)

Important Dates

Please take note of these important dates when planning your participation to this conference:

  Abstract submission

  1 December 2010

  Full paper deadline

  as advised by the editor in your abstract acceptance email

  Last day for author registrations

  15 June 2011

  Programme is released

  15 August 2011

  The conference

  6-9 September 2011

Conference Venue

The venue for the conference is Minoa Palace Resort & Spa *****, Platanias, GR-73014 Chania, Crete, Greece. The Minoa Palace Resort & Spa is a luxury five-star beachside hotel, built within 35.000sqm. of maintained gardens. It is situated in the cosmopolitan area of Platanias, 12km west of the picturesque town of Chania and only 30min drive from Chania International Airport (Taxi fare 25-30 Euros). Buses are available to Chania town centre (approximately every 20 minutes in the day time at a cost of 3-4 Euros).

  The hotel offers wireless internet access free of charge to all conference participants in the conference area. Wired internet access is available free of charge in the guest bedrooms.

  All presentations, lunches and coffees will be at this location. For information on how to get to the venue, click here .


Accommodation is available at Minoa Palace Resort & Spa. Bookings should be made directly with the hotel. Special conference rates have been negotiated with the hotel if you use the special rate booking form available from this page . September is high season in Crete. Many hotels are fully booked during this period, it is therefore vital that you book your hotel room as soon as possible in 2011.


Please check with your travel agent or the Greek embassy in your country whether you require a visa to enter Greece. Please remember that it is your responsiblity to obtain the visa in good time.

دفعات مشاهده: 8183 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 2184 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 104 بار   |   0 نظر

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کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران می باشد. نقل هرگونه مطلب با ذکر منبع بلامانع می باشد.
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