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Full name: Esmaeil Eslami (Sabbatical Leave)
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: 98-21-77451500-10 Ex: 3452
Fax: 98-21-77240497
Email: eeslami AT iust.ac.ir
Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
University Degrees:
• Ph.D: University of Joseph Fourier-Grenoble 1, France
• MSc. : University of Amirkabir (Tehran Polytechnic) , Iran
• BSc. : University of Tabriz, Iran
Current Research:
- RF and Microwave discharges: Generation and diagnostics
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Laser-based particle acceleration
- Fundamental and application of Dielectric Barrier Discharge
Publications- Journal Papers
- Simple highly efficient pumping configuration in high-power thin-disk laser
S Seyedzamani, E Eslami
Optical Engineering, 56, 085106 (2017) Q2
- Synthesis of TiO 2 nanotubes by atmospheric microplasma electrochemistry: Fabrication, characterization and TiO 2 oxide film properties
ZD Mahmoudabadi, E Eslami
Electrochimica Acta, 245, 715 (2017) Q1
- Numerical Investigation of Effect of Driving Voltage Pulse on Low Pressure 90% Ar–10% Cl 2 Dielectric Barrier Discharge
A Barjasteh, E Eslami
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1 (2017) Q1
- External injection and acceleration of electron bunch in front of the plasma wakefield produced by a periodic chirped laser pulse
E Eslami, S Afhami
Physics of Plasmas, 24, 013110 (2017) Q2
- Influence of Lead on the Interpretation of Bone Samples with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
A Shahedi, E Eslami, MR Nourani
Journal of Spectroscopy, 2016, 6 (2016) Q4
- Enhancement of pump efficiency of thin disk lasers by compensation of directional image extension on pumping spot
SS Zamani, E Eslami
Opt. Eng., 55, 036104 (2016) Q2
- Physical and chemical properties of low-pressure argon-chlorine dielectric barrier discharge
A Barjasteh, E Eslami
Physics of Plasmas, 23, 033506 (2016) Q2
- Characteristics of Self-Focusing of a Gaussian Laser Pulse Under Lateral and Axial Plasma Density Variations
E Eslami, AE Nami
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 44, 226 (2016) Q2
- Comparison between threshold and sensitivity of stimulated Brillouin scattering at different pumping configurations in high-power double-clad fiber lasers
AA Belgabad, A Bananej, E Eslami
Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 126, 4924 (2015) Q2
- Analysis of band structure, transmission properties, and dispersion behavior of THz wave in one-dimensional parabolic plasma photonic crystal
N Askari, R Mirzaie, E Eslami
Physics of Plasmas, 22, 112117 (2015) Q2
- Analysis of radial and longitudinal force of plasma wakefield generated by a chirped pulse laser
L Ghasemi, S Afhami, E Eslami
Physics of Plasmas, 22, 082123 (2015) Q2
- Experimental investigation and numerical modeling of the effect of voltage parameters on the characteristics of low-pressure argon dielectric barrier discharges
A Barjasteh, E Eslami, N Morshedian
Physics of Plasmas, 22, 073508 (2015) Q2
- Numerical investigation of the effect of driving voltage pulse shapes on the characteristics of low-pressure argon dielectric barrier discharge
E Eslami, A Barjasteh, N Morshedian
Plasma Physics Reports, 41, 519 (2015) Q2
- Spherical dust acoustic solitary waves with two temperature ions
E Eslami, R Baraz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.6351 (2014)
- Effect of nonlinear chirped Gaussian laser pulse parameters on the electron acceleration
S Afhami, E Eslami
Optical Review, 21, 475 (2014) Q3
- Effect of nonlinear chirped Gaussian laser pulse on plasma wake field generation
S Afhami, E Eslami
AIP Advances, 4, 087142 (2014) Q2
- Injection and acceleration of electron bunch in a plasma wakefield produced by a chirped laser pulse
S Afhami, E Eslami
Physics of Plasmas, 21, 063108 (2014) Q1
- Rarefactive and compressive soliton waves in unmagnetized dusty plasma with non-thermal electron and ion distribution
E Eslami, R Baraz
AIP Advances, 4, 027108 (2014) Q2
- Effects of plasma and ultrashort laser pulse on residual electron energy in optical-field-ionized oxygen plasma
DHH Hoffmann, E Eslami, K Basereh
Laser and Particle Beams, 31, 187 (2013) Q1
- Evolution of Dust-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Dusty Plasma: Effects of Vortex-Like Ion and Nonthermal Electron Distributions
E Eslami, R Baraz
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 41, 1805 (2013) Q2
- Effects of two-temperature ions and external magnetic field on dust-acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma
E Eslami, R Baraz
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 41, 1005 (2013) Q2
- Effect of alumina content and heat treatment on microstructure and upconversion emission of Er3+ ions in oxyfluoride glass-ceramics
M H Imanieh, B E Yekta, V Marghussian, I R M Benenzuela, A H Creus, S Shakhesi, E Eslami
Journal of rare earths, 30, 1228 (2012) Q2
- Study on the effect of laser parameters on wakefield excitation in femtosecond pulsed laser–plasma interaction using PIC method
F Jokar, E Eslami
Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 123, 1947 (2012) Q2
- Optical interferometry method for the study of density variation in the nanosecond pulsed Nd: YAG laser interaction with aluminum
E Eslami, M Movahedi
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 167, 826 (2012) Q3
- Propagation of a pulsed laser through a plasma based waveguide with a parabolic profile of the electron density
E Eslami
International Journal of Physical Sciences, 7, 5367 (2012) Q3
- Wakefield excitation by an intense femtosecond laser pulse in homogeneous underdense plasma
E Eslami, F Jokar
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, 5, 111 (2011)
- Investigation of spectral resolution in a Czerny Turner spectrograph
H Mohammadi, E Eslami
Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 53, 549 (2010) Q4
- Absolute intensity calibration of emission spectra: application to the forbidden 346 nm nitrogen line for N (2P°) metastable atoms density measurement in flowing afterglow
E Eslami, N Sadeghi
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 43, 93 (2008) Q2
- Etude des mécanismes de formation de la zone d'ionization secondaire en post-décharge d'un plasma micro-onde d'azote
E Eslami
Université de Grenoble; Université Joseph-Fourier-Grenoble I (2005)
- High sensitivity broad-band mode-locked cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy: measurement of Ar*(3P2) atom and ion densities
T Gherman, E Eslami, D Romanini, S Kassi, JC Vial, N Sadeghi
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 37, 2408 (2004) Q1
- Characterization of long-lived species in the afterglow of nitrogen microwave discharge
E Eslami, A Campargue, C Foissac, P Supiot, N Sadeghi
Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD-V), 213 (2003)
- Dielectric Barrier Discharge simulation at low pressure Argon driven by rectangular voltage shape
A Barjasteh, E Eslami, N Morshedian, D Mihailova
- Cavity-Enhanced Broad-Band Absorption Spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser
T Gherman, E Eslami, D Romanini, JC Vial
- Simulation of femtosecond high intensity laser-plasma interaction using PIC method: Effect of external magnetic field and pulse shape
F Jokar, E Eslami
Conference presentations :
- Study of the conditions of creating population inversion among the excited levels of Hydrogen-like ions in a plasma , F. Mousavi, E. Eslami, M. Nazari Haghighi Pashaki, The 19th International Symposium on High-Power Laser Systems and Applications , HPLS&A, (2012), Istanbul, Turkey.
High-power laser interaction with plasma and it ’ s amplification by stimulated Raman backscattering model , M. Nazari Haghighi Pashaki, E. Eslami, and F. Mousavi, The 19th International Symposium on High-Power Laser Systems and Applications , HPLS&A, (2012), Istanbul, Turkey.
Electron heating by optical field ionization in the oxygen background gas; K. Basereh Uand E. Eslami, 30th ICPIG, August 28th – September 2nd (2011), Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Density determination of ( 3 ) 2 g N B molecules is SLA of nitrogen microwave discharge; E Eslami, and N Sadeghi ; 14th Iranian conference on optics and photonics, January (2008), Rafsnjan, IRAN
Spectroscopic data of nitrogen microwave discharge for estimation of ( '1 ) 2 N a u density in short live afterglow ; E Eslami, and N Sadeghi ; 14th Iranian conference on optics and photonics, January (2008),Rafsnjan, IRAN
Absolute density of N2(B3 g) in the short-lived afterglow of nitrogen by Cavity-Enhanced Broad- Band Absorption Spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser E. Eslami, S. Kassi, and N. Sadeghi, ESCAMPIG 18, July (2006), Lecce, Italy.
Density measurement by UV Broad-Band Absorption Spectroscopy (BBAS) and Broad- Band Mode-Locked Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (ML-CEAS) E. Eslami, M. Kogelschatz, and N. Sadeghi, Workshop on Low Temperature Plasmas and their Applications, P. 25 , Oct, (2004), RIFS-Tabriz Iran.
A high sensitivity broad-band mode-locked cavity-enhanced absorption technique with a f emtosecond laser ;E. Eslami, T. Gherman, D. Romanini, N. Sadeghi, 57th Gaseous Electronics Conference, P. 17 ,Sep (2004), Bunratty, Ireland
Determination of the absolute density of N2(a1 g) molecule and N(2P) in a flowing N2 microwave discharge; E. Eslami, C. Foissac, Ph. Supiot and N. Sadeghi , ESCAMPIG 17, P. 197 , Sep (2004), Constanta, Romania
Absolute density of N2 +(X2 g+) ground state ions measured by Cavity-Enhanced Broad- Band Absorption Spectroscopy with a femtosecond laser in the Short-Lived Afterglow of a flowing nitrogen microwave plasma; E. Eslami, S. Kassi, J.-C. Vial and N. Sadeghi, ESCAMPIG 17, P. 195 , Sep (2004), Constanta, Romania
High vibrational levels (v ’ 10) of N2+(B2 u+) state populated in the Short-Lived Afterglow of a flowing nitrogen microwave plasma; C. Foissac, M. Grushin, E. Eslami, N. Sadeghi and P. Supiot, ESCAMPIG 17, P. 191 , Sep.,(2004), Constanta, Romania .
D é termination de la densit é absolue des esp è ces ( 1 )2 g N a et de N (2 P ) dans la post d é charge d ’ un plasma micro-onde d ’ azote ;E.Eslami and N.Sadeghi, 2e journ é es du r é seau plasmas froids , Oct (2003), Bonascre(Ari è ge), France
Cavity-Enhanced Broad-Band Absorption Spectroscopy With femtosecond laser ;T.Gherman, E.Eslami, D.Romanini, and N.Sadeghi Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, P. 222 ,April (2003) , Villaggio Cardigliano – Specchia, Italy.
Vibrational and rotational distributions in N2( A 3 u ) metastable state in the Short-Lived Afterglow of a flowing nitrogen microwave plasma ; E. Eslami, C. Foissac, A. Campargue, P. Supiot and N. Sadeghi Joint Conference ESCAMPIG 16-ICRP 5, Vol.1, P. 57 , July (2002), Grenoble, France