
1- Corrosion protection of mild steel by polypyrole Molybdate composite coating , EUROCORR , NETHERLAND ,2006

2 - Development of a new electro-codeposition system for Ni-W-B nanocomposite coatings , EUROCORR , NETHERLAND , 2006

3- Microstructural characterization of Titanium Oxide Nanotubes Fabricated by Electrochemical Method,TECHNOLOGY in Petroleum ,Gas and Petrochemical industries ,Tehran ,2007


4 - Elimination of the Environmental Dangers of Chromium Plating by using of Ni-W-B Electroplated Nanocomposite from Tartrate Baths without Ammonia ,TECHNOLOGY in Petroleum ,Gas and Petrochemical industries, industries, Tehran, 2007


5-  Study of Kinetic and Thermodynamic of Auto-Oxidation of Benz-  aldehyde and Butyraldehyde in some pure and mixed solvent ,3rd Iranian National Congress on Chemistry ,Tehran,2007


6- Green Conversion Coatings on Aluminium Alloys ,3rd Iranian National Congress on Chemistry ,Tehran,2007

7-  Electroless Gold Plating,3rd Iranian National Congress on Chemistry,Tehran,2007

8- Theoritical study of Li adsorption on single – walled  boron nitride nanotubes with Stone– Wales defects,26 th zing conferences , 2009

9- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy study of glucose  Electro-oxidation on Pt in alkalinesolution, 16th Analytical Chemistry , Hamedan ,Bu Ali Sina University , 2009

10- Use of scrap Tire as an asphalt modifie , 3th Conference and Exhibition on Environmental Engineering,Tehran ,2010

11- Synthesis ,Characterization and stability of colloid solution copper nanoparticales in presence of surfactants , European Colloid and Interface Society , 2009

12- The effect of radiation-induced crosslinking on -73 mechanical and physical properties of electron beam irradiated Polyamide-6 film ,13th International IUPAC Conference on Polymers And Organic Chemistry ,Canada,2009

13-The Study of Electron Beam Irradiated-Annealed at N2  atmosphere of LDPE/PA6/LDPE Multi-Layer Films , 13th International IUPAC Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry ,Canada,2009

14- Barrier Properties of Electron Beam Irradiated Nylon 6  film –The Effects of Crosslinking and Surface Chemistry , POLYCHAR17-World Forum on Advanced Materials , Rouen ,France 2009

15- The influence of electron beam irradiation on nylon-6  films:evaluation of mechanical properties and thermal behavior , 4th European Polymer Congress,Graz/Austria,2009

16- Synthesis of cobalt-nickel nanoparticles in aqueous  solution of ethylene,PACCON conference,UK,IRELAND ,2010

17- Synthesis,characterization and stability of colloidal solution of cobalt-nickel nanoparticles in presence of ethylene glycol ,3th Conference on Nanostructures ,Kish,2010


19- Synthesis of Cobalt-Nickel Nanoparticles and  Identification,3th Conference on Nanostructures ,Kish,2010

20- Synthesis , Charaxterization ,Anti-tumor and Antibacterial Activities Studies of a Number of New Nano Oxides , First United Arab Emirates Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry ,Sharjah , 2011

21- Electrochemical Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles in  Surfactant Solution, 13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar, Shiraz University of Technology , Shiraz , 2010

22- Nickel –Coated Graphite Prepared by Electroless  deposition and its Use as Electrods in the Oxidation of Methanol, First United Arab Emirates Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry , Sharjah , 2011

23- Electroless Plating of Ni-Cu-B on Al and Corrosion behavior of the Deposit ,13th Iranian Physical Chemistry Seminar , Shiraz University of Technology,Shiraz 2010

24-The study of Non – Isothermal Crystallization of Electron Beam Irradiation pp Hetrophysic Copolymer , POLYMERS IN PACKAGING ,Goa, India 2009

25- Comparison study between electroless and electrolysis  Nicke coated graphite ,14th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference , University of Tehran ,Kish ,2011

26- Electroless deposition of Zn-W-B coating on steel alloy, 14thIranian Physical Chemistry Conference , University of Tehran,Kish 2011

27- Corrosion behavior of electroless Zn-W-B deposits in the Variety of metallic ratio,14th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference, University of Tehran ,Kish ,2011

28- Synthesis,characterization and Biological Activity Studies Of Nano Sulfonamides and their Transition Metal Complexes , 3th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DRUG DISCOVERy & THERAPY,Dubai , 2011

29- Effects of incorporation of carbon nanotubes on electroless Ni-Cu-B ,Metal Protection Through Coatings Technology Conference, USA ,2010

30- Electroless Ni-B-Carbon nanotube composite coatings on Al: Prepatation and evaluation of microhardness, corrosion resistance, NanoFormulation conference Germany ,2010

31- Effects of carbon nanotubes addition on Ni-Cu-B coating properties ,Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference , Thailand ,2010

32- Formation of nano sized nickel coated graphite by adding the anionic surfactant , 4th Iranian Fuel cell seminar ,Shahid Rajae University , Tehran ,2010  

33 – Electrocatalytic Oxidation of m – Nifedipine Using NHPI and TBAPINO as Catalysts , 7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran , K.N.Toosi University of Technology ,Tehran , 2011

34 – Electrochemical Oxidation of Ethyl Benzene by Nickel Electrode ,7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran , K.N.Toosi University of Technology ,Tehran , 2011

35– Electro – Oxidation Study of D – glucose on Pt/TiO2/Ti in NaOH Alkaline Solution , 15th Iranian Chemistry Congress , Bu Ali Sina University , Hamadan ,2011

36 – Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Silyl Ethers using N – hydroxyphthalimides as Catalyst , 18th Iranian Organic Chemistry seminar ,university of sistan & Baluchestan ,2012

37– Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Silyl Ethers at Graphite Electrode Modified with nano Nickel Particles in Alkaline Solution , 1st International Conference on Nanostructures and Nanomaterials , Masjed – soleiman , 2012

38 – Study of the Different Methods to Determine the Chemical Compatibility between High Energy Materials , 15th Iranian Chemistry Congress , Bu Ali Sina University , Hamadan ,2011

39– Electrocatalytic Oxidation of m – Nifedipine Using NHPI and TBAPINO as Catalyst , The First National Green Chemistry Congress , Kerman , 2011

40 – Electrochemical Oxidation of 1,4 – Dihydropyridines at Graphite Electrode Modified by nano Nickel , 1st International Conference on Nanostructures and Nanomaterials , Masjed – soleiman , 2012

41– Electrochemical Oxidation of Some Silyl Ethers at Nanostructure Nickel Electrode , 7th annual seminar of electrochemistry of Iran , K.N.Toosi University of Technology ,Tehran , 2011

42– Anticancer and Antibacterial Properties of Some New Synthesized Transition Metal Complexes , 25th National chemistry congress , Turky , 2011

112 – Nano Filtration for Water Treatment , 15 th Iranian Physical Chemistry Conference , University of Tehran , Tehran ,September 3 – 6 , 2012

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