University: Iran University of Science and Technology
Faculty: Railway Engineering
Department: Rolling Stock
Phone: +9821-73916115 Fax Number +9821-
Email: m_shahravi
ResearcherID Profile: Majid Shahravi
ORCiD Profile : Majid Shahravi
Google Scholar Profile : Majid Shahravi
PhD: Iran University of Science and Technology , (2009)
School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran
Period: Since 2009
Position: Associate Professor
School of Mechanical Engineering, International Imam Khomeini University, Ghazvin , Iran
Period: 2004-2009
School of Mechanical Engineering, Azad University, Tehran , Iran
Period: 2003-2004
Head of the Railway Safety Engineering educational group (2009-present), Department of Railway Engineering , IUST
Period: 2006-2009
Position: Director Manager and Chairman of the Bord
Iran Khodro Powertrain Co
Period: 2001-2003
Position: Research Engineer (Mechanical Design Department/ Valve train Group)
Sharif University of Technology ( Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research )
Period: 2003-2004
Position : Engineering Consultant on Farnas project (HPA)
- Design, Analysis and Simulation of Mechanical Systems
- Design of Test Instruments
- Finite Element and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
- Penetration , Impact and Contact Mechanics
Teaching in:
- Machine Design I,II
- Finite Element Method
- Manufacturing and Repairing of Railway parts
- Computer Aided Machine Design
- Contact Mechanics
- Mechanism Design
- Strength of Materials
- Static
1) K. Daneshjou, M.Shahravi, Comparative Study of Nose Profile Role in Long-Rod Penetration, Journal of solid mechanics and materials engineering (JSME). Vol. 1, No. 5 (2007), pp.635-643
2) K. Daneshjou, M.Shahravi, A Simple Model To Predict Critical Ricochet Angle In Long-Rod Penetration, Journal of Mechanics , No. 1 2009 April .
3) K. Daneshjou, M.Shahravi, Penetrator strength effect in long-rod critical ricochet angle, Journal of mechanical science and technology , 22 2008 1~14.
4) K. Daneshjou, M.Shahravi, The role of simulation method at long-rod ricochet phenomena, Mechanical and Aerospace Journal of Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 2008, pp. 69-86
5) M.Shahravi, M.Alizadeh, Rocker arm optimization . Mechanical engineering international conference. Iran--Mashhad-Ferdowsi University. February 2003.
6) H. Ahmadian, M.Shahravi, OHV Valve train dynamic (simulation and test), Mechanical engineering international conference. Iran, Isfehan, Industrial University, February 2005.
7) H. Ahmadian, M.Shahravi, Over Head Cam Valve train dynamic, Mechanical engineering international conference. Iran, Isfehan, Industrial University, February 2006.
8) Kamran Daneshjou, Majid Shahravi, Seyed Masoud Salehi, Effects of Projectile and target geometries on the critical ricochet angle, 16th Annual-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 1378.
9) Kamran Daneshjou, Majid Shahravi, Behzad Babaei, Ricochet of a steel long-rod projectile from deformable steel plates, ISME 2009.
10) Kamran Daneshjou, Majid Shahravi, Behzad Babaei , The Effect of Nose Shape in Rod Penetration , ISME 2009.
11) Kamran Daneshjou, Hasan Moinodini, Majid Shahravi , The Effect of Nose Shape in Critical Ricochet Angle , , 16th Annual-International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 1378.
12) K.Daneshjou, M.Shahravi, Comparative Study of Nose Profile Role in Long-Rod Penetration, Journal of solid mechanics and materials engineering (JSME). Vol. 1, No. 5 (2007), pp.635-643 (Abstract)
1- Simulation Wagon(H665 k Bogies) and Investigation about Rail Irregularity and wheel/Rail Contact Force and Derailment
2- Contact-impact stress analysis of rail joint region
3- OHV and OHC Valve train dynamic simulation with three softwares(Adams, Visual Nastran and Valdyn)
4- Valve train Test System with Laser Technology (Design and Production)
5- Rocker arm optimization
6- Pushrod Buckling Analysis
7- Cam Profile Optimization in XU7 Engine
8- Sled Test Design and Production
9- Investigation About Truck Vibration with Missile Canister (Dynamic Simulation and Test)
10- Researches on Long Rod Critical Ricochet Angle(Simulation and Test)
11- Researches on EML Projectile
12- Researches on Jet Engine( Jet Engine Disk Stress Analysis)
13- Energy Company Products Weight Optimization
14- Monobike Design and Dynamic Simulation
15- Research on Solid Propellant
16- Research on Satellite Mechanisms
17- Research on Human Power Aircraft (HPA) Mechanisms
18- Research on Heater and Cooler Parts Optimization
19- Research on Penetration and Explosion Phenomena
20- …