Dr. Roohollah Ahmadi

              Curriculum Vitae

  • Rouhollah Ahmadi
  • Assistant Professor, School of New Technologies,
  • Iran University of Science & technology,
  • Narmak, Tehran, Iran, 1684613114  
  • Tel : +98 21 73225815
  • Email: ahmadiiust.ac.ir / ro_ahmadyyahoo.com


Text Box: -	Academic Accomplishments

  Text Box: -	Working Experiences / Appointment

  • Head of Department of Energy System, Iran University of Science and Technology, (2013-Now)
  • Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, (2018-now)
  • Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, (2013-2018)
  • Consultant of deputy of scholarships department, MSRT, Iran, (2013)
  • Robat Makhzan Co., Tehran, Iran,(2007-2009)
    • Manager of Quality Control Department
  • Atmosphere Ind. & Manf. Co., Tehran, Iran, (2004-2007)
    • Manager of Quality Control Department
  • Alfam Ind. Co., Tehran, Iran, (2002-2004)
    • Member of R&D group: improvement of radiator design
  • SAPCO, Tehran, Iran, (Internship, 2002)
    • Design of a Test Room for Performance Test of Automotive HVAC

  • Experimental/Computational methods of Fluid Dynamics and Heat and Mass Transfer, Multiphase flow and Boiling Heat Transfer, Thermal Energy Storage, Renewable energy, Modeling and optimization of energy systems, Cogeneration of heat and power(CHP)
  • Design and fabrication of PVT system (1.5 kWe), 2019
  • Design and fabrication of PTC system (1.2 m*3 m), 2018
  • Enhancement of Thermal Energy Storage Density in Solar Power Plant by Employment of Phase Change Material (PCM), 2017
Design, Fabrication and analysis a sponge ball cleaning system for one through condensers, 2018
  • Design, Simulation and Fabrication of a New Solar Pressurized Liquid Piston Stirling Engine, 2017
  • Design and Fabrication a Thermal cycling system (-10-100 ºC), 2017
  • Design and Fabrication a wave energy harvesting system for power generation and desalination, 2016

  • Journal papers:
  1. Esrafilian, M., Ahmadi, R., Energy, environmental and economic assessment of a polygeneration system of local desalination and CCHP, Desalination454, pp. 20-37, 2019
  1. Maleki, M., Ahmadi, P.T., Mohamdi, H., Ahmadi, R., Emrooz, H.B.M. Photo-thermal conversion structure by infiltration of paraffin in three dimensionally interconnected porous polystyrene-carbon nanotubes (PS-CNT) polyHIPE foam, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 191, pp. 266-274, 2019
  1. R Ahmadi, H Jokar, M Motamedi, A Solar Pressurizable Liquid Piston Stirling Engine: Part 2, Optimization and Development, Energy, In Prss, Available online 7 September 2018
  2. A. Entezari, A. Manizadeh, and R. Ahmadi, Energetical, exergetical and economical optimization analysis of combined power generation system of gas turbine and Stirling engine, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 159, pp. 189-203, Mar 2018.
  3. O. G. Zarajabad and R. Ahmadi, "Employment of Finned PCM Container in a Household Refrigerator as a Cold Thermal Energy Storage System," Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2018.
  4. A. Manizadeh, A. Entezari, and R. Ahmadi, "The Energy and Economic Target Optimization of a Naphtha Production Unit by Implementing Energy Pinch Technology," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2018.
  5. O. Ghahramani Z., R Ahmadi, Numerical investigation of different PCM volume on cold thermal energy storage system, Journal of Energy Storage 17 (2018), 515-524
  6. M Motamedi, R Ahmadi, H Jokar, A Solar Pressurizable Liquid Piston Stirling Engine: Part 1, Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Validation, Energy 155C (2018) pp. 796-814
  7. R Ahmadi, SM Hosseini, Numerical investigation on adding/substituting hydrogen in the CDC and RCCI combustion in a heavy duty engine, Applied Energy 213 (2018), 450-468
  8. < >.H. Razavi, R. Ahmadi, A. Zahedi, Modeling, simulation and dynamic control of solar assisted ground source heat pump to provide heating load and DHW, Applied Thermal Engineering 129 (2018) 127–144 S.M Hosseini, R.Ahmadi, Performance and emissions characteristics in the combustion of co-fuel diesel-hydrogen in a heavy duty engine, Applied Energy 205 (2017) 911–925
  9. < > S. M. Hosseini, R. Ahmadi, M. Mohebi, 3D Simulation of Performance and Pollution of Hydrogen-Diesel Combustion in Heavy Duty Engine, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol.17, No. 3, pp. 177-186, 2017 (in Persian)
  10. M.Kouhestani, R.Ahmadi, Computational Simulation of Free Cooling in a Building Using Phase Change Material, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Air-Conditioning, Heating and Cooling Installations, Vol. 16, No. 13, pp. 135-140, 2016 (in Persian)
  11. R. Ahmadi, T. Okawa, Influence of surface wettability on bubble behavior and void evolution in subcooled flow boiling, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 97, pp. 114-125, 2015
  12. R. Ahmadi, T. Okawa, Observation of Bubble Dynamics during Subcooled Flow Boiling on Different Surface Wettability in Atmospheric Pressure, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 313-320, 2015 (In Persian)
  13. Numerical Optimization of a Household Radiator and Experimental Investigation of Its Thermal Capacity, Journal of Energy Engineering and Management, Vol.5 No.3, 2015 (In Persian)
  14. R. Ahmadi, T. Okawa, Observation of Bubble Dynamics during Subcooled Flow Boiling on Different Surface Wettability in Atmospheric Pressure, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 313-320, 2015 (In Persian)
  15. R. Ahmadi, T. Okawa, Recognition Of Net Vapor Generation In Subcooled Flow Boiling, I Journal of  Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (ISSN:3159-0040), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 465-469 (2015)
  16. R. Ahmadi, T. Ueno, T. Okawa, Visualization study on the mechanisms of net vapor generation in water subcooled flow boiling under moderate pressure conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 70, pp. 137-151 (2014).
  17. R. Ahmadi, T. Ueno, T. Okawa, Experimental identification of the phenomenon triggering the net vapor generation in upward subcooled flow boiling of water at low pressure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, No. 21-22, pp. 6067-6076 (2012).
  18. R. Ahmadi, T. Ueno, T. Okawa, Bubble dynamics at boiling incipience in subcooled upward flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, No. 1-3, pp. 488-497 (2012).
  19. R. Ahmadi, A. Nouri-Borujerdi, J. Jafari, I. Tabatabaei, Experimental study of onset of subcooled annular flow boiling, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 51, pp. 361-365 (2009).

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