2nd Iran national zeolite conference will be held in IUST on 18, 19 Feb 2015 Second National zeolite Conference will be held in IUST on 18,19 Feb 2015 hosted by the School of Chemistry with the purpose of the interaction between researchers and scientists. The Conference topics will be Nano zeolites ,catalyst, molecular sieve adsorption, ion exchange, the host and guest chemistry, nano-porous materials, the metal – organic framework, environment and natural zeolite. The purpose of the conference would be the introduction of improvements and research achievements in the field of zeolite and the interaction of local experts in the field of science cooperation. The conference scientific Secretary would be Dr.Azadeh Tajarrodi and will be held in Imam Khomeini Complex in IUST. The deadline to register for the conference would be 14th feb 2015. For any more information on how to register at the second national conference of zeolite you can see following link: http://2inzc2015.iust.ac.ir 