ISI Papers

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1394/11/5 | 

[1] Javad Yavand Hasani , “Modeling of distributed effects in modern mos transistors for millimeter wave applications”, IEEE Transactions of Electron Devices, vol: PP, Issue: 99, 2016. DOI: 101109/TED.2016.2515160

[2] Javad Yavand Hasani, “Three-port model of a modern MOS transistor in millimeter wave band, considering distributed effects”, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), vol: PP, Issue: 99, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2015.2511150.

[3] Ali Ghaffari Nejad, Javad Yavand Hasani, “Effects of contact roughness and trapped free space on characteristics of rf-mems capacitive shunt switches”, Under publication by the Canadian Journal of Electrical Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/CJECE.2015.2510700

[4] J. Yavand Hasani, M. kamarei, “Analysis and optimum design of a class E RF power amplifier”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—I: Regular papers, vol. 55, no. 6, July 2008.

[5] J. Yavand Hasani, M. kamarei, and F. Ndagijimana, “Sub-nH inductor modeling and design in 90nm CMOS technology for millimeter wave applications”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System-- II: Express Briefs, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 517-521, June 2008.

[6] J. Yavand Hassani, M. Kamarei, and F.[1] Ndagijimana “Analytic input matching for millimeter wave LNA in 90 nm CMOS technology ”, IEICE Electronics Express (ELEX), vol. 4, no. 15, pp. 472-477, Aug. 2007.

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