Dr. Hasani Zonoozi, Maryam

 | Post date: 2016/12/18 | 

Maryam Hasani Zonoozi


Position: Assistant Professor

Program Area: Water and Environmental engineering

Phone: (+98-21) 77243120 Ex: 7194

Fax: (+98-21) 77240398

Email: mhzonoozi AT iust.ac.ir

Postal Address:

Civil Engineering Department- Iran University of Science and Technology- Narmak-Tehran-Iran. 16846-13114

Link to Google Scholar


  • PhD. in Water and Environmental Engineering- Amirkabir University of Technology (2009-2015)

  • MSc. in Environmental Engineering- Amirkabir University of Technology (2006-2009)

  • BSc. in Civil Engineering- Bu Ali Sina University (2001-2005)

Research Interests

  • Novel Treatment Methods for Water, Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters

  • Sludge Digestion and Biogas Production Processes

  • Modeling Biological Processes of Wastewater Treatment

  • Modeling Sludge Digestion Processes

Honors and Awards

  • Qualified by Graduating with Honors and Ranking 1th Among Civil Engineering Msc. Majors.

  • Honored oral presentation award in Iran Water and Wastewater Science and Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, February 2017.

  • Selection of the Phd. Dissertation as an Industrial Research by INSF (Iranian National Science Foundation) for financial support.

Professional and Research Experiences

  • Process Consultant, Tehran South Wastewater Treatment Plant, Modulus 1-4 (2015-2016)

  • Project Expert, Farayand Sabz Pakan, research and consultant engineering company (2008-2012)

  • Chief editor and the Member of Editorial Board of Sustainable Development Office Electronic Journal, Amirkabir University of Technology (2011-2012)

  • Project Expert, TDSI Center, Tehran University (2006-2007)

  • Reviewer of 17th Khwarizmi Youth Award (KIA)

  • Reviewer of 28th Khwarizmi International Award (KIA)

  • Member of Executive Committee of 7th Tunnel International Congress, Sharif University of Technology (2006)

Teaching Experience

  • Iran University of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering Department (2016-2017): Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Design, Fundamentals of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Environmental Engineering

  • Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Civil Engineering Department (2013-2016): Open Channel Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology, Hydraulic Structures

  • Qom University of Technology, Civil Engineering Department (2011-2012): Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology, Open Channel Hydraulics

  • Amirkabir University of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (2009-2011): Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment

Publications (Jouranl and Conference Papers)

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, R. Maknoon, 2017, Investigation of HRT Effects on Membrane Fouling in Sequencing Batch Membrane Bioreactor with Respect to Batch Filtration Mode, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, accepted

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, R. Maknoon, 2014, Operation of integrated sequencing batch membrane bioreactor treating dye-containing wastewater at different SRTs: study of overall performance and fouling behavior, Environmental Science and Pollution Research

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, R. Maknoon, Under press, Treatment of azo dye-containing wastewater in integrated anaerobic/aerobic MSBR at different HRTs, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, In Press, Accepted Manuscript.

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam; Reza Maknoon; 2014, Decolorization kinetics and characteristics of the azo dye acid red 18 in MSBR system at various HRTs and SRTs, Membrane Water Treatment

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2010, Study on the Removal of Acid Dyes Using Chitosan as a Natural Coagulant/Coagulant Aid, Water Science and Technology

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2009, Coagulation/flocculation of dye-containing solutions using polyaluminium chloride and alum, Water Science and Technology

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2008, Removal of Acid Red 398 Dye From Aqueous Solutions by Coagulation/Flocculation Process, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal

  • مریم حسنی زنوزی، سید محمدرضا علوی مقدم، مختار آرامی، 1387، حذف رنگزای Acid Blue 292 با استفاده از پلی آلومینیوم کلراید، نشریه علمی- پژوهشی علوم و فناوری رنگ

  • مریم حسنی زنوزی، محمدرضا علوی مقدم، رضا مکنون، 1395، رنگزدایی و حذف COD از فاضلاب حاوی رنگزای آزوی AR18 در بیوراکتور غشائی ناپیوسته متوالی (SBMBR) تحت تاثیر زمان ماند هیدرولیکی (HRT)، کنگره علوم و مهندسی آب و فاضلاب ایران، تهران، ارائه شفاهی

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, R. Maknoon, 2013, Effect of HRT on performance of integrated anaerobic/aerobic MSBR system for treating azo dye-containing wastewater, The 1st International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology (IFAWET), India, Oral

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2009, بررسی کارایی آلوم در حذف رنگزاهای اسیدی از محلولها آبی, 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, Oral

  • مریم حسنی زنوزی، محمدرضا علوی مقدم، مختار آرامی، 1387، بررسی پارامترهای مؤثر در کاربرد پلی آلومینیوم کلراید در حذف رنگزاها از پسابهای صنعتی، دومین همایش ملی آب و فاضلاب (با رویکرد بهره برداری)، تهران، ارائه شفاهی

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2009, Study on Removal of Acid Dyes using Chitosan as a Natural Coagulating Agent, International conference on emerging technologies in environmental science and technology, India, Poster

  • M. Hasani Zonoozi, M. R. Alavi Moghaddam, M. Arami, 2008, Removal of Acid Red 398 Dye from Aqueous Solution by Coagulation/Flocculation Process, The Sixth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Indonesia, Poster

  • مریم حسنی زنوزی، محمدرضا علوی مقدم، مختار آرامی، 1387، مروری بر کاربرد فرایند انعقاد و لخته سازی در تصفیه پسابهای صنعتی، دومین همایش و نمایشگاه تخصصی مهندسی محیط زیست، تهران، پوستر

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