maisam farajollahi

 | Post date: 2018/10/2 | 

Dr. Farajollahi, Meisam
Assistant Professor
Phone: +982173225825
Energy System Department,
Emerging Technologies in Energy Systems Lab,
·Post-Doc, University of Tehran- October 2016 – October2017
Center of Advanced Systems and Technologies (CAST), School of Mechanical Engineering.
Project: Developing Artificial Muscle technology and touch/force sensor for bio-inspired robotic arms and rehabilitation robots.
Supervisor: Prof. A. Yousefi Koma

·Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering- July, 2016
Molecular Mechatronics laboratory, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada
Thesis: Conducting Polymer-based actuator for biomedical application and tactile interface.
Supervisor: Prof. J. D. W. Madden
Visiting PhD Student: Department of Material Science, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Visiting PhD Student: Advanced Polymer Institue, Cergy-Pontise University, France.

·M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Vibration & Control)- June, 2009
Digital Control Laboratory, Iran University of science & technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
Thesis: Fuzzy model-based controller design for aircraft automatic landing.
Supervisor: Prof. A. H. D Markazi

·B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (Solid mechanic)- June, 2006
Shahid Chamran University, Khuzestan, Iran
Thesis: Fuzzy rule-based controller design for aircraft’s standard maneuvers.
Supervisor: Prof. K. H. Shirazi

Research Interest
  • Conducting Polymer, Electroactive Polymers, Smart Materials
  • renewable energy systems, Otimization of Wind Turbine Energy, Flexible Solar Cell
  • Energy Harvesting Technology
  • MEMS, Micro Sensors and Actuators, Micro Fabrication Technology
  • Mechatronics, Industrial and Smart Sensors
  • Artificial Entelligent in Energy Systems (Machine Learning, Fuzzy Control, ..)
  • Sensor and Actuators for Harsh Environment (Nuclear Power Plant, Thermal Power Plant, Space, …)
google scholar 
Journal Papers:
  • Meisam Farajollahi, M Goharzay, D Borzuei, SF Moosavian, Stress, sensitivity and frequency analysis of the corrugated diaphragm for different corrugation, Smart Structures and Systems 27 (5), 837, 2021
  • D Borzuei, SF Moosavian, M Farajollahi, On the Performance Enhancement of the Three-Blade Savonius Wind Turbine Implementing Opening Valve, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 143 (5), 051301, 2021
  • MA Mohammadi, M Farajollahi, A Yousefi‐Koma, Dynamic analysis of a micro‐cantilever beam in noncontact mode: Classic and strain gradient theoriesMicroscopy Research and Techniqu, 2021,
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Ashwin Usgaocar, Yuta dobashi, Vincent Woehling, Cedric Plesse, Fredric Vidal, Farrokh Sassani and John, D.W. Madden, “Non-linear Two-Dimensional Transmission Line Models for Electrochemically Driven Conducting Polymer Actuators”, IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, April, 2016.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Vincent Woehling, Cedric Plesse, Fredric Vidal, Farokh Sassani and John, D.W. Madden, “Self-Contained Tubular Bending Actuator Driven by Conducting Polymers,”, Sensors and actuators, A, Physical, Vol. 249, pp.45-56, 2016.
  • Tiesheng Wang, Meisam Farajollahi, Sebastian Henke, Tongtong Zhu, Sneha R. Bajpe, Shijing Sun, Jonathan S. Barnard, June Sang Lee, John D.W. Madden,  Anthony K. Cheetham, and Stoyan K. Smoukov, “Conductive Functional Nanomaterials via Polymerization in Nanochannels: PEDOT in a MOF”, Material Horizon, Vol 2, Aug 2016.
  • Tiesheng Wang, Meisam Farajollahi, Yeonsik Choi, I-Ting Lin, Jean E. Marshall, Noel Thompson, Sohini Kar-Narayan, John D.W. Madden, Stoyan K. Smoukov, “Electroactive Polymers for Sensing”, Interface focus, Vol 6, 2016.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Farokh Sassani, Naser Naserifar, Adelyne Fannir, CedricPlesse, Fredric Vida, “Dynamic charge dependent modelling of conducting polymer trilayer bending”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol 25, 2016.
  • Yuta Dobashi, Adelyne Fannir, Meisam Farajollahi, Fredric Vidal and John Madden, “Ion Transport in Polymer Composites with Non-Uniform Distributions of Electronic Conductors”, Electrochimica Acta, “Accepted for Publication”.
Conferenc Papers
  • V Woehling, GTM Nguyen, C Plesse, M Farajollahi, JDW Madden, F Vidal," Toward Electroactive Catheter Design Using Conducting Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Actuators" , Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD-SPIE) 2018.
  • Shayan Jannati, Aghil Yousefi Koma, Moosa Ayati, Meisam Farajollahi, “Fuzzy Modeling and Control of the Knee Joint Actuator”, ICRAM 2017.
  • Soroush Rafiee, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Meisam Farajollahi, Farzad A.Shirazi, A.Syavash Bashardoost, “Fishing Lines-based Artificial Muscles for Robotic Applications”, ISME, Tehran, Iran,2017.
  • Ahmad Esmailzadeh, Aghil Yousefi-Koma, Meisam Farajollahi,”Implementation Of Intelligent Methods Of Building Energy Management For Economic Optimization”, IEEE SEGE, Oshawa, Canada, 2017.
  • Meisam Farajollahia, Saeedeh Ebrahimi Takalloo, Vincent Woehlinge, Adelyne Fannire, Cédric Plessee, Frederic Vidale, Farrokh Sassania, and John D.W Madden, “Stacking trilayers to increase force generation”Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), Proc. Of SPIE, Vol, 9430, 2015.
  • Mirza S. Sarwar, Yuta Dobashi, Ettore F. Scabeni Glitz, Meisam Farajollahi, Shahriar Mirabbasi, Sina Naficy, Geoffrey M. Spinks, John D. W. Madden,” Transparent and Conformal ‘PiezoIonic’ Touch Sensor”, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), Proc. of SPIE, Vol, 9430, 2015.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, John D.W Madden, Farrokh Sassani,” Non-linear time variant model intended for Polypyrrole-based actuators” Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), Proc. of SPIE, Vol, 9056, 2014.
  • Soheil Kianzad, Milind Pandit, Meisam Farajollahi, John D.W Madden,” Intelligent Forceps Using Highly Twisted Nylon Actuator”, Poster Presentation, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), SPIE, 2014.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Hao Yang, Yuta Dobashi and John Madden, “Multi-layer micro actuator for application in catheter”, Poster Presentation, AMPEL Synergy day, May, 2013, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Amir. H.D. Markazi, “PDC controller Design for Aircraft Glide-Slope Trajectory Tracking”, CMAE, 2010, China.
  • Meisam Farajollahi, Amir. H.D. Markazi , “PDC controller Design for Aircraft Flare Trajectory Tracking”, ENCON, 2010, Malaysia.
  • Saeedeh Ebrahimi, John Madden, Shahriar Mirabbasi, Meisam Farajollahi, “Apparatus and methods for providing tactile stimulus incorporating tri-layer actuators” (US Patent).
  • Mirza. S. Sarwar, John Madden, Yuta Dobashi, Edmond Cretu, Shahriar Mirabbasi, Etore Glitz, Meisam Farajollahi, “Method and sensor for pressure sensing based on electrical signal generated by redistribution of mobile ions in piezoionic layer” (US Patent).
  Book Chapter 
  • Meisam. Farajollahi, G. Alici, Mirza S. Sarwar and John D.W. Madden “Conducting polymers as EAPs: Physical Description and Simulation”, A Chapter in EAP Reference Book: Introduction to transducers and artificial muscles based on Electromechanically Active Polymers edited by F. Carpi, Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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