Dr. Ameri, Mahmoud

Mahmoud Ameri


Position: Professor

P.E, CEO of Justice Dept.

Program Area: Highway Engineering

Phone: (+98-21) 73228104

Fax: (+98-21) 77240398

Email: Ameri AT iust.ac.ir


Ph.D.: Texas A&M University, USA, 1989
Dissertation topic: “Permanent Deformation Potential in Asphalt Concrete Overlays over Portland Cement Concrete Pavements”

M.S.: Texas A&M University, USA, 1983
Thesis topic: “City Transport in Third World Countries”

B.S.: Texas A&M University, USA, 1981

Address: School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), P.O. Box: 16765-163, Narmak, Tehran, Iran.

Link to Google Scholar

Published Books (Text in Persian)

Designing Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures based on Technical index , Published By Transportation Research Institute, 2010.

Pavement Management System Framework for Flexible Pavement of Highway Network in Iran , Published by Transportation Research Institute, 2008.

Hand book for Stabilization of Embankment, Subgrade soils and Pavement Layers, Published by Planning and Management Organization of Iran, 2003.

A Guide for Rehabilitation of Aggregate and Asphalt Surface Road Network , Published by Planning and Management Organization of Iran, 2002.


  • 2002-2005 : Research Grant, “ Application of Mohr Coulomb Failure Envelop to Achieve Integrated Mixture Design , This Project was Sponsored by Planning and Management Organization of Iran.

  • 2001-2002 : Research Grant, “ Analysis & Design of Flexible Pavement using Neural Network Method ”, This Project was Sponsored by the graduate research school of IUST.

  • 2000-2001 : Research Grant, “A Mechanistic Procedure for Design of Flexible Pavement Structures” , This Project was Sponsored by the graduate research school of IUST.

  • 1999-2000 : Research Grant, “Thickness Design of Asphalt Pavement Based on Asphalt Mixture Shearing Strength Parameters ”. This Project was Sponsored by the graduate research school of IUST.

  • 1993-1995 : Research Grant, " Bearing Capacity Analysis and Optimization of Footing Type for construction of Yadegar-Emam Bridge in Tehran ", This project was sponsored by` the Well-Run Consulting Engineers for Submission to the Tehran Municipal Council, March 1995.

  • 1991-1993 : Research Grant, "Investigation of Pavement Distress of Up-Grade Inclines Caused by Axle Load of Slow-Moving Trucks ”, This project was sponsored by Iran Ministry of Road and Transportation.

  • 1988-1989 : Research Grant, " Avoiding Early Failure of Intersection Pavements", With Mr. Joe Button, Final Report, Project 1172-1F, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University College Station Texas, U.S.A., November 1989.

  • 1986-1988 : Research Grant, " Permanent Deformation Potential in Asphalt Concrete Overlays Over Portland Cement Concrete Pavements ", With Professor Dallas N. Little. Final Report, Project 2452-3F. Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, U.S.A., November 1988.


  • Present : Professor of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran.

Taught Courses:

Under graduate:

Pavement Analysis and Design.

Geometric Design of Highway & Streets.

Engineering Construction and Management.

Graduate :

Advance Pavement Analysis and Design.

Pavement and Maintenance Management Systems (PMMS).

Advance Geometric Design of Highways & streets.

Bituminous Technology

Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures.

  • 2010-present: Chief Executive Director of the Centre of Excellence of PMS, Transportation and Safety, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.

  • 2006-2013 : First delegate of the Ministry of Road and Transportation Infrastructures in Permanent International Association of Road Congress (PIARC).

  • 2005-2013 : President of the ministry of road and transportation research institute (TRI).

  • 2002-2004 : Executive director of graduate research department, school of civil engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology.

  • 2000-2010 : Executive director & president of Pavement Engineering Association of Iran.

  • 1996-2015 : Executive director of Road & Transportation, school of civil engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology.

  • 2004-2013 : Editor in Chief Journal of Transportation, Transportation Intuition, Tehran, Iran.

  • 1999-Present : Member of editorial board of Scientific and Technical Journal of Road and Transportation Engineering, Tehran, Iran.

  • 1993-Present : Member of editorial board of Geotechnique and Environment Journal of Amir Kabir University, Tehran, Iran.

  • 1990-2003 : Counsellor to deputy minister of road & transportation, Iran Ministry of Road and Transportation.

  • 1990-1993 : Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Tehran University, Iran.

  • 1983-1985 : Graduate Teaching Assistant: Texas A & M University.

  • 1982-1983 : Student Grader: Texas A & M University.

  • 1979-1980 : Assistant Construction Foreman: Responsible for onsite workers, overseeing work quality and performance. Building Crafts Inc., College Station, Texas.


  • 2009-2012 : Research Engineer & Director: Applying PMS for Programing maintenance and rehabilitation of Pavement Structures in City of Zahedan. This project was sponsored by local government and city of Zahedan municipality.

  • 2007-2009 : Research Engineer & Director: Assessment of HDM-4 Implementation in Developed and Developing Countries. This project was sponsored by Centre for Research and Education of Iran Ministry of Transportation.

  • 2005-2007 : Research Engineer & Director: Proposing Asphalt Mixture Design Procedure for use in Flexible Pavements in Hot and Cold Climates of Iran. This project was sponsored by Centre for Research and Education of Iran Ministry of Transportation.

  • 2003-2005 Research Engineer & Director: Standard Specification for Soil Stabilization for Roadways and Embankments. Final Report 12 - 8201. This project was sponsored by Centre for Research and Education of Iran Ministry of Transportation.

  • 2001-2002 : Research Engineer & Director: Maintenance and Rehabilitation Guide for Asphalt of Aggregate Surface Roads Final Report 11 - 7183. This Project was sponsored by Centre for Research and Education of Iran Ministry of Transportation.

  • 1998–2000 : Research Engineer & Director: Assessment of Asphalt Overlays on Tehran Steel Bridge Decks. Final Report S-A 62 - 1172 - 77. This research project was sponsored by Department of Technical and Development Affairs of Tehran Municipality.

  • 1988-1989 : Engineer Research Associate: Texas Transportation Institute, Investigation of Factors that Promote and Initiate Rutting of Specially Stressed Bituminous Pavements. This project was sponsored by the Texas Department of Highway and Public Transportation under direct supervision of Mr. Joe W. Button.

  • 1985-1988 : Research Assistant: Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University. Design and Performance of Asphalt Concrete Overlay on Concrete Pavements. This project was sponsored by the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation in cooperation with the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, under direct supervision of Professor Dallas.N. Little.


  • “Laboratory investigation and statistical analysis of the rutting and fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures containing crumb-rubber and wax-based warm mix asphalt additive” Construction and Building Materials (2021)

  • " Effect of wax-based warm mix additives on fatigue and rutting performance of crumb rubber modified asphalt " Construction and Building Materials 262, 120882 (2021)

  • “Laboratory Evaluating of Physical and rheological properties of modified bitumen Containing Crumb rubber and EVA” Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 6 (3), 1-12 (2020)

  • " Experimental investigation of effect of PP/SBR polymer blends on the moisture resistance and rutting performance of asphalt mixtures " Construction and Building Materials 253, 119197 (2020)

  • “Statistical analysis and accident prediction models leading to pedestrian injuries and deaths on rural roads in Iran” International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 1-17 (2020)

  • “Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Modified of Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete Containing Crumb Rubber and Waste Pet” Tehnički vjesnik 27 (4), 1186-1193 (2020)

  • “Production temperatures and mechanical performance of rubberized asphalt mixtures modified with two warm mix asphalt (WMA) additives” Materials and Structures 53 (4), 1-16 (2020)

  • “Cellular Transmission and Optimization Model Development to Determine the Distances between Variable Message Signs ” Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering (2020)

  • " The effect of polybutadiene rubber (PBR) on chemical and rheological properties of the binder including RAP " Construction and Building Materials 244, 118320 (2020)

  • “Evaluating properties of asphalt mixtures containing polymers of Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) and recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (rPET) against failures caused by rutting, moisture and fatigue” Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 14 (53), 177-186 (2020)

  • " Relations between colloidal indices and low-temperature properties of reclaimed binder modified with softer binder, oil-rejuvenator and polybutadiene rubber " Construction and Building Materials 239, 117800 (2020)

  • " Chemical Composition and Rheological characteristics of binders containing RAP and rejuvenator " Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (4), 04020026 (2020)

  • " Utilizing of waste polymer modified bitumen in combination with rejuvenator in high reclaimed asphalt pavement mixtures " Construction and Building Materials 235, 117516 (2020)

  • “Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures: Thermodynamic Evaluation of the Effects of Antistripping Additives” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (2), 04020457 (2020)

  • " Experimental Investigation on the Use of Waste Elastomeric Polymers for Bitumen Modification " Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2671 (2020)

  • " Experimental study to investigate the performance of cold in-place recycling asphalt mixes " Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 172 (6), 360-370 (2019)

  • “Evaluation effect of Evonik and Zycotherm on moisture sensitivity and rutting performance of Stone Mastic Asphalt Mixtures ” Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering 5 (3), 1-16 (2020)

  • " Experimental and numerical investigation of the properties of the Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete with basalt and glass fiber" Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 13 (50),149-162. (2019)

  • " Performance evaluation of fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures modified by SBR/PP polymer blends and SBS" Construction and Building Materials 209, 202-214 . (2019)

  • " Evaluation of the performance and temperature susceptibility of Gilsonite and SBS-modified asphalt binders " Construction and Building Materials 207, 679-692. (2019)

  • " Application of different modifiers for improvement of chemical characterization and physical-rheological parameters of reclaimed asphalt binder " Construction and Building Materials 203, 83-94. (2019)

  • " Evaluation of fatigue behavior of asphalt binders containing reclaimed asphalt binder using simplified viscoelastic continuum damage approach " Construction and Building Materials 202, 374-386. (2019)

  • " Modeling of Road Accidents Using the Model of I Interactive Highway Safety Design (Case Study: Roads of Qazvin, Zanjan and Hamadan ) " Journal of civil Engineering and Materials Application 3 (1), 18-30. (2019)

  • " Experimental evaluation of fatigue resistance of asphalt mixtures containing waste elastomeric polymers " Construction and Building Materials 198, 638-649. (2019)

  • " Rutting performance of road pavement asphalt binders modified by polymers " Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Construction Materials, 1-8. (2019)

  • " Evaluation of the Effect of PBR Production Wastes in Bitumen on Fatigue Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (JTIE) 5 (11700788), 57-76 (2019)

  • " A Two-Stage Stochastic Model for Maintenance and Rehabilitation Planning of Pavements " Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019. (2019)

  • " An executive model for network-level pavement maintenance and rehabilitation planning based on linear integer programming " Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 149-160. (2018)

  • " fatigue behavior of high reclaimed asphalt binder mixes modified with rejuvenator and softer bitumen " Construction and Building Materials 191, 702-712. (2018)

  • " Rutting resistance and fatigue behavior of gilsonite-modified asphalt binders " Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (11), 04018292. (2018)

  • " Experimental study to investigate the performance of cold in-place recycling asphalt mixes " Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers–Transport, 1-11. (2018)

  • " Investigating the impact of different loading patterns on the permanent deformation behavior in hot mix asphalt " Construction and Building Materials 167, 707-715. (2018)

  • " Moisture susceptibility evaluation of asphalt mixtures containing Evonik, Zycotherm and hydrated lime " Construction and Building Materials 165, 958-965. (2018)

  • " Road Accidents Prediction with Multilayer Perceptron MLP modelling (Case Study: Roads of Qazvin, Zanjan and Hamadan) ") " Journal of civil Engineering and Materials Application 2 (4), 181-192. (2018)

  • " Investigating effects of nano/SBR polymer on rutting performance of binder and asphalt mixture " Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2018. (2018)

  • " Evaluation the effects of nano clay on permanent deformation behavior of stone mastic asphalt mixtures " Construction and Building Materials 156, 107-113. (2017)

  • " The rheological behavior of bitumen and moisture susceptibility modified with SBS and nano clay " Petroleum Science and Technology 35 (11), 1085-1090. (2017)

  • "Fatigue performance evaluation of modified asphalt binder using of dissipated energy approach." Construction and Building Materials 136: 184-191. (2017)

  • "Laboratory Evaluation of Damage Behaviour of Warm Mix Asphalt Containing Steel Slag Aggregates." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering: 04017009. (2017)

  • "Investigation of fatigue life of asphalt mixtures based on the initial dissipated energy approach." Petroleum Science and Technology 35.2: 107-112. (2017)

  • "Viscoelastic fatigue resistance of asphalt binders modified with crumb rubber and styrene butadiene polymer." Petroleum Science and Technology 35.1: 30-36. (2017)

  • "Performance properties of devulcanized waste PET modified asphalt mixtures." Petroleum Science and Technology 35.1 :99-104. (2017)

  • "Experimental study on the effect of nanosized carbon particles on fatigue resistance of asphalt binders." Petroleum Science and Technology 34.11-12: 971-975. (2016)

  • Properties of asphalt modified with devulcanized polyethylene terephthalate ”, Petroleum Science and Technology 34 (16), 1424-1430, 2016.

  • “Incremental layer wise finite element formulation for viscoelastic response of multi-layered pavements”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2016.

  • Effect of nano clay on fatigue life of hot mix asphalt ”, Petroleum Science and Technology 34 (11-12), 1021-1025, 2016.

  • Effect of nano clay on performance of neat and SBS-modified bitumen and HMA ”, Petroleum Science and Technology 34 (11-12), 1091-1097, 2016.

  • Effects of nano clay on hot mix asphalt performance ”, Petroleum Science and Technology 34 (8), 747-753, 2016.

  • A study on fatigue modeling of hot mix asphalt mixtures based on the viscoelastic continuum damage properties of asphalt binder ”, Construction and Building Materials 106, 243-252, 2016.


  • Investigation of fatigue and fracture properties of asphalt mixtures modified with carbon nanotubes ”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2016.

  • Investigation of the rheological properties of asphalt binder modified with Sasobit ”, Bituminous Mixtures and Pavements VI, 73. 2015

  • Modeling Site Selection for Roadside Service Area Complexes Using Dynamic Programming and Site Characters ”, Journal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management Vol 3 (3) , 2015.

  • Comparison of the field measurements of asphalt concrete densities obtained by ground-penetrating radar, pavement quality indicator and the borehole coring methods ”, Road Materials and Pavement Design 15 (4), 759-773, 2015.

  • “New Achievements on Positive Effects of Nanotechnology Zyco-soil on Rutting Resistance and Stiffness Modulus of Asphalt Mix”, Construction and Building Materials, Reference submission Volume 101, Part 1 , Pages 752–760, 2015.

  • “Validation of a simplified method in viscoelastic continuum damage(VECD) model developed for flexural mode of loading”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.95, 2015.

  • “Ranking of EVA Modified Bitumens Based on AASHTO M320 Performance Related Parameters”, ASTM, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 10.1520, 2015.

  • “Impact of Different Loading Patterns with Short Duration on the Permanent Strain of Asphalt Mixture ”, ASTM, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.43, No.4, 2015.

  • “Effects of copper slag and recycled concrete aggregate on the properties of CIR mixes with bitumen emulsion, rice husk ash, Portland cement and Fly Ash”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.96, 2015.

  • “A Phenomenological Fatigue Performance Model of Asphalt Mixtures Based on Fracture Energy Density”, ASTM, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.43, No.1, 2015.

  • “Mode Choice in Freight Transportation (Roads &Rail) Utilizing Fuzzy Hierarchical Analysis Method”, American Journal of Scientific Research, Issue 98, 2014.

  • “Designing of Demand Models for Freight Public Transport in Intercity Roads of Iran”, American Journal of Scientific Research, Issue 99, 2014.

  • “Laboratory investigation of moisture susceptibility of warm-mix asphalt mixtures containing steel slag aggregates”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 10.1080, 2014.

  • “Evaluation of fatigue behaviour of hot mix asphalt mixtures prepared by bentonite modified bitumen”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.68, 2014.

  • “Investigating the fatigue endurance limit of HMA mixture using RDEC Approach”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.55, 2014.

  • “Dynamic Viscoelastic Incremental-Layer wise Finite Element Method for Multi layered Structure Analysis Based on the Relaxation Approach”, Journal of Mechanics, 10.1017, 2014.

  • “Application of bitumen rheological parameters to predict thermal cracking behaviour of polymer modified asphalt mixture”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.66, 2014.

  • “Evaluation and comparison of flow number calculation methods”, Taylor and Francis, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 10.1080, 2013.

  • “Quasi-static analysis of multi-layered domains with viscoelastic layer using incremental-layer wise finite element method”, Mechanic of Time-Depend Materials, Vol.18, 2013.

  • “Laboratory evaluation of warm mix asphalt mixtures containing electric 4 arc furnace (EAF) steel slag”, Construction and Building materials, 2013.

  • “Laboratory evaluation of the effect of nano-organosilane anti-stripping additive on the moisture susceptibility of HMA mixtures under freeze–thaw cycles”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.48, 2013.

  • “Laboratory evaluation of strain controlled fatigue criteria in hot mix asphalt”, Construction and Building materials, Vol.47, 2013.

  • “Incremental Layer wise Finite Element Formulation for Viscoelastic Response of Multi-layered Pavements”, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol.1, No.3, 2013.

  • “Determination the capacity of two-lane suburban roads with neural networks and effect of speed on level of service”, European Transport Research Review, 10.1007, 2013.

  • “laboratory evaluation of ethylene vinyl acetate modified bitumens and mixtures based upon performance related parameters”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 12, No.12, 2012.

  • “Investigating effects of ethylene vinyl acetate and gilsonite modifiers upon performance of base bitumen using Superpave tests methodology”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.1, No.36, 2012.

  • “Laboratory studies to investigate the properties of CIR mixes containing steel slag as a substitute for virgin aggregates”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 1, No.26, 2012.

  • “Experimental investigation of stone matrix asphalt mixtures Containing steel slag”, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 5, No.19, 2012.

  • “Developing a model for estimation of polished stone value (PSV) of road surface aggregates based on petrographic parameters”, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2012.

  • “A mathematical model for structural value determination of geotextiles in pavement”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No 1 2012.

  • “Study on the impact of geotextiles on fatigue life of asphalt specimens”, Scientific research and essays, Vol. 33, No.7, 2012.

  • “Mixed mode fracture resistance of asphalt concrete mixtures”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2012.

  • “Developing a Forecasting Model for Asphalt Rutting Potential Using Gyratory Compactor Parameters”, Life Science Journal, 2012.

  • “The evaluation of cross anisotropic properties of flexible pavement materials in response to pavement by using finite element method”, Texas Journal of Sciences, 2012.

  • “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Gilsonite on Performance of Hot-Mix Asphalt”, Transportation Research Journal, Vol. 2, No.1, 2012.

  • “Assessment of Analytical Techniques of Flexible Pavements by Finite Element Method and Theory of Multi-Layer System”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 2, No.2, 2012.

  • “New Method for Determining Driver sight distance from roadside Obstacles in Horizontal Curves”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, Vol. 2, No.2, 2012.

  • “Optimization of the cold in place recycling mix design by nonlinear simplex method”, Transportation Research Journal, Vol. 13, No.7, 2011.

  • “Technical study on the Iranian Gilsonite as an additive for modification of asphalt binders used in pavement construction”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 1, No.25, 2011.

  • “Cracked asphalt pavement under traffic loading – A 3D finite element analysis”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 78, No.8, 2011.

  • “Formulation of flow number of asphalt mixes using a hybrid computational method”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 1, No.25, 2011.

  • “Introducing a modified gradient vector method for optimization of accident predication non- linear function”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 35, No.12, 2011.

  • “Examining the Performance of the Crack Sealants Materials by Laboratory Test”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2009.

  • “Comparison of Static and Dynamic Back calculation of Flexible Pavement Layers Moduli using Software Programs”, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, No.3, 2009.

  • “Mathematical Failure Theory Methodology in Pavement Management System for Rehabilitation and Repair Method Selection”, ARPN Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, No.2, 2009.

  • “Assessment of Tire Force and Axles Weight Truck on Asphalted Pavement Life Cycle”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2008.

  • “Development of Mechanistic – Empirical Flexible Pavement Design in Iran”, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No.2, 2008.

  • “Evaluation and Performance of Hydrated Lime and Limestone Powder”, Road Materials and Pavement Design, Vol. 9, No.4, 2008.

  • “Resilient Behaviour of Hot Mixed and Crack sealed Asphalt Concrete Under Repeated Loading”, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Vol. 8, No.1, 2007.

  • “Appraisal of Important Factors Affecting Stability of Bituminous Paving Mixtures”, IUST International Engineering and Scientific Journal, Vol.15, No.1, 2004.

  • “Rational Analysis of Asphalt Pavement Corrugation at Intersections”, Journal of Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, India, 2001.

  • "Octahedral Shear Stress Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Overlays on Portland Cement Concrete Pavement", Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), Vol. 59 Washington D.C., U.S.A. 1990.

  • "Especially Stressed Pavement Need Special Attention", Technical Quarterly, Texas Department of Highway and Public Transportation, U.S.A, 1990.

JOURNAL ARTICLES (Text in Persian)

  • “Effect of Organic and Chemical warm additive on WMA performance” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 2019 .

  • “Moisture Sensitivity Evaluation of Modified hot mix asphalt with Zycotherm and Evonic” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 2018 .

  • “Study and Comparison between Effect of SBRPS BLEND and SBS on Asphalt Mixtures Fatigue Failure” JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Volume 9 105-109 2018.

  • “Investigation of Nano clay Effect on Fatigue Behavior of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) by damage ratio method” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 2016 .

  • “The effect of electric arc furnace oxidizing slags on moisture analysis HMA mixture”, Sharif Civil Journal, Vol. 31, No.4, 2015.

  • “Visual Estimation of Asphalt-Mixture Stripping Using Image Processing”, Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 1, No.1, 2015.

  • Evaluation of Nano clay Effects on the Permanent Deformation of Hot Mix Asphalt ” Modarres civil engineering journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2014.

  • “Evaluation of Fatigue Resistance of Modified Asphalt Mixtures by Nano silica”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 6, No.2, 2014.

  • Evaluation the Effect of Glass Fiber on Fatigue Life of Asphalt Pavements ”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 12, No.1, 2014.

  • Estimating Global Warming External Costs Due to Road Transportation in Iran (Case study: Expressways) ”, Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 39, No.3, 2013.

  • “A Mathematical Model for Determination of Structural Value of Geotextile used in Iran”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No.4, 2011.

  • “A new Method for Optimization of log Likelihood Function for the purpose of Determining the Coefficients of Accident Prediction Models”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No.3, 2010.

  • Assessment of Correlation Between Polished Stone Value and other Mechanical and Physical Properties of Aggregates ”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No.2, 2010.

  • “Correlation between the Polished Stone Value (psv) with other Physical and Mechanical Properties of Aggregates ”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No.2, 2010.

  • “Investigation on Geotextiles Effect on the Fatigue Life of Asphalt Specimens”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No.1, 2010.

  • “Estimating number of Accidents Model for Urban Roads in Iran”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 6, No.3, 2009.

  • Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Back calculation of Layers Moduli, using the programs: MODULUS6., ELMOD5.0, EVERCAL5.0 and DBSID” , Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 6, No.2, 2009.

  • “Fatigue evaluation of asphalt mixtures based on energy parameters” Sharif Civil Journal, Vol. 26, No.2, 2009.

  • Determining the Endurance Limit of HMA Mixture”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 5, No.4, 2009.

  • “Laboratory Investigation of Effect of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) on Bitumen and Hot Mix Asphalt” , Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2008.

  • Effect of Drivers' Behavior in Capacity and Delay of Non signalized Intersections and Calibrating Delay Equations in HCM2000”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2008.

  • “Interaction of Road Surface Characteristics and Traffic Volumes on the Accident rate of Two-lane Rural Roadways”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2007.

  • “Land Use Allocation Modeling in the Regional Area by means of Accessibility and Added Value”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007.

  • “Use of Indirect Tensile Test for Developing a Model for Predicting the Fatigue Life of Asphalt Concrete” , Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007.

  • “Application of Artificial Neural Network in Analysis of Flexible Pavement Structure”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 17, No. 5, 2006.

  • “A Methodological markov model to predict pavement service index”, Shahid Chamran University Journal of Science, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2005.

  • “A Methodology for Prediction Rut Depth in The Asphalt Concrete Surface Layer of Flexible Pavements in Hot Climates in Iran”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2005.

  • “A Mathematical Model for Accident Rate in Two - Lanes Rural Roads of Bushehr Province, Based on Roadway and Pavement Characteristics” Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2005.

  • “Evaluation of the effects of lime powder on durability of Asphalt Concrete Mixture”, IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2004.

  • A Methodology for Prediction of Rut Depth in Asphalt Concrete Surface Layer in Hot climatic Regions of Iran ”, IUST International Engineering and Scientific Journal, Vol. 14, No.2, special publication summer of 2003.

  • Analytical Assessment of Induced strains in Asphalt Layer Based on wheel-Track Test Results " Journal of the Engineering, Ahvaz University Press, No.3, 2001.

  • “determination of asphalt cohesion and angle of internal Friction Using Indirect Tensile and Unconfined Compression Tests ”, IUST International Engineering and Scientific Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2001.

  • Control of Engineering Properties of Asphalt Concrete Based on Permanent Deformation Constraint of Subgrade at Tropical Zones in Iran ”, IUST International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2001.

  • Flexible Pavement Behaviour Under Moving Loads”, Geotechnique and Strength of Materials Journal, Vol.80, 2000.

  • “Forecast temperature asphalt in Ahvaz (Iran)”, Journal of Faculty of Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 22, 1999.

  • “Evaluation of Pavement Design Process to Optimize Pavement Design For Highway in Iran”, IUST International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1999.

  • "Estimation of Fracture Fatigue Parameters of Cement Treated Base Layer for Analysis and Evaluation of Semi-Rigid Pavement Structures”, IUST International Engineering and Scientific Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1998.

Promotional Research JOURNAL ARTICLES (Text in Persian)

  • Experimental Models of Fracture Mechanics in Asphalt Mixtures ”, Transportation technology Journal, Vol. 9, No. 22, 2015.

  • Climate Zoning of Kerman and Hormozgan Provinces For Using Proper Bitumen Based on Performance Grading ”, Transportation technology Journal, Vol. 8, No. 20, 2014.

  • Bentonite Additive Effect of Asphalt Cement and Marshal Properties of HMA ”, Road Journal, Vol. 3, No. 72, 2012.

  • Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation on Increasing Safety of Pavement Surfaces ”, Road Journal, Vol. 2, No. 71, 2012.

  • Suitable Specimens for Measuring the Fracture Toughness of Asphalt Mixtures ”, Road Journal, Vol. 1, No. 70, 2012.

  • The Effect of Steel Slag from the Esfahan Refinery on the Performance of the Base and Sub layer of Pavement ”, Road Journal, Vol. 2, No. 67, 2011.

  • “Evaluation of the Effect of Aggregate Gradation And VMA on HMA Mixture Rutting Potential”, Road Journal, No. 67, 2010.

  • An Optimized Model for Conducting Bridge Management System ”, Road Journal, No. 64, 2010.

  • “Application of DBSID Software to Estimate Dynamic Coefficient Pavement Layers”, Road Journal, No. 63, 2009.

  • “Application of De Electric Constant for Evaluate the P performance of Pavement Drainage”, Transportation technology Journal, No. 62, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of the Effect of Steel Slag on HMA mixture Resilient Modulus”, Road Journal, No. 61, 2009.

  • Usage of Steel Slag in the Various Pavement layers” , Transportation technology Journal, No. 12, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of Effective Parameters to Measure HMA Surface Friction”, Road Journal, No. 60, 2008.

  • “A Replacement Superpave Mixture Design Method with FTIR Method and Shear Resistance Test Equipment”, Road Journal, No. 52, 2004.

  • “Assessment of Models Predating Pavement Structure Destruction”, Road Journal, No. 49, 2003.

  • Evaluation of Base Course Parameters on Shrinkage Properties of Concrete and Concrete Pavement ”, Road Journal, No. 48, 2003.

  • Evaluation of Distress Effect of Heavy Wheel Loads, Tire Pressures, and Axle Configurations on Pavement Performance ”, Road Journal, No. 47, 2003.

  • Development of a mathematical model to Design Thicknesses of Pavement layer Base on Shear Resistance of HMA Layer ”, Road Journal, No. 46, 2002.

  • Sensitivity Analysis of the Effectiveness of Parameters used in Flexible Pavements Design in Accordance with AASHTO method ”, Technical and Research Quarterly Magazine, IRDO Publications, Vol.46, 2002.

  • “Sensitivity Analysis of AASHTO Design Procedure for Flexible Pavement Structures”, Road Journal, No. 45, 2002.

  • Developing a Mechanistic Mode for Design Flexible Pavement Structure ”, Road Journal, No. 44, 2000.

  • Feasibility Study to Convert Bushehr and Chabahar Ports to an Active Freight Ports in the Region ”, Road Journal, No. 44, 2000.

  • Evaluation Static and Dynamic Loads Effects on Flexible Pavement Performance and Response ”, Geotechnical and Strength of Materials Journal, No. 85, 1999.

  • Visual Condition Surveys and Planning of Maintenance" Geotechnical and Strength of Materials Journal, Vol. 73, 1996.

  • "Asphalt Mixture Rheology", Geotechnical and Strength of Materials Journal, Vol. 71, 1995.

  • " Evaluation of Permanent deformation Potential on Flexible Pavement ", Road Journal, No. 26, 1992.

  • " Design and Mechanistic Analysis on Asphalt Overlay (Part 2) ", Quarterly of Transportation, No. 2, 1991.

  • " Design and Mechanistic Analysis on Asphalt Overlay (Part 1) ", Quarterly of Transportation, No. 1, 1991.


  • " Fractional Composition and High Temperature Rheological Properties of Modified RAP Binder " Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board. (2019)

  • Computational Framework for Rate Dependent Fracture Modelling of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures ”, 10th International Conference on Civil Engineering , Iran, 2015.

  • Laboratory evaluation of moisture sensitivity of warm mix asphalt containing steel slag ”, 8th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2014.

  • Mixed mode deformation in a cracked asphalt pavement subjected to traffic loading ”, 9th International Conference on Multiaxial fatigue & Fracture, Italy, 2012.

  • Effect of LDPE in rutting characteristics of asphalt concrete mixtures ”, 9th International Conference on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2012.

  • Laboratory Assessment of the Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Modified with Low-Density Polyethylene ”, 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Turkey, 2012.

  • Effect of Aggregate Gradation on Increasing Skid Resistance of Asphalt Pavement surfaces ”, 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LJMU, UK, 2012.

  • A Laboratory Study on the Mechanical Properties of Hot Mix Asphalt using Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag ”, 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LJMU, UK, 2012.

  • Compilation of a Pattern for environmental auditing of roads in Islamic republic of Iran ”, International Conference on environmental science and development, India, 2011.

  • Preparing and developing the indexes of sustainable development of transportation ”, International Conference on environmental science and development, India, 2011.

  • Estimation of CO2 emission in intercity road transportation sector of IRAN and presenting emission reducing strategies ”, International conference on biology, environment and chemistry, Singapore, 2011.

  • Investigation of Structural Drainage of Asphalt Pavements in Iran”, 10th International Conference on Sustainable Constriction Material & Technology in Asphalt, Pavement Engineering & Highway maintenance, Liverpool, U.K., 2011.

  • Comparative evaluation of 154mm diameter and 101mm diameter marshall specimens in cold recycling of asphalt mixes ”, 9th International Conference on bituminous mixtures and pavements, Greece, 2011.

  • Evaluation of usage of gilsonite as an additive for modification of asphalt cement ”, iCTi 2010, Fortes & Pereira, Brazil, 2010.

  • An investigation to evaluate the effect of aggregate gradation and bitumen content on the frictional properties of asphalt mixtures ”, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Constriction Material & Technology in Asphalt, Pavement Engineering & Highway maintenance, Liverpool, U.K., 2010.

  • Investigation of Use of Surface Treatments in IRAN Road ”, 9th International Conference on Sustainable Constriction Material & Technology in Asphalt, Pavement Engineering & Highway maintenance, Liverpool, U.K., 2010.

  • Cost- benefit analysis of electronic toll collection (etc) system in Iranian freeways (case study: Tehran-Qom freeway) ”, REAA conference, South Korea, 2009.

  • Evaluating Skid Resistance of Using Steel Slag Aggregate in Asphalt Mixture ”, TRB 2009 Annual Meeting, U.S.A, 2009.

  • Mathematical Relationship between Transportation and Economic Growth by Vector Auto-Regression Model ”, REAA conference, South Korea, 2009.

  • Mixed mode deformation in a cracked asphalt pavement subjected to traffic loading ”, 9th International Conference on Multiaxial fatigue & Fracture, Italy, 2012.

  • Introducing a model for pricing and valuing of road in Iran ”, Hamburg international conference of logistics, Germany, 2008.

  • Estimating the Effect of Railway Private Sector Development on Economic Growth in Iran ”, International Conference on Railway Engineering (ICRE) Challenges for Railway Transportation in Information Age, Hong Kong, 2008.

  • A comparative study on the use of SBS polymers and poly propylene fibres modifying asphalt concrete structures ”, 8th international conference on sustainable aggregate, UK, 2008.

  • Comparison of the Fatigue Life of Asphalt Mixtures Containing 60-70 PEN and 85-100 PEN Asphalt Cement ”, 1st International Bitumen Conference, Iran, 2008.

  • Laboratory Investigation of Stiffness of Hot mix Asphalt Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) ”, 8th international conference on sustainable aggregate, UK, 2008.

  • An investigation of rutting stability and creep behaviour of HMA containing RAP ”, 6th ANNUL International Conference on Sustainable Aggregates Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, UK, 2007.

  • Determination of Resilient modulus through Marshall Test for prevalent Hot Mix Asphalt ”, 6th ANNUL International Conference on Sustainable Aggregates Pavement Engineering &Asphalt Technology, UK, 2007.

  • Evaluation of Steel – Fiber in Strengthening Concrete Pavement and Overlays ”, proceedings of Sixth ICCD Conference, Pakistan, 1997.

  • An Analytical Assessment of Overlay on Flexible Pavement Structures ”, ICCE 96, Bahrain, 1996.

  • Rational Mixture Design and Pavement Performance Analysis of up – grade Incline ”, ICORT-95, India, 1995.

National CONFERENCE (Text in Persian)

  • “Effect of Filler Type on Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Evaluation of asphalt mixtures containing waste tyre rubber using indirect tensile fatigue test” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Investigation of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) mixtures with various additives” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Experimental evaluation of asphalt binder and porous asphalt concrete properties containing EVA and SBR additives” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Laboratory investigation on the resilient modulus of Modified hot mix asphalt with waste tyre rubber” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Moisture Sensitivity Evaluation of Modified hot mix asphalt with waste tyre rubber” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Laboratory investigation on the dynamic creep modulus of Modified hot mix asphalt with waste tyre rubber” The10th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2018.

  • “Investigation of porous asphalt mixtures containing modified binders with SBR and SBS additives” The 9th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2017.

  • “Evaluation of the effect of SBR on rutting of hot mixtures asphalt” The 9th Bitumen, Asphalt & Machinery Conference and Exhibition, Iran, 2017.

  • “Evaluation of the effect of the polymer blends on asphalt mixture properties” The 3rd International Conference & Exhibition on Sustainable Development in Road Construction Focusing on Environmental Protection, Iran, 2017.

  • “Experimental evaluation of the effect of mix design on permeability of porous asphalt pavements” The 3rd Research Annual Conference of Architecture Urban Planning and Urban Management, Iran, 2017.

  • “Experimental evaluation of the effect of traffic conditions on permeability of porous asphalt pavements ” The 3rd Research Annual Conference of Architecture Urban Planning and Urban Management, Iran, 2017.

  • “Investigation of speed control camera result on accident severity” The First National Conference on Road and Transportation Engineering, Iran, 2017.

  • “Methods, advantages and results of implementation of pavement management system on Tehran highways” The 3rd Comprehensive Conference on Urban Management, Iran, 2017.

  • “The effect of fibres (natural and artificial) on stone matrix asphalt performance”, the 8th bitumen and asphalt conference and exhibition, Iran, 2016.

  • “Effect of warm mix additive on the fatigue of asphalt mixtures”, the 8th bitumen and asphalt conference and exhibition, Iran, 2016.

  • “Application of Time Sweep Test to Evaluate Bitumen Fatigue Resistance” , 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2015.

  • “Laboratory Evaluation of Deferent Modifiers on Performance Warm Mix Asphalt” , 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2015.

  • “Effect of Polymer modified Bitumen on Fatigue Performance of HMA Mixtures” , 9th symposium on advances in science and technology, Iran, 2014.

  • “Evaluation and Forecasting Phenomenological Models of Flexible Pavement Performance” , 9th symposium on advances in science and technology, Iran, 2014.

  • “Application of ABAQUS Computer Program Analysis of Concrete Pavement” , 9th symposium on advances in science and technology, Iran, 2014.

  • “Feasibility of the construction of the pedestrian Refuge Island, according to the suggested parameters affecting pedestrian crossing safety” , The 14th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Iran, 2014.

  • “The Need to Incorporate Pedestrian Safety in Driver licenses Issue” , 2nd International Congress on Structure, Architecture & Urban Development, Iran, 2014.

  • “Use of Modern Techniques in Geometric Design of Road to increase Traffic Safety” , 3rd National Conference of ROADWAY, RAILWAY and Arial ACCIDENTS, Iran, 2014.

  • “Define the survival rate in fatal crashes as a measuring tool in the epidemiology of traffic accidents” , The 13th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Iran, 2013.

  • “Epidemiology of pedestrian’s Accidents Occurred in the Country” , The 13th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Iran, 2013.

  • “Effect of Seasonal Change of Pavement Strength upon Surface Friction” , 7th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2013.

  • “Index for Selection Camera Placement to Record Violation of Traffic Flow Speed Limits” , First National Transport Infrastructure, Iran, 2013.

  • “Evaluation of HMA Stripping Mechanism and its Causes” , First National Transport Infrastructure, Iran, 2013.

  • “Laboratory Evaluation of Polypropylene Fiber In Permanent Deformation on Asphalt Mixture , First National Transport Infrastructure, Iran, 2013.

  • “Rutting Potential Evaluation of HMA Mixture Contain Nano clay” , The 14rd Nanotechnology Student Conference, Iran, 2012.

  • “Application of KENSLAB Computer Program in Design and Analysis of Airport Pavements” , 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2011.

  • “Feasibility Analysis of Geotextile Use in Pavement Structure Base upon Equivalent Thickness Method” , 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2011.

  • “Evaluation of Aromatic Substances of Crumb Rubber Used in HMA Mixture” ,6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2011.

  • “Evaluation of Sasobit Effect in Warm Mix Asphalt upon Hot Mix Asphalt” , The First Regional Conference of Civil Engineering with Sustainable Development Approach, Iran, 201.

  • “Rutting Model to be Used For HMA mixture Based on Marshall Test Parameters” ,5th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2010.

  • “Dynamic timing of traffic lights Base upon fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks” , The 9th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of Use of electric arc furnace Steel slags in Contraction of RCC Pavement” ,8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Comparing Flexible Pavement Performance Models Application for Airport Pavament” ,8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Comparing ELMOD5.0, EVERCALC5.0 and MODULUS6.0 Software to Calculate Elastic Modulus of Pavement Layers” ,8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of Use of electric arc furnace Steel slags in HMA and Its Effect on Surface Friction” ,8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of Use of electric arc furnace oxidizing slags in HMA and Its Effect on Surface Friction” ,8th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of airports pavement condition Index and economic and technical feasibility” , The First Specialized and Applied Conference on Asphalt Mixture, Iran, 2009.

  • “Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation on Surface Friction of HMA Mixtures” ,4th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2008.

  • “Evaluation of Use of electric arc furnace Steel slags in Strength Parameters of HMA Mixtures” ,4th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2008.

  • “Laboratory Evaluation of RAP Used in Design of HMA Mixture Base on Superpave Mixture Design Procedure for Recycle Pavement” ,3th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2007.

  • “Assessing HCM Criteria on Driver Behaviour and their Effect on Roadway Capacity in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow” ,3th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2007.

  • “Laboratory Evaluation of 6 Inch Versus 4 Inch Marshal Specimens in Design for Cold Mix Recycling” ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “Safety Consideration in Flexible Overlay Design” ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “Recycling Deteriorated Flexible Pavement with Asphalt Emulsion And Cement” ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “Laser Assessment of determining Surface roughness of Flexible Pavement ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “Analysis of FWD data Collected for PMS of Road Network base on Iran Code” ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “An Automated Analysis to Control of Data collected for PMS of Pavement Structure” ,3th Conference on Asphalt and Asphalt Mixes, Iran, 2006.

  • “Acknowledgment Global and Versatile Transportation Terminal for Goods” ,2th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2005.

  • “Implementation of Crack Sealing Detects in PMS of Flexible Pavements” ,2th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2005.

  • “Optimization of Rehabilitation Process in Flexible Pavements Based on Traffic Flow” ,2th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2005.

  • “Assessment of Vertical and Horizontal Surface Loads on performance of Flexible Pavemenets” ,2th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2005.

  • “Assessment of Different Methodology to Evaluate Pavement Condition Remedy” ,1th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Iran, 2004.

  • Assessment of Methodologies and Devices used in Destructive and None Distractive Tests for Pavement Condition Evaluation “, The Second Conference on Asphalt and Asphaltic Mixes, Iran, 2004.

  • Effect of Temperature Differential on Compaction and Durability of Hot Mix Asphalt “, The Second Conference on Asphalt and Asphaltic Mixes, Iran, 2004.

  • Assessment of Factors Effecting Asphalt Failure in Flexible Pavements ”, The Second Conference on Asphalt and Asphaltic Mixes, Iran, 2004.

  • Filer Effects on Cracking Strength and Durability of Asphalt Mixtures ”, The Second Conference on Asphalt and Asphaltic Mixes, Iran, 2004.

  • Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures Containing Silicosis Soil Materials ”, six International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE), Iran, 2003.

  • A Simplified procedure for Analysis of Flexible Pavement Structures and Overlay Design ”, six International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE), Iran, 2003.

  • Applications of Neural Network in Flexible Pavement Structures ”, 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCE), Iran,2003.

  • " Fracture Mechanics Applications to Assess and Analysis Crack Growth in Asphalt Concrete Pavements ", Forth International Conference On Civil Engineering Tehran, Iran, 1997.

  • " Mechanism of Crack Propagation and Asphalt Mixture Design to Minimize Reflection Cracking of Asphalt Overlays ", The First Conference on Asphalt and Asphaltic Mixes, Iran, 1994.

Membership REPORTS

  • Iran Bitumen Association (IBA)

  •  Pavement Engineering Association of Iran (PEAI)

  •  Civil Engineering Association of Iran (CEAI)

  •  Permanent International Association of Road Congress (PIARC)

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