| Full Name: Seyed Ahmad Mohaddes Kassai Position: Assistant Professor Phone: 98-021-77240487 Fax: 98-021-77240486  |
Education * Employment Experience * Teaching * Publications * Books Translated * Books Reviewed * Research * Honorary Membership Within IUST * Honorary Position * Special Interest * Invited Seminars
Education • 1965-1972 Rahnama High School, Tehran, Iran. • 1973-1975 Cauldon College of Further Education, Staffordshire, England. • HND (1975-1979) North Staffordshire University, Stafford, England. • MSc (1984-1986) Thames University, London, England. • PhD (1987-1990) University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, England. Employment Experience Within University: Associate Professor (1990-present) Duties: teaching undergraduate/postgraduate courses, research, students supervision Director of the Office of Research Programs in IUST (1990-1992) Duties: determining and executing university’s research programs; allocating research budgets Director of the Office of Scholarships and International Affairs (1993-1995) Duties: allocating scholarships to junior members of staff to further their education abroad; corresponding with universities abroad to establish joint ventures Other Places: Chairman of the Technical Board for the Radio and Television Broadcasting Company of Iran (1980-1983) Duties: supervision, teaching, research administration, recruiting and public relations Research nomenies at Plessey Company, Caswell, Milton Keynes, England (1987-1990) Duties: optimization of noise in MESFETS grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Project manager of the Asr Sanat Engineering Consultancy Company (1992-1995) Duties: executing five major automation and computerizing projects for various industrial establishments Principal of Qeshm Institute of Higher Education (1997-2003) Duties: providing education, administrating MBA courses with Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada and Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK.
Teaching Major Topics at Undergraduate Levels: Electronics I, II & III; Computer sciences; Logic Circuits; Computer Programming. Information Technology; Physics I; Introductory Physics; Elementary Physics; Modern Physics; Major Topics at Postgraduate Levels: Quantum Electronics; Theory and Technology of Microfabrication of Electronic Devices; Physics of Semiconductors I; Physics of Semiconductor II Short Courses Presented: Information Technology Art of Programming Trend of Technology with respect to Fast Devices Ion Implantation of Impurities in Semiconductors Contact Technology Oxidation Circuit Fabrication Semiconductor Lasers (theory and technology) Schottky Diode Fabrication Technique Deep-level Transient Spectroscopy (DL TS) Post Office Profiler for Impurity Profiling in Gallium Arsenide. Hall Measurement from Sample Preparation to Theory
Publications a) Since January 2008 Mirmansour Ziabari, Ahmad Mohades Kassai, Shahin Enayati Maklavani and Amirkoushyar Ziabari A Prospect for Future Generation of Quantum Dots in Computers, Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(10): 1841-1849, 2008 Mirmansour Ziabari, Ahmad Mohades Kassai, Amirkoushyar Ziabari and Shahin Enayati Maklavani, Designing a Hamming Coder/Decoder Using QCAs. Journal of Applied Sciences 8(14): 2569-2576, 2008 b) Prior to 2008 A Mohades-Kassai, M R Brozel, R Murray and R C Newman. Compensation in MBE Grown GaAs Doped with Silicon and Beryllium, International Symposium on GaAs and Related Compounds, Karuizawa, Japan, Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 106, 471-476, 1989. A Mohades-Kassai and M R Brozel. Reverse Contrast Imaging in Gallium Arsenide, Journal of Crystal Growth Vol. 103,303-310, 1990. R Murray, R C Newman, R S Leigh, R B Beall, J J Harris, M R Brozel, A Mohades-Kassai and M Goulding. Fano Profiles of Absorption Lines from the Localized Vibrational Modes of Beryllium Acceptors in GaAs and Boron Acceptors in Silicon, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 4, 423-426, 1989. R Addinal, R C Newman, I T Ferguson, A Mohades-Kassai, M R Brozel, V K M Sharma, D McPhail and M J L Sangster. Localized Vibrational Mode Absorption of Silicon Donors and Beryllium Acceptors in MBE GaAs, InAs and InSb, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 83-87, 1027-1032, 1992. L Breivik, M R Brozel, A Mohades-Kassai and J M Langer. Photo-Quenching of Low Temperature, Near-Bandgap Absorption (Reverse Contrast) of SI LEC GaAs, Sixth Conference Semi-insulating 111-V Materials, Toronto, Canada, 257-262, 1990. A Mohades-Kassai and M R Brozel. Defect Recognition and Image Processing in Semiconductors, presented in the Third Symposium of Defect Recognition and Image Processing Conference in Gakushuin University, Japan, 1989. Also published in the Journal of Crystal Growth, 1989. A Mohades-Kassai. Photoluminescence of Electrochemically-oxidized Porous Silicon Layer, proceedings at the Third Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 19-25, 15-18 May, 1995. M Beaudion, S R Johnson, A J G Devries, A Mohades-Kassai and T Tiedje. Temperature Dependence of the Optical Absorption Edge in Indium Phosphide, presented at the Symposium of Material Research Society, California, United States, 1996. A Mohades-Kassai, T Tiedje, S Johnson, M Beaudoin, T Pinnington and J Mckenzie. Growth of High Quality P-type GaAs Epitaxial Layers Using Carbon Tetrachloride by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, presented at the Twenty-third Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, Jan. 1996. A Ballestad, M Beaudoin, D Hawes, N Laman, A Mohades-Kassai and T Tiedje. Optical and Electrical Measurements on InGaAs Substrates, presented at the Twenty-third Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, Jan. 1996. A Mohades-Kassai, M Beaudoin, J Booth, T Pinnington, J Mckenzie and T Tiedje. Temperature Dependence of the Optical Bank Gap of Silicon, presented at the Twenty-third Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, Jan. 1996. M Mohammadkhani, M Samkan and A Mohades-Kassai. Electron Mobility Enhancement in GaAs Using In as a Dopant in Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Ninth Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2001, 35-1, 2001. A Mohades-Kassai. Growth and Characterization of Doped and Undoped GaAs Layers by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science & Technology Publication, No. Vol. 2001. A Mohades-Kassai and M Mohammadkhani. Silicon Incorporation Dependence on As4GA Flux Ratio in Molecular Beam Epitaxy, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science & Technology Publication, No. 4, Vol2, 2001. A Mohades-Kassai. Compensation in MBE Grown GaAs Doped with Silicon and Berullium, The Twelfth International Conference on Microelectronics ICM 2000, Tehran, Oct.31 - Nov.2, 2000,341-4. A Mohades-Kassai and H R Soufi. Design and Fabrication of High Accuracy GaAs Hall Effect Sensor Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, the Twelfth International Conference on Microelectronics, ICM 2000, Tehran, Oct. 31 – Nov.2, 2000,345-8. M Samkan, M Mohammadkhani, H Hamidi and A Mohades-Kassai. Design and Fabrication of a Schottky Diode with GaAs Semiconductor and Al Expitaxially Grown as Metal Contact, Proceedings of the Ninth Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2001, 44-9.
Books translated D H Navon. Semiconductor Microdevices and Materials, CBS International Editions. Translated into Farsi
Books Reviewed Semiconductor Fundamentals, Volumes 1 and 11, written by Robert F Pierret, published by Addison Wesley Publishing Company, translated into Farsi by Dr. M K Moravej Farshi. The Bipolar Junction Transistor, Volumes 111 and 1V, written by Gerald W Nevdeck, published by Addison Wesley Publishing Company, translated into Farsi by Dr. M K Moravej Farshi.
Research Assessment, determination and characterization of defects in Gallium Arsenide wafers prepared for device fabrications. Design and fabrication of Schottky diodes using epitaxially grown Aluminium on Gallium Arsenide. Articles Reviewed: A M Dabiran and P I Cohen. Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction Studies of the Growth Kinetics of AlAs (100). A Adibi, H Bouzari and E Najafi Aghadam. Optimal Design of GaAs-MESFET Low-Phase Noise Oscillators. Bahram Roughani and H E Jackson. Raman Scattering Investigation of Silicon Doped Gallium Arsenide Surfaces. B Taheri, B Jasemnejad, R J Reeves, B Shakib and R C Powell. Ultrafast Characterization of Mn Doped 11-V1 Semiconductors and their Application for Optical Switching and Computing. R Ghayour. Mobility Modeling of Short Channel MOSFET for CAD of VLSI. A Simionescu, and G Hobler. Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion Implantation in Silicon. S Senkader , J Esfandyari, G Hobler, H Potzl and B Murphy. Simulation of Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon. H Arab Tafti, V S Sheeba, P R Vaya and F F Papa. Circuit Simulation of the Quantum Well Lasers
Honorary Membership Within IUST (Appointed) Member of Departmental Committee for Educational and Scientific Affairs (Appointed) Member of University Committee for Research Programs (Appointed) Member of University Supreme Council for University’s General Affairs (Appointed) Member of Technical Committee for Iranian Conference in Electrical Engineering (Elected) Member for Industrial Relations Committee of IUST (Elected) Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Engineering of IUST (Elected) Sole Representative of IUST in the Iranian Conference Committee in Electrical Engineering
Honorary Position Visiting professor, University of British Columbia (UBC), Department of Physics, Vancouver (1994-95)
Special Interest • Computer sciences • Logic and Binary Circuits • Information Technology • Computer Programming • Devices • Molecular Beam Epitaxy • Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor • Gallium Arsenide and other 111-V Semiconductors
Invited Seminars
Photo and Magneto Luminescence Lineshapes in Degenerate Semiconducor Quantum-Wells. Formation of EL2 in Semi-insulating LEC Grown Gallium Arsenide. Surface Studies During Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Gallium Arsenide (RHEED). Growth of Gallium Arsenide and Aluminium Gallium Arsenide by Mollecular Beam Epitaxy. The Properties of Gallium Arsenide, a Comparison With Silicon in Terms of Crystal Growth and Device Operation. Gallium Arsenide Hazards, Assessment and Control. Gallium Arsenide as a Semiconductor. Low Temperature, Near-Bandgap Absorption of Semi-insulating Gallium Arsenide, Experimental Technique and Procedure. Characterization of Dislocation in LEC Gallium Arsenide Using Reverse Contrast Imaging Technique. |