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Addresses: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Narmak, Tehran, Iran

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:: bazdidi ::

  Full Name: Dr. Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani

  Position: Professor


  Phone: 98-21-77451500-19

  Fax: 98-21-77240488

  E-mail: bazdid AT iust.ac.ir

  Address: School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran

University Degrees

  • Ph.D, The University of Leeds, U.K.
  • M.Sc, The University of Leeds, U.K.
  • Current Research:
  • Analysis of Flow and Heat Transfer in Relation to Cooling Techniques for Hot Sections in Gas Turbine Engines
  • Combined Heat Transfer (Mixed Convection-Thermal Radiation) in macro and nano scales 
  • Analysis of Flow and Mass Transfer concerning Gaseous and Particle Dispersion around a Model Building  

  • Fields of Interest:
  • Convection and Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer (Numerical and Experimental)
  • Cooling Techniques Related to Hot Sections in Gas Turbine Engines
  • Two-Phase Heat Transfer (Boiling and Condensation)
  • HVAC

    Graduate Theses Supervised (samples):
  • Abedinejad, M.S., "Analysis of Liquid Fuel Injection in a Model Combustion Chamber with the Aim of Reducing NOx", (Ph.D), 2018
  • Vasefi, S.I., "Analysis of Effective Parameters on Particle Dispersion and Turbulent Mixed Convection of Nanofluid", (Ph.D), 2018
  • Moghaddam, S., "Analysis of Combined Turbulent Heat Transfer (Mixed Convection-Radiation) with Variable Properties in Channels using Large Eddy Simulation", (Ph.D), 2017
  • Kiamansouri, M., " Analysis of Dynamic Global Sub-grid Scale Models for Large Eddy Simulation of Pollutant Dispersion around a Model Building", (Ph.D), 2016 
  • Jadidi, M., "Analysis of dynamic algebraic sub-grid scale heat flux models in large eddy simulation", (Ph.D), 2014
  • Jahromi, M., "Analysis of unsteady turbulent flow and heat transfer in a pulsating synthetic jet", (Ph.D), 2011
  • Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., "Second moment closure modeling of turbulent flow and heat transfer in cooling techniques", (Ph.D), 2009
  • Khanmohammadi, S. M., "Turbulent flow and mixed convection of non-Newtonian nanofluid in a vertical channel", (M.Sc.), 2019
  • Mohammadi, M., "Analysis of relations between entropy generation and emissions in a gas turbine model combustor", (M.Sc.), 2019
  • Masoumi, S., "Analysis of effects of natural ventilation on flow field and pollutant dispersion in a model building", (M.Sc.), 2019
  • Gholamalipour, P., "Analysis of influence of thermal stratification on flow field and pollutant dispersion in atmospheric boundary layer using large eddy simulation", (M.Sc.), 2018
  • Khabazipur, A., "Analysis of turbulent mixed convective flow of nanofluid using the Scale-Adaptive Simulation approach", (M.Sc.), 2018
  • Mirzaei, S., "Effect of fuel injection on reducing NOx emissions in a gas turbine model combustor", (M.Sc.), 2017
  • Reyhani Yamchi, L., "Identification and quantification of turbulent flow coherent structures in film cooling of a model turbine blade", (M.Sc.), 2017 
  • Anvari, A., "Turbulent Flow and Mixed Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Square Duct", (M.Sc.), 2016
  • Publications - Journal Papers:
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Ali Saadniya, Soroush Rashidzadeh, 2022, "Flow field and heat transfer of an impinging synthetic jet in the presence of cross-flow: application of SAS and DES approaches", Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1177/09544089211064483
  • Nima Bohlooli Arkhazloo, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Jadidi, Jean-Benoit Morin, Mohammad Jahazi, 2021, "Determination of Temperature Distribution during heat treatment of forgings: simulation and experiment", Heat Transfer Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/01457632.2021.1932039
  • Mohammad Sadegh Abedinejad, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Sajad Mirzaei, 2021, "Investigation of turbulent flow structures in a wall jet can combustor: application of large eddy simulation", Eur. Phys. J. Plus, Vol. 136, Issue 6, Article number 665  
  • Nima Bohlooli Arkhazloo, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Jean-Benoit Morin, Mohammad Jahazi, 2021, "Optimization of furnace residence time and loading pattern during heat treatment of large size forgings", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 113, Issue 9-10, pp. 2447-2460
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Shahin Masoumi-Verki, Payam Gholamalipour, 2020, "Impact of opening shape on airflow and pollutant dispersion in a wind-driven cross-ventilated model building: Large-eddy simulation", Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 61, Article 102196 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Seyed Mehdi Khanmohammadi, Seyed Iman Vasefi, 2020, "Evaluation of turbulent forced convection of non-Newtonian aqueous solution of CMC/CuO nanofluid in a tube with twisted tape inserts", Advanced Powder Technology, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 1100-1113
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Vadoud Emdadi Hor, 2021, "Turbulent combined heat transfer in a vertical square duct under variable thermophysical properties and non-Boussinesq condition", Heat Transfer Engineering, an International Journal, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 140-164
  • Nima Bohlooli Arkhazloo, Yassine Bouissa, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Jadidi, Jean-Benoit Morin, Mohammad Jahazi, 2019, "Experimental and unsteady CFD analyses of the heating process of large size forgings in a gas-fired furnace", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 14, Article 100428 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Sadegh Abedinejad, Milad Mohammadi, 2019, "Analysis of relationship between entropy generation and soot formation in turbulent kerosene/air jet diffusion flames", Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society, Vol. 33, pp. 9184-9195 
  • Seyed Iman Vasefi, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Sedaghatnejad, Arash Khabazipour, 2019, "Optimization of turbulent convective heat transfer of CuO/water nanofluid in a square duct: An artificial neural network analysis", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 138, Issue 1, pp. 517-529
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Shahin Masoumi-Verki, Payam Gholamalipour, Mohsen Kiamansouri, 2019, "Large eddy simulation of pollutant dispersion in a naturally cross-ventilated model building: comparison between sub-grid scale models", Building Simulation, Vol. 12, pp. 921-941
  • Saied Moghaddam, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Masoud Aghaamini, 2019, "Interaction between turbulence and thermal radiation in combined heat transfer channel flows", Heat Transfer-Asian Research, Vol. 48, Issue 4, pp. 1501-1528 
  • Seyed Iman Vasefi, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Leyla Reyhani, 2018, "Assessment of mean and fluctuating velocity and temperature of CuO/water nanofluid in a horizontal channel: Large eddy simulation", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 74, No. 9, pp. 1520-1538
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Payam Gholamalipour, Mohsen Kiamansouri, Mohammad Jadidi, 2019, "Large Eddy Simulation of Thermal Stratification Effect on Convective and Turbulent Diffusion Fluxes concerning Gaseous Pollutant Dispersion around a High-Rise Model Building", Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 97-116                                                 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Sadegh Abedinejad, 2018, "Influence of Incoming Air Conditions on Fuel Spray Evaporation in an Evaporating Chamber", Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 189, pp. 233-244
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Sadegh Abedinejad, Hosein Yazdani-Ahmadabadi, 2018, "Influence of Variable Air Distribution on Pollutants Emission in a Model Wall Jet Can Combustor", Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 49, No. 17, pp. 1667-1688 
  • Mohammad Hatami, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Ahmad Abouata, Akbar Mohammadi-Ahmar, 2018, "Investigation of Geometry and Dimensionless Parameters Effects on the Flow and Heat Transfer of Impingement Synthetic Jets", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 127, pp. 41-52
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Seyed Iman Vasefi, Arash Khabazipur, 2018, "Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of TiO2/Water Nanofluid in a Ribbed Flat-Plate Solar Collector", Renewable Energy, an International Journal, Vol. 122, pp. 406-418
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Seyed Iman Vasefi, Arash Khabazipur, 2018, "Scale-adptive simulation of turbulent mixed convection of nanofluids in a vertical duct", Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 131, Issue 3, pp. 3011-3023 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Seyed Iman Vasefi, Amir Masoud Anvari, 2019, "Analysis of Particle Dispersion and Entropy Generation in Turbulent Mixed Convection of CUO-Water Nanofluid", Heat Transfer Engineering, an International Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1-2, pp. 81-94
  • Mohammad Jadidi, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohsen Kiamansouri, 2018, "Scale-Adaptive Simulation of Unsteady Flow and Dispersion around a Model Building: Spectral and POD Analyses", Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 241-260.
  • Mohammad Hatami, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Ahmad Abouata, Akbar Mohammadi-Ahmar, 2018, "Investigation of geometry and dimensionless parameters effects on the flow field and heat transfer of impingement synthetic jets", International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 127, pp. 41-52
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Sajad Mirzaei, Mohammad Sadegh Abedinejad, 2017, "Influence of Chemical Mechanisms on Spray Combustion Characteristics of Turbulent Flow in a Wall Jet Can Combustor", Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society, Vol. 31, Issue 7, pp. 7523-7539
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Saied Moghaddam, and Masoud Aghaamini, 2018, "On the Validity of Boussinesq Approximation in Variable Property Turbulent Mixed Convection Channel Flows", Heat Transfer Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 473-491.
  • Fazad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohsen Kiamansouri, and Mohammad Jadidi, 2016, "Inflow Turbulence Generation Techniques for Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Dispersion around a Model Building in a Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer", Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 680-698. 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Masoud Aghaamini, and Saied Moghaddam, 2017, "Radiation Effects on Turbulent Mixed Convection in an Asymmetrically Heated Vertical Channel", Heat Transfer Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 38, Issue 5, pp. 575-601.
  • A. Mohammadi-Ahmar, F. Bazdidi-Tehrani, A. Solati, M. Kiamansouri, 2017, " Flow and Contaminant Dispersion Analysis around a Model Building using Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Model and Large Eddy Simulation", Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 14:957-972. 
  •  Mohammad Jadidi, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, and Mohsen Kiamansouri, 2016, "Embedded Large Eddy Simulation Approach for Pollutant Dispersion around A Model Building in Atmospheric Boundary Layer", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp. 575-601.
  •  Mohammad Jadidi, Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, and Mohsen Kiamansouri, 2016, "Dynamic Sub-Grid Scale Turbulent Schmidt Number Approach in Large Eddy Simulation of Dispersion around an Isolated Cubical Building", BUILDING SIMULATION, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 183-200.
  • Navid Madanchi, Farshad Kowsary, and Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, 2015, "On the Simulation of Diaphragm Oscillation and Modeling Methods for an Impinging Synthetic Jet", Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 417-440.
  •  Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Mohammad Sedaghatnejad, Seyed Iman Vasefi, and Naeem Ekrami Jolandan, 2016, "Investigation of Mixed Convection and Particle Dispersion of Nanofluids in a Vertical Duct", Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 230(20) 3691-3705.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Abouata, A., Hatami, M., and Bohlooli, N., 2016, "Investigation of Effects of Compressibility, Geometric and Flow Parameters on the Simulation of a Synthetic Jet Behaviour", The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 120, No. 1225.
  •  Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Hatami, M. and Abouata, A., 2017, "Effects of Inlet and Outlet Boundary Conditions on the Flow Field of Synthetic Jets", Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 231(2) 107-118. 
  • Farzad Bazdidi-Tehrani, Akbar Mohammadi-Ahmar, Mohsen Kiamansouri, and Mohammad Jadidi, 2015, "Investigation of various non-linear eddy viscosity turbulence models for simulating flow and pollutant dispersion on and around a cubical model building", BUILDING SIMULATION, Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp. 149-166.
  • F. Bazdidi Tehrani, M. Sedaghatnejad, N. Ekrami, I. Vasefi, Single Phase and Two Phase Analysis of Mixed Convection of Nanofluid Flow in Vertical Rectangular Duct under an Asymmetric Thermal Boundary Condition, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 13, pp. 47-58, 2015 (in Persian)
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Bohlooli, N., and Jadidi, M., 2015, "Influence of Film Cooling Jet Inlet Boundary Condition on Large Eddy Simulation of Model Turbine Blade Leading Edge", Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 214-227.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, Farzad, and Jadidi, Mohammad, 2014, "Large Eddy Simulation of Dispersion around an Isolated Cubic Building: Evaluation of Localized Dynamic kSGS-equation Subgrid-Scale Model", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 14, pp. 565-589.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, Farzad, Ghafouri, Ahmad and Jadidi, Mohammad, 2013, "Grid resolution assessment in large eddy simulation of dispersion around an isolated cubic building", J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., Vol. 121, pp. 1-15.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Foroutan, H., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2013, "Film cooling effectiveness in single row of holes: First moment closure modeling", Journal of Energy Equipment and Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 6-18.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Safakish, A., 2014, "Mixed Convection and Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer in a Three Dimensional Asymmetrically Heated Vertical Channel", Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 45, Issue 6, pp. 541-561.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Eghbali, A., and Karami, M., 2013, "Influence of Jet-to-Surface Distance and Frequency on Unsteady Heat Transfer and Mass Flow Rates in an Impingement Synthetic Jet", Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 115-136.
  • Zeinivand, H., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 2011, "Investigation of Radiative Heat Transfer and Three Thermal Radiation Models in a Turbulent Non-Premixed Methane/Air Flame", Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 42, No. 6, pp. 571-593.
  • Zeinivand, H., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 2012, "Influence of Stabilizer Jets on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emission in a Jet-Stabilized Combustor", Applied Energy, Vol. 92, pp. 348-360.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2012, "On the Evolution of a Plain Zero Net Mass Flux Jet Injected in a Quiescent Medium", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 33, pp. 1046-1054.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2011, "Analysis of Synthetic Jet Flow Field: Application of URANS Approach", Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 337-353.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Nazaripoor, H., 2011, "Buoyancy-Assisted Flow Reversal and Combined Mixed Convection-Radiation Heat Transfer in Symmetrically Heated Vertical Parallel Plates: Influence of Two Radiative Parameters", Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, Issue 4, pp. 974-985.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Imanifar, A., Khajehhasani, S., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2012, "Normal-Velocity Relaxation and Higher Order Algebraic Heat Flux Models Applicable to an Axisymmetric Impinging Jet", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 33, pp. 556-564 .
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Karami, M., and Jahromi, M., 2011, "Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis of an Impinging Synthetic Jet", Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 47, Issue 11, pp. 1363-1373.
  •  Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Zeinivand, H., 2010, "Presumed PDF Modeling of Reactive Two-Phase Flow in a Three Dimensional Jet-Stabilized Model Combustor", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 225–234.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2010, "Implicit Algebraic Model for Predicting Turbulent Heat Flux in Film Cooling Flow", Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 2010; 64:517–531.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Zeinivand, H., 2009, "Influence of Thermal Radiation models on Prediction of Reactive Swirling methane-air Flame in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor", Journal of Fuel and Combustion (Iranian Combustion Institute),Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-15, Winter.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Shahini, M., 2009, "Combined Mixed Convection-Radiation Heat Transfer within a Vertical Channel: Investigation of Flow Reversal", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 55, pp. 289-307.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2008, "Application of Second Moment Closure and Higher Order Generalized Gradient Diffusion Hypothesis to Impingement Heat Transfer", Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 91-105.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2006, “Numerical Simulation of a Confined Swirling Flow in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor,” J. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Nezamabadi, M., 2005, “Effect of Gr/Re on Mixed Convection and Combined Mixed Convection–Radiation Heat Transfer within a Vertical Channel”, Scientia Iranica, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 178-189.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Shervani-Tabar, M.T., and Ghafouri, J., 2005, “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Cavitation in a Centrifugal Pump,” Int. J. Eng. Science, IUST, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 85-92, summer.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Shahmir, A., and Haghparast-Kashani, A., 2004, “Numerical Analysis of a Single Row of Coolant Jets Injected into a Heated Crossflow,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 168, Issues 1-2, pp. 53-63, Elsevier.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Naderi-Abadi, M., 2004, “Numerical Analysis of Laminar Heat Transfer in Entrance Region of a Horizontal Channel with Transverse fins,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 211-220, Elsevier.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2003, “Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Flow Inside a Model Gas Turbine Combustor,” Int. J. Eng. Science, IUST, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 161-173, summer.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Zaman, S., 2002, “Two-Phase Heat Transfer on an Isothermal Vertical Surface : A Numerical Simulation," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 308-316, Elsevier.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Zaman, S., 2002, “Numerical Analysis of Film Boiling Heat Transfer on a Vertical Surface,” Int. J. Eng. Science, IUST, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 19-34, Summer.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Mahmoodi, A.A., 2002, “Investigation of the Effect of Turbulence Intensity and Injection Angle on the Flow and Temperature Fields in the Single Hole Film Cooling Technique,” Int. J. Eng. Science, IUST, Vol. 12, No. 4, Winter.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Mahmoodi, A.A., 2001, “Finite Element Analysis of Flowfield in the Single Hole Film Cooling Technique,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 934, May.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Masoudian, F., 2001, “Determination of the Temperature Distribution Through the Waterwalls in the Water-Tube Boilers,” Int. J. Eng. Sciences, IUST, Vol. 12, No. 1, spring.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Andrews, G.E., 1994, “Full Coverage Discrete Hole Film Cooling: Investigation of the Effect of Variable Density Ratio,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 116, pp. 587-596.

      Publications - Conference Proceedings:

  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Safakish, A., 2011, " Mixed Convection and Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer in a Three Dimensional Vertical Channel with Different Walls Temperatures," 7th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer , Istanbul, Turkey, July.

      Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Kamrava, M.H., 2011, " Heat Transfer Analysis in a Conductive-Radiative Space Radiating Fin: Comparison with analytical solutions," 7th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer , Istanbul, Turkey, July.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Nazaripoor, H., 2011, "Buoyancy Assisted and Opposed Combined Mixed Convection-Radiation Heat Transfer in a Vertical Parallel Plate," 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2011), Birjand , Iran, May.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Kamrava, M.H., 2010, " Combined Heat Transfer Calculations in a Fin-Tube Radiator with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity," World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET 2010), 69, pp. 176-184, August.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani , F., Khalili Param , H., and Jadidi, M., 2010, " Influence of Supply Plenum on Jet Hole Flow Structure Applicable to Film Cooling: LES Approach," 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ISME2010), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May.

  •   Zeinivand, H., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 2010, "INFLUENCE OF SWIRL NUMBER ON NOX FORMATION IN A TURBULENT NON-PREMIXED FLAME," Proceedings of the ASME 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Eghbali , A., and Karami, M., 2010, " Instantaneous Heat Transfer Analysis of an Impinging Synthetic Jet via Vortex Trajectory: Effect of Diaphragm Vibration Frequency," 13th Annual and 2nd International Fluid Dynamics conference, Shiraz, Iran, October.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Foroutan, H., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2009, "First moment closure modeling of film cooling effectiveness in single row of cylindrical holes," Int. Symp. on Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Systems, Antalya, Turkey, August.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2008, "Effect of Turbulent Heat Flux Models on Prediction of Film Cooling Characteristics," Proceedings of CHT-08 (ICHMT) International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Marrakech, Morocco, May.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Pezeshkpour, P., 2008, "Influence of Compound Angle Injection on Film Cooling through Two Staggered Rows of Holes," International Conference on Fascinating Advancement in Mechanical Engineering (FAME2008), Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India, December.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Jahromi, M., Karami, M., and Javadi, A., 2008, " Numerical Analysis of a Zero Net Mass Flux Jet in a Quiescent Medium", 16th Annual Conference of the CFD Society Canada, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, May.

  •   Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Foroutan, H., Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2008, "Film Cooling Heat Transfer Predictions: Effects of Variable Turbulent Prandtl Number", 16th Annual Conference of the CFD Society Canada, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, May.

  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Houshfar, E., 2006, “Numerical Analysis of Temperature & Flow Fields in the Single Row Film Cooling Technique Using Shaped (Elliptic) Holes,” The 10th Annual Fluid Dynamics Conference, The Physical Society of Iran.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Houshfar, E., 2006, “Single Row of Film Cooling Shaped (Elliptic) Holes: A Numerical Simulation,” The 14th Annual Conference and the 10th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Feizollahi, H., 2005, “Numerical Analysis of Opposed Rows of Coolant Jets Injected into a Heated Crossflow,” Proceedings of 3rd Int. Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN2005), Ghent, Belgium, May.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Sabbaghi, M., 2005, “Two-Dimensional Axisymmetric Analysis of Flow in the Diffuser-Combustor region of Gas Turbine Engine,” 13th Annual Conference and the 9th Int. Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Feizollahi, H., and Jahromi, M., 2005, “Numerical Simulation of Flow and Temperature Fields for Opposed Rows of Coolant Jets,” 13th Annual Conference and the 9th Int. Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Moslehishad, H., Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., and Jahromi, M., 2005, “Numerical Simulation of Effects of Blowing Rate and Momentum Flux Ratios on Film Cooling Effectiveness,” 13th Annual Conf. & 9th Int. Conf. of Iranian Society of Mech. E
  • Yuan, Z., Mucciardi, F., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 2004, “A Sensor for Continuous Temperature Measurement in Steel Making Environments," Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Nondestructive Testing (16wcndt), Montreal, Canada, August 30-September 3.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2003, “Numerical Simulation of Combustion Phenomenon in a Model Combustion Chamber,” Proceedings of the Third Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Marrakech, Morocco, June 8-13.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2003, “Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Flow Inside a Model Gas Turbine Combustor,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (CFD 2003), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 28-30
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Naderi, M., 2003, “Numerical Analysis of Laminar Heat Transfer in the Entrance Region of a Finned Horizontal Channel,” The 11th Annual Conference and the 7th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rajabi-Zargarabadi, M., 2003, “Numerical Simulation of Combustion Phenomenon in a Sample Combustion Chamber Together With Radiation Modelling,” The 11th Annual Conference and the 7th International Conference of Iranian Society of
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Haghparast-Kashani, A., and Shahmir, A., 2003, “Numerical Analysis of Flowfield in the Dilution Zone of a Sample Gas Turbine Annular Combustion Chamber,” The 4th Iranian Aerospace Society Conference.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Argian, J., 2002, “Numerical Analysis of Viscous 3-D Turbine Cascade Flow in a Gas Turbine,” The 10th Annual Conference and the 6th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Shahmir, A., 2002, “Turbulent Mixing of a Single Row of Coolant Jets with a Hot Confined Crossflow: A Numerical Simulation,” Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, Iran, May 27-31.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Jahromi, M., 2002, “Numerical Simulation of a Confined Swirling Flow in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor,” Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, Iran, May 27-31.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Haghparast-Kashani, A., 2002, “CFD Analysis of a Single Three-Dimensional Jet Injected Normally into a Crossflow,” Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Isfahan, Iran, May 27-31.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Zaman, S., 2001, “Two-Phase Heat Transfer on an Isothermal Vertical Surface : A Numerical Simulation,” Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia, May 20
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani,F., and Ghasemi, M., 2001, “Thermodynamic Analysis of a Heat Pipe,” The 9th Annual Conference and the 5th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Simonian, R., 2001, “Numerical Analysis of Condensation in Annular Flow in a Horizontal Tube,” The 9th Annual Conference and the 5th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Salehizadeh Manshadi, A., 2000, “Numerical Solution of Fluid Flow in the Entrance Region of a Finned, 2-D Channel,” The 8th Annual Conference and the 4th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Mahmoodi, A.A., 2000, “Analysis of Flow and Temperature Fields in the Single Hole Film Cooling Technique,” The 8th Annual Conference and The 4th International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Rezaei, M.T., 1998, “Numerical Analysis of Boiling Heat Transfer in Annular Flow in Vertical Tubes,” The 6th Annual Conference and The 3rd International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Andrews, G.E., 1997, “Full Coverage Discrete Hole Film Cooling: Investigation of the Effect of Variable Density Ratio: Part-II,” Presented at the ASME Turbo Exposition, Orlando, Florida, June 2-5, ASME Paper No. 97-GT-341.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Dashti, A., 1997, “Numerical Analysis of Condensation Heat Transfer in Stratified Flow in Horizontal Tubes,” The 5th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Ahmadian, M.T., 1997, ”Numerical Analysis of Slot Film Cooling in Turbulent Flow with Tangential Injection,” The 5th Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Haghighi, A., 1996, ”The Effect of Hole Size and The Number of Holes on The Cooling of Gas Turbine Combustors,” The 4th Annual Conference and The 2nd International Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Sarmadi, A., 1995, ”Heat Pump Design and Calculations with an Emphasis on Heat Transfer ,“ The 3rd Annual Conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Andrews, G.E., Khalifa, I.M., Asere, A.A., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 1995, “Full Coverage Effusion Film Cooling With Inclined Holes,” ASME Paper No. 95-GT-274.
  • Rezaei, B., Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., and Ektesabi, M.R., 1992, “A Computer Program for Evaluation of Radiative Heat Flux in the Water-Tube Boilers,” The Annual Conference on Pressure Vessels & Boilers.
  • Andrews, G.E., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 1992, “Impingement/ Effusion Cooling,” AGARD-CP-527, 1992
  • Andrews, G.E., Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Hussain, C.I., and Pearson, J.P., 1991, “Small Diameter Film Cooling Hole Heat Transfer: The Influence of the Hole Length,” ASME Paper No. 91-GT-344.
  • Andrews, G.E., and Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., 1989, “Small Diameter Film Cooling Hole Heat Transfer: The Influence of the Number of Holes,” ASME Paper No. 89-GT-7.
  • Andrews, G.E., Alikhanizadeh, M., Bazdidi-Tehrani, F., Hussain, C.I., and Khoshkbar Azari, M.S., 1987, “Small Diameter Film Cooling Holes: The Influence of Hole Size and Pitch,” ASME Paper No. 87-HT-28.

      Research Laboratory:

  • Heat Transfer Research Laboratory

    Courses Taught:
  • Advanced Heat Transfer (Convection)
  • Advanced Heat Transfer (Thermal Radiation)
  • Boundary Layers Theory
  • Heat Transfer II
  • Heat Transfer I
  • Fluid Mechanics II
  • Thermodynamics I
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