Vahid Tamimi |
Position: Assistant Professor |
Program Area: Water and Environmental engineering |
Phone: (+98-21) 73227134 |
Email: Vtamimi |
Postal Address: |
School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846-13114, Iran. | |
Research Interests
Awards and honors
Publications Journal Papers:
1.Rashki M.R., Mojtahedi A., Lotfollahi-Yaghin M.A., Tamimi V., DadashzadeM, Rosa Santos P., Bernitsas MM., Srinil N., “A review of two-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations with hydrokinetic energy harvesting applications”, Ocean Engineering, 2025, 321: 120376. 2. Croquer S, Díaz-Carrasco P., Tamimi V., Poncet S., Lacey J., Nistor I. “Modelling wave–structure interactions including air compressibility: A case study of breaking wave impacts on a vertical wall along the Saint-Lawrence Bay”, Ocean Engineering , 2023, 273: 113971 (SCI, IF 3.068). 3. Tamimi V., Esfehani M.J., Zeinoddini M., Seif M.S., Poncet S. “Hydroelastic response and electromagnetic energy harvesting of square oscillators: Effects of free and fixed square wakes”, Energy, 2022, 125982 (SCI, IF 6.082). 4. Rashki M.R., Hejazi K., Tamimi V., Zeinoddini M., Aalami Harandi M.M. “Impacts of soft marine fouling on the hydrokinetic energy harvesting from one-degree-of-freedom vortex-induced vibrations”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 54: 102881 (SCI, IF 7.632). 5. Ashrafipour H., Zeinoddini M., Tamimi V., Rashki M.R., Jadidi P. “Two-degrees-of-freedom vortex-induced vibration of cylinders covered with hard marine fouling”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 233(7-8):107624 (SCI, IF 6.772). 6. Tamimi V., Wu. J., Esfehani M.J., Zeinoddini M., Naeeni S.T.O., “Comparison of hydrokinetic energy harvesting performance of a fluttering hydrofoil against other Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV) mechanisms”, Renewable Energy, 2022, 186: 157-172 (SCI, IF 8.001). 7. Díaz-Carrasco P., Croquer S., Tamimi V., Lacey J., Poncet S., “Conséquences du réchauffement climatique sur les structures de protection côtière”, Le Climatoscope, 2021 (in French). 8. Díaz-Carrasco1 P., Croquer S., Tamimi V., Lacey J., Poncet S., “Advances in numerical reynolds-averaged navier–stokes modelling of wave-structure-seabed interactions and scour”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2021, 9, 611. 9. Tamimi V., Wu J., Naeeni S.T.O., Shahvaghar-Asl S., “Effects of dissimilar wake on the FIV energy harvesting of circular oscillators”, Applied Energy, 2021, 281: 116092 (SCI, IF 8.848). 10. Tamimi V., Esfehani M.J., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., Wu J., Shahvaghar-Asl S., “Marine hydrokinetic energy harvesting performance of diamond and square oscillators in tandem arrangements”, Energy, 2020, 202: 117749 (SCI, IF 6.082). 11. Bakhtiari A., Zeinoddini M., Ashrafipour H., Tamimi V., “The effect of end conditions on the flow-induced vibration of circular cylinders in tandem arrangements”, Applied Ocean Research, 2020, 105: 102406 (SCI, IF 2.753). 12. Bakhtiari A., Zeinoddini M., Ashrafipour H., Tamimi V., AalamiHarandi M.M., Jadidi P., “The effects of marine fouling on the wake-induced vibration of tandem circular cylinders”, Ocean Engineering , 2020, 216: 108093 (SCI, IF 3.068). 13. Tamimi V., Seif M.S., Shahvaghar-Asl S., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., “FIV energy harvesting from sharp edge square and diamond oscillators”, International Journal of Maritime Technology, 2019, 12:1-8. 14. Tamimi V., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., Bakhtiari A., “Flow induced vibrations of a circular cylinder in the wake of sharp edge square and diamond cylinders”, Marine Structures, 2018, 59: 237-250 (SCI, IF 2.865). 15. Tamimi V., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., Dolatshahi Pirooz M., Seif M.S., “Effects of after-body on the FIV of an isosceles right-angle triangular cylinder in comparison to circular, square and diamond cross-sections”, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018, 53(4): 3995-4007 (SCI, IF 1.763). 16. Tamimi V., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., “Flow induced vibrations of a sharp edge square cylinder in the wake of a circular cylinder”, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 66: 117-130 (SCI, IF 2. 753). 17. Bargi Kh., Tamimi V., Zeinoddini M., “VIV of tapered cylinders: 3d les numerical simulation”, International Journal of Maritime Technology, 2015, 3: 17-31. 18. Zeinoddini M., Tamimi V., Bakhtiari A., “WIV response of tapered circular cylinders in a tandem arrangement: an experimental study”, Applied Ocean Research, 2014,47: 162-173 (SCI, IF 2. 753). 19. Tamimi V., Zeinoddini M., Bakhtiari A., “Vortex shedding characteristics of tapered cylinders at turbulent wake”, Journal of Offshore Structure and Technology, 2014, 1:25-38. 20. Zeinoddini M., Tamimi V., Seif M.S., “Stream-wise and cross-flow vortex induced vibrations of single tapered circular cylinders: an experimental study”, Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 42: 124-135 (SCI, IF 2. 753). Conference Papers:
1. Díaz-Carrasco P., Croquer S., Tamimi V., Lacey J., Poncet S., “Effet du réchauffement climatique sur les structures de protection” Conference: 88e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Colloque 214-Gouvernance de l’eau à l’ère des changements mondiaux, May, 2021, Sherbrooke, Canada.
2.Tamimi V., Wu. J., “Flow induce vibration energy harvesting of circular oscillator under square wake” International Conference on Applied Energy 2020, Dec. 1 - Dec. 10, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand, Virtual.
3.Tamimi V., Armin M., Shahvaghar-Asl S., Naeeni S.T.O., Zeinoddini M., “FIV Energy Harvesting from Sharp-edge Oscillators”, The 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2019), 9-14 June, Glasgow, Scotland (2019).
4.Esfehani M.J., Naeeni S.T.O., Tamimi V., “VIV of vertical circular cylinders in tandem arrangement under regular waves”,11th International Congress on Civil Engineering, May 8-10, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran (2018- In Persian).
5.Tamimi V., Zeinoddini M., Bakhtiari A., Golestani M., “3D Simulation of Vortex Shedding Past Tapered Circular Cylinders in Subcritical Reynolds Numbers”, The 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2012), 10-15 June, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2012).
6.Zeinoddini M., Tamimi V., Shahvaghar-Asl S., “A Comparison Between 3D LES of Vortex Shedding of Uniform and Tapered Cylinders in Subcritical Reynolds Number”, 10th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 17-19 October 2012 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
7.Tamimi V., Zeinoddini M., Seif M.S., “Experimental Study of Uniform Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement”, The 10th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2012), 19-21 Nov. 2012, Tehran, Iran (Presentation Film).
8.Zeinoddini M., Tamimi V., Seif M.S., “Experimental Study of Two Tapered Circular Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement”, The 14th Marine Industries Conference (MIC2012) 25-29 December 2012, Tehran, Iran.