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:: Dr.SADR ::


Full Name:    Ali Sadr

Position:       Professor Asistant

Phone:         98-021-77240487

Fax:             98-021-77240486


Education *  Academic Positions * Scientific Societies Membership

Taught Courses *  Laboratories Supervised *  Publications

Patents *  Recent Projects *  Field of Interest


 B.Sc. 1988 , Electronic Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dept., AmirKabir Univ. of Tech. (Tehran Polytechnique), Tehran, Iran .

 M.Sc . 1992 , Electronic Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dept. , Iran Univ . of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

 Ph.D. 2002 , Instrumentation, Department of instrumentation & Analytical Science (DIAS), Univ. of Manchester Inst. of Sci. & Tech. (UMIST), Manchester, England.

 *A warded a scholarship (as a result of a very competitive exam) by the Ministry of Science, Research & Technology (MSRT) of Iran to pursue my studies towards a PhD, 1997

Academic Positions

  •  2002-present , Assistant Professor, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dept . , Iran Univ of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

  •  2004-present , Head of Electronic Group (Discipline ), Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dept . , Iran Univ of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

  •  1992 -1997 , 2003-present , Director of Computer Centre, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dept . , Iran Univ of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran .

  •  1997-2002 , Demonstrator, Department of instrumentation & Analytical Science (DIAS), Univ. of Manchester Inst. of Sci. & Tech. (UMIST), Manchester, England.

  •  1992-1993 , Research Assistant, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dep t. , Iran Univ of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

  •  1995-1997 , Supervisor of the Laboratories, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dep t. , Iran Univ of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

  •  1995 , Appointed Member of the Organising Committee for the 3rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE-1995).

  •  1993-2002 , Instructor, Electrical & Electronic Eng . Dep t. , Iran Univ . of Sci . & Tech ., Tehran, Iran.

Scientific Societies Membership

 1. Institute of Physics (I OP )

Taught Courses

  1. Microprocessors II (graduate)

  2. Optoelectronics I (graduate)

  3. Electronic Systems: Digital & Analog (graduate)

  4. Microprocessors I

  5. Computer Architecture

  6. logic circuits

  7. Electronics I , II

  8. Linear Integrated Circuits

Laboratories Supervised 

  1. Electronics I, II, III

  2. Digital Circuits

  3. Computer Components

  4. Microprocessors

  5. Electric Circuits & Measurement

  6. Linear Integrated Circuits

  7. Pulse Techniques



  1. Sadr A. , Lahiji G.R., "Study of System Effects in Measurement Technique for the Characteristics of Deep Levels in Semiconductors", 3rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Proc. ICEE-1995, Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, 93-99, May 1995, (Selected Paper of the Conference).

  2. Sadr A. , Payne P.A., Rosen E.S., Dewhurst R.J., "Laser-Generated Ultrasound in the Eye", Ninth Annual Symposium on Non-destructive Characterisation of Materials (VIII), ed. by Green R.E., Jr., Sydney, Australia, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, New York, 497, 142-148, 1999.

  3. Sadr A. , Dewhurst R.J., "Laser Ultrasound: an Overview", 6th Electrical & Electronics Engineering Seminar of Iranian Students in Europe 1999, Manchester, U.K., May 1999.

  4. Sadr A. , Payne P.A., Rosen E.S., Dewhurst R.J., "Pulsed Laser Techniques for Laser Ultrasound Characterisation of the Eye", Quantum Electronics Photonics Conference (QE-14), Manchester, U.K., 6-9 September, 1999.

  5. Sadr A. , Payne P.A., Dewhurst R.J., "Ophthalmic Feature Extraction Using Laser-Ultrasound Techniques", The Institute of Physics-Optical Group & Materials and Characterisation Group, London, U.K., November 1999.

  6. Payne P.A., Dewhurst R.J., Sadr A., Rosen E.S., "Ophthalmic Applications of Laser Generated Ultrasound", Proc. SPIE (BIOS 2000), San Jose, California USA, 3908, 13-22, January 2000 .

  7. Sadr A. , Payne P.A., Rosen E.S., Dewhurst R.J., "Laser-Ultrasound for Interface Monitoring within the Eye", 25th International Acoustical Imaging Symposium, Bristol, U.K., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 25, 549-554, March 2000.

  8. Sadr A. , Dewhurst R.J., "High-Resolution Measurement of Distances within Eye by Laser-Generated Ultrasound", 7th Electrical & Electronics Engineering Seminar of Iranian Students in Europe 2000, Manchester, U.K., May 2000.

  9. Sadr A. , Dewhurst R.J., "A Model for PVDF Transducer Used in Ophthalmic Applications", 8th Electrical & Electronics Engineering Seminar of Iranian Students in Europe 2001, Manchester, U.K., May 2001.

  10. Sadr A. , "Effects of Backing, Bonding, and Electrode Layers on the Performance of Piezo-Polymer Transducers Used in Biomedical Laser-Ultrasonography", 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Proc. ICEE-2004, Ferdowsi University of Masshad, Mashhasd, Iran, May 2004.

  11. Amirkeyvan Momtaz, Ali Sadr, ”Novel Approach Based On Rosette Pattern for Defects Detection in Ultrasound Images”, 11th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, UKSIM2009, IEEE, Camridge, United Kingdom, March 2009.

  12. Mahdi Zarrini, Ali Sadr, “A Real-Time Algorithm to Detect inverted and symmetrical T-wave”, The 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Dubai, UAE December 28 - 30, 2009

  13. Mahdi Zarrini, Ali Sadr , “Detecting T-wave using separated beats by adaptive threshold”, The 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, Dubai, UAE December 28 - 30, 2009


  1. Payne P . A . , Dewhurst R . J . , Rosen E . S . , Fink A . , Sadr A . , "Ophthalmic Methods", U . K . Patent Application N o. GB 9923990.7 in 1999, Ser . No. 2342718 , P ublished 19 April 2000 .

  2. Payne P . A . , Dewhurst R . J . , Rosen E . S . , Fink A . , Sadr A . , "Ophthalmic Methods", Official Journal of Patents, British Patent No GB 2342718, 17pp, 19th February 2003.

  3. Payne P . A . , Dewhurst R . J . , Rosen E . S . , Fink A . , Sadr A . , "Ophthalmic Uses of Lasers", U.S. Patent No. US 6652459 B2, Nov. 23, 2003.

Recent Projects

  1. Design and Development of the "DLTS" system for test and measurement of the semiconductor devices .

  2. A Laser-Ultrasound Probe for Diagnostic Application in Ophthalmology.

  3. Modelling of Piezo-Polymer Transducers Used in Ophthalmic Laser-Ultrasonography.

  4. Use of the Forwards Looking Probe for Characterising Human Arterial Tissue.

  5. Fabrication and Testing of a Single Element Sideways Looking Probe.

  6. Design and Development of A-Scan Ophthalmoscope.

  7. Design an EMAT Sensor for NDT Applications

Field of Interest

  1. Non Destructive Evaluation

  2. Laser-Generated Ultrasound

  3. Industrial and Medical ultrasound

  4. Medical Instrumentation

  5. Ultrasonic Transducer Design

  6. Microprocessor & Microcontroller- Base d Systems

  7. Digital Systems


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