

 There are 2,900 microfilms in Audio-Visual Center of Central Library about English periodicals,      especially IEE and IEEE periodicals, from the first publications to 1993. The collection is matchless. Clients may print their needed proceedings.






 AIEE index (Title changed to: IEEE indexes )




 ALEE transactions (divided to: No. 56 63 93 (




 AIEE Trans. Unpublished papers (From W.W.II (




 American Journal of Physics




 AT & T, bell laboratories technical journal




 Ei engineering index




 Electrical engineering




 Electronics and power




 IEE Proceedings and journal + index IEE reviews




 IEE proceedings A, physical science, measurement




 IEE proceedings B, electric power applications




 IEE proceedings C, generation , transmission




 IEE proceedings D, control theory & application




 IEE proceedings E, computers & digital techniques




 IEE proceedings F, communications radar and signal processing IEE proceedings F, radar and signal processing






 IEE proceedings G, electronic circuits and system

 IEE proceedings G, circuits, devices and systems




 IEE proceedings H, microwaves, optics & antennas

 IEE proceedings H, microwaves, antennas & propagation






 IEE proceedings I, solid state and electron devices

 IEE proceedings I, communications speech and vision




 IEE proceedings J, optoelectronics




 IEE reviews




 IEEE Aerospace and electronics systems Magazine




 IEEE Antennas and propagation Magazine




  IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine




 IEEE Circuits and systems Magazine




 IEEE Communications Soci. Magazine




 IEEE Computer




 IEEE Computer Applications in power




 IEEE Computer Graphics & Apple .




 IEEE Control systems Magazine




 IEEE design & Test of computer




 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine




 IEEE Electron device letters




 IEEE engineering in medicine & Bio .




 IEEE engineering management Review




 IEEE expert intelligent system & their applications




 IEEE+IRE indexes




 IEEE Journal of light wave tech .




 IEEE Journal of Oceanic engineering




 IEEE Journal of Quantum electronics




 IEEE Journal of Solid-state circuits




 IEEE Journal on selected areas in communication




 IEEE LCS light wave communication Sys .




 IEEE Micro




 IEEE Network




 IEEE Photonic technology letters




 IEEE Proceedings




 IEEE Power engineering review




 IEEE Signal Processing magazine




 IEEE Software




 IEEE Spectrum




 IEEE Technology & Society magazine




 IEEE Trans. on Aerospace




 IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and electronic systems




 IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Navigational electronics




 IEEE Trans. on Antennas and propagate




 AIEE Trans. on Applications and industry. (Title change) IEEE Trans. on Applications and industry




 IEEE Trans. on Information theory




 IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation & Measurement




 IEEE Trans. on Knowledge & Data Eng .




 IEEE Trans. on Magnetics




 IEEE Trans. on Man-Machine Systems




 IEEE Trans. on Manufacturing Tech .




 IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging




 IEEE Trans. on Microwave theory and technique




 IEEE Trans. on Military Electronics




 IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks




 IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science




 IEEE Trans. on Parallel & distributed system




 IEEE Trans. on Parts, Hybrids and Packaging




 IEEE Trans. on Pattern analysis & machine intelligence




 IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science




 ALEE Trans. Power Apparatus System

 IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and system




 IEEE Trans. on Power delivery




 IEEE Trans. on Power electronics




 IEEE Trans. on Power systems




 IEEE Trans. on Product engineering & Production




 Journal of Physics-E, Scientific instruments




 Journal of Physics-F, Metal physics




 Journal of Physics-G, nuclear & particle physics




 Journal of Physics & chemistry of solids




 Journal of research of the national Institute of Standard and technology




 Journal of research of the Nbs: Section D Radio Propagation




 Journal of soild state chemistry




 Material science & engineering Sec. A




 Material science & engineering Sec. B




 Measurement science & technology




 Metallurgical transactions

 Metallurgical transactions Sec. A

 Metallurgical transactions Sec .B




 Physical review - Series 1




 Physical review - Series 2




 Physical review - Series 3(Sec. A), general physics




 Physical review - Series 3(Sec. B), condensed matter




 Physical review - Series 3(Sec. C), nuclear physics




 Solid state communications




 Solid state technology



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