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:: Faizabadi ::


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 Full name: Seyyed Edris Faizabadi

 Position: Assosiate Professor

 Phone: 98-21-77451500-10 Ex: 3486

 Fax: 98-21-77240497

 Email: edris AT iust.ac.ir

 Address: Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

  University Degrees:

 • Ph.D: Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

 • MSc. : Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

 • BSc. : Ferdousi University , Mashhad, Iran

 Current Research:

  • Nano-physics

  • Spintronic

  • Mega Networks

Publications- Journal Papers :

  1. The Effects of the Interdot and Lead-Dot Coupling on the Spin and Charge Current Through a Triple-Quantum-Dot Ring
M Molavi, E Faizabadi
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64, 5188 (2017)  Q1
  1. Spin-polarization and spin-flip in a triple-quantum-dot ring by using tunable lateral bias voltage and Rashba spin-orbit interaction
M Molavi, E Faizabadi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 428, 488 (2017)  Q1
  1. Radius effect on the spintronic properties of a triangular network of quantum nanorings in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit interaction
E Faizabadi, M Molavi
Current Applied Physics, 17, 207 (2017)  Q2
  1. Quantum nano ring composed of quantum dots as a source of pure persistent spin or charge current
L Eslami, E Faizabadi, S. Ahmadi
Physics Letters A, 380, 3854 (2016)  Q2
  1. Quantum rings as a perfect spin-splitter and spin-filter by using the Rashba effect
S Saeedi, E Faizabadi
The European Physical Journal B, 89, 118 (2016)  Q2
  1. Electron–phonon interaction effect on persistent current in a one-dimensional quantum ring by using a simple model
M Omidi, E Faizabadi
Physics Letters A, 379, 1898 (2015)  Q2
  1. The structural properties of boron and nitrogen adsorption on benzene molecule: a density functional study
SS Hoseini, E Faizabadi
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, 9, 89 (2015) 
  1. Temperature-related behavior of the persistent current in a zigzag hexagonal graphene ring
M Omidi, E Faizabadi
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 110 (2015)  Q2
  1. Controlling the magnetic susceptibility in an artificial elliptical quantum ring by magnetic flux and external Rashba effect
M Omidi, E Faizabadi
Journal of Applied Physics 117, 114310 (2015)  Q2
  1. Transport in graphene superlattice under a uniform electric field with Rashba spin–orbit interaction
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
Superlattices and Microstructures, 81, 80 (2015)  Q2
  1. Energy spectrum and persistent current in an armchair hexagonal graphene ring in the presence of vacancies, Rashba and Zeeman interactions
M Omidi, E Faizabadi
The European Physical Journal B, 88, 30 (2015)  Q2
  1. Induced spin-accumulation and spin-polarization in a quantum-dot ring by using magnetic quantum dots and Rashba spin-orbit effect
L Eslami, E Faizabadi
Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 204305 (2014)  Q1
  1. Spin transport and wavevector-dependent spin filtering through magnetic graphene superlattice
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
Solid State Communications, 179, 48 (2014)  Q1
  1. Spin transport through electric field modulated graphene periodic ferromagnetic barriers
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 434, 69 (2014)  Q2
  1. Energy spectrum and persistent current in a nanoscopic elliptical quantum ring threaded by magnetic flux in the presence of Rashba spin–orbit interaction
M Omidi, E Faizabadi
Solid State Communications, 193, 20 (2014)  Q1
  1. Density of states of magnetic substitutional impurity-doped graphene in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic phases
E Faizabadi, E Mostaani
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 342, 54 (2013)  Q1
  1. Perfect tuning of spin-polarization in a ring-shaped multiple-quantum-dot nanostructure in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling
L Eslami, Z Chaghari, E Faizabadi
Physics Letters A, 377, 1459 (2013)  Q2
  1. Wavevector filtering through monolayer and bilayer graphene superlattices
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
Chinese Physics Letters, 30, 097201 (2013)  Q3
  1. Band gap opening effect on the transport properties of bilayer graphene superlattice
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 27, 1350024 (2013)  Q3
  1. Transport in magnetic graphene superlattice with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
The European Physical Journal B, 86, 278 (2013)  Q2
  1. Thickness effects on the quantum conductance of single wall carbon nanotube junctions
E Faizabadi, Z Kargar
Diamond and Related Materials, 31, 10 (2013)  Q1
  1. Tunneling time and Hartman effect in a ferromagnetic graphene superlattice
F Sattari, E Faizabadi
AIP Advances, 2, 012123 (2012)  Q2
  1. The impact of quantum dots magnetization on spin separation and spin current in a multiple quantum-dot ring in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling
E Faizabadi, L Eslami
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 124312 (2012)  Q1
  1. Rashba spin-orbit effect on tunneling time in graphene superlattice
E Faizabadi, F Sattari
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 093724 (2012)  Q1
  1. Spin filtering in a ferromagnetic graphene superlattice
E Faizabadi, M Esmaeilzadeh, F Sattari
The European Physical Journal B, 85, 198 (2012)  Q2
  1. Magnetic susceptibility in the edged topological disordered nanoscopic cylinder
E Faizabadi, M Omidi
Physics Letters A, 375, 1518 (2011)  Q2
  1. Quantum Conductance of Three-Terminal Nanoring in the Presence of Rashba Interaction and an Impurity
FA Chegeni, E Faizabadi
IJAPM, 1, 155 (2011) 
  1. Energy dependent spin filtering by using Fano effect in open quantum rings
E Faizabadi, A Najafi
Solid State Communications, 150, 1404 (2010)  Q1
  1. Edged topological disordered quantum ring in the presence of magnetic flux
E Faizabadi, M Omidi
Physics Letters A, 374, 1762 (2010)  Q2
  1. Particular nanowire superlattice as a spin filter
M Khayatzadeh Mahani, E Faizabadi
Physics Letters A, 373, 3994 (2009)  Q2
  1. Effects of vacancy percentage on the energy gap of zigzag single-wall carbon nanotubes
E Faizabadi, A Bagheri
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 41, 1828 (2009)  Q2
  1. Disorder-averaged currents in edged topological disordered mesoscopic cylinder
E Faizabadi, M Omidi
Physics Letters A, 373, 1469 (2009)  Q2
  1. Efficient spin filtering in a disordered semiconductor superlattice in the presence of Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
M Mahani, E Faizabadi
Physics Letters A, 372, 1926 (2008)  Q1
  1. Charge and spin pumping in quantum wires by a time-dependent periodic magnetic field
E Faizabadi
Phys. Rev. B, 76, 075307 (2007)  Q1
  1. Metal-insulator transition in random Kronig-Penney superlattices with long-range correlated disorder
A Esmailpour, M Esmaeilzadeh, E Faizabadi, P Carpena, M Reza Rahimi Tabar
Phys. Rev. B, 74, 024206 (2006)  Q1
  1. Charge pumping in quantum wires
E Faizabadi, F Ebrahimi
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16, 1789 (2004)  Q1
  1. Optical and magneto-optical properties of the simple cubic phase of the C60 crystal

A Koohi, F Ebrahimi, E Faizabadi, M Noshirvani
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 2053 (2002)  Q1

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