Academic and Industrial Research Activities

  Academic and Industrial Research Activities

  a) Academic Researches









 Measuring 222Rn content of mineral water using alpha-Spectrometry and liquid scintillation counter


 9 months




 Synthesis and preparation of novel adsorbents and employing them to adsorb macro-molecules






  b) Industrial Researches



 Project Title






 Investigation of mercury environmental pollution decrease for Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex

 Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex

 10 months

 December 4, 2000



 Design of the SBR initiator unit for Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex

 Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex


 July 5, 2001



 Synthesis of ethyl chloro acetate from chloro acetyl chloride

 Arak Petrochemical Complex

 14 months

 July 2, 2001



 Preparing trans-oil from naphthenic crude oil

 Tehran oil refining company

 10 months

 June 19, 2002



 Use of effluent NOx gases of Razi petrochemical complex to remove ammoniac pollutants and vice versa

  National Petrochemical Company


 11 months

 February 4, 2002



 Employing sulfur to produce sulfuric concrete

Bandar Abbas Oil Refining Company

 11 months

 February 16, 2002



 Study of environmental effects of liquid/solid wastes of well drilling

  National Iranian South Oil Company Portal

 9 months

 October 1, 2002



 Research on practical methods to decrease sulfuric minerals in crude oil and resulting cuts in Kermanshah Oil Refinery

 Kermanshah Oil Refining Company

 13 months

 January 22, 2003



 Research on practical methods for controlling and decreasing environmental pollutions of Kermanshah Oil Refinery

 Kermanshah Oil Refining Company

 6 months

 January 22, 2003



 Consultant of design and optimization of LUBE unit to produce basic oil having VI greater than 100

 Tehran Refinery

 6 months

 July 20, 2003



 Investigation of the environmental issues of caustic disposal and suggesting adequate solutions

 Fajrjam Gas Refining Company

 11 months

 July 21, 2004



 Study of the corrosion resistive methods for the marine installations

 Iranian Offshore Oil Company

 12 months

 November 22, 2004



 Production of the desulfurization catalyst from the heavy cuts like Gas oil & Fuel oil and application of the results in Kermanshah Oil Refinery

 Kermanshah Oil Refining Company

 9 months

 March 12, 2005



 Drilling mud and role of additives for improving their functional properties

 National Iran Oil Company

  9 months




 Investigation of the effects of mercaptan on human, environment and introducing a proper substitute

 Tehran Gas Company

  12 months

 December 22, 2006



 A plenary survey on the problems of aromatic compounds used in the gas industry and introducing a proper substitute and experimental application in one of the gas companies

 Tehran Gas Company

  9 months

 January 21, 2006



 Using proper coating systems to prevent corrosion of gas pipeline in the marshy area

 Qazvin Gas Company

 12 months

 February 19, 2006



 Decoloration and replacement of defected coats from corrosion

 Abadan Oil Refinery Company

 6 months

 October 3, 2005



 Study of the SARA technology for decoloration and changing defected coats from corrosion

 Fajrjam Gas Refining Company

 6 months

 January 21, 2006



 Investigation of the destruction effects of the PE and valves made of PE

 Tehran Gas Company

  12 months




 Scientific and research cooperation-Supporting theses of graduation studies (MSc & PhD courses)


 8 months

 June 29, 2005



 Separation of the hydrogen from fuel gas and engine gas systems and using it for recycle gas of the catalytic conversion unit

 Kermanshah Oil Refining Company

 12 months

 December 22, 2009



 Synthesis of a novel nanoporous adsorbent for removal and reducing of heavy metal from wastewater of mining industry

 Ministry of Industries and Mines



 30 Oct.2011


 Research and investigation about a sensor of moisture system



 26 April 2011



 Removal of Phenolic pollutants by magnetic modified nanoporous adsorbent from miners wastewater using magnetic separation

 Iran National Science Foundation





 Synthesis of Molecular Sieve 13X

 Research and Technology Organization





 Separation and Recovery of platinum from the slime of ammonium perchlorate






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