

Peresonal Details:

  Surname: Shieh

  Name: Esmaeil

  Date Of Birth: 28.11.1949

  Present academic Position: Professor.

  Department: Urban Planning.

  Faculty: Architecture and Urban Planning

  Tell: (+98 21) 772 40 467







  1- Selected Short Courses Certificates:
  - Educational Course in English, English Language Teaching Centre, Univ. of Manchester, 1985.
  - Short Course in Administrational Management, Tehran 2002.
Expert knowledge:
- Urban planning
- Urban land use planning
- Residential planning
- Urban sustainability
  2- Compiled Books: (in Persian)
- Introduction to Urban Planning (1990), IUST Press, Tehran (Year Book of Iranian Universities in 1990).
- City and Region in Iran (1998), IUST Press, Tehran.
- Responsive Urban Environment for Children (2006), Nashre Shahr Press, Tehran.(Choosen year Book of Research and Publishing Celebration Tehran ,2008).
- Urban Planning Workshop (2007), IUST Press, Tehran.
- Harmony of Industry, Voice of City (2010), IUST Press, Tehran.
- Memorial of Tehrans 200 Years City Transition (2016), in The Book of Tehran shahr
-Residential planning and Iran’s urban management (2016), in the Book of theoretical approaches in urban studies, editor: H. Esmaeilizade.
  3- Selected Published Articles in Scientific Magazines:
  -Road Networks In Iranian Traditional Cities (1989), in: Tazeha,ye, Traffic, no. 26-27, Tehran.
  - Decentralization of Central District of Tehran (1989), in: Roshd,e, Amoozesh Geographya, No.18, Tehran.
  - Role of urban Planning Function in Civil Engineering (1990), in: Tazeha,ye, Traffic, No.28 , Tehran.
  - Role of Environmental Factors on Technical Development of Cities (1993), in Faslname,ye, Mohit,e, Zist, Volume5, No.1, Tehran.
  - Arak, The New town of Qajarian Pera (1997), in: Faslname,ye, Rahe Danesh, No.7-8, Arak. (The Cultural and Scientific Council of Central Province of Iran).
  - The Art of Urban Planning, in Traditional City of Arak (1998), in: Faslname,ye, Rah,e, Danesh, No. 13-14, Arak. (The Cultural and Scientific Council of Central Province of Iran.
  - The Effects of Industrialization on Cities in Developing Countries (2000), in: Chs News, a Publication of the U.B.C., Center for Human Settlement. Vol. 8, No.1/2, Vancouver.
  - Urban Planning Transformation in The United State of America (2001), in: Payam,e, Nezam,e, Mohandesy,e, Sakhteman, No.17, Tehran.
  - Consideration in Iranian New Towns Formation (2001), in: Payam,e, Nezam,e, Mohandesy,e, Sakhteman, No.18, Tehran.
  - A Plan for location of Urban Libraries (2007), in: ShahRdarha, No. 29, Tehran.
  - The Land Use Transformations without Urban Planning in Urban Neighborhoods (2001), in: Shahrsaz, No. 5, Tehran (Iranian Urban Planners Society.)
  - The Urban Planning Criterias and Their Role on Social Health (2002), in: International Magazine of Engineering Sciences IUST, Vol .13, No. 3, Tehran.
  - A Plan for Decreasing of Floods in Tehran (2002), in: Modirat,e, Bohran, No.11 , Tehran.
  - The Urban Planning for Children (2003), in: Mahname,ye, Farhang va Pajoohesh, No. 124, Tehran.
  - The Necessity of Transformation in Iranian Urban Management (2003), in: Faslname,e, Geographia and Tose,e, No.1, Zahedan (Sistan and Baluchestan University), Zahedan.
  - To Obtain of Scientific and Professional Society for Urban Planning in Iran (2003), in: Shahrsaz, Vol.1, No.1, Tehran. (Iranian Urban Planners Society).
  - Management of Urban and Regional Planning, in France (2004), in: Payam,e, Nezam,e, Mohandesy,e, Sakhteman, Vol. 3, No.2 , Tehran.
  - A Comparison Between The Great Iranian Cities With Metropolis and Megalopolis Concepts (2004), in: Faslname,ye, Abadi, No.43-44, Tehran (Architecture and Urban Development Research Center – Iran).
  - Urban Planning Situation in The Second Pahlavi Periode in Iran (2004), Faslname,ye, Memari,o, Farhang, No. 18-19, Tehran.
  - The Crises in New Urban Residential Developments in Iran, (2005), Faslname,ye, Refahe Ejtemaee, No.16 , vol.4 , Tehran.
  - Planning for Inter Cities Rood Services and Welfares in Iran (2005), Shared by A.Badri , in: urban And Regional Studies Scientific and Magazine of Univ. of Isfahan, No.1 , Vol. 18 , Isfahan.
  - Creation of Under Ground Movable Parkings in urban Neighborhoods as a Factor for Landscape Design (2006), in: Faslname,ye, Abadi, No.18, Tehran ( Architecture and Urban Development Research Center – Iran).
  - Railways and Neighborhoods in Case Study of Tehran, (2006), Shahrdari ha, No.73, Tehran.
  - Role of City Councils and Urban Management in Case Study of Vancouver, (2007), in: Faslname,ye, Sakhte Shahr, No.8-9, Tehran.
  - Giving Industrial role to Iranian Cities (2007), in: International Magazine of Engineering Seciences of IUST, Vol. 18, No. 5, Tehran.
  - Responsive Urban Planning for Disabled Groups (2008), Shared With F.Chehrazi, in: Pajoohesh, Haye, Honar va Memary, No. 3, Tehran.
  - Physical Planning for Decreasing The Damage Mitigation of EARTH QUAKE in Cities (2009), in: Armanshahr, No .3, (shared with K.Torabi), Tehran.
  - Sustainable Tourism in Natural Parks Around The Cities (2009), in: Armanshahr, No.3, (Shared With F.Kabiri), Tehran.
  - Organizing of Public Spaces and Their Social Effects in Cities (2009), in: Abadi, No. 63, (Shared With S. Meymandi), Tehran.
  - Stream Corridors as Invaluable Urban Elements: Suggestions for Improvement of Paveh Stream (2008), in: IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 6, (Shared With Ayyoob Sharifi ), Tehran.
  - Investigation of Tehran,S New Master Plan Processes (2009), in: Mohit,o,Manzar, No.5,Tehran.
  - Developing A framework of Indicator System for Measurement of Urban Environmental Quality (2010), in: Environmental Sciences Journal, No. 3, Tehran (Shared with Ayyoob Sharifi and, Mojtaba Rafieian.
  - Identification of Non Official Settlements, Tehran.
  - A Model of Identification of No Nofficial Settlements With Ahp , in Gis Formate (2010), in :Armanshahr, No.4, (Shared With Kiumarse Habibi and Hamed Kamalinasab), Tehran:
  -Good City, Good plan (2010), in: Manzar, No.6, Tehran.
  - Investigation of Vulnerablity of Urban Transportation Networks in Front of Earth Quick, (2010), in:Bagh-e –Nazar, No. 13, (Shared With Kamal Torabi), Tehran.
  -The Role of Urban Planning Eduation (2010), in: Payam-e- Daneshgah Elmo sanat, No. 71, Tehran
  -Life quality factors and their role for tourism sea zones (2010), in: armanshahr, No. 5, (shared with sajad alipoor), Tehran.
 Developing a frame work of indicator system for measurement of urban environmental quality (2010), in Environmental sciences Vol. 7, No. 3, shared with A. sharifi and M. Rafieian.
  - Identifieation of Factors That Assure Quality of Residential Environments, Using Environmental Assessment Indices (2011), in: International Jurnal of Architectural Engineering,IUST, Tehran (Shared with A. Sharifi and M. Rafieian).
  -The Fundation of Arak Urban Texture on four Main Streets (2012), in: Memari va Farhang, No. 47.
-A.reading on american urban planning and design system (2011), in: arman shahr no.7, shared with Hooman Ghahremani.
-Implementation of GIS- Based fuzzy algorithms in planning modern patterns for determining suitable Development in medium- populated cities in iran (2012), in: motaleate shahri, no1, shared with Mohammad Anampoor.
-Role of Integration of green spaces in Bestowing Natural Identity to a city (2012), in: Armanshahr, No. 7, Shared with Hossein Mosharef Dehkordi.
-Reviewing the concept of healthy communities in traditional neighborhoods of Iran (2013), in: urban-regional studies and research, No. 17, shared with Z.Saide Zarabqdi and M. Yazdanpanahi.
-Explanation of locating indicators of urban pedestrian way based on the objectives of social sustainable development using the ANP method (2014), in: hoviate shahr, (shared with k. Habibi and M. Pirayegar)
-Urban socio economic development surfaces in Khorasan Shomaly province used by Topsis model (2013), in: Motaleate Modiriate Shahri magazine, shared by Bahar Manouchehri.
-Investigation of relationship between costumes, ceremonies, and urban structure in Mashhad urban development plans (2013), in: Pajooheshhaye Memari Eslami Iran, No.1, Shared with H. Ghahremani and G. Gholami.
-The collection of effect of structural model with emphasis on social stability in urban deteriorated textures (2014) in Modiriate Shahri, No 35, (Shared with Abdolhadi Daneshpoorand Maryam Roosta)
-Role of Green Leisure Space in Thriving of Cities (2013), In: Isca, International Peer Rewiewed, Issn 2277-250: Shared With N. Daneshpayeh And Z. Golshan
-Assessing Urban Streets Network Vulnerability against Earthquake using IHPW Method and GIS (2013), In: International Journal of Resilience in the Bilet Environment, Shared with K. Habibi, M. Masoomi and K. Torabi
-Extraction of social and strategy for sustainable regional development by using swot (2014), in Advance in environmental biology, ISSN 1995-0756 (Shared with H. Mirzadeh).
-The systematic review on physical activity in urban neighborhoods (2014), shared with V.Bigdeli Rad, H.Najafpoor, I.Nagh, Hamid Bigdeli Rad, in Life science journal, ISNN: 1097.
-The systematic review on safety in urban neighborhoods (2014), shared with V.Bigdeli Rad, H. Najafpoor, and Ibram Ngah in Life science journal, ISNN: 1097-8135
-What are the safety factors associating with physical activity in urban neighborhoods, (2014), shared with V. Bigdeli Rad, H.Najafpoor, N. and H. Bigdeli, in Journal of Applied Environmental a Biological Science, ISNN: 2090-4247.
-The Measurement Design due examining the relationship of physical activity and safety in Neighborhoods of Tehran (2014), shared with V. Bigdeli Rad, H. Najafpoor, I.N. and H. Bigdeli, inUrban ISSN: 1357-5317.
-Earthquake risk in urban streets network an example from region of Tehran (2014), in Disaster Resilience in the built Environment (EMRALD) shared with K. Habibi, M.Masoumi, and K.Turabi.
-The quality of Physical growth in the city of Danesfahan and proposed it,s spatial organization (2015), in Armanshahr magazine shared with M. Saidi and S. Tabatabaee.
-Evaluated Indicators of good urban governance (2015), in International magazine of urban management, shared with M. Saidi and S.Tabatabaee.
-Planning as a main factor in urban planning approach (2015), in Bagh,e,Nazar , shared with K.Habibi and M. Saidi.
- Indicators for localizing of urban pedestrian in relation to social sustainable goals with ANP Method (2015), Shared with K. Habibi and M. Pirayegar, in Jurnal of Howiat, e, Shahr, No 4.
-The strategies in urban design in relation to urban entrance and exit gates (2016), shared with K, Habibi and M. Saidi, in constraction engineering of Tehran Province, No 4.
- Sustainable tourism management by using recreational carrying capacity concept (2016), shsred with M. sabokkhiz, etal, in Canadian center of Science and education, No. 4- Vol.8
-ValiAsr Street as Spinal column structure for the city of Tehran, (2015), in Architecture and Constuction, No.3.
-Quality measurement of social Functions in related to urban gates and tourism development (2015), shared with M. Saidi and K. Habibi. In Tourism Journal (Tehran University).
- Role of High rised Building location in relation to environmental sustainability (2017), shared with H. Saaremi and A. Vahid, in The Journal of Haman Geographical researches, Univ. of Tehran.
-Planning for development of favorable district for the elderies, case Study Kermans, Arg district (2017), Shared with H. Vazirizade in Journal of sustainable development, Vol. 10. No. 2.
-Role of smart Management in urban physical planning for decreasing of earthquake effects (2017), Shared with K. Habibi and M. Ehsani, in the Journal of Hoviyet-ey shahr.
-Risk,s evaluation of the Tehran's Metro Station in related to earthauake with decreasing Approach on smart Management (2017), Shared with K.Habibi M.Ehsaani in Hoviatecy, shahr.
-Based ecological city in relation to sustainable development (2017), Shared with R.Afshin Akhgar. In Baghenazar.
-Present of a model for high rized Building location in relation to sustainable environment with topsis method. (2017), Shared with A. Vahid and H.R. Saaremi in Gheshm Journal.
-Identification of the effective factors on socio spatial segregation. a ease study of Fadak and kerman neighborhoods location (2018), Shared with S, Jalili and M. Behzadfar, in Naghsh, Jaham, Vol.8, No.7.
-The necessity of urban land use planning in related to smart city with focus information communication technology and AHP. Method (2018), Shared with S,Kanani Moghadam, M.Behzadfar and Z.ZarAbadi, in urban management studies quarterly periodical No. 35
-Comparison of developmental motivation experiences with approaching in urban regeneration (2018), Shared with M. Hashemi and H.Zabihi, in quarterly periodical of geography, No. 60.
-Measuring the performance of supportive spaces in pedestrian network of the central tissue in shahrekord (2019), Shared with H. Mosharaf Dehkordi, in spatial planning Journal, Vol.8 No.4.
-Spatial citizen approach in related to citizen participatory and urban planning process (2018), shared with E.Aslani and M.Aslani, in GIS Journal., Vol. 8, No. 3.
-the neighborhood sustenance management in related to earthquake in old textures and FAHP method, acase stady Abdolabad (2018), Shared with M.Nayri, M.Rezaee and N. S.Rezvani, in The Journal of Geographical Regional Planning, Vol. 8, No2.
-Survey of social spacial regeneration of educational income, occupational and ehtic groups by Geo segregation analyzer software, case. Study Kerman neighborhood in Tehran (2018), Shared with S.Jalili sadrabad and M.Behzadfar, in urban management Journal. No.50.
-Assessing environmental qualities in the city Gateway and prioritizing them by means to the analysis network process (2017), Shared with K. Habibi and M. Saidi. In the Journal of Iranian Architecture and Urbanism.
-Survey of place situated on perceptual risks of vandalisms in relation to urban public places, case study: Borje Ghorban neighborhood in the city of Hamedan (2018), Shared with S. Esmaeilpoor and K. Zakerhaghighi, in Journal of urban studies.
-Urban land use planning approach in intelligent city in relation to promethee ranking method, a case study district 22 of the city of Tehran (2019), Shared with S. kanani Moghadam, M.Behzadfar and Z. Zarabadi, in The Journal of Resilient city (JRC).
-The location of mortived development projects in informal urban textures (2019), Shared with M. Hashemi and H. Zabihi in journal of Bagh-e Nazar.
-Identify and prioritize the components of the learning city with an emphasis learning (2019), Shared with M. Yousofi, M.R. Khatibi and N.S. Rezvani, in the Journal of learning in novation, No.71.
-Urban land use planning in relation to earthquake and old urban textures, case study of Abdolabad in Tehran, (2019), Shared with M. Nayeri, M. Rezaee and N.S. Rezvani, in Journal of Human Geography Researches, Vol. 57, No. 2.
-Spatial structure of cinema,s development in the city of Arak in modernism era (2019), Journal of Razan, No. 9.
-Feasibility of developing a pedestrian network in the central tissue of Shahrekord (2019), shared with H.M. Dehkordi, Journal of urban studies
Assessment of the ecosystem-based and canvas city Approach Based on sustainable development by the integrated environmental method (IEA) (2019), shared with R.A. Akhger and M.Rezaee. In the Journal of Bagh-e Nazar, Vol. 16, No. 74.
  3- Published Articles in Encyclopedias:
  - Functional Role in Iranian Cities (2008), in: The Islamic Great Encyclopedia, Tehran.
  - Written Essay in Encyclopedia of Urban and Rural Management (2008), Published by Daneshname,e, Bozorg,e, Farsi, Under The Following items:
 -  Urban Lands, Plan, Planning and Urban Plans, Urban Planning, Urban Sustainability, Urban Structure, Urban Disasters, The Iranian Great Council of Urban Planning and Architecture, Healty Town and Livable City, Municipality, New Towns, Land use, Megalopolis, Metropolis, The Iranian architecture and Urban Development Researeh Center, Urban Studies.
  4-Conference attendance:
  - The First Conference of New Life in the Traditional Iranian Urban Textures, Held by IUST (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discussion), Tehran, (1989).
  - The Fifth Conference of Rural Areas and Development, Held by Iran Ministry of Jahade,e, Sazandegy (as a Paper Presenter) Tehran, (1990).
  - The Second International Conference of Reconstruction of War Victim Areas in Iran, Held by University of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter) Tehran, (1990).
  - The International Conference of National and Regional Designing, held by Iranian Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a Paper Presenter) Isfahan, (1992).
  - The International Conference of Natural Disaster in Urban Areas, Held by Municipality of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter) Tehran, (1992).
  - The Eighth Congress of Iranian Geographers, Held by University of Isfahan, (as a Paper Presenter) Isfahan, (1992).
  - The First Conference of Cities and People, Held by University of Tabriz, (as a Paper Presenter), Tabriz, (1992).
  - The First Seminar of Iranian Rural Guide Plans Evauation, Held by Islamic Revolution, of Housing Foundation, (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discussion), Tehran, (1992).
  - The Iranian Central Province Development Seminar, Held by Iranian Central Province Governor Foundation, (as a Paper Presenter), Arak, (1993).
  - The International Conference of Iranian New Towns Problems, Held by Iranian Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a paper presenter), Isfahan, (1993).
  - The First Seminar of Residential Development Policies in Iran, held by Iranian Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (1994).
  - The Second Seminar of Residential Development Policies in Iran, Held by Iranian Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a paper presenter), Tehran, (1995).
  - The Fourth Conference of Traffic Engineering, Held by Municipality of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (1995).
  - The Third Seminar of Residential Development Policies in Iran, Held by Iranian Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (1996).
  - The Third International Conference of Iranian Reconstruction of War Victim Areas in Iran, Held by University of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (1996).
  - The First Conference of High Rise Buildings, Held by Iran University of Science and Technology, (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discussion), Tehran, (1997).
  - The Conference of Fifty Years Planning and Development in Iran, Held by Iranian Planning and Management Organization and University of allameh Tabatabayee, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (1998).
  - The Second Conference of High Rise Buildings, held by Iran University of Science and Technology, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2001).
  - The First Conference of Iranology, Held by Iranology Fundation, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2002).
  - The Seminar of Children around Tehran's Railway, Held by Municipality of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2002).
  - The Seminar of Relief and Life Boat in Disaster Events, Held by Iran,s Red Crescent Organization , (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2002).
  - The Conference of Avaje City Earth Quake, Held by Construction Engineers Organization of Qazvin Province, (as a Paper Presenter), Qazvin, (2003).
  - The Conference of Iranian Urban Problems, Held by University of Shiraz, (as a Paper Presenter), Shiraz, (2004).
  - The Conference of Community Development of Tehran, Held by Municipality of Tehran, (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discussion).
  - The International Conference of New Towns, Held by Iran Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2005).
  - The Second Conference of City Images of Qazvin, Held by Municipality of Qazvin, (as a Paper Presenter), Qazvin, (2005).
  - The First Conference of City and Sport, Held by Iranian Organization of Sport, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2006).
  - The First Conference of Planning and Urban Management, Held by Municipality of Mashad, (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discussion), Mashad, (2006).
  - The First Conference of Urban Economic Development, Held by International University of Imam Khomeini, (as a Paper Presenter), Qazvin, (2006).
  - The Conference of Iranian Women Architects, Held by Iranian Council of Architects, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2007).
  - The Seminar of Investigation and Analysis of Opinions and Thoughts of Dr. Hossein Shakooee, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2008).
  - The Conference of World Humanitaria Studies (WHS) (as a Paper Presenter, Shared With M.A.Eskandri), Holland, (2008).
  - The Conference of Networke of Humanities Action, (as a Paper Presenter, Shared With E.Alizade), Holland, (2009)
  - The Seminar of New Ideas in Urban Management, (as a Paper Presenter), Tehran, (2008).
  - The Conference of Children Position in Urban Areas, (as a Paper Presenter), Shiraz, (2008).
  - The International Conference of Zagros Settlements, Held by University of Kurdistan, (as a Paper Presenter and Panel Discossion), Sanandaj, (2008).
  - The First Conference of the City of Karaj Development Problems, Held by Municipality of Karaj, (as a Paper Presenter), Karaj, (2008).
  - The Conference of local Information and Integrated Management in Urban Areas, (as a Paper Presenter), Shared With S.Alipoor, Tehran, (2008).
-the Fourth international conference of Health and Curecas a paper presents shared with K.Habibi and K.Torabi, Tehran, (2009).
  - The First International Conference of Suitable City for Disabled Groups, (as a Paper Presenter), Shared With S.Meymandi, Tehran, (2009).
  -Investigation of Urban Vulnerability in Front of Earthquake with GIS Analysis (2010), in: Fourth Congress of Islamic World Geographers (Shared With kamal Torabi) Zahedan
  -Resistanting for urban historical textures (2010), The First Conference of Resistanting and Urban Management, Arak.
- Cultural development and citizenship morality (2011), in: Conference of Cultural Development and it’s Strategies, Arak.
-National conference of Contemporary Iranian Architecture and Urban planning items, as a paper presenter, shared with S.H. Ghazitababaei, Shiraz (2010).
-Fourth congress of Islamic world Geographers, as a paper presenter, Shared with K.Torabi, Zahedan, (2010)
 -Conference of scientific architectural and urban planning in Relation To civil Defencecas a paper presenter, shared with M.Anam pour, Tehran (2010).
-Conference of Cultural Development And it,s Strategies,(As A Paper presenter, Arak, (2011).
-Fourth International Disaster, risk Conference, as a paper presenter, shared with k. Habibi and M.A. Skandari, Davos (Switzerland) (2012).
 - International Conference of Urban Design, as a paper presenter, Shared with A. Shieh, Univ. of Kurdistan (2012).
 - international conference of Iranian Utopias (2013), shared with M. Gholami and V.Nazari
 -Participatory urban regeneration, as a presenter, shared with A.Soleimani and M. Sabokkhiz, Technical UNIV of Berlin (TUB), Berlin (2013).
 -National conference of Architecture and urban planning humanities, as a paper Presenter, Shared with R.Rastgoy and L.Mostafazadeh, Qiau (2013).
 -First International Conference of Urban Reconstraction, Shared with M.Ghasemi (2014).
 -First National Conference of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Shared With M.Ghasemi (2014).
 -5Th International conference of Integrated Natural management, as a paper presenter, Tehran (2014).
  - Urban Public Spaces Decoration in Related to Population Tranquillity (2012), International Conference of Urban Design, (Shared With Abbas Shieh).
  - Role of Public Participation in Relation to Public Facilities and Urban Enfrastructure (2012) International Conference of Iranian Utupias(Shared With Mohammad Gholami and Valiollah Nazari).
-Role of urban management on physical and special structure in city of Arak (2011), in scientific conference of developmental concepts of Arak.
-Investigation of empowerment factors in relation to small cities (2011), shared with H.Hosseinpoor. in conference of empowerment of small cities, Gazvin.
-The socio economic effects of Industrial eitles in physical growthes of Iranian cities. (2012), shared with R.Maarefdoost in Fourth conference of National Economy. Ghzvin.
-Effects of location models of Industrial cities in regional sustainable development (2012), shared with R.M. Maarefdoost, in First conference of planning for Built environment.
-The effective factors in relation to pedestrian with sustainable development Approach (2012), shared with T. Larimian and A.Sadeghi. in 12th conference of Iranian Traffic Engineeing
-Role of advocacy planning in urban special development for children lawes (2013), shared with N.Khodadadi, in first conference of Iranian urban public spaces.
- The structure of iranian urban regeneration plans (2013), in participatory urban regeneration programme, Technical Univ. of Berlin (TUB) Berlin, shared with Atefe soleimani and Maryam Saboukhiz.
- Improving environmental quality at the entrances of the city, Case Study: the entrance to the city of Baneh, from the Armardeh (2013), shared with M. Saidi, the International Conference of Civil Engineering, Architecture and sustainable development, Tabriz
- Contemporary Iranian urban planning (2013), in First conference of urban planning in passing of time, Imam Khomeini univ. Ghazvin.
- Urban planning in relation to environmental nature of Iran (2013), in the day of urban planners conference, Univ. of Bojnord.
- Lessones of urban structure in the old Texture of Arak (2013), in conference of historical Texture regeneration with urban renewal approach.
- Crisis management in related to Human and natural situations, in: information Technology era (2013), in the conference of urban crisis management. 
- The Ecological city, a new idea Sustainable Development and urban textures (2014), in first internation couference of urban reconstraction, sanandaj, shared with marzieh ghasemi.
- Investigation of Environment in the world's new urban planning's (2014), in first National Conference of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Shared with Marzieh Ghasemi
- Balancing in special urban and regional planning in relation to disrising of natural disaster effects (2014), in 5Th International Conference of Natural Disaster Management, Tehran.
- Regional sustainable development and it,s ecological obligation (2014), in First congress of pioneers of progress, shared with S.H. Mirzadeh.
- Investigation of effective factors on urban semantic (2014), in the conference of new ideas in Architecture and urban planning, shared with M. Hamidi Fard.
- Land use planning around Mashhad second metro station (2014), in the conference of Architecture, Civil engineering and new urban Development, shared with M. Omidi.
- Comparision of urban in Iranian Islamic era with present cities (2015), in Islamic Architecture and Urban planning conference, Bandar Anzali
- Empowerment plan for unofficial settlement of Bushehr Port with emphasis on rehabilitation (2014), in: Regeneration program, participation and urban Regeneration conference, IUST.
- Urban planning importance (2014), in Annual gathering of constraction Ingineere,s Organization in Bushehr.
  • Importance of Urban planner's day (2015), in Annual conference of Constraction Engineers organization of Busher Provine.
  • Urban planning training to execative urban planning (2015), in: First National Conference of Iran's urban planning training, Univ. of Tehran.
  • Evaluation of urban Environments in relation to healthy city (2015), shared with S.L.Mahmudi, in First International conference of ciril engineering, Architecture and urban planning, Shiraz.
  • The environment of the cities in relation to Islamic era of Iran (2015), in the conference of Environmental crisis in the cities of Islamic countries.
  • The conceptual urban planning via urban planning Training (2015), in: Annual conference of constraction Engineers organization of East Azarbaijan Province, Tabriz.
  • The modelling of urban planning and design framework document (2015), shared with K. Habibi and M. Saidi.
  • The social Life of the Iranian cities in relation to Islamic era and their situation of to-day modern cities (2016), in: The conference Islamic Architecture and urban planning, Univ. of Mazandaran –Babolsar.
  • Suitable public facilities for children in relation to citizenship rights (2016), in the children word day session, cityhall of Tehran.
  • The qualities of criteria's in relation urban gates and their effects on sustainable design (2016), shared with A.Jamali, in Second international conference of urban planning, management and urban development, Shiraz.
  • Decentralization in relation To Regional and National planning concepts (2016), in the conference of Decentralization, Challenges and their problems, the Iranian management and plan.
  • The empowerment approaches in relation to old urban texture in Bushehr (2016), in: international conference of poverty settlements, Univ. of Kurdistan, Sanandaj.
  • The recovering and renewal process in urban poverty settlements (2016), in the Learning workshop of international poverty Settlement with cooperation of Univ. of Kurdistan and united nation branch in Iran.
  • The fundamental of planning for urbanization (2016), in the shared Session of the plan for human Settlement and Univ. of Sciences and Researches, in Tehran.
  • Concepts of the city and city planning in the information technology era (2016), conference of sustainable architecture and urban planning in the new technology period.
  • The effect of public participation in urban renewal of district 12 of city of Tehran (2016), shared with M. Naderisanj. Second conference urban planning, management and urban development. Shiraz.
  • Neighborhood structure in the word in relation to new technologies and virtual communication (2017), in the fourth conference of recent achievement in civil engineering, architecture and urban planning, Tehran.
  • Comparison between the image transition of the cities in Iranian Islamic era and today Iranian cities (2017), in urban planner's day, QIau.
  • Sustainable urban regeneration in traditional Iranian urban neighborhoods (2017), Shared with M.R.Behnia, in the conference of sustainable resistance from desire to reality, QIau.
  • Investigation of sustainable urban development and it limitations. In fabric Iranian urban textures (2018), Shared with S.Azam Mirjalali, international conference of civil engineering, Architecture and Iran's urban development management, Univ. of Tehran.
  • The lovely friend city for children (2018), Islamic council of the city of Mashhad.
  • Contemporary regional planning in Iran (2018), fifth national conference of Iranian Architecture and urban planning in passing of time, Ghazvin.
  • An achievement model for regional planning development in the province of Hamadan (2018), Shared with V.Pashmakian in the second international conference of civil engineering, architecture, urban design, Tehran.
  • Investigation of Iranian city hall's income resources in the city of NazarAbad in relation to sustainable urban (2018), development, Shared with A.A. Alizade, in the fifth national conference on management and humanistic science research in Iran, Univ. of Tehran.
  • The concept of neighborhood in the Iranian traditional urban planning (2019), in the fifth international congress of Islamic Sciences IUST.
  • Identifying the strategies of urban regeneration of decayed fabric based on the principles of sustainable development (2019), Shared with S.Azam Mirjalali. International conference on landscape ecology and urban sustainability. China.
  5- Research Projects:
  - Proposed Land Use Criteria in Iranian Urban Master Plans (1977), Adibi Harris, Counsulting Engineers, Tehran.
  - Proposed Land Use Standards for Iranian Cities (1981), Jahad,e, Daneshgahi, (Iran Univ. of Science and Technology).
  - Investigation of Earthquake Effects on Urban and Rural Buildings in Iran (1981), Jahad,e, Daneshgahi, (Iran Univ. of Science and Technology), Tehran.
  - Centralization and Decentralization of Public Facilities in Central Province of Iran (1985), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  - Activities, Functions and Public Services in Iranian Rural Areas (1993), Iran Ministry of Jahad,e, Sazandegi, Tehran.
  - The Effective Factors on Special and Physical Structure of Cities (2000), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  - Safety Requirements for The City of Tehran in Relation to Natural Disasters (2002), Secreterate of Crisis Management Master Plan of the city of Tehran, Tehran.
  - Tehran, Natural Disasters and The Center for Crisis Management in Tehran (2002), Center for Crisis Management of The City of Tahran, Tehran.
  - Legal Requirements for Natural Crisis Management in Tehran (2002), Center for Crisis Management of Tehran, Tehran.
  - Planning for Intercity Roads Services and Welfares in Iran (2004), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  - Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning (2006), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  - The Indicators to Recognize of Non Official Settlements in Cities (2007), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  - Investigation of Role of Bazar in Iranian Urban Tradinal Texturs (2008), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology.
  - Urban Utopic Ideas in Iranian Islamic Periods (2009), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology, Tehran.
  -Historical Transition of Schools and Educational Planning in Iran (2010), Iran Ministry of Education (shared with Naser pir Jalili), Tehran.
  - Fundamental of Educational Location in Iranian Urban Textures (2010), Iran Ministry of Education, (Shared with Naser pir jalili, Tehran.
  -Urban Planning in Relation to Earthquake (2011), Iran Univ. of Science and Technology.
 - The Effects of Environmental Factors on Urban Land Use Planning (2012), IUST.
 - Methods to Provide Scientific Urban Master Plans (2013), IUST.
-Iranian experiences and laws of urban regeneration (2014), IUST.
 6-Member of Editorial Board of Scientific Journals (Domestic and International).
- Tarh,o,Nemad, the scientific magazine of school of architecture and urban planning(1999-2019), IUST.
-Urban management studies (2009-2019), USRBPR.
-Urban planner (2003-2011) Iran society if urban planner
-Urban structure (2004-2014).
-International journal of engineering science (2007-2009), IUST.
- Armanshahr, (2008-2019).
-Urban-regional studies and research (2008-2014) univ. of Isfahan.
-Urban and rural management encyclopedia (2008) the foundation of great persian encyclopedia.
-International journal of architectural engineering and urban planning (2010-2015) IUST.
-Urban ecology (2010-2014) Univ. of payam,e,Noor.
-Urban studies (2011-2019) Univ. of Kurdistan.
-Urban planning thought (2012-2014), IKIU.
-International journal of seismology and earthquake engineering (2012-2015), IIEES.
-Haft hesar (2013-2017), IAUH.
-Cheshmandaaz (2010-2012) Majmae Tashkhis Maslehat, urban infrastructure committee.
-Space ontonolgy in International journal (2013-2019), QIAU.
-City (2012-2015) Univ. of Mazandaran
-Urban and Regional planning (2014-2019) Univ. of Allame Tabatabaee.
  7-Awards and Scholarships:
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Chacellor of IUST, and Head of Jahad,e, Daneshgahi (1981), for University’s Activities, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST, Research Deputy, (1985), for an Academic Research, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST, Research Deputy (1985), for Cooperation with Research Policy Group at the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST, Research Deputy (1985), for Cooperation with Publishing Policy Group at the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST, Head of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (1987), for Cooperation to Opening an Exhibition of Rural Rehabilitation, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Head of Technical Office, Kudestan Gaverner Province (1987), for Providing Guide Plan for City of Hassan Abad, Sanandaj.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Research Deputy (1989), for Publishing a Prospectus for the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Jahad,e, Sazandegy (1989), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Higher Education (1991) for Compilation Book of Introduction to Urban Planning as a Selected Universities Year Book, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Chancellor of IUST (1991), for Compilation Book of Introduction to Urban Planning as a Selected Universities Year Book, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Head of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (1991), for Compilation Book of Introduction to Urban Planning as a Selected Universities Year Book, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, (1991), Issued by Mayor City of Kalachay.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iranian Minister of Housing and Urban Development (1991), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Isfahan.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Chancellor of University of Isfahan (1992), for Essay Presentation in Congress, Isfahan.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Chancellor of University of Tabriz (1992), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tabriz.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Central Province Governor (1993), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Arak.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Chancellor of IUST (1994), for Book Compilation, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Housing and Urban Development (1994), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Housing and Urban Development (1995), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Housing and Urban Development (1996), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Mayor of Arak (1997), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Arak.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Secretary of the First Conference of High Rise Buildings in Iran, IUST (1997), for Essay Presentation, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Head of School of
  Architecture and Urban Planning (1998), for Effort to Establish M.Sc. of Urban Planning and Urban Design at The University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Secretary of the Conference of Cultural and Non Cultural Development Aspects for The City of Tehran (1999), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Secretary of the Second Conference of High Rise in Iran, IUST (2001), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Chancellor of IUST (2001), for Tenure of Prineipalship of Education at the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Educational Deputy (2001), for Educational Effort.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST. Educational Deputy (2001), for Management of Educational Office.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST. Chanceller (2007), for Cooperation with Students in Relation to Students Graduation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Educational Deputy (2001), for Managing of Educational Office at the University.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iranian Urban Planners Sociaty (2002), for Cooperation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by University of Kurdistan (2003), for Essay Presentation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST. Chanceller (2003), for University, s Effort.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by The Jahad,e, Daneshgahi of Hormozgan Province (2003), for Learning of Urban Islamic Councils Members in Hormozgan Province, Bandar Abbas.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Chancellor of University of Kurdistan (2003), for Scientific Speech for Students, Sanandaj.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Research Center of Economy at University of Tarbiat,e, Modarres (2003), for Learning of Urban Islamic Councils Members, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by The Scientific and Technical Deputy of Chabahar Free Zone (2003), for Scientific Consulting, Chabahar.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Conference Secretary of Iran's Urban Problems (2003), for Essay Presentation in Conference Univ. of Shiraz, Shiraz.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Deputy of Education (2003), for Starting of Mechanized System of Education at the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Cultural and Social affairs Deputy of Tehran Municipality (2004), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by The Research Deputy of Central Province Organization of Ershad,e, Eslami (2004), for Selecting as a Preferable Researcher, Arak.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Housing and Urban Development (2005), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Deputy of Cultural and Students Affairs (2005), for Cooperation to With a Seminar on Student, Management and Strategies, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Mayor of City of Qazvin (2005), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Qazvin.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST School of Architecture and Urban Design (2005), for Tenure of Chairmanship at School of Architecture and Urban Planning During Years 2003-2005, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Conference Secretary of City and Sport (2006), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Iran Minister of Housing and Urban Development (2006), for Membership in Board of Directors, Construction Engineers Organization of Tehran Province, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by The Conference Secretary of Urban Economic Development, International Univ. of Imam Khomeini (2006), for Essay Presentation in Conference.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Conference Secretary of Planning and Urban Management (2006), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Mashad.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Head of School of Art and Architecture, Sciences and Researches Unit, Islamic Azad University (2007), for Scientific Speech for Ph.D. Students, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation and Golden Table, Issued by Festival Secretary of Superiors Research in Urban Management (2008), for Compilation of Responsive Urban Planning for Children, as a Superior Mark, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Secretary of International Conference of Zagros Settlements (2008), for Essay Presentation, Univ. of Kurdistan, Sanandaj.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Head of Industrial Town of Alborz (2008), for Speech in Fortieth Year Ceremony of Industrial Town of Alborz Stablishment, Qazvin.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Mayor of the City of Karaj (2008), for Speech Presentation in the Conference of Karaj, Problems and Opportunities, Karaj.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Zanjan Province Municipalities Organization (2008), for Judgment of Snow and Frozen Statues in Urban Spaces, Zanjan.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Head of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (2009), for Cooperation to Establish Ph.D. of Urban Planning Program at the University, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST head of School of Architecture and Urban Planning (2009), for Selecting of Honored Teacher for The Year of 2009 at The School, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by IUST Society of Architecture Graduates (2009), for Selecting of Honored Teacher for The year of 2009 at The IUST School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tehran.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Secretary of Fourth Conference of Urban Development and Urban Landscaping (2010), for Essay Presentation in Conference, Qazvin.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by the Chancellor of IUST (2010), for Cooperation as a Member of Editorial Board of Iust International Journal of Engineering Sciences During 2007-2009.
  -Letter of Appreciation ,Issued by Chancellor of Islamic Azad Univ. of Malayer (2010), for Speech Presentation in Relation to Urban Planning.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Scientific Council of Isfahan Univ. of Art (2010), for Scientific Speech.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Central Province Governor (2010), for Speech in Conference.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Research Deputy of Industrial Univ. Of Sharif (2011), for Cooperation with Scientific Board of Conference in Urban Management.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Official Board of 18 Universities and Urban Planning Organizations (2011), as a Choosed Pioneer Urban Planner in Relation to Urban Planning Theories.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Univ. of Mazandaran (2011), for Essay Presentation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Univ. of Gilan (2011), for Essay Presentation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Azad Islamic Univ. of Arak (2012), for Essay Presentation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, by Tehran Construction Engineers Organization (2012), as a Pioneer Urban Planner of the Year.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Univ. of Ormieh and Construction Engineers Organization (2012), For Essay Presentation.
  - Letter of Appreciation, Issued by Univ. of Kurdistan (2012), for Essay Presentation.
  -Letter of Appreciation, Issued by secretary of national conference of Iranian Utupias (2012), for essay presentation, Noor.
- Letter of appreciation, Issued by the Iranian scientific center of architecture and urban planning (2013), for cooperation with above center.
 -Letter of appreciation, Issued by the chancellor of Technical Institute of dr Shariai (2013), for essay presentation.
 -Letter of appreciation, Issued by secretary of the national conference of city beautiful elements (2013).
 -Letter of appreciation, Issued by chancellor of IUST (2013), for Changing Academic Position To a professor.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Islamic Azad Univ. of Ghazvin (2013), for essay presentation, Ghazvin.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by school of Art and Architecture, Univ. of Shiraz (2014), for Book Judgment.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Tehran construction engineers organization (2014), for membership of training committee.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by fifth conference of Architectural training (2014), for learning of architectural training at the university, for more than 30 years.
-Letter of appreciation and Golden board, issued by Mayer of Tehran (2014), for presentation of higher article.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by construction engineers organization of Bushehr (2014), for presentation of article.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by IUST checellor (2014), for more than 30 years a training in architectural and urban planning.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Tehran construction engineers organization (2015), for scientific activities.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Technical Faculty of Shriaty (2015), for scientific services.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Islamic Architecture and urban planning conference (2015), for article presentation.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by East Azarbayjan construction engineers (2015), for article presentation.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Tehran 2th u.s.w urbanism spacial mobility (2014), Tehran. for scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by council of Iranian urban planners (2015), for scientific activities.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by IUST Architectural post graduate council (2015), for scientific activities.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by earth Sciences and Urban Development conference (2015), Tabriz. For scientific activities
-Letter of appreciation, issued by national conference of future of Iranian architectural and urban planning (2016), Babolsar, for scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, chancellor of Faculty of Architecture and urban planning (2017), Ghazvin Islamic Azad University for scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by conference of recent achievements in Architecture and urban planning (2017), Tehran, for Scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by Islamic Azad university of Ghazvin (2017), Ghazvin, for Scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by 5th conference of urban planning in passing of Time (2018), Ghazvin For scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by director general of cultural in heritance of central Province of Iran (2018), Arak, for scientific speech.
-Letter of appreciation, issued by chancellor of Architecture and urban planning (IUST) and Head of Tehran Province constracture organization (2019), Tehran, for Sclentific efforts.

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