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:: dr.jalali ::


Full Name:    Ali Akbr Jalali

Position:       Professor

Phone:         98-021-77240487

Fax:             98-021-77240486

Email:          drjalali AT iust.ac.ir, drjalali AT gmail.com

Higher Education

1: Postdoctoral (Electrical Engineering): Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, LCSEE, at the West Virginia University, US, 1994

2: PhD. (Electrical Engineering-Control): Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, LCSEE, at the West Virginia University, US, 1993

3:  MSc. (Electrical Engineering-Control): Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, US, 1988

4:  BSc. (Electrical Engineering-Electronic): University of Khajeh Nasiredin Toosi, Iran, Tehran 1984 

Taught Courses 

Classical Control Theory, Modern Control, Optimal Control, Robust Control, Random Control Proses, Engineering software, Information Technology, Information Systems, Signals and Systems Analyses, Fundamental of Operational Research, Calculus of Variations, Mathematics Analysis

Research Interests 

• Signals and Systems Theory and Applications.

• Robust Control and H-infinity Filtering Theory and Design.

• Computational Tools for Engineering using the WEB and MATLAB.

• Computer Based Control Applications.

• Designing ICT Strategic Plan for different organizations.

• Rural ICT Development.

• Developing the Vision for Using Information Technology (IT) and its Applications in  Education.

Grants And Research 

• MS Thesis “Design of an Algorithm for Signal Flow Graph Representation of Digital Filter”, University of Oklahoma (OU), 1988.
• Ph.D. Dissertation "Filtering, Smoothing and Deconvolution in a Discrete H-infinity Setting, A Game Theory Approach”, West Virginia University (WVU), 1993.
• Supervisor of 20 graduated master students and 5 underway, at IUST, 1994-2002.
• Supervisor of 2
Ph.D. students, under way, at IUST, 2000.
• Founder and Director of the first "Electronic and Internet City",
Kishecity a National Project in Iran, 2000-2002.
• Founder and Director of the first "Internet Village",
Shahkooh a National Project, in Iran, 2000.
• Founder and Director of the first "Village Virtual Library",
Gharnabad a National Project, in Iran, 2002.

Research and Industrial Projects:

1:  Design and implement of “Hemodialysis Unit”, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), 1994

2:  Design and implement of “Parameter Transfer Unit”, Fars Eclectic Company, 1995

3:  Design an “Electronic Cement Factory Simulator” for Eilam Cement Company, 1995

4:  Design and implement of “Inverted Pendulum”, Iran University of Science and Technology, Electronic Research Center (ERC), 1997

5: Design a “Microcontroller and Program Logic Controller (PLC)”, for Lab, Iran University of Science and Technology, Electronic Research Center (ERC), 1997

6: Design and implement of “The First Application Service Provider, ASP”, Iran University of Science and Technology, Electronic Research Center (ERC), 1998

7:  Design and implement of “The First Iranian Internet Village”, Iran University of Science and Technology, Electronic Research Center (ERC), 1999

8:  Design of “The First Information Technology Master Plan for Ministry of Education”, Iran University of Science and Technology, Electronic Research Center (ERC), 2000

9:   Design of “Mashhad Electronic City Master Plan”, Mashhad Municipality , 2001

10: Design of “10000 Rural ICT Center in Iran”, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology, 2002

11: Design of a “RFP for Information and Communication Technology”, Iranian Mines and Mining Industries development and Renovation Organization, IMIDRO, 2002

12: Design of “Iran Rural ICT Master Plan”, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology, 2002

Teaching Experience

(a) Teaching Assistant, West Virginia University, 1990-1992.
(b) Visiting Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, 1993-1994.
(c) Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department at the IUST, 1994-2005.
(d) Research Assistant Professor, West Virginia University, fall 2002 and visiting fall 2005.

Online Signals and Systems 1, for Undergraduate level.
Online MATLAB WORKSHOP for Undergraduate level.

Modern Control, for graduate level.
Robust and H-Infinity, for graduate level.
Optimal Control, for graduate level.
Stochastic Control, for graduate level.
Information Systems (IS), for graduate level in IT.
Control Engineering, for undergraduate level.
Signals and Systems, for undergraduate level.
Operation Research (for EE Students), undergraduate level.
Engineering Software Tools (mostly MATLAB and PSPICE), For undergraduate level.

Signals and Systems 1, for Undergraduate level.
Engineering Software Tools (mostly MATLAB), graduate level.
Calculus, for Business and Economy (Mathematics Department) undergraduate level.

Signals and Systems 1, undergraduate level.
Signals and Systems 2, undergraduate level.
Signals and Systems Laboratory (3 sections), undergraduate level.
Electrical Circuits Laboratory, undergraduate level.

Professional Background

• Assistant professor at the Iran University of Science & Technology, IUST, 1994-2005.
• Member of the central committee of IUST, 1996-2002.
• Adjunct Professor at the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, since 2002.
• Member of the executive committee of IUST, 1997-2002.
• Member of the central evaluation committee of IUST, 1997-2002.
• Member of the central evaluation Research committee of the Ministry of Education, 2000-2005.
• Consoulting to the Minisry of Communication and Information Technology on Rural ICT development, 2004-2005.
• Deputy to the president for Information Technology (IT) at IUST, 1997-2005.
• Deputy to the president of Telecommunication Company for IT, at the state of Khorasan 2001-2001.
• Deputy to the president for International and public relation at IUST, 1997-2001.
• Vice president of Research at the Electronic Research Center,
ERC, at IUST, 1999-2001.
• Deputy to the president of Kish Free Zoon Organization,
KFZO, for Information Technology (IT), 1999-2002.
• Founder and Director of Kish Electronic City,
Kishecity, at Kish Island, 1999-2002.
• Founder and Director of the first Internet village,
Shahkooh, at the state of Golestan, 1999-2002.
• Chair of the World Internet and Electronic Cities Conference,
WIECC2001, Kish Island, May 1-3, 2001.
• Chair of the First Iranian ICT Conference For Rural Areas,
IRICT2003, Tehran, University of Science and Technology, April 22-23, 2004.
• Chair of the First Iranian Local Development ICT Conference For Rural Areas,
RICTD2004, Gharnabad Village, March 20, 2003.
• Director of International Office,
IO, at IUST, 1997-2000.
• Director of Office Research and Development,
R&D, at IUST, 1996-1998.
• Director of Control Group at Electrical Engineering Department,
EE, at IUST, 1994-1997.
• Director of Short Courses and Workshops at the Electrical Engineering Department and at IUST, 1994-1997.
• Director of Computer Laboratory at Electrical Engineering Department at IUST, 1994-1997.
• Visiting Assistant Professor, at the Lane Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department,
LCSEE, at WVU, Morgantown, U.S.A., 1993-1994.

Professional Memberships

IICTA board member of Iran Information and communication Technology Association.

ISISA board member of Iranian Study for Information Society Association.

• IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

• ISCI Iranian Society of Instrument & Control Engineering (member of directors).

• UICEE UNESCO International Center for Engineering Education.

• ACEID The Asia-Pacific Center of Educational Innovation for Development.

Honors And Awards

       • Award for the instructor of the year in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IUST.

       (By vote of students), 1998

• National Award from "Kharazmi Festival" for Design and product of the first Dialyses Machine in Iran, 1995.

• Award for the instructor of the year in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IUST. (By vote of students), 1997.

• Award for the researcher of the year in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IUST. (By the Office of Research and Development), 1999.

• Awards for the director of the year at Electronic Research Center at IUST, 1999.

• Award for the 2nd best director and principal at IUST, 2000.

• Award for the best principal at Electronic Research Center at IUST, 2000.

• Award for the researcher of the year in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IUST. (By the Office of Research and Development), 2000.

• National Award from Ministry of Cultural for the best translated book of the year "Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)", in the field of computer, 2001.




1: Edited Chapter Book: “Supply Chain Management Systems Advanced Control: MPC on SCM”, Intech Open Access Publisher, 2011

2: Edited: “WEB Programming from Basic to Advance”, Dibagaran Publishing Co., 2011

3: Edited: “The Smart Schools Road map”, Ministry of Educations Publishing Co., 2010 (print 1), 2011 (Print 2)

4: Edited: “Rural Tele-centers Socio-Economic Impacts in Iran”, LAMBERT Academic Publishing، 2010

5: Edited: “Public Relation 2.0”, Kargozaran Public Relation Publication, 2009

6: Edited: “One Year Effort on Information Communication Technology in Iran”, Electronic Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

7: Edited: “Electronic Cities”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2001 (print 1), 2004 (print 2), 2007 (print 3), 2009 (print 4)

8: Edited: “Information Technology Management”, Bazargani Publishing Co, 2006 (print 1), 2008 (print 2)

9: Edited: “Aladdin and Magic Lamp”, Electronic Research Center, Iran University of Science and Technology,, 2001 (print 1), 2007 (print 2)

10: Translate: “Electronic Circuit Analysis using MATLAB”, 2004 (print 1), 2007 (print 2)

11: Edited: “Reduced order systems”, Springer Publishing Co. 2007

12: Edited: “Socio-Economic Impacts of Rural ICT in Iran”, Published by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Bangkok, 2006

13: Edited: “Electronic Villages”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2004

14: Edited: “Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP”, Khadamat Anformatic Rahbar Publishing, 2004

15: Edited: “Teaching WORD to Youth”, Madreseh Publishing Co., 2004 (print 1), 2011 (print 2)

16: Edited: “Teaching EXCEL to Youth”, Madreseh Publishing Co., 2004 (print 1), 2011 (print 2)

17: Edited: “Teaching POWER POINT  to Youth”, Madreseh Publishing Co., 2004 (print 1), 2011 (print 2)

18: Edited: “Teaching FRONT PAGE to Youth”, Madreseh Publishing Co., 2004 (print 1), 2011 (print 2)

19: Edited: “E-Government”, Esfehan Mobarakeh Steel Company, 2006

20: Edited: “Student’s Creative Computer Games”, Electronic Research Center, Gorgan Education Office, 2006

21: Edited, “The First Step Toward ICT Development, Iran”, Research Institute for ICT, 2004

22: Edited, “Rural ICT Development, Iran”, Research Institute for ICT, 2004

23: Edited, “ICT Sector of the 4th Development Program, Iran”, Research Institute for ICT, 2004

24: Edited, “National ICT Strategic Plan, Iran”, Research Institute for ICT, 2004

25: Edited, “Fundamental Issue of WSIS for Administrators”, Research Institute for ICT, 2004

26: Translate: “Practical Consideration on Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing co., 2003

27: Edited Chapter Book: “Curriculum in Information Technology Age”, Lessons Programming Association, Ministry of Education, 2002

28: Edited, “Family ICT Awareness”, Family Educational Center, Ministry of Education, 2002

29: Edited: “Application Service Provider for ICT”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2001

30: Translate: “Contemporary Linear Systems”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2001

31: Translate: “Programmable Logic Controller, PLC”, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 1998 (print 1), 2006 (print 2)

MS Thesis, Ph.D. Dissertation

• MS thesis "An Algorithm For Signal Flow Graph Representation of Digital Filters," University of Oklahoma, 1988.
• Ph.D. dissertation "Filtering, Smoothing and Deconvolution in a Discrete H-infinity Setting; A Game Theory Approach," West Virgina University, 1993.

Journal Papers :

1. Maryam Niknejad, Abolfazl Zare, Aliakbar Jalali, "Designing a Feasible Model for Social Commerce in Developing Countries", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 11, PP 434-440, November 2012

  2. Aliakbar Jalali , Hassan Golmohammad, " An optimal multiple-model strategy to design a controller for nonlinear processes: A boiler-turbine unit ", Computer and Chemical Engineering Journal, June 2012

  3. Aliakbar Jalali , Hassan Golmohammad, " Design and implementation of an optimal multiple-model adaptive controller for line-of-sight stabilization ", International Journal of Control , 2012

  4. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “Stabilization of fractional-order unstable delay systems by fractional-order controllers”, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering , Vol. 226, No. 9, 2012

  5. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali, Khosro Khandani, M. Rahmani, " Robust Design Based on Complex-order integrator loop gain ", Int. Review of Autom.Control, Vol. 5, No. 2., March 2012

  6. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “ Stabilisation of unstable FOPDT processes with a single zero by fractional-order controllers ”, International Journal of Systems Science, Feb. 2012

  7. Iraj Kheirizad, Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “ Stabilization of all-pole unstable delay systems by fractional-order [PI] and [PD] controllers ”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, March 2012

  8. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation Methods Based on Truncated Binary Search Trees and Lattice Representation in Explicit MPC”, IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology, May 2012

  9. Mohammad Miranbeigi, Ali Akbar Jalali & Ali Miranbeigi, "Design of Distributed Optimal Adaptive Receding Horizon Control for Supply Chain of Realistic Size under Demand Disturbances", International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Volume 22, Number 3, pp. 159-169, September 2011

  10. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Using hash tables to manage time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit MPC”, Automatica, Journal of IFAC, Vol. 47, No. 3, PP. 571-577, March 2011

  11. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “On Constant Reference Traching Problem For Fast Linear Constrained Systems”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011

  12. Ali Akbar Jalali, Shabnam Khosravi, “Tuning of FOPID Controller Using Taylor series expansion”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011

  13. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Receding Horizon Control on Large Scale Supply Chain ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011

  14. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Decreasing Inventory Levels Fluctuations by Moving Horizon Control Method and Move Suppression in the Demand Network ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011

  15. Hamideh Hamidian, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Calculation for PID Controller Calculation of PID Controller Parameters for Unstable First Order Time Delay Systems ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011

  16. Ali Akbar Jalali, Mohammad Reza Okhovvat and Morteza Okhovva, ” A new applicable model of Iran rural e-commerce development”, Procedia Computer Science, Science Direct, Elsevier, Vol. 3, PP. 1157-1163, Feb. 2011

  17. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Consecutive Robust Predictive Control on A Supply Chain Network with Kalman Filter State Estimator ”, “ International Journal of Innovation, management and Technology ”, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 66-74 April 2010

  18. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Receding Horizon Control on Large Scale Production/Distribution/Inventory Network ”, “ International Journal of Innovation, management and Technology ”, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 87-93 April 2010

  19. Farhad Bayat , Ehsan Adeli, Farshad Bayat, Ali Akbar Jalali, “ A Non-parametric Heuristic Algorithm for Convex and Non-Convex Data Clustering Based on Equipotential Surfaces ”, Journal of Expert Systems With Applications (Elsevier), Volume 37, Issue 4, pp 3318-3325, April 2010

  20. Hamidreza Talebi, Ali A.Jalali, “Efficient tag clouds for use in E-learning 2.0” ,JCIT Journal, 2010

  21. Ali A. Jalali , “A New Approach to Design Smith Predictor Based Fractional Order Controllers”, Vol 2. No. 4, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering”, ( IJCEE ), August 2010

  22. Aliakbar Jalali , Mehdi Safi, “Vision Based Range Estimation and Sliding Mode Control of Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in The Mission of Aerial Refueling”, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2010

  23. Khosro Khandani and Ali Akbar Jalali, A “New approach to design Smith predictor based fractional order controllers”, International journal of computer and electrical engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4. August, PP. 692-703, Aug. 2010

  24. Ali A. Jalali , Mehdi Safi, Michael Herrnberger, “ Range Estimation algorithms and fuzzy sliding mode control of two UAVs in the vision based aerial refueling ”, International Joint Journal Conference in Computer, Electronics and Electrical , November Issue, CEE 2009

  25. Farhad Bayat , Hossein Bolandi, Ali Akbar Jalali, “A Heuristic Design Method for Attitude Stabilization of Magnetic Actuated Satellites”, Journal of Acta Astronautica (Elsevier), Ltd, 65, pp 1813 –1825, 2009

  26. F. Bayat, Ali. A. Jalali, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh ,"Utilizing multi-parametric programming for optimal control of linear constrained systems" Journal of Control (A Publication of Iranian Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), Volume 3, No. 1, pp 12-22, Spring 2009

  27. I. Kheirizad, A. A. Jalali, S. M. Moghaddas Tafreshi, M. H. varahram and A. Mohammadi “Study of PSS Effect on Automatic Generation, Control System Using Hephron-Philips Model”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Engineering 1:2 pp 56-60, 2009

  28. Iraj Kheirizad, Ali Akbar Jalali and Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei, “Stability Criteria for a class of Fractional order Systems”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, Published Springer - Netherlands , online 23 December 2009

  29. Ali A. Jalali , “Stability Criteria for a Class of Fractional Order Systems”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009

  30. Ali A. Jalali , “Optimal Control L1 Low Order Design Via LMI”, Journal Jasuz, 2009

  31. Ali A. Jalali , “Utilizing a Pattern Recognition Controller and Linear Discriminate Analysis for MFL Defect Detection”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, an International Journal, 2009

  32. Ali A. Jalali , “Robust Fractional Order Control of a DC Motor Based on Particle Swarm Optimization”, Journal, 2009

  33. Saeedreza Ehteram, Alborz Rezazadeh, Ali Akbar Jalali “Utilizing a Pattern Recognition Controller and Linear Discriminate Analysis for MFL Defect Detection”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology , Volume 4, Number 1, PP 11-19, March 2009

  34. G. Shafiee, M.M. Arefi, M.R . Jahed-Motlagh , A.A. Jalali, "Nonlinear predictive control of a polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear Wiener model", Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 143, Issues 1-3, pp 282-292, 15 September 2008

  35. Nasrin Taj Neishabouri , Ali Akbar Jalali , “Providing Solution for the Neff and Chaum Protocols in E-Voting Machines Based on Security Analysis”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology an its Applications, 1388

  36. Ali A. Jalali , “The 3D Virtual Intelligent Education for INTERPOL Police of new Millennium”, Ordered by Interpol police for Journal, 2008

  37. Ali A. Jalali , A. Hadavand, “An innovative bed tempratature- oriented modeling and robust control of circulating fluidized bed combustor”, Chemical engineering Journal, 2007 (ISI)

  38. Ali A. Jalali , A. Khosravi, “A new LMI solution in the L1 optimal problem for wind turbine induction generator unit”, Elsevier, 2007 (ISI)

  39. Ali A. Jalali , A. Khosravi, “Nonlinear Predictive Control of Polymerization Reactor Based on Piecewise Linear Wiener Model”, Chemical engineering Journal, 2007 (ISI)

  40. H. Kim, Ali A. Jalali and C. Sims “Prediction, Filtering, Smoothing and Deconvolution in a Discrete H-Infinity Setting: A game theory approach”, International Journal of Control, Aug. 1988

  41. Ali A. Jalali , H. Kim, and C. Sims “New Edition for Prediction, Filtering, Smoothing and Deconvolution in a Discrete H-Infinity Setting: A game theory approach ”, International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol. 9, No. 4, 1998

  42. Ali A. Jalali , “Virtual Age: The Fourth Wave of Change”, IEEE, Transactions on Education, 1998

  43. H. Mojalali and Ali A. Jalali “ Systematic modeling for free stators rotary piezoelectric ultrasonic motor ”, IEEE/ASME 2007 ( مجله ISI ) OR 1385/11/28 ?

  44. H. Mojalali and Ali A. Jalali, “Systematic Experimental based modeling of a rotary Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motor, ISA Transaction, 2007 ( مجله ISI )

  45. H. Mojalali and Ali A. Jalali “Stator /rotor contact modeling of traveling wave ultrasonic motor”, isa transaction, 2007 (ISI مجله ) ) OR 1385/11/28 ?

  46. H. Mojalali and Ali A. Jalali, “A comparison study between linear and bilinear subspace algorithms for winding process Identification”, Iranian Journal of Engineering, IUST, IEEP 2004

  47. Ali A. Jalali “ Quantum electronics yields quantum brain : A quantum view on the ”, GESTS INT. TANS. ON COMP.AND ENG, 2007 OR 1385/11/28 ?

  48. A. Khosravi, Ali A. Jalali, “New Solution of Induced L Infinite Optimal Contro”, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1386

  49. Ali A. Jalali , “H_Infinity Deconvolution”, IEEE Transactions Journal On Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 1994

Confrence papers:

  1. Zahiri and Ali Akbar Jalali, “ Designing An Adaptive Sliding-Mode Controller For Car Active Suspension System Using An Optimal Proportional-Integral Sliding Surface ”, International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Science & Engineering, Singapour, 2012
  2. Mohammad Reza Faieghi, Mehdi Naderi & Ali Akbar Jalali, "Design of Fractional-Order PID for Ship Roll Motion Control Using Chaos Embedded PSO AlgoriThm", The 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation, Shiraz, December 27-29, 2011
  3. Mohammad Reza Faieghi, Hadi Delavari & Ali Akbar Jalali, "Control of Lorenz System With a Novel Fractional Controller: A Caputo's Differintegration Based Approach", The 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation, Shiraz, December 27-29, 2011
  4. Mohammad Reza Rahmani Mehdi Abadi, Khosro Khandani & Iraj Kheirizad, Ali Akbar Jalali, "Robust Design Based on Complex-Order Integrator Loop Gain", The 2nd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation, Shiraz, December 27-29, 2011
  5. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Combining Truncated Binary Search Tree and Direct Search for Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation for Explicit MPC in Embedded Microcontrollers”, IFAC World Congress, italic, 2011
  6. Kave Razzaghi, Alai Akbar Jalali, “ A New Approach on Stabilization Control of an Inverted Pendulum, Using PID Controller ”, 2011 International Conference on Control ,Robotics and Cybernetics, New Delhi, India, March, 2011
  7. Khosro Khandani, Alai Akbar Jalali, “Robust Fractional Order Control of a DC Motor Based on Particle Swarm Optimization”, 2011 International Conference on Control ,Robotics and Cybernetics, New Delhi, India, March, 2011
  8. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation Methods With Application to Explicit Model Predictive Control”, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Turkey, 2011
  9. Hamidreza Talebi, Ali A. Jalali, “Efficient Tag Clouds for Using in E-learning 2.0 and E-Commerce”, 5th International Conference on E-Commerce in Developing Countries; With Focus on Export, PP 156-167, Kish Island, 30 September 2010
  10. Farhad Bayat, Ali Akbar Jalali “ Constant Reference Tracking for Fast Linear Constrained Systems ”, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, April 2010
  11. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “ Managing time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit Model Predictive Control ”, IEEE 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Moraco 2010
  12. Mohammad reza Okhovvat, Ali akbar Jalali and Morteza Okhovvat, “A New Applicable Model of Iran Rural E-Commerce Development”, 5th International Conference on E-Commerce in Developing Countries, Kish Island, 30 September 2010
  13. Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Particle Swarm Optimization Based Optimal Fractional PID Controller Design For an Active Magnetic Bearing System”, 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering- Sharif University of Technology, 11-13 May, 2010
  14. Ali A. Jalali, “Ling of sight stabilization based on multiple-model adaptive controller”, IFAC Symposium, ACA, 6-10 September 2010
  15. M. Miranbeigi and A, A. Jalali, “Consecutive Robust predictive Control on Supply Chain Network with kalman filter Estimator”, 2nd int IEEE Information Management ,pp. 572-576, 2010
  16. Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali, “PSO Based Optimal Fractional PID Controller Design For an Active Magnetic Bearing System”, 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-Sharif University, ISME 2010
  17. Ali A. Jalali and H. Mahmoodi, “Virtual Age: Next Wave of Change in Society”, The 2009 International Joint Conferences on e-CASE and e-Technology, IEEE, PP 1593-1605-Singapore, January 8-10, 2009
  18. Hamid Mahmoodi and Ali A. Jalali, ”Virtual Age: Enabling Technologies and Trends”, Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, IEEE, ITNG 2009: 999-1004, Las Vegas, 2009 (Internet: www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jalali:Ali_A=.html)
  19. Milad Sabouri and Ali A. Jalali, “Evaluating Web 2.0 Services Based on 7C Framework”, Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, IEEE, ITNG 2009: 1693-1694 , Las Vegas, 2009 (Internet: www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jalali:Ali_A=.html)
  20. M. Kheyrizad, S. Tavazoei and Ali A. Jalali, “Expanding Gain-Phase Margin Specifiable Area in control of Unstable Processes Via Fractional Calculus Based techniques”, Int. Conf. Univesidade Nova, De Lisboa, Portugal, 2009
  21. F.Bayat, A.A. Jalali, and M.R. jahed-Motlagh "Optimal Control of Linear Constrained Systems: Multi-Parametric Programming Approach" 17th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Proceeding of ICEE2009, Iran Unversity of Science and Technology, Volume 7, Control, pp 243-248, May 12-14, 2009
  22. Farhad Bayat , Ali Akbar Jalali, Hossein Bolandi, "Global Stabilizing Magnetic Controller for Satellite Attitude Detumbling and Hardware In the Loop Implementation", (In Persian) Presented in Iranian Aerospace Conference, 2006
  23. Mohammad Reza Farhadi, Aliakbar Jalali, “Challenges to E-learning in higher learning institutions in Iran”, International Conference on E-Learning & Teaching. Iran University of Science and Technology, 9-10 December 2009
  24. M. R. Okhovat, Ali A. Jalali and M. Okhovat, “ Iran Rural E-Commerce Development”, The 4th International Conference on E-Commerce, Pinang Malaysia, 2009
  25. Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali, Ata Arvani, “Optimal 2-DOF Fractional l μ PI D controllers for Time Delay Systems Based on Genetic Algorithm”, اسفند 1388، دانشگاه آزاد نجف آباد اصفهان، کنفرانس ملی مهندسی برق،
  26. Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali and Mohammad Alipoor, “Particle Swarm Optimization Based Design of Disturbance Rejection PID Controllers for Time Delay System”, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Intelligent Computing, Proceedings of IEEE Shanghai, China, vol. 1, pp.862-866, Nov 20-22, 2009
  27. Ali Akbar Jalali, Mehdi Seyfi and M. Herrnberger, “Range Estimation Algorithms and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Two UAVs in the vision Based Aerial Refueling”, International Joint journal Conference in Computer Electronics and Electrical, CEE 2009
  28. Saeed Rouhani, Ali A. Jalali and, ....”Process Mining approach to Promote Business intelligence in Iranian detectives Police”, 2nd Conference on Networked Digital technologies, NDT 2009 (IEEE Xplore)
  29. Farhad Bayat , Ali Akbar Jalali, "Artificial Missile Guidance Using On-Line Adaptive Neural Networks", (In Persian) Presented in Iranian Aerospace Conference (IAC08), 2008.
  30. Seyed Reza Seyed Tabib, Ali Akbar Jalali, " Modelling and Prediction of Internet Time-Delay by Feed-Forward Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network”, Tenth International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (uksim08), 2008 (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/UKSIM.2008.93) + Proceeding (http://www.softcomputing.net/uksim08-toc.pdf)
  31. Seyed Reza Seyed Tabib, Ali Akbar Jalali: “Modelling of a Wave-Based Bilateral Teleoperation System: A New Approach to Control a Two Degree of Freedom Robot Model”, Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp: 691-695, 2008 (Internet: http://dblp.mpi-inf.mpg.de/dblp-mirror/index.php#query=author%3Aali_akbar_jalali%3A) + Proceeding (http://www.softcomputing.net/ams2008.pdf)
  32. Mohammad Miranbeigi, Aliakbar Jalali, Ali Miranbeigi, “Performance Prediction In HVAC Control Systems”, 1st International Conference on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, Tehran, CD, civilica index, 1388
  33. Ali A. Jalali, ?, “ robust state estimation of a cold flow circulating fluidized bed on standpipe ”, cacs international automatic control conference 2008 taiwan, 2007
  34. Alireza Khosravi, Aliakbar Jalali , “Low-Order L1 Optimal Control Design via LMI”, IEEE International Symposium on Issue , 3-5 Oct. Page(s):1 – 5, 2007
  36. Alireza Khosravi, Ali A. Jalali, Hamed Mojallali : New Solution of L1 Optimal Control. The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, IMECS 2007: 1427-1432, Hong Kong, 21-23 March 2007, (Internet: www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jalali:Aliakbar.html)
  37. Alireza Khosravi, Ali A. Jalali, “ Low order L1 optimal control design via LMI ”, IEEE International Symposium on Inteligent Signal Processing, pp. 1-5. Alcala Dr Henares, 2007. (Internet: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4447521)
  38. Ali A. Jalali, A. Hadavand, “ bed temperature control of a circulating bed combustion system using H algorithm”, International conference on Control, Automation and Systems, ICCAS '07, PP. 2658 – 2662, Seoul, 2007 (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4406817)
  39. Alireza Khosravi, Aliakbar Jalali and Hamed Mojalali, “ Robust control design for a wind turbine-induction generator unit ”, IEEE international conference on computer science, PP 599-602, AICCSA (Internet: www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jalali:Aliakbar.html)
  40. Ali A. jalali, ?, “ Bed temperature control of a circulating fluidized bed combustion system ”, IPEC2007 (1386/08/01)
  41. Salahadin Mirsaeed Ghazi, Ali A. Jalali, Anahita Zarei, “ A Hybrid Algorithm of Optimal Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems ”, In Proc. IEEE International Aerospace Conference (IEEEICCA07) , pp.1-9, Montana, March 2007 (Internet: http://www.aeroconf.org/2007_web/2007%20Digest%20Final%20with%20links.pdf)
  42. H. R. Pourshaghaghi, M. R. Jahed-Motlagh, Ali A. Jalali , “ Optimal feedback control design by genetic algorithm applied to inverted pendulum ”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, PP. 263-268, 2007 (Internet ://ieeexplore.ieee.org)
  43. H. R. Pourshaghaghi, M. R. Jahed-Motlagh, A. Montazer, A. Poshtan, Ali A. Jalali, “ Optimized Multiobjective H∞ Control Applied to Inverted Pendulum ”, IECON'07, 5-8 Nov. 2007 (Internet: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4460319)
  44. Ali A. Jalali, ?, “ Optimization Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for Quantitative feedback Theory ”, ICCAS 2007 (1386/09/15)
  45. Ali A. Jalali, ?, " Sliding mode control of an ", Simulation and Applied Optimization International Conference on Modeling 2007 (1386/09/15)
  46. Ali A. Jalali, Vahid Nadimi “A survey on robust modeling predictive control from 1999-2006”, PP 206, CIMCA2006 (Internet: www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/j/Jalali:Ali_A=.html)
  47. Ali A. Jalali, “Modeling predictive control of a highly nonlinear process based on piecewise liner wiener models”, IEEE2006
  48. Salahadin Mirsaeed Ghazi, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Low frequencies optimal control of an inverted pendulum”, IEEE-ICELIE2006, Tunisa 2006 (Internet: www.icelie06.iut-amiens.fr/site/booklet.pdf)
  49. N. Danneshpour, S.Mostafavi, A.A. Jalali and M.R. Jahed-Motlagh "Fuzzy decision in H infinity state Estimation for model predictive control" The 14th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, University of Amirkabir, Tehran, May 16-18, 2006.
  50. H. Mojalali, R. Amini, R. Izadi and Ali A. Jalali, “A new scheme for experimental based modeling of a traveling e ultrasonic motor”, Proc. Of IEEE International Ultrasonics symposium vol. 3, pp. 1511-1514, Rotterdam, Netherland, 2005
  51. Ali A. Jalali, M. Kalantar and M. Gitizadeh “A new approach for robust stabilizing controller inan interconnected power”, UPEC 2005
  52. Ali A. Jalali, J. Park and P. Famouri, “H-Infinity Based state Estimation on standpipe of a cold flow circulating fluidized Beal ”, IEEP 2004

  53. M. Tabesh, A. Arbabian and H. Javaheri, Ali A. Jalali, “Rural telecommunication in iran : a hybrid solution”, ITA05, Wrexham, North Wales, UK, September 2005

  1. Ali A. Jalali, M. Keshtkar and H. Bolandi, “Synthesis of stability methods for robust pid controllers”, RCE2005 – 1384
  2. H. Mojalali, R. Amini, R. Izadi and Ali A. Jalali, “Free stator modeling of a traveling wave ultrasonic motor”, Proc. Of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 13th Mediterranean conference on control and automation, (ISIC-MED05), pp. 1068-1073, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005
  3. M.R. Jahed-Motlagh , A.A. Jalali and A. Zeinalzadeh "Decentralized predictive stabilization of uncertain large scale with time delayed state and control", The 10th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, pp 532-540, May 14-16, 2002
  4. Ali A. Jalali, “The effect of Information Technology on Virtual Education and Virtual Life”, The World Internet Cities Conference, Kish Island, 2001
  5. Ali A. Jalali, “The effect of New Technology on Education for Twinty-First Century”, The 5th Unesco-Aceid International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2000
  6. Ali A. Jalali, Craigs Sims and T. Amishima, “ An Application of H-Infinity for Communication Channels “The Design of H-Infinity Equalizers”, ICEE, 1995
  7. Ali Feliachi and Ali A. Jalali, “On Distributed H-Infinity Estimation”, ICEE, Tehran, 1993 
  8. Ali A. Jalali, Hansil kim and S. S. Sims, “A Comparison Between H-Infinity and Colored Noise Filtering of Fixed Orde” " , American Control Conference, ACC 1993 
  9. Ali A. Jalali, Hansil kim and S. S. Sims, “Filtering Smoothing and Disconsolation in a Discrete H-Infinity setting: A game theory approach”, American Control Conference, ACC 1993 
  10. Ali A. Jalali, Hansil kim and S. S. Sims, “ H-Infinity Deconvolution and its Application to Geophysics signal Analysis ”, ICEE, Tehran, 1993 

Professional Activities

Scientific Chair of “International Internet Marketing Conference”, Tehran, 2011

Scientific Chair of “2nd National Electronic Cities Conference”, Tehran, 2009


 Optimal Control, Robust Control, Information Technology and its Applications 

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