Nikkhah Bahrami. M Scientific Position: Professor Ph.D.: Engineering Mechanics and Computational Mechanics: University of Texas ,Austin,Texas M.Sc.: Civil Engineering ,University of Texas ,Austin,Texas,U.S.A.,1965 B.Sc.: Civil Engineering ,University of Texas ,Austin,Texas,U.S.A.,1963 Contact Information: Tel: +98 21 8800 5677 Fax: +98 21 8801 3029 Email: Research Intrests Multibody Dynamics and Computational Mechanics Wavelet Analysis and its Applications Numerical Methods in Engineering Mechanical Vibration and Modal Analysis Current Researches Dynamics and Control of Holonomic Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Computing the Response of Infinite Elastic Plates and Bores to Moving Loads Finiding the Roots of Nonlinear Algebric Equations Geometric Optimization of Speed Humps and Bumps Nonlinear System Identification using Continuous Wavelet Transform Courses Advanced Dynamics(Graduate Advanced Vibration(Graduate) Advanced Numerical Methods(Graduate) Dynamics Mechanical Vibration Numerical Analysis Strength of Materials Statics Books Vectorial Dynamics, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Analytical Mechanics, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Numerical recipes and the art of programming, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Computational methods and numerical analysis, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Programming in Fortran 77, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, P. Jabehdar-Maralani, University of Tehran Publication Programming in Basic, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Theory of vibration and its applications, M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication(Best book in the year) Analytical Mechanics(Statics & Dynamics), M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Numerical recipes and the art of programming(translations), M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, University of Tehran Publication Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami, Fortran IV Programming Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami, A Guide to Vibrations, University of Tehran Press Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami in collaboration with Akbar Allahverdizadeh and Ehsan Maani , Dynamics Problems , Jahangir Publication Academic Experience Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, UT, 2001-2002 Member of Mechanical Engineering Education Committee of the Ministry of Education, 1996-present University of Tehran Distiguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering Director of Graduate Studies of Mechanical Engineering, UT Member of the Promotion Committee of the UT, 1994-1998 ISME Distiguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, UT, 1985-1986 Director of Academic Affair of UT, 1976-1978 Director of Education Programming of UT, 1974-1976 Vice Dean of Research and Education, Faculty of Engineering, UT, 1972-1974 Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UT, 1983-present Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UT, 1974-1983 Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UT, 1969-1974 Patents M. Nikkhah-Bahrami, A. Hajati, H. Golbayani, Holonomic omnidirectional step-climbing mobile robot, Univ. of Teh. Patent #618-3-1013 Recent Journal Papers Mohammad Sahebnasagh,Sajad Mirjavadi ,Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami,A Novel Analytical Solution for Free Vibration of Circular Kirchhoff Plate from Wave Approach (submitted to Journal of Applied Mechanics) Mohammad Sahebnasagh ,Sajad Mirjavadi ,Mansour Nikkhah-Bahrami,A Novel Analytical Solution for Free Vibration of Circular membrane from Wave Approach (submitted to Journal of sound and vibration) Mansour Ataei, Sajad Mirjavadi, Mohamad Sahebnasagh, Ali asghar Atai, Mansour Nikkhah, Application of impulse damper in control of a chaotic friction-induced vibration (submitted to Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology) Khadivi Heris, H., Seyed Aghazadeh, B., Nikkhah-Bahrami, M.,( 2009) Optimal feature selection for the assessment of vocal fold disorders , Computers in Biology and Medicine39 (10), pp. 860-868 Nikkhah-Bahrami, M., Oftadeh, R., (2009), An effective iterative method for computing real and complex roots of systems of nonlinear equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215 (5), pp. 1813-1820 Ansari Ardeh, H., Shariatpanahi, M.,Nikkhah Bahrami, M.,( 2008) Multiobjective shape optimization of speed humps , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 37 (2), pp. 203-214 Allahverdizadeh, A., Naei, M. H., Nikkhah Bahrami, M., (2008), Nonlinear Free and Forced Vibration Analysis of Thin Circular Functionally Graded Plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration (ISI). 310 (4-5), 966-984 Allahverdizadeh, A., Naei, M. H., Nikkhah Bahrami, M., (2008), Vibration Amplitude and Thermal Effects on the Nonlinear Behavior of Thin Circular Functionally Graded Plates, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (ISI), 50(3), 445-454 Lucas, C., Shahmirzadi, D., Nikkhah Bahrami, M., Ghafoorifard, H.(2004),A FEM-based quasi-static neuro-model for acoustic noise in switch reluctance motors , Journal of Computational Acoustics12 (1), pp. 85-97 Nikkhah-Bahrami, M.,FORMULATION OF THE EIGENVALUE PROBLEM FOR AN UNCONSTRAINED CIRCULAR BAR. (1976) , Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME 43 Ser E (1), pp. 166-168 International Conference Papers Aghazadeh, B.S., Khadivi, H.,Nikkhah-Bahrami, M.,( 2007)Nonlinear analysis and classification of vocal disorders , Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings , art. no. 4353771, pp. 6199-6202 Naei, M. H., Nikkhah Bahrami, M., Allahverdizadeh, A., (2006), Geometrically Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling for an Orthotropic Rotating Thin Disk Made of FGM in Thermal Environment, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation 2006 (MS2006), Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , 3-5 April 2006 Nikkhah-Bahrami, M., Loghmani, M.,Pooyanfar, M.,(2008)Wave propagation in exponentially varying cross-section rods and vibration analysis ,AIP Conference Proceedings 1048, pp. 798-801 Nikkhah-Bahrami, M., Shamekhi, A.(2005),Free vibration analysis of circular FGM plate having variable thickness under axisymmetric condition by finite element method , Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - DETC20051 C, pp. 1963-1969 Solution of torsion problem by boundary integral equation and wavelet analysis (2003) ,Nikkhah Bahrami, M., Naei, M.H.,Momeni, S., Scientia Iranica 10 (1), pp. 110-115 Work Experience Feb. 65 –Dec. 68: Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas: Research Asst., Teaching Asst., Research Assoc., Research Engineering Sep. 69 - Sep. 74: School of Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, Iran: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept Sep. 74 - Sep. 83: School of Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, Iran: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dep Sep. 83 - Present: School of Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran, Iran: Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept Honors ~Self-perpetuating Professor,2009 ~ Best research award from the university of Tehran, 2008 ~ Distinguished Mechanical Engineering (Isme) Professor of Iran ~ Distinguished Professor of Tehran University,2007 ~ |