Volume 9, Issue 3 (9-2019)                   ASE 2019, 9(3): 3021-3032 | Back to browse issues page

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Etesami G, Felezi M E, Nariman-zadeh N. Pareto Optimal Multi-Objective Dynamical Balancing of a Slider-Crank Mechanism Using Differential Evolution Algorithm. ASE 2019; 9 (3) :3021-3032
URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-508-en.html
university of Guilan
Abstract:   (22498 Views)
The present paper aims to improve the dynamical balancing of a slider-crank mechanism. This mechanism has been widely used in internal combustion engines, especially vehicle engines; hence, its dynamical balancing is important significantly. To have a full balance mechanism, the shaking forces and shaking moment of foundations should be eliminated completely. However, this elimination is usually impossible. Hence, in the current study, a multi-objective optimization is carried out to maintain the optimal balance of mechanism. The vertical and horizontal components of shaking forces and shaking moment are considered as objective functions. Also, the design variables are included the mass, the moment of inertia and the mass center location of mechanism links. The length of mechanism links is also considered constant for achieving a fixed slider course. The four-objective optimization is applied using a differential evolution algorithm. The optimization results are presented in Pareto diagrams as suitable tools for selecting a mechanism with desired characteristics according to the importance of each objective function. The optimal mechanism is finally introduced by the mapping method. The comparison of optimized mechanisms and the original one indicates a significant reduction of shaking forces and shaking moment as well as the reduction of energy consumption.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Vibration, noise, Acoustic

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