Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2020)                   ASE 2020, 10(1): 3149-3157 | Back to browse issues page

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Pakdel Bonab S, Kazerooni A, Payganeh G, Esfahanian M. Extracting Tehran Refuse Collection Truck Driving Cycle and Estimating the Braking Energy. ASE 2020; 10 (1) :3149-3157
URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-522-en.html
PhD Student of Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (15993 Views)
Driving cycle is used to assess fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and performance of the vehicle. The aim of this paper is to extract the driving cycle for refuse collection truck and estimate its braking energy. For this purpose, after selecting the target truck and geographic area, the equipment needed to measure the required variables were prepared and mounted on the truck. Then, the actual data were collected from the performance of the target Truck while performing its mission. Since the amount of braking energy depends on the speed, truck mass and road grade, the speed of the vehicle is measured simultaneously with the truck mass and road grade. The collected data are then processed and subdivided into micro-trips. The micro-trips are clustered according to the number of state spaces using the K-Means algorithm. Next, the representative micro trips are selected from within the clusters and the final driving cycle is generated. The representative driving cycle shows that the truck speed is zero at 47% of the working time. Finally, the amount of braking power and accumulative braking energy in the driving cycle is calculated.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Standards and tests

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