Pakdelbonab S, Kazerooni A, Payganeh G, Esfahanian M. Conceptual design and operating modes comparison of parallel, series and hydro-mechanical hydraulic hybrid power train with hydraulic hybrid auxiliary system. ASE 2021; 11 (1) :3504-3513
PhD Student of Mechanical Engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (12374 Views)
Global restrictions on the use of fossil fuels in the transportation sector and the commitment to rapid response to the climate change have created a strong incentive to develop fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicle systems. Hydraulic hybrid power train technology is one of the temporary solutions introduced to optimize internal combustion engine (ICE) operation and regenerate braking energy. The hydraulic hybrid power train system (HHPS) has a higher power density than the electric one. So, it is used in heavy vehicles, agricultural and construction machinery that need a high-power density to accelerate or recover the braking energy. In some trucks, such as refuses collection trucks, fire trucks and delivery trucks, a high percentage of the ICE energy is consumed by the auxiliary systems. In this type of trucks, the hydraulic hybrid power train systems are not very efficient. This paper introduces a hydraulic hybrid auxiliary system (HHAS) concept to manage the energy consumed by the auxiliary system in refuse collection trucks. In the first part of the paper, the configurations and operating modes of series, parallel and hydro-mechanical HHPS are discussed and compared with the HHAS concept. In the following, the conventional refuse collection truck model and refuse truck equipped with HHAS model was developed in MATLAB/SINMULINK and simulated in Tehran refuse collection truck driving cycle. The simulation results show that by using the HHAS concept, the fuel consumption is reduced by 15 percent.